Julie:What is the point. You really dislike some dude, he really thinks you are a sad excuse for a woman, all is said and done.All of this has been discussed in the open time and time again. There are times to walk away. Just like SD has apparently walked away in that he hasn't apparently hounded you on many of your character flaws over and over like he could have and continued on with his life, You should do the same. Now if he comes out of nowhere and challenges you in this way again, it makes sense to defend yourself. Why do you thrive on such infantile stupidity? You are bickering back and forth with an underage Cf patient (16 years of age?), and his mother about the validity to your bickering.
I know for a fact many times SD has responded to you, with no profanity, with nothing obscene, and never stooping as low as you have with personal threats, and basically owning you like crazy, his posts have been erased, deleted outright, or the entire thread has been locked. Would you respond if you were being nice (breaking no obvious rules), dealt with someone how they needed to be dealt with, the other person broke obvious rules (real life threats just to begin), and your responses were deleted, and some threads were locked? Would you even bother to go to that forum and discuss things in a challenging aspect with that person who many feel has an open head wound due to their responses?
Before you villify SD, villify yourself. Because it's people like yourself that create people like SD. Actively be a complete hypocrit for others to see? Someone like SD will eventually spawn from a muck pond and inform you as much, hopefully in a comical nature. Act very prejudicial and stupid? here he comes for that too, hopefully also in a comical fasion. Profess your abiding to the rules regarding a "Why are you posting this in the CF adult area, it is obviously for the OFF TOPIC area!?", and then turn right around and post about how your Wifey friend has a husband in Iraq that is directly involved in the killing of Iraqi civilians and it is a big conspiracy...And post it in the same exact section you have told countless others (including SD) "Why is this here?! This has nothing to do with CF! PLEASE in the future post things like this in the off topic section!"
Think to yourself and re-read my response. This is why those out there (even those who can't stand SD) think you aren't stable in the head, and need help and sympathy. Should most of us even realistically read and compute what you have to say when you so blatantly contradict what you say either month to month, week to week, thread to thread, or response to response? What you have issues with is only conveinent to what you feel is proper. Remember, others out here feel differently than you. Also remember, Just because you have three children gestating in your uterus that were given to you by a CF male (and god bless him for being able to deal with you, if you are even 20% this bad in real life like you are on here), does not make every thing to do with you grounds for discussion. In the end, and it sucks to admit it but it is just how it is, you are just fertile soil for the rest of us CFr's to either fantasize about what it would be like to have children with, or use your information that your provide in your never ending documentary type postings to our benefit.
Theres many reasons quite a few others besides SD thinks your a laughable joke on here. Just refer to your own posts if you actually don't know why.
And to finish the point earlier in another post: While Julie is all of the above and more, there is a good argument to be given that she isn't stupid. I do believe Julie is fully capable of playing chess, watching a full 30 mins of any sitcom and being able to give a brief overview of what took place, and being given a grocery list and being sent to pick up good for the house. Seana on the other hand, is the opposite.
I'm sure this post will be reported by the narcs on here, because the truth hurts. I'm sure it will be erased/deleted like I have heard other posts have been in the past. Regardless, the truth hurts.
On top of all that (if this post lives more than an hour and people read it), Julie I hope your kids are born to be 100% healthy and CF free. I also hope they totally avoid all the negative aspects of what makes you, you, and lean more towards mark in that aspect. All that as a given, I wish you guys the best.