Should I move to NJ or CT?


New member
Well I live in Nj, but I wouldn't advise a dog I didn't like to move here! lol.
ok, Seriously-
I love the location of nj, how we're enough in the country but close enough to nyc. I like being near somewhat nice beaches too. Our taxes are out of control though. I mean-out of control. And thats a problem with the whole state bc its notoriously poorly run and rampant with corruption. Here's an idea-I live in a 1100 sq foot ranch with an acre front yard and 6 acre hill backyard of unbuildable land. Very modest home and typical plot size for this area. Our taxes our $9000 per year.
A comparison-my sister lives in Southampton, long island. One of the most wealthy zip codes in the USA. She has a 3500 sq ft home, large pond, inground pool and 10 acres. Her taxes are $6000.
I think you should plan day trips to each area. Visit the little towns nearby that are nice and get a feel for the lifestyle. Conn is expensive too, but I don't know about the taxes there. Basically you aren't going to find any bargains in the nyc area. But if you can find somewhat of a deal and the taxes are worth it to you, go for it. Conn is beautiful. Some of the little colonial towns are gorgeous. Some of the little towns suburb to Newark and nyc are beautiful too. Chatham, Berkeley Heights, Summit, and Cranford are really nice. I'd live in ANY of those towns. And they are within 15 mins of Union. But-'spensive! Look for a bargain!
Obviously NJ has one of the worst air qualities-mostly the area of Newark, which is 20 mins from Union. I think the only good air in NJ is down south, by the shore. But you live in Philly, and its not great there either, so what can u do?!

Its exciting! A new beginning. Enjoy the search!


New member
Well I live in Nj, but I wouldn't advise a dog I didn't like to move here! lol.
ok, Seriously-
I love the location of nj, how we're enough in the country but close enough to nyc. I like being near somewhat nice beaches too. Our taxes are out of control though. I mean-out of control. And thats a problem with the whole state bc its notoriously poorly run and rampant with corruption. Here's an idea-I live in a 1100 sq foot ranch with an acre front yard and 6 acre hill backyard of unbuildable land. Very modest home and typical plot size for this area. Our taxes our $9000 per year.
A comparison-my sister lives in Southampton, long island. One of the most wealthy zip codes in the USA. She has a 3500 sq ft home, large pond, inground pool and 10 acres. Her taxes are $6000.
I think you should plan day trips to each area. Visit the little towns nearby that are nice and get a feel for the lifestyle. Conn is expensive too, but I don't know about the taxes there. Basically you aren't going to find any bargains in the nyc area. But if you can find somewhat of a deal and the taxes are worth it to you, go for it. Conn is beautiful. Some of the little colonial towns are gorgeous. Some of the little towns suburb to Newark and nyc are beautiful too. Chatham, Berkeley Heights, Summit, and Cranford are really nice. I'd live in ANY of those towns. And they are within 15 mins of Union. But-'spensive! Look for a bargain!
Obviously NJ has one of the worst air qualities-mostly the area of Newark, which is 20 mins from Union. I think the only good air in NJ is down south, by the shore. But you live in Philly, and its not great there either, so what can u do?!

Its exciting! A new beginning. Enjoy the search!


New member
Well I live in Nj, but I wouldn't advise a dog I didn't like to move here! lol.
ok, Seriously-
I love the location of nj, how we're enough in the country but close enough to nyc. I like being near somewhat nice beaches too. Our taxes are out of control though. I mean-out of control. And thats a problem with the whole state bc its notoriously poorly run and rampant with corruption. Here's an idea-I live in a 1100 sq foot ranch with an acre front yard and 6 acre hill backyard of unbuildable land. Very modest home and typical plot size for this area. Our taxes our $9000 per year.
A comparison-my sister lives in Southampton, long island. One of the most wealthy zip codes in the USA. She has a 3500 sq ft home, large pond, inground pool and 10 acres. Her taxes are $6000.
I think you should plan day trips to each area. Visit the little towns nearby that are nice and get a feel for the lifestyle. Conn is expensive too, but I don't know about the taxes there. Basically you aren't going to find any bargains in the nyc area. But if you can find somewhat of a deal and the taxes are worth it to you, go for it. Conn is beautiful. Some of the little colonial towns are gorgeous. Some of the little towns suburb to Newark and nyc are beautiful too. Chatham, Berkeley Heights, Summit, and Cranford are really nice. I'd live in ANY of those towns. And they are within 15 mins of Union. But-'spensive! Look for a bargain!
Obviously NJ has one of the worst air qualities-mostly the area of Newark, which is 20 mins from Union. I think the only good air in NJ is down south, by the shore. But you live in Philly, and its not great there either, so what can u do?!

Its exciting! A new beginning. Enjoy the search!


New member
Well I live in Nj, but I wouldn't advise a dog I didn't like to move here! lol.
ok, Seriously-
I love the location of nj, how we're enough in the country but close enough to nyc. I like being near somewhat nice beaches too. Our taxes are out of control though. I mean-out of control. And thats a problem with the whole state bc its notoriously poorly run and rampant with corruption. Here's an idea-I live in a 1100 sq foot ranch with an acre front yard and 6 acre hill backyard of unbuildable land. Very modest home and typical plot size for this area. Our taxes our $9000 per year.
A comparison-my sister lives in Southampton, long island. One of the most wealthy zip codes in the USA. She has a 3500 sq ft home, large pond, inground pool and 10 acres. Her taxes are $6000.
I think you should plan day trips to each area. Visit the little towns nearby that are nice and get a feel for the lifestyle. Conn is expensive too, but I don't know about the taxes there. Basically you aren't going to find any bargains in the nyc area. But if you can find somewhat of a deal and the taxes are worth it to you, go for it. Conn is beautiful. Some of the little colonial towns are gorgeous. Some of the little towns suburb to Newark and nyc are beautiful too. Chatham, Berkeley Heights, Summit, and Cranford are really nice. I'd live in ANY of those towns. And they are within 15 mins of Union. But-'spensive! Look for a bargain!
Obviously NJ has one of the worst air qualities-mostly the area of Newark, which is 20 mins from Union. I think the only good air in NJ is down south, by the shore. But you live in Philly, and its not great there either, so what can u do?!

Its exciting! A new beginning. Enjoy the search!


New member
Well I live in Nj, but I wouldn't advise a dog I didn't like to move here! lol.
ok, Seriously-
I love the location of nj, how we're enough in the country but close enough to nyc. I like being near somewhat nice beaches too. Our taxes are out of control though. I mean-out of control. And thats a problem with the whole state bc its notoriously poorly run and rampant with corruption. Here's an idea-I live in a 1100 sq foot ranch with an acre front yard and 6 acre hill backyard of unbuildable land. Very modest home and typical plot size for this area. Our taxes our $9000 per year.
A comparison-my sister lives in Southampton, long island. One of the most wealthy zip codes in the USA. She has a 3500 sq ft home, large pond, inground pool and 10 acres. Her taxes are $6000.
I think you should plan day trips to each area. Visit the little towns nearby that are nice and get a feel for the lifestyle. Conn is expensive too, but I don't know about the taxes there. Basically you aren't going to find any bargains in the nyc area. But if you can find somewhat of a deal and the taxes are worth it to you, go for it. Conn is beautiful. Some of the little colonial towns are gorgeous. Some of the little towns suburb to Newark and nyc are beautiful too. Chatham, Berkeley Heights, Summit, and Cranford are really nice. I'd live in ANY of those towns. And they are within 15 mins of Union. But-'spensive! Look for a bargain!
Obviously NJ has one of the worst air qualities-mostly the area of Newark, which is 20 mins from Union. I think the only good air in NJ is down south, by the shore. But you live in Philly, and its not great there either, so what can u do?!

Its exciting! A new beginning. Enjoy the search!


New member
I live in central NJ and like Scarlett81 said, the taxes are nuts. I live in Middletown and it is about 45 minutes by train to Newark. We drive South to Philly twice a year to go to Children's Hospital for my son's liver. His CF doctor is in Monmouth Medical Center which is about 1/2 hour away. One thing you will need to get used to in both NJ and CT you need to drive everywhere. Good luck, let me know if you need help.


New member
I live in central NJ and like Scarlett81 said, the taxes are nuts. I live in Middletown and it is about 45 minutes by train to Newark. We drive South to Philly twice a year to go to Children's Hospital for my son's liver. His CF doctor is in Monmouth Medical Center which is about 1/2 hour away. One thing you will need to get used to in both NJ and CT you need to drive everywhere. Good luck, let me know if you need help.


New member
I live in central NJ and like Scarlett81 said, the taxes are nuts. I live in Middletown and it is about 45 minutes by train to Newark. We drive South to Philly twice a year to go to Children's Hospital for my son's liver. His CF doctor is in Monmouth Medical Center which is about 1/2 hour away. One thing you will need to get used to in both NJ and CT you need to drive everywhere. Good luck, let me know if you need help.


New member
I live in central NJ and like Scarlett81 said, the taxes are nuts. I live in Middletown and it is about 45 minutes by train to Newark. We drive South to Philly twice a year to go to Children's Hospital for my son's liver. His CF doctor is in Monmouth Medical Center which is about 1/2 hour away. One thing you will need to get used to in both NJ and CT you need to drive everywhere. Good luck, let me know if you need help.


New member
I live in central NJ and like Scarlett81 said, the taxes are nuts. I live in Middletown and it is about 45 minutes by train to Newark. We drive South to Philly twice a year to go to Children's Hospital for my son's liver. His CF doctor is in Monmouth Medical Center which is about 1/2 hour away. One thing you will need to get used to in both NJ and CT you need to drive everywhere. Good luck, let me know if you need help.


New member
Everyone's talkin bad about the Jerz!

I live a town over from Union, right down route 22, so I'm very familiar with the area. I have never had any problems with the air quality in NJ, and when I've left the state, haven't even noticed a difference. I think the air quality thing is a stereotype; they call it the garden state for a reason, and a huge portion of the middle and south of Jersey is undeveloped land. Like I said, I've been in Jersey my whole life and have an FEV of 101%, and was diagnosed at age 4 (21 now.)

If you're thinking in terms of money, the Union area is expensive. Berkley Heights and Summit are extremely expensive, and Morris County, the Next County over from Union, is the most pricey County in the country. That being said, there are affordable towns nearby. My hometown of Scotch Plains isn't too too terrible in comparison to BH and Summit. That being said, I see that you have a son, and it's worth noticing that all those ridiculous taxes are funding our school systems, especially in Scotch Plains, and New Jersey is home to some of the country's best school systems, bar none.

The clinic I go to is in New Brunswick, about a half hour from Scotch Plains, and I can't stop bragging about it. They've got a pre-emptive strategy for health and they're very organized, very clean and beautiful facilities, and very personable. The team is phenomenal and will work to bend the rules and let you make decisions when you need to, as long as they have an alternate strategy for your health. Really, really a fantastic group. They're at Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick.

If you'd like more information non CF related about the Union area, PM me and I'd be glad to help.


New member
Everyone's talkin bad about the Jerz!

I live a town over from Union, right down route 22, so I'm very familiar with the area. I have never had any problems with the air quality in NJ, and when I've left the state, haven't even noticed a difference. I think the air quality thing is a stereotype; they call it the garden state for a reason, and a huge portion of the middle and south of Jersey is undeveloped land. Like I said, I've been in Jersey my whole life and have an FEV of 101%, and was diagnosed at age 4 (21 now.)

If you're thinking in terms of money, the Union area is expensive. Berkley Heights and Summit are extremely expensive, and Morris County, the Next County over from Union, is the most pricey County in the country. That being said, there are affordable towns nearby. My hometown of Scotch Plains isn't too too terrible in comparison to BH and Summit. That being said, I see that you have a son, and it's worth noticing that all those ridiculous taxes are funding our school systems, especially in Scotch Plains, and New Jersey is home to some of the country's best school systems, bar none.

The clinic I go to is in New Brunswick, about a half hour from Scotch Plains, and I can't stop bragging about it. They've got a pre-emptive strategy for health and they're very organized, very clean and beautiful facilities, and very personable. The team is phenomenal and will work to bend the rules and let you make decisions when you need to, as long as they have an alternate strategy for your health. Really, really a fantastic group. They're at Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick.

If you'd like more information non CF related about the Union area, PM me and I'd be glad to help.


New member
Everyone's talkin bad about the Jerz!

I live a town over from Union, right down route 22, so I'm very familiar with the area. I have never had any problems with the air quality in NJ, and when I've left the state, haven't even noticed a difference. I think the air quality thing is a stereotype; they call it the garden state for a reason, and a huge portion of the middle and south of Jersey is undeveloped land. Like I said, I've been in Jersey my whole life and have an FEV of 101%, and was diagnosed at age 4 (21 now.)

If you're thinking in terms of money, the Union area is expensive. Berkley Heights and Summit are extremely expensive, and Morris County, the Next County over from Union, is the most pricey County in the country. That being said, there are affordable towns nearby. My hometown of Scotch Plains isn't too too terrible in comparison to BH and Summit. That being said, I see that you have a son, and it's worth noticing that all those ridiculous taxes are funding our school systems, especially in Scotch Plains, and New Jersey is home to some of the country's best school systems, bar none.

The clinic I go to is in New Brunswick, about a half hour from Scotch Plains, and I can't stop bragging about it. They've got a pre-emptive strategy for health and they're very organized, very clean and beautiful facilities, and very personable. The team is phenomenal and will work to bend the rules and let you make decisions when you need to, as long as they have an alternate strategy for your health. Really, really a fantastic group. They're at Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick.

If you'd like more information non CF related about the Union area, PM me and I'd be glad to help.


New member
Everyone's talkin bad about the Jerz!

I live a town over from Union, right down route 22, so I'm very familiar with the area. I have never had any problems with the air quality in NJ, and when I've left the state, haven't even noticed a difference. I think the air quality thing is a stereotype; they call it the garden state for a reason, and a huge portion of the middle and south of Jersey is undeveloped land. Like I said, I've been in Jersey my whole life and have an FEV of 101%, and was diagnosed at age 4 (21 now.)

If you're thinking in terms of money, the Union area is expensive. Berkley Heights and Summit are extremely expensive, and Morris County, the Next County over from Union, is the most pricey County in the country. That being said, there are affordable towns nearby. My hometown of Scotch Plains isn't too too terrible in comparison to BH and Summit. That being said, I see that you have a son, and it's worth noticing that all those ridiculous taxes are funding our school systems, especially in Scotch Plains, and New Jersey is home to some of the country's best school systems, bar none.

The clinic I go to is in New Brunswick, about a half hour from Scotch Plains, and I can't stop bragging about it. They've got a pre-emptive strategy for health and they're very organized, very clean and beautiful facilities, and very personable. The team is phenomenal and will work to bend the rules and let you make decisions when you need to, as long as they have an alternate strategy for your health. Really, really a fantastic group. They're at Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick.

If you'd like more information non CF related about the Union area, PM me and I'd be glad to help.


New member
Everyone's talkin bad about the Jerz!

I live a town over from Union, right down route 22, so I'm very familiar with the area. I have never had any problems with the air quality in NJ, and when I've left the state, haven't even noticed a difference. I think the air quality thing is a stereotype; they call it the garden state for a reason, and a huge portion of the middle and south of Jersey is undeveloped land. Like I said, I've been in Jersey my whole life and have an FEV of 101%, and was diagnosed at age 4 (21 now.)

If you're thinking in terms of money, the Union area is expensive. Berkley Heights and Summit are extremely expensive, and Morris County, the Next County over from Union, is the most pricey County in the country. That being said, there are affordable towns nearby. My hometown of Scotch Plains isn't too too terrible in comparison to BH and Summit. That being said, I see that you have a son, and it's worth noticing that all those ridiculous taxes are funding our school systems, especially in Scotch Plains, and New Jersey is home to some of the country's best school systems, bar none.

The clinic I go to is in New Brunswick, about a half hour from Scotch Plains, and I can't stop bragging about it. They've got a pre-emptive strategy for health and they're very organized, very clean and beautiful facilities, and very personable. The team is phenomenal and will work to bend the rules and let you make decisions when you need to, as long as they have an alternate strategy for your health. Really, really a fantastic group. They're at Robert Wood Johnson in New Brunswick.

If you'd like more information non CF related about the Union area, PM me and I'd be glad to help.


New member

We live in CT & go to CCMC in Hartford, they seem to be good. I would suggest checking the ratings of CF centers on the CF Foundations website. Otherwise, CT. has great schools & Rigdefield is a really nice town.

Good luck with your decision!

LMK =)


New member

We live in CT & go to CCMC in Hartford, they seem to be good. I would suggest checking the ratings of CF centers on the CF Foundations website. Otherwise, CT. has great schools & Rigdefield is a really nice town.

Good luck with your decision!

LMK =)


New member

We live in CT & go to CCMC in Hartford, they seem to be good. I would suggest checking the ratings of CF centers on the CF Foundations website. Otherwise, CT. has great schools & Rigdefield is a really nice town.

Good luck with your decision!

LMK =)


New member

We live in CT & go to CCMC in Hartford, they seem to be good. I would suggest checking the ratings of CF centers on the CF Foundations website. Otherwise, CT. has great schools & Rigdefield is a really nice town.

Good luck with your decision!

LMK =)


New member

We live in CT & go to CCMC in Hartford, they seem to be good. I would suggest checking the ratings of CF centers on the CF Foundations website. Otherwise, CT. has great schools & Rigdefield is a really nice town.

Good luck with your decision!

LMK =)