Smoking Zigs & CF


New member
Random side note: yelling/getting mad at someone who is smoking with CF to stop smoking is like yelling/getting mad at someone who has anorexia to start eating. This is a mental health issue. Not every area of the world has the same attitude towards therapy/mental health/coping mechanisms. "If I can control my CF disease on my terms by smoking, then CF does't control me, I control it." Think about it.

Edited to correct my horrible proof reading. Yikes.


Active member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>saveferris2009</b></i> Random side note: yelling/getting mad at someone who is smoking with CF to stop smoking is like yelling/getting mad at someone who has anorexia to start eating. This is a mental health issue. Not every area of the world has the same attitude towards therapy/mental health/coping mechanisms. "If I can control my CF disease on my terms by smoking, then CF don't control me, I control it." Think about it.</end quote>

Well put


Active member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>saveferris2009</b></i> Random side note: yelling/getting mad at someone who is smoking with CF to stop smoking is like yelling/getting mad at someone who has anorexia to start eating. This is a mental health issue. Not every area of the world has the same attitude towards therapy/mental health/coping mechanisms. "If I can control my CF disease on my terms by smoking, then CF don't control me, I control it." Think about it.</end quote>

Well put


I agree with CountryGirl... The effects of pot have certainly been beneficial to help with my pancreatic pain. However, I rarely smoke it. And if I do smoke it is through a vaporizer which makes it not as bad, but still not good for CF lungs. I mainly use it as a seasoning in my food or in baked goods. Before I used pot I was on heavy narcotics for my pain and couldn't live my life as I was tired all the time. My pain is mainly in the evening after eating my 2 or 3 meals for the day, so that's when I eat it. Smoking cigs is extremely bad for your lungs, as is pot... But as entropy said at least there is a benefit to the pot, the cigs have no benefit.


I agree with CountryGirl... The effects of pot have certainly been beneficial to help with my pancreatic pain. However, I rarely smoke it. And if I do smoke it is through a vaporizer which makes it not as bad, but still not good for CF lungs. I mainly use it as a seasoning in my food or in baked goods. Before I used pot I was on heavy narcotics for my pain and couldn't live my life as I was tired all the time. My pain is mainly in the evening after eating my 2 or 3 meals for the day, so that's when I eat it. Smoking cigs is extremely bad for your lungs, as is pot... But as entropy said at least there is a benefit to the pot, the cigs have no benefit.


New member
You always have a choice. Just because someone has CF you can't say "you can't smoke" that would just make me want to do it more, just out of spite. I can do whatever the hell I want, but I choose not to smoke. I'm not the one with CF. My husband has it. When we met I was a smoker and assumed he was too because of his smokers cough lol. Anyway, he didn't ask me to quit, he just asked me not to smoke around him. I chose to quit when I decided I wanted a future with him and I'm so glad I did. Sorry to ramble, I just wanted to share my experiences with smoking and cf. Btw, my husband is 43 and doing well.


New member
You always have a choice. Just because someone has CF you can't say "you can't smoke" that would just make me want to do it more, just out of spite. I can do whatever the hell I want, but I choose not to smoke. I'm not the one with CF. My husband has it. When we met I was a smoker and assumed he was too because of his smokers cough lol. Anyway, he didn't ask me to quit, he just asked me not to smoke around him. I chose to quit when I decided I wanted a future with him and I'm so glad I did. Sorry to ramble, I just wanted to share my experiences with smoking and cf. Btw, my husband is 43 and doing well.


New member
For anyone with CF who smokes.

If your health goes south and you have any intention of wanting a transplant, smoking anything will make the decision for you. I don't know of any transplant team that will list you if you smoke. Shows you have no respect for the state of your health or to take the absolute best care of the precious, life saving new lungs you may receive.

Smoking could come back to bite you.


New member
For anyone with CF who smokes.

If your health goes south and you have any intention of wanting a transplant, smoking anything will make the decision for you. I don't know of any transplant team that will list you if you smoke. Shows you have no respect for the state of your health or to take the absolute best care of the precious, life saving new lungs you may receive.

Smoking could come back to bite you.


just a thought to the pot smoker....why not brownies? why cash your lungs when you need cfers need a high fat diet?


just a thought to the pot smoker....why not brownies? why cash your lungs when you need cfers need a high fat diet?


@witzersmom... That really is true. There are many edibles that can actually be very beneficial...


@witzersmom... That really is true. There are many edibles that can actually be very beneficial...


Just read yur first post and you wrote that you "will live a short life anyway".
I think this is something that is very unsure!
There are so many new medicaments around the corner! It will take only a few more years until they will be really there to help ALL people with CF.
BUT: and I wish you would really want to think about this!
These medicaments can only help you if your lungs are still in a good enough shape!

Just think: One day there will be a cure but you will not be able to benefit from it because you ruined your lungs (even more) with smoking!!

Nowadays it must be the most important goal for everybody with CF to try everything to keep his/her lungs in the best shape possibke to be able to benefit from the drugs taht are coming to the market soon!


Just read yur first post and you wrote that you "will live a short life anyway".
I think this is something that is very unsure!
There are so many new medicaments around the corner! It will take only a few more years until they will be really there to help ALL people with CF.
BUT: and I wish you would really want to think about this!
These medicaments can only help you if your lungs are still in a good enough shape!

Just think: One day there will be a cure but you will not be able to benefit from it because you ruined your lungs (even more) with smoking!!

Nowadays it must be the most important goal for everybody with CF to try everything to keep his/her lungs in the best shape possibke to be able to benefit from the drugs taht are coming to the market soon!