slow motor skills


New member
My 10 mth old Logan was diagnosed with cf at one month. At 10 mths he is still not crawling, pulling himself up on his own, or trying to walk. The cf staff said that children with lung problems tend to develop at a slower rate. They said he is at about a 6 month old level. Have any of you other moms had this problem, did they catch up before school age, or will he always be alittle slower in his motor skills than other kids w/o cf?


New member
My 10 mth old Logan was diagnosed with cf at one month. At 10 mths he is still not crawling, pulling himself up on his own, or trying to walk. The cf staff said that children with lung problems tend to develop at a slower rate. They said he is at about a 6 month old level. Have any of you other moms had this problem, did they catch up before school age, or will he always be alittle slower in his motor skills than other kids w/o cf?


New member
My 10 mth old Logan was diagnosed with cf at one month. At 10 mths he is still not crawling, pulling himself up on his own, or trying to walk. The cf staff said that children with lung problems tend to develop at a slower rate. They said he is at about a 6 month old level. Have any of you other moms had this problem, did they catch up before school age, or will he always be alittle slower in his motor skills than other kids w/o cf?


Staff member
Grr, we had a social worker try to tell us DS was slow because he wasn't crawling. Crawling is NOT considered a milestone for how children are tracking. It's not mentioned in any baby books anymore. My cousins two sons never ever crawled -- went straight to walking.

DS we figured didn't crawl because he spent the first two months of life on his back and didn't get much tummy time because he was recovering from bowel obstruction surgery. And he didn't walk until he was over a year old, but we didn't consider him to be developing slower by any means. If anything, I think CFers are pretty sharp. Some of the things DS says and does amazes me.

Don't worry about it.. If you ARE worried, I believe you can have your child tested. In our area it's handled by the county and it's called the right track. They send someone out to test them. We opted not to do so because other than the crawling issue, DS was doing fine. Sitting up by himself, babbling by age 6 months...


Staff member
Grr, we had a social worker try to tell us DS was slow because he wasn't crawling. Crawling is NOT considered a milestone for how children are tracking. It's not mentioned in any baby books anymore. My cousins two sons never ever crawled -- went straight to walking.

DS we figured didn't crawl because he spent the first two months of life on his back and didn't get much tummy time because he was recovering from bowel obstruction surgery. And he didn't walk until he was over a year old, but we didn't consider him to be developing slower by any means. If anything, I think CFers are pretty sharp. Some of the things DS says and does amazes me.

Don't worry about it.. If you ARE worried, I believe you can have your child tested. In our area it's handled by the county and it's called the right track. They send someone out to test them. We opted not to do so because other than the crawling issue, DS was doing fine. Sitting up by himself, babbling by age 6 months...


Staff member
Grr, we had a social worker try to tell us DS was slow because he wasn't crawling. Crawling is NOT considered a milestone for how children are tracking. It's not mentioned in any baby books anymore. My cousins two sons never ever crawled -- went straight to walking.

DS we figured didn't crawl because he spent the first two months of life on his back and didn't get much tummy time because he was recovering from bowel obstruction surgery. And he didn't walk until he was over a year old, but we didn't consider him to be developing slower by any means. If anything, I think CFers are pretty sharp. Some of the things DS says and does amazes me.

Don't worry about it.. If you ARE worried, I believe you can have your child tested. In our area it's handled by the county and it's called the right track. They send someone out to test them. We opted not to do so because other than the crawling issue, DS was doing fine. Sitting up by himself, babbling by age 6 months...


New member
Thank you. You do tend to get worried when all your docters say your child is slow. lol. I know kids develop differently and I have tried not to put him under some textbook microscope. We will just keep working with him and hope for results soon.


New member
Thank you. You do tend to get worried when all your docters say your child is slow. lol. I know kids develop differently and I have tried not to put him under some textbook microscope. We will just keep working with him and hope for results soon.


New member
Thank you. You do tend to get worried when all your docters say your child is slow. lol. I know kids develop differently and I have tried not to put him under some textbook microscope. We will just keep working with him and hope for results soon.


New member
Around the 3 month stage, (2 months out of the hospital....) I noticed that Emily's motor development wasn't where I thought it should be. I had her evaluated by our county's birth-to-3 program (similar to what Liza mentioned, I'm sure). They were great. She was evaluated by an educator AND a physical therapist. We started on a Physical Therapy program because they agreed that she was slightly behind. The PT had a theory that some of the lack of devleopment was due to discomfort from reflux. As the reflux improved (with medication), and with therapy, the skills began to develop. She was walking just after her first birthday.

My other theory was that the first month, spent in a hospital, hooked up to monitors and wires...was not conducive to normalmuscle development. She caught up, by any means.

Look into what your county/school district offers (I know it seems ridiculous to think about the discrict for a 10 month old...but they usually have 0-3 programs...) and at least do an eval. that way you'll have an opinion and you can move on from there. He'll catch up in the enc, but it would be nice to cross one thing off your "Worry List" a bit sooner.

Good Luck!


New member
Around the 3 month stage, (2 months out of the hospital....) I noticed that Emily's motor development wasn't where I thought it should be. I had her evaluated by our county's birth-to-3 program (similar to what Liza mentioned, I'm sure). They were great. She was evaluated by an educator AND a physical therapist. We started on a Physical Therapy program because they agreed that she was slightly behind. The PT had a theory that some of the lack of devleopment was due to discomfort from reflux. As the reflux improved (with medication), and with therapy, the skills began to develop. She was walking just after her first birthday.

My other theory was that the first month, spent in a hospital, hooked up to monitors and wires...was not conducive to normalmuscle development. She caught up, by any means.

Look into what your county/school district offers (I know it seems ridiculous to think about the discrict for a 10 month old...but they usually have 0-3 programs...) and at least do an eval. that way you'll have an opinion and you can move on from there. He'll catch up in the enc, but it would be nice to cross one thing off your "Worry List" a bit sooner.

Good Luck!


New member
Around the 3 month stage, (2 months out of the hospital....) I noticed that Emily's motor development wasn't where I thought it should be. I had her evaluated by our county's birth-to-3 program (similar to what Liza mentioned, I'm sure). They were great. She was evaluated by an educator AND a physical therapist. We started on a Physical Therapy program because they agreed that she was slightly behind. The PT had a theory that some of the lack of devleopment was due to discomfort from reflux. As the reflux improved (with medication), and with therapy, the skills began to develop. She was walking just after her first birthday.

My other theory was that the first month, spent in a hospital, hooked up to monitors and wires...was not conducive to normalmuscle development. She caught up, by any means.

Look into what your county/school district offers (I know it seems ridiculous to think about the discrict for a 10 month old...but they usually have 0-3 programs...) and at least do an eval. that way you'll have an opinion and you can move on from there. He'll catch up in the enc, but it would be nice to cross one thing off your "Worry List" a bit sooner.

Good Luck!


New member
I suppose it is entirely possible that a child could have two issues going on, completely independent of each other.

My son has developmental delay -- so yes, his motor skills were not what they were supposed to be during the first 5 years of life - well, or now too for that matter. At 21 years old, he still shows almost no symptoms of CF - so I cannot say the delays are due to the CF.

If the crawling question is the only question I wouldn't worry about it just yet. I would think you would have to be seeing more problems than just that to cause concern at only 10 months.

Like the other poster said -- if you want to utilize one of those birth to three year old programs, get him evaluated and see if there are any real problems.

Best wishes


New member
I suppose it is entirely possible that a child could have two issues going on, completely independent of each other.

My son has developmental delay -- so yes, his motor skills were not what they were supposed to be during the first 5 years of life - well, or now too for that matter. At 21 years old, he still shows almost no symptoms of CF - so I cannot say the delays are due to the CF.

If the crawling question is the only question I wouldn't worry about it just yet. I would think you would have to be seeing more problems than just that to cause concern at only 10 months.

Like the other poster said -- if you want to utilize one of those birth to three year old programs, get him evaluated and see if there are any real problems.

Best wishes


New member
I suppose it is entirely possible that a child could have two issues going on, completely independent of each other.

My son has developmental delay -- so yes, his motor skills were not what they were supposed to be during the first 5 years of life - well, or now too for that matter. At 21 years old, he still shows almost no symptoms of CF - so I cannot say the delays are due to the CF.

If the crawling question is the only question I wouldn't worry about it just yet. I would think you would have to be seeing more problems than just that to cause concern at only 10 months.

Like the other poster said -- if you want to utilize one of those birth to three year old programs, get him evaluated and see if there are any real problems.

Best wishes


New member
My 10 month old son has just recently been eveluated by our birth-2 years program. He pretty much scored around the 6-7 month range on the entire evaluation. He even scored around the 5 month range in cognitive. A lot of his problem seems to be from low muscle tone. We suspect this is from his long/frequent hospital stays and him also just not felling well overall at home. We have been assigned physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, developmentalist, and social worker. We get started next week and I am excited to do so, if anything this will hopefully help him not fall behind any further. I know he'll catch up at some point, but getting a little extra help has never hurt anyone! Good luck and I suggest checking with your pediatrician about any programs available in your county.


New member
My 10 month old son has just recently been eveluated by our birth-2 years program. He pretty much scored around the 6-7 month range on the entire evaluation. He even scored around the 5 month range in cognitive. A lot of his problem seems to be from low muscle tone. We suspect this is from his long/frequent hospital stays and him also just not felling well overall at home. We have been assigned physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, developmentalist, and social worker. We get started next week and I am excited to do so, if anything this will hopefully help him not fall behind any further. I know he'll catch up at some point, but getting a little extra help has never hurt anyone! Good luck and I suggest checking with your pediatrician about any programs available in your county.


New member
My 10 month old son has just recently been eveluated by our birth-2 years program. He pretty much scored around the 6-7 month range on the entire evaluation. He even scored around the 5 month range in cognitive. A lot of his problem seems to be from low muscle tone. We suspect this is from his long/frequent hospital stays and him also just not felling well overall at home. We have been assigned physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, developmentalist, and social worker. We get started next week and I am excited to do so, if anything this will hopefully help him not fall behind any further. I know he'll catch up at some point, but getting a little extra help has never hurt anyone! Good luck and I suggest checking with your pediatrician about any programs available in your county.


New member
Thank you guys so much. I did speak to my pediatrition and found a center in my area that works with kids 0-5 that are at high risk for developmental delays. Logan has an appointment next week.
I think I just had a bit of a flip out moment last week when they told me he was slow. My only thought was that we were finally learning to cope with the cf issue and now this. Selfish I know, but I'm over it now and we will get through this just like everything else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you guys so much. I did speak to my pediatrition and found a center in my area that works with kids 0-5 that are at high risk for developmental delays. Logan has an appointment next week.
I think I just had a bit of a flip out moment last week when they told me he was slow. My only thought was that we were finally learning to cope with the cf issue and now this. Selfish I know, but I'm over it now and we will get through this just like everything else. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">