Smart Vest


New member

We are finally looking like we are getting a vest! My daughter is quite small and at clinic the smart vest seemed to fit her best. Of course she freaked out even putting the thing on, we didn't even attempt to run it. I was just curious if anyone has it or has used it and what you think of this brand. The respirtory therapist really liked this brand and she said the vest portion can come off and is machine washable which I thought was nice for a toddler. Thanks for your replies!

Zoe, mom to Kate 2wCF


New member

We are finally looking like we are getting a vest! My daughter is quite small and at clinic the smart vest seemed to fit her best. Of course she freaked out even putting the thing on, we didn't even attempt to run it. I was just curious if anyone has it or has used it and what you think of this brand. The respirtory therapist really liked this brand and she said the vest portion can come off and is machine washable which I thought was nice for a toddler. Thanks for your replies!

Zoe, mom to Kate 2wCF


New member

We are finally looking like we are getting a vest! My daughter is quite small and at clinic the smart vest seemed to fit her best. Of course she freaked out even putting the thing on, we didn't even attempt to run it. I was just curious if anyone has it or has used it and what you think of this brand. The respirtory therapist really liked this brand and she said the vest portion can come off and is machine washable which I thought was nice for a toddler. Thanks for your replies!

Zoe, mom to Kate 2wCF


New member

We are finally looking like we are getting a vest! My daughter is quite small and at clinic the smart vest seemed to fit her best. Of course she freaked out even putting the thing on, we didn't even attempt to run it. I was just curious if anyone has it or has used it and what you think of this brand. The respirtory therapist really liked this brand and she said the vest portion can come off and is machine washable which I thought was nice for a toddler. Thanks for your replies!

Zoe, mom to Kate 2wCF


New member
<br />
<br />We are finally looking like we are getting a vest! My daughter is quite small and at clinic the smart vest seemed to fit her best. Of course she freaked out even putting the thing on, we didn't even attempt to run it. I was just curious if anyone has it or has used it and what you think of this brand. The respirtory therapist really liked this brand and she said the vest portion can come off and is machine washable which I thought was nice for a toddler. Thanks for your replies!
<br />
<br />Zoe, mom to Kate 2wCF


New member
We got the Smart Vest when pay was almost 3 and we have had it for 4 years and have not had any problems with it they are very nice and when we need some thing it is shiped overnight. We did not get to choose on which one we got so it works for us because it is also better than nothing.


New member
We got the Smart Vest when pay was almost 3 and we have had it for 4 years and have not had any problems with it they are very nice and when we need some thing it is shiped overnight. We did not get to choose on which one we got so it works for us because it is also better than nothing.


New member
We got the Smart Vest when pay was almost 3 and we have had it for 4 years and have not had any problems with it they are very nice and when we need some thing it is shiped overnight. We did not get to choose on which one we got so it works for us because it is also better than nothing.


New member
We got the Smart Vest when pay was almost 3 and we have had it for 4 years and have not had any problems with it they are very nice and when we need some thing it is shiped overnight. We did not get to choose on which one we got so it works for us because it is also better than nothing.


New member
We got the Smart Vest when pay was almost 3 and we have had it for 4 years and have not had any problems with it they are very nice and when we need some thing it is shiped overnight. We did not get to choose on which one we got so it works for us because it is also better than nothing.


Active member
We've had the SmartVest for Abby since December. It is working great. It is the preferred vest of our clinic so there wasn't much of a choice. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member
We've had the SmartVest for Abby since December. It is working great. It is the preferred vest of our clinic so there wasn't much of a choice. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member
We've had the SmartVest for Abby since December. It is working great. It is the preferred vest of our clinic so there wasn't much of a choice. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member
We've had the SmartVest for Abby since December. It is working great. It is the preferred vest of our clinic so there wasn't much of a choice. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Active member
We've had the SmartVest for Abby since December. It is working great. It is the preferred vest of our clinic so there wasn't much of a choice. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
We have had the vest for 6 months and it is great. Our clinic also recommends it. My son is 3 and has done just fine with it. Make it fun and a special time. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. GOOD LUCK!


New member
We have had the vest for 6 months and it is great. Our clinic also recommends it. My son is 3 and has done just fine with it. Make it fun and a special time. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. GOOD LUCK!


New member
We have had the vest for 6 months and it is great. Our clinic also recommends it. My son is 3 and has done just fine with it. Make it fun and a special time. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. GOOD LUCK!


New member
We have had the vest for 6 months and it is great. Our clinic also recommends it. My son is 3 and has done just fine with it. Make it fun and a special time. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. GOOD LUCK!


New member
We have had the vest for 6 months and it is great. Our clinic also recommends it. My son is 3 and has done just fine with it. Make it fun and a special time. If you have anymore questions feel free to ask. GOOD LUCK!