sick of people


New member
Hey just wanted to share because I have reached the point today where I could easily snap and take out about half of the city's population (kidding). I have been doing great. I have been on antibiotics lately (Cipro) and went in for a followup today where I was put on 2 more weeks of Cipro and started on TOBI again after a 6-7 month break.
What I am sick of is the following:
As I am waiting to be called back for my xray for my docs visit .. I cough .. not unusual I know most of you are probably thinking yeah big deal. Then an older gentlemen proceeds to look at me ... huff and get up and move about 4 seats over ... I noticed but tried not to let it get to me .. then from across the room the mans wife/partner (I still haven't figured out why they weren't sitting together) looks at me and says in a loud obnoxious voice "HE IS GETTING AWAY FROM YOU!" Then the man looks at me and says yeah no kidding ... I don't need that crap! AHHHHHHH Oh an by the way there WERE other people in the waiting area.

I looked at the woman and just rolled my eyes and turned my head, fighting back words of "Oh I am so sorry that I have a genetic lung disease that makes me cough ... Jack @$$" or something along those lines. It still irks me though. I wish I had said something even though I didn't because I was trying to be respectful. Why is it the older that people get the less they care about what they say and how it may hurt someone. I cover my mouth and turn my head away from people when I cough as a courtesy, so it is not like a coughed directly on him or was trying to rub my germs all over him or anything. I just wanted to turn around and cough all over the guy and so "Oh sorry I may have just given you SARS!" Sorry just had to share cause it is just eating away at me

I will stop the rant now.

Just had to get that off my chest ... now maybe I can move on.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Ohh, that sucks. I know how sometimes the best things to say come from heinsight (however you spell that word.) I would have been fueling. Sorry about that. No need for anyone to ever be that rude! Especially when you're in a doctor's office. They had no idea what you're going through or living with. I would think if they did know, maybe they wouldn't have been so rude.
I was walking around Carmel one day and I saw the tallest guy I had ever seen!

He had a t-shirt on that read, "I'M 7' 3" and NO, I DO NOT PLAY BASKETBALL"

I had to laugh but I understood how tired he must have been, having to answer the same 2 questions over and over again.

Hmmm...maybe on days when you have to be in the hospital waiting rooms, you might wear a t-shirt that says...

"No I am NOT contagious! I have Cystic Fibrosis! Go home and GOOGLE it...then you'll understand (or feel like a jack @ss)"

I'm not trying to make light of your situation. I am sure it must be completely frustrating! Older people are set in their ways and some just don't care how mean they can be <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


Laurel does have an INGENIOUS point!!
I get the occasional comments, too!! One guy, I met at Panasonic, is from Scotland, and as I was coughing, his eyes widen, and he goes "Are you alright?" (Though I thought he might throw a "laddie" in there!)
I didn't explain the CF to him, though I'm sure in the 100 mile radius, he'd be the most likely to have heard of it.
I actually thought the "sick of people" would be closer to a topic I was considering on writing a few days ago.
Especially, when the sub-topic suggested "stupid people"! I had started thinking of a list of stupid things that people do, that might even equal or out-do the "waiting room coughing scene".
The other day, I'm on my way to the train station, where many pedestrians are heading towards, and as I come to a corner, which is to an arcade, where mostly pedestrians are, and cars are not, I almost got hit by a maniac driver!!! If I didn't catch him by the corner of my eye, I would've been nailed for sure, and I'd probably end up as a hit-and-run, because he was pretty young looking, and in too much of a hurry!!
Other stupid things are, having smoking sections, with NO form of containment, and I end up breathing the smoke, anyway!
Oh, Here's A Goodie!! People ACTUALLY ride their bicycle (and motorcycle) when it's SNOWING!!
They ride their bicycle in the rain, carrying an umbrella (a b**ch to try and navigate, so I stopped that foolish idea), and usually pedaling their way unknowingly in front of a moving car!
Others use umbrellas when it's snowing---does anyone really do that??--I never used an umbrella when it was snowing in Michigan, I just wore a hat on my head to keep my head warm and dry!!
Of course, hands down, is working Saturdays and American National Holidays like Christmas!
But, Lindsay, I can relate, cause I had a few cases where I sometimes wondered if my coughing had someone get up and move, or not.
You might be a little new, because I used to work for a jerk of a boss in my previous company (Until last January). I became quite empathetic towards the workers who take automatic weapons to work!! Good thing firearms are Illegal here, and I don't own a Real Samurai Sword, yet!! (YET!)


New member
Maybe the old guy has a lung disease too.
Maybe he's afraid you have cepcia.

It's not only CFers who have to be careful not to pick up stuff.

Would you sit close to someone who was coughing up gunk?


Hey Lindsey,<br>
Sorry to hear you had a bad day. I have very little tolerance
nowadays for people's ignorance.<br>
I thought I'd cheer you up with some of my favourite "stupid
people" quotes over the years:<br>
...."gee, I wish I had what you've got.... I could just eat
whatever I want and not get fat!"<br>
... "I can't belive you're so breathless... gee, you're really
unfit !!"   <br>
...."that's a nasty cough! ..... you should see a doctor about
that! .....<br>
....."ooh listen to that smokers' cough.... it's time to give
up the cigarettes "...<br>
....."did you know it's bad to take so many antibiotics?...
"  <br>
Need I go on? Chin up, there are morons everywhere !! Hope this
made you smile !<br>


Then there's a quote I frequently use from the movie, "Airplane"..."I picked a bad day to stop smoking!!".


New member
What a buch of crapheads!!! I too have gotten those ,"ewwww..." looks, and they piss me off. I don't usually stare or give dirty looks to other who are coughing, or, better yet, I don't look at people in wheelchairs and stare and make "off comments".... I wish people would see this as a disability that we were born with and not some contagious disease.... URGH!!!!

Sorry you had a crummy day. Just know you're not alone. And, to tell you the truth, I probably would have been so shocked at the nerve of some people that I wouldn't have said anything either. I'm generally so shocked when people say something smart-a** that I don't have a good comeback... I'm just in awe of the stupidity.



New member
I love days like that, I call it therapy, I snap right back. It becomes like an episode of the osbournes. if I was being censored, it would just be one loooong beep for about 10 minutes. God why cant I meet people like that everyday, id lead a very full happy life!



New member
*gets ready to have things thrown at me* ... why didnt you just say you had cf? like someone said he might be someone who cant afford to catch nasties as well. although he seems like a drama queen, if you said you had cf he probably would have stopped the performance and apologised.
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Maybe the old guy has a lung disease too.

Maybe he's afraid you have cepcia.

It's not only CFers who have to be careful not to pick up stuff.

Would you sit close to someone who was coughing up gunk?</end quote></div>

Ummm....did you not read this part:

<i>"then from across the room the mans wife/partner (I still haven't figured out why they weren't sitting together) looks at me and says in a loud obnoxious voice "HE IS GETTING AWAY FROM YOU!" Then the man looks at me and says yeah no kidding ... I don't need that crap! AHHHHHHH Oh an by the way there WERE other people in the waiting area."</i>

Once again an anonymous poster has to do a drive by insult! You obviously missed her point. I'd guess that the part she was so upset about was how they reacted to her. It's one thing to get up and cross the room, but to be so rude?? It was uncalled for and you know it!


New member
I'm the guy who does move four seats down when possible. I regret that it sends an unpleasant message, but I have to say "eff that" to that -- can't afford to be pleasant under the circumstances. And if I get an "eff that" in return, at least I know I haven't found a fellow mysophobe to go to the meetings with on Tuesdays.


New member
it wasnt the passing of the germ that was the problem, or the moving of the seats. Read it closer, its the way it was handled rudely. distinguish.



New member
No doubt rudeness ensued. That's for the birds. But the unpleasantness always starts -- and started in this case -- when the person first moves out of harm's way. There's your distinguishin'. Sucks to be either party, actually.


New member
Just a note to Allie- I'm really happy to see you posting! Hugs to you,

And sorry you had a bad day, dude-tommorrow starts again. And you can forget about today...


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Sucks to be either party, actually.</end quote></div>

BREAKING NEWS GUYS AND GALS... anonymous discovered it sux to have CF... way to go pal!!