sick of people


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote> ...."gee, I wish I had what you've got.... I could just eat whatever I want and not get fat!"

... "I can't belive you're so breathless... gee, you're really unfit !!"

...."that's a nasty cough! ..... you should see a doctor about that! .....

....."ooh listen to that smokers' cough.... it's time to give up the cigarettes "...

....."did you know it's bad to take so many antibiotics?... " </end quote></div>

OMG LOL ... I have heard all of those too. That is too funny.
Those and ... <b><i>You have the problem that everyone dreams they had</i></b> ... you can eat all you want and not gain an ounce.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>"No I am NOT contagious! I have Cystic Fibrosis! Go home and GOOGLE it...then you'll understand (or feel like a jack @ss)"</end quote></div>

I love it and expect to see this shirt for sale on the CFF site in the near future. lol

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Maybe the old guy has a lung disease too.
Maybe he's afraid you have cepcia. </end quote></div>

Honestly I did not even think of that as an issue for the guy though it is a total posibility. Even so, it was not the moving seats that bothered me so much as the comments that ensued (too add he wasn't even sitting right next to me there was a seat or two between us already). Most of the time when people move away from me after I cough I get an apologetic smile and they just slide a few seats away. I have moved seats before too or shied away from sitting next to people that are sick or coughing, but haven't caused a scene over it.
As for why I didn't say anything when it happened. I didn't think of anything to say until the moment had passed and by that point it would have been a little absurd to bring it up. I just kind of sat there for a sec thinking that did not just happen, did they really just say that?
It fortunately didn't cause me to have a horrible day just bummed me out a little and kind of irritated me afterwards.
Thanks for listening and providing some humor also.

Oh and Fred ... I share your dislike of stupid drivers ... I almost posted about them a few days/weeks ago as well, but decided against it lol.



That's why it's sometimes good to know a second language, to %$#@& the heck out of them so you feel better, but they can't feel too offended cause they have no idea what you said, but sense "the devil" must've possesed you for a while!

Well, Lindsay, I can relate to being "commentless", cause there is the need to say something without posing a challenge, or to be more intellegent in the return reply. I still have to learn to reply to such situations, but from my sister, it seems the best way to reply is to indicate how you feel about their such behavior.
To say to the lady, something like "I don't have anything contagious, and find your thoughtless comment is unnecessary."
Though, this particular time, as I had been going through the ticket entrance at the train station, this young man (punk?) had rudely cut in front of me, and said nothing to excuse himself. I also wanted to say something, but like you, was somewhat seemingly more speechless from his act, that by the time I could say anything he was too far away for me to do anything. I just had to put in my mind to not allow something like that happen to me, again, and to speak up, immediately, if I don't want to feel regrets from not doing so before.
Considering how there are so many rude people in society, I'm sure you'll get your practice, just like me.
As for rude drivers, I sometimes wonder if they got their skills from too many driving video games!!
I sometimes wish I had an extra clunker, just to play chicken with some of them!! Like, an old Chrystler!! I'd take up the WHOLE road, against their little "motorcycle engine" cars!!
I just try not to become one of them, when I'm driving. Unfortunately in Japan, it's difficult, cause I have to watch in front, AND behind me for such rude (and dangerous) drivers!! (But, those adventures are a different story!!)
"Don't Worry, be Happy!"
O-Genki ni!


New member
I had the same problem one day when a woman in a fast food place
said something to me about how if I was a good mother I would not
have my child out as sick as she is was with that cough. I looked her
straight in the face and said we have been to the doctor and are waiting
for the TB test results . she left as fast as she could and forgot her food.


New member
To the last anonymous, my mom had a similar story to that happen to her when I was a baby. She took me out shopping in the winter, and some old guy told her she was a terrible mother for taking her sick coughing baby out in the cold. If I was old enough to understand the situation and talk, I would've told the old jack*ss to kep his judgmental know-it-all comments to himself. Ahahaha.

I don't have a problem with people moving from me. I mean, it's kind of insulting, and annoying. Especially in public (as opposed to the hospital) where it's likely they think I'm just spreading SARS. But if they move quietly, I don't say anything. What I have a problem with, like Lindsey, was the incredibly unnecesary RUDE scene they made about it. That was TOTALLY uncalled for. Lindsey, he's lucky it was you. If it were me, he would've gotten quite an earful. <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">
-Emily (Emily65Roses, at schol, not signed in)


New member
I was in a jewelry store once and coughed a few times. And I noticed this woman with a baby stroller keep staring at me. Finally she yelled from across the room-'you should really get that checked out miss!" And I said 'oh, well thanks, but I have cystic fibrosis, so this is normal for me'.

And she said 'well yeah, you should still get it checked out, it sounds like pneumonia, and please stay away from my child'...........!

Again I said 'no, its cf, a genetic disease that I was born with-I can't give it to anyone-go home and google it'

Still she replied, well if I were you I'd go to the doctor right away....

Some people don't want to get it. And some are just plain stupid. That incident made me cry. I don't know why. But it did. I wanted to go and punch her afterwards.

I really hate how people are so so terrified of getting a cold anyway. Sure-no one wants to be sick, but me catching a virus is alot worse than someone else catching one. (obviously I'm talking about people that know me)


New member
OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I love responses like that. I realize we're more medically knowledgable than most people, but is genetic such a hard word? Do people really not know what it means???

I had a guy at my old gym jump down my throat once. He told me to see a specialist, blah blah. I was polite, said "I do, I have a genetic lung disease." He kept telling me "Well it still makes you wonder, blah blah" and kept persisting. I finally yelled across the gym room "LISTEN *SSHOLE, I JUST SAID IT'S GENETIC. IT'S NOT CONTAGIOUS, IT'S NOT CONTAGIOUS, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GET IT, LEAVE ME THE F*** ALONE!!!!!!!!!!" he shut up real fast. LOL

The girl on the machine next to me looked over and said "Jeez, what an *sshole," and we had a laugh. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
-Emily (Emily65Roses)


New member
We have a sticker here "I´m coughing, but I don´t bite", so that would also be good for a t-shirt...

I do also cough very much, but sometimes I try to "turn it around": if I don´t want somebody to sit next to me, I start coughing<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> ,sometimes it works...



New member
So I know the aggrivation you are talking about. People ask me all
the time oooooh, are you sick. I just say yes just a bit of a cold.
I have found that is so much easier. Or the you must smoke a couple
packs a day to get a cough like that and that voice. I just give
them the 'you are a retard' smile and move along. God bless the
idiots in our world. I am sorry you had to deal with that today.


New member
omg...that exact thing happened to me a few weeks ago. I was sitting in the radiology waiting room to get a CT scan of my sinuses. It was pretyt crowded in there so I had to sit next to someone...totally felt invasion of my bubble. Anyway, I coughed ONCE...I wouldn't even call it a was like a coughlet. It was just enough to clear my throat, and the woman next to me looked at me and said "Could you PLEASE cover your mouth when you cough!!!!" It took a lot in me to not say, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to contaminate this area with germs from my GENETIC DISORDER!!!!" However, I admit, I've told people that do that before that they have nothing to worry about and then cough more on purpose <img src="i/expressions/devil.gif" border="0">



New member
did you cover your mouth the next time?
seems like that would be a good idea always.
hardly too much for someone to ask...


New member
Now that I have a child wcf, I realize that not all coughs are contagious; however, I still cringe at times --- mainly because sooo many people just don't cover their mouths when the cough. Even at CF clinic!

The other day I got my teeth cleaned and I told DH that I'm pretty sure the hygenist sneezed in her hand and continued to clean my teeth. I was just sorta stunned. Now he says, there's NO WAY, that I must've been mistaken -- that she probably turned and sneezed into her elbow. I just had the heebee-jeebies. It was just one of those, no she couldn't have moments.....



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>The other day I got my teeth cleaned and I told DH that I'm pretty sure the hygenist sneezed in her hand and continued to clean my teeth.</end quote></div>

UGH. I have had similar situations at places where I think the person did something to my food or coughed on their hand and were about to touch my ood or mouth or needle(if in hospital) or something. I always pull away out of habit, or in you case close my mouth. They just kind of look at you first then say ... no but I covered it or I wiped my hand or whatever and I just say "Can you please use another or wash your hands again anyway, I would really appreciate it." I have only had a handful of people get pissy when that happens, most of the time they just try to make it right.

As for my favorite rude remark I'd have to say it was one morning when I was at BK getting some cinni - minis (mini cinnamon rolls - for those not in the US). I had ordered 2 packages of 4 for breakfast and the guy next to me goes ... you should get another. I just said no thanks I won't be able to eat them all ... then he looks me up and down, nods his head and goes "You don't eat much do you?" I stepped back and said "Actually I could probaby eat you under the table, but I am just not that hungry this morning." Then again he looked at me and goes "well - I'd believe it if I saw you eat." I'm standing there thinking Dude, you just met me in the line and already called me anorexic basically. I just laughed and rolled my eyes. Most of the time I just write it off to ignorance (not that they are stupid - just that they don't know I have CF or probably don't know what it is).



New member
ahhh idiots, without them we would have no stories.

A few years ago, Ry and were in the grocery store shopping and Ry was coughing. This lady came up to him and said, "You shouldn't be out with that sort of cold ,you could give it to someone else" Ry looked at her and pouted out his bottom lip. "I'm sorry to trouble you. *sniff* I'm- I'm terminally ill, amd all I wanted to do was shop for one last meal with my wife *sniff cough* I'm so sorry we bothered you...*sniff sniff* The lady looked absolutely horrifed, and stuttered out am "Oh-Oh I'm sorry, uhhh" and ran off. Ry turned to me and said "wench". hehehe

Next story: Ry was on o2 and we were in the grocery store. This jerk of a guy came up to us with his little girl and said "see honey, that's why you don't smoke. " He looked at Ry and asked "When did you start smoking, son?" Ry got this look of rage in his eye and yelled in the middle of the aisle "I have never smoked a day in my life! I have Cystic Fibrosis and my only crime was being born wrong! So take your preconcieved notions about why I'm oxygen dependent, stick them up your as*, and let me die in peace, f*cker!" Then he had a fabulous coughing fit *eyeroll*


New member
Lindsey, those are some seriously crazy comments you've gotten! Can't believe them. You should write a little book on The Most Rude Comments. It's be a fun stocking stuffer.

The only one I repeatedly get over the years is about "You should eat more!" It always makes me crazy's offensive b/c of course if you don't fill your clothes out very well - stick like, your self image might not be the greatest and yet they don't ever see that side. Plus, when has it ever been acceptable to tell fat people, "Wow, you are soooooo fat!" "You should eat less!" It's a classic case of phsychology 101.


New member
I would have said something too--either very rude if I would have thought of something or explained that I most likely won't get to live to be their age because I have a lung disease that there is no cure for. Give 'em the old guilt trip. If they have any conscience at all they would have felt like a pile of doodoo after you explained that.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Plus, when has it ever been acceptable to tell fat people, "Wow, you are soooooo fat!" "You should eat less!" It's a classic case of phsychology 101. </end quote></div>
SO SO true, also gave me a laugh. Could you imagine the smack you would get or the look of death if you said that to someone. OMG lol.
I am sure we could all come together and write a book .. what NOT to say to your friends with CF, and just hand it out to coworkers, friends, family and carry a little flyer with the top 10 on it for strangers lol. All you would have to do is say "Oh I have something for you (@$$hole) *pull out the flyer and hand it to them* Here go educate yourself"

And Allie ... way to go RY. The first story was hysterical and the 2nd ... good for him for ripping the guy a new one.



New member
I would have said something to the effect that, 'this new strain of pulmonary ebola isn't any fun, and then ripped a big fart stinking up the whole room. And if i were lucky enough at that one moment to expectorate a little hemoptosys I would have said the ebola is advancing, and i really need to find a mask to reduce the airborne contagen.