smoking question


New member
We were invited over my fathers house for a fourth of July cook out. My father and stepmother both smoke in the house, my stepmother really loves the baby and wants to see her. They would never smoke with her in the house but i was wondering about it being all in the furniture and stuff, should I take her over there?


New member
We were invited over my fathers house for a fourth of July cook out. My father and stepmother both smoke in the house, my stepmother really loves the baby and wants to see her. They would never smoke with her in the house but i was wondering about it being all in the furniture and stuff, should I take her over there?


New member
We were invited over my fathers house for a fourth of July cook out. My father and stepmother both smoke in the house, my stepmother really loves the baby and wants to see her. They would never smoke with her in the house but i was wondering about it being all in the furniture and stuff, should I take her over there?


New member
We were invited over my fathers house for a fourth of July cook out. My father and stepmother both smoke in the house, my stepmother really loves the baby and wants to see her. They would never smoke with her in the house but i was wondering about it being all in the furniture and stuff, should I take her over there?


New member
We were invited over my fathers house for a fourth of July cook out. My father and stepmother both smoke in the house, my stepmother really loves the baby and wants to see her. They would never smoke with her in the house but i was wondering about it being all in the furniture and stuff, should I take her over there?


New member
personally my lungs go nuts even at the smell of smoke (even if it's just on furnitureas you mentioned).

i wouldn't put the little baby through it if you don't have to. why doesn't the stepmother come to your house? or meet at a starbucks or something?


New member
personally my lungs go nuts even at the smell of smoke (even if it's just on furnitureas you mentioned).

i wouldn't put the little baby through it if you don't have to. why doesn't the stepmother come to your house? or meet at a starbucks or something?


New member
personally my lungs go nuts even at the smell of smoke (even if it's just on furnitureas you mentioned).

i wouldn't put the little baby through it if you don't have to. why doesn't the stepmother come to your house? or meet at a starbucks or something?


New member
personally my lungs go nuts even at the smell of smoke (even if it's just on furnitureas you mentioned).

i wouldn't put the little baby through it if you don't have to. why doesn't the stepmother come to your house? or meet at a starbucks or something?


New member
personally my lungs go nuts even at the smell of smoke (even if it's just on furnitureas you mentioned).
<br />
<br />i wouldn't put the little baby through it if you don't have to. why doesn't the stepmother come to your house? or meet at a starbucks or something?


New member
Perhaps suggest having dinner outside like a BBQ. I personally would go but bring my own blankets and little travel cot so she is not laying on their furtniture or floor where the smoke smell is. I would also spend as much time outside as possible. I personally feel that the advantages of the attending outway the negative - of course this would be differn't if they were smoking while she was there. Along this journey of CF you need as much support as possible and I would encourage a positive unconditional (aside from no colds, no smoking) relationship. They may even be inspired to give up smoking when they reliase how much damage it could cause. Again, these are my opinions and really its up to you and where you at the moment on the CF journey. Best of luck with the decision.


New member
Perhaps suggest having dinner outside like a BBQ. I personally would go but bring my own blankets and little travel cot so she is not laying on their furtniture or floor where the smoke smell is. I would also spend as much time outside as possible. I personally feel that the advantages of the attending outway the negative - of course this would be differn't if they were smoking while she was there. Along this journey of CF you need as much support as possible and I would encourage a positive unconditional (aside from no colds, no smoking) relationship. They may even be inspired to give up smoking when they reliase how much damage it could cause. Again, these are my opinions and really its up to you and where you at the moment on the CF journey. Best of luck with the decision.


New member
Perhaps suggest having dinner outside like a BBQ. I personally would go but bring my own blankets and little travel cot so she is not laying on their furtniture or floor where the smoke smell is. I would also spend as much time outside as possible. I personally feel that the advantages of the attending outway the negative - of course this would be differn't if they were smoking while she was there. Along this journey of CF you need as much support as possible and I would encourage a positive unconditional (aside from no colds, no smoking) relationship. They may even be inspired to give up smoking when they reliase how much damage it could cause. Again, these are my opinions and really its up to you and where you at the moment on the CF journey. Best of luck with the decision.


New member
Perhaps suggest having dinner outside like a BBQ. I personally would go but bring my own blankets and little travel cot so she is not laying on their furtniture or floor where the smoke smell is. I would also spend as much time outside as possible. I personally feel that the advantages of the attending outway the negative - of course this would be differn't if they were smoking while she was there. Along this journey of CF you need as much support as possible and I would encourage a positive unconditional (aside from no colds, no smoking) relationship. They may even be inspired to give up smoking when they reliase how much damage it could cause. Again, these are my opinions and really its up to you and where you at the moment on the CF journey. Best of luck with the decision.


New member
Perhaps suggest having dinner outside like a BBQ. I personally would go but bring my own blankets and little travel cot so she is not laying on their furtniture or floor where the smoke smell is. I would also spend as much time outside as possible. I personally feel that the advantages of the attending outway the negative - of course this would be differn't if they were smoking while she was there. Along this journey of CF you need as much support as possible and I would encourage a positive unconditional (aside from no colds, no smoking) relationship. They may even be inspired to give up smoking when they reliase how much damage it could cause. Again, these are my opinions and really its up to you and where you at the moment on the CF journey. Best of luck with the decision.


Staff member
The smoke particles can remain on clothing, hair, furniture, so I'd be a little apprehensive. Especially with her recent health issues and her being so little. Do they smoke thru-out the house or just in one room? Hopefully it'll be a nice day and you can keep her outside -- maybe bring along a porta-crib and place a mosquito netting over it to keep bugs out.

Last year we went to someone's house to pick-up our new basset hound and while the people had cleaned their house from top to bottom and it was a nice day with open windows. I still had to shower to wash my hair and throw my clothes in the wash because they stunk like smoke.


Staff member
The smoke particles can remain on clothing, hair, furniture, so I'd be a little apprehensive. Especially with her recent health issues and her being so little. Do they smoke thru-out the house or just in one room? Hopefully it'll be a nice day and you can keep her outside -- maybe bring along a porta-crib and place a mosquito netting over it to keep bugs out.

Last year we went to someone's house to pick-up our new basset hound and while the people had cleaned their house from top to bottom and it was a nice day with open windows. I still had to shower to wash my hair and throw my clothes in the wash because they stunk like smoke.


Staff member
The smoke particles can remain on clothing, hair, furniture, so I'd be a little apprehensive. Especially with her recent health issues and her being so little. Do they smoke thru-out the house or just in one room? Hopefully it'll be a nice day and you can keep her outside -- maybe bring along a porta-crib and place a mosquito netting over it to keep bugs out.

Last year we went to someone's house to pick-up our new basset hound and while the people had cleaned their house from top to bottom and it was a nice day with open windows. I still had to shower to wash my hair and throw my clothes in the wash because they stunk like smoke.


Staff member
The smoke particles can remain on clothing, hair, furniture, so I'd be a little apprehensive. Especially with her recent health issues and her being so little. Do they smoke thru-out the house or just in one room? Hopefully it'll be a nice day and you can keep her outside -- maybe bring along a porta-crib and place a mosquito netting over it to keep bugs out.

Last year we went to someone's house to pick-up our new basset hound and while the people had cleaned their house from top to bottom and it was a nice day with open windows. I still had to shower to wash my hair and throw my clothes in the wash because they stunk like smoke.


Staff member
The smoke particles can remain on clothing, hair, furniture, so I'd be a little apprehensive. Especially with her recent health issues and her being so little. Do they smoke thru-out the house or just in one room? Hopefully it'll be a nice day and you can keep her outside -- maybe bring along a porta-crib and place a mosquito netting over it to keep bugs out.
<br />
<br />Last year we went to someone's house to pick-up our new basset hound and while the people had cleaned their house from top to bottom and it was a nice day with open windows. I still had to shower to wash my hair and throw my clothes in the wash because they stunk like smoke.