sick of people


New member
Allie those were great stories, its been a few days since I have laughed or smiled and those two stories had me laughing hard <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Jenn


New member
Reminds me of a time I was at a restaurant with my parents.
 It was actually after one of our frequent visits to the ER in
the last few years of his life.  Dad turns oxygen down,
collapses, rush to ER,....they buff him up and discharge him (he
refuses to get admitted), and of course he was starving after his
visit so off we'd go to get some grub...<br>
Anyway....some IDIOT makes a comment about smokers winding up
having to pull an oxygen tank.....My sweet 60something year old mom
says to me *Really loudly, as if I am hard of hearing and sooooo
sweetly (read: dripping in sarcasm)*  Gosh Mary I sure wish I
knew his name so I could add him to my prayer list.  I guess
I'll just have to lump him in with all the other idiots I pray
My Dad was mortified, but Mom and I laughed so hard we cried.


New member
I think I'll try the bird flu comment. This thread is hilarious.
The comments I hear most: 1. People think I'm still in high school or college and will say something to the effect. 2. Are you not feeling well. 3. Eat. 4. You look pale.

Fortunately I work at church and people are pretty understanding.

John, 26, cf


New member
Allie, I just love to hear the funny adventures you and RY had together, and moreso the funny things he has said. I love the one about terminally ill at the grocery store, I remember that from a few months ago and still laugh about it. I haven't heard the second one though, GOOD FOR HIM!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'm probably going to get attacked here but I have to speak my mind anyways.
Before I met Mark, I admit, I was one of those A**holes that would move away. I WOULDN'T make comments or make a scene or anything-I would just get up.

Even now with Mark and knowing about CF and stuff, I still do move, you NEVER know if it's genetic or what (some people who are sick/coughing don't even know what's wrong with them sometimes). BUT, when I do move, I usually try to make like I am getting up to get a drink, looking around at some signs or something. It's my right to move, but I do so without trying to make the other person feel bad.


New member
C'mon, do you guys mean to tell me if you're sitting or standing next to someone in a crowd who starts hacking, you don't move away? I'm not saying make a scene or be rude, but you'd just stay where you were? I move away! Does that make me an a**hole?


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

C'mon, do you guys mean to tell me if you're sitting or standing next to someone in a crowd who starts hacking, you don't move away? I'm not saying make a scene or be rude, but you'd just stay where you were? I move away! Does that make me an a**hole?</end quote></div>

I do think its natural for us (CFers or not) to want to move away. I personally dont see anything wrong with that since you dont know if someones cough is from something contagious or not. The rude, unjustified or uneducated comments are what piss me off.