Smoking Zigs & CF


New member
Cystic fibrosis is a life-long hereditary ailment that affects the mucus and sweat glands. A person who has CF can never smoke cigarettes.Second-hand smoking also poses a threat to patients with CF.So kindly quit smoking.
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<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
hi @ all. thanks again for ur replies. I thought about your words and U r definitely right... I wont smoke again. Like I said, it was an occational thing and not smoking a package everyday. So now here is the weekend, goin for partying..but I wont smoke.

I just had to laugh to see two times this posting out from the magazine..thanks guys for this post, but I know what CF is about.. JUST have had to deal with it since almost 26 years. I just dont get the sentence "a person with CF can never smoke a cigarette".... its not true... it just makes lung function worse, but of course somebody can.. but doesnt matter.. dont wanna think about smokin again :)

have a nice day @ all... (its about 8 in the morning in Austria now) D.


New member
hi @ all. thanks again for ur replies. I thought about your words and U r definitely right... I wont smoke again. Like I said, it was an occational thing and not smoking a package everyday. So now here is the weekend, goin for partying..but I wont smoke.

I just had to laugh to see two times this posting out from the magazine..thanks guys for this post, but I know what CF is about.. JUST have had to deal with it since almost 26 years. I just dont get the sentence "a person with CF can never smoke a cigarette".... its not true... it just makes lung function worse, but of course somebody can.. but doesnt matter.. dont wanna think about smokin again :)

have a nice day @ all... (its about 8 in the morning in Austria now) D.


New member
hi @ all. thanks again for ur replies. I thought about your words and U r definitely right... I wont smoke again. Like I said, it was an occational thing and not smoking a package everyday. So now here is the weekend, goin for partying..but I wont smoke.
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<br />I just had to laugh to see two times this posting out from the magazine..thanks guys for this post, but I know what CF is about.. JUST have had to deal with it since almost 26 years. I just dont get the sentence "a person with CF can never smoke a cigarette".... its not true... it just makes lung function worse, but of course somebody can.. but doesnt matter.. dont wanna think about smokin again :)
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<br />have a nice day @ all... (its about 8 in the morning in Austria now) D.


Hey 2Die,

nice to meet you!

The smoking issue is an interesting one. One thing that was helpful for me is that in my 20s, a lot of my friends (and even some housemates!) smoked, and it just made it that much easier to smoke an occasional cigarette at a bar or a party.

Now that I'm 31 most if not all of my friends have given it up and it's just not a part of any of our lives anymore.

I think you should do whatever you want. It's your life. You are in control of your health and you are a smart, healthy woman! So enjoy yourself. You know that to do. You're 25. You only live once.

Enjoy your weekend!


Hey 2Die,

nice to meet you!

The smoking issue is an interesting one. One thing that was helpful for me is that in my 20s, a lot of my friends (and even some housemates!) smoked, and it just made it that much easier to smoke an occasional cigarette at a bar or a party.

Now that I'm 31 most if not all of my friends have given it up and it's just not a part of any of our lives anymore.

I think you should do whatever you want. It's your life. You are in control of your health and you are a smart, healthy woman! So enjoy yourself. You know that to do. You're 25. You only live once.

Enjoy your weekend!


Hey 2Die,
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<br />nice to meet you!
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<br />The smoking issue is an interesting one. One thing that was helpful for me is that in my 20s, a lot of my friends (and even some housemates!) smoked, and it just made it that much easier to smoke an occasional cigarette at a bar or a party.
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<br />Now that I'm 31 most if not all of my friends have given it up and it's just not a part of any of our lives anymore.
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<br />I think you should do whatever you want. It's your life. You are in control of your health and you are a smart, healthy woman! So enjoy yourself. You know that to do. You're 25. You only live once.
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<br />Enjoy your weekend!


New member
HMMM what an interesting topic. OK, LOGICALLY, OF COURSE YOU SHOULDN'T INHALE ANY KIND OF SMOKE...CIGARETTES, WEED, INCENSE! THEY ARE ALL DAMAGING, NOT ONLY TO SOMEONE WITH CF, BUT EVERYONE. I WAS what the Dr.'s called a medical miracle, and amazing CF patient, an ambassador of CF health. NOW, not so much....

I am 33, and I used to CHAIN smoke CLOVES. O yes. Chain smoke. A pack a day...when I was 18, I thought, "F" it, Im in amazing health so who cares. I was an athlete, ran marathons, danced 2 hours a day...a medical miracle. I even smoked pot. Who didn't? I was invincible. I never had any desire to smoke cigarettes. They stink. I didn't feel anything positive from the one puff I did take. I got a little older and got over cloves. I was still alive, so why risk it? I did continue to smoke pot...actually i had a group of CF friends all my age who smoked pot. They were not the amazing CF patient I was, but still. We were on the path of, "WE HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE SO LETS EXPERIENCE IT LIKE "NORMAL!"

I worked in an industry where drugs, alcohol and smoking was #1 and I did it all. Then on MTV, was THE REAL WORLD 2004 with Frankie, a CF patient who smoked cloves (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> This was my first awakening. At first, I really connected with her and her story. And then I REALLY CONNECTED.

In 2006 I had pnemonia for the first time. I've had it 3x since and currently feel like I'm getting sick again. Having a PICC line is the most HORRIFIC THING I've ever experienced.....they tell you it doesn't hurt, they say it's NECESSARY....until you get a shaky handed nurse who strikes a nerve and you feel lightening in your body!!! FORGET THAT CRAP!!!! I've got 8 circular cars from the MULTIPLE ATTEMPTS to run a PICC into my arm for lung infections. Each will be getting a ROSE tattoo to remind me of the utter stupidity I suffered through as a young adult and I'm paying for now. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of antibiotics they fill you up with, which at the end of the day is HARMFUL and deplets your body of so many of it's natural sources to fight illness.

It's up to you what you breathe, but I'll tell you this, when I was 18, I was in better health than ANYONE I knew and even the Dr.'s couldn't figure it out.

When I was 25, I was just really learning what CF was after undergoing Intussusception surgery. You see, I never had "CF" like they say in books or on TV. I only knew other CF patients who were living the CF life.

At 33, I'm sitting in my boyfriends bed, while he watches me hack up phlegm that could stop a semi truck....

Don't act like you don't know smoking is bad for you. Don't pretend like you are invincible. And surely, don't kill the rest of us.

Having CF means you are already STRONGER than the average don't give in for a cig. Believe me, I am not one to have regrets, but my life a result of weakness.

Read the story.

I never had lung issues. Until the last 5 years. You see, sure you can smoke now....and die later. Or you can breathe air now....and


New member
HMMM what an interesting topic. OK, LOGICALLY, OF COURSE YOU SHOULDN'T INHALE ANY KIND OF SMOKE...CIGARETTES, WEED, INCENSE! THEY ARE ALL DAMAGING, NOT ONLY TO SOMEONE WITH CF, BUT EVERYONE. I WAS what the Dr.'s called a medical miracle, and amazing CF patient, an ambassador of CF health. NOW, not so much....

I am 33, and I used to CHAIN smoke CLOVES. O yes. Chain smoke. A pack a day...when I was 18, I thought, "F" it, Im in amazing health so who cares. I was an athlete, ran marathons, danced 2 hours a day...a medical miracle. I even smoked pot. Who didn't? I was invincible. I never had any desire to smoke cigarettes. They stink. I didn't feel anything positive from the one puff I did take. I got a little older and got over cloves. I was still alive, so why risk it? I did continue to smoke pot...actually i had a group of CF friends all my age who smoked pot. They were not the amazing CF patient I was, but still. We were on the path of, "WE HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE SO LETS EXPERIENCE IT LIKE "NORMAL!"

I worked in an industry where drugs, alcohol and smoking was #1 and I did it all. Then on MTV, was THE REAL WORLD 2004 with Frankie, a CF patient who smoked cloves (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> This was my first awakening. At first, I really connected with her and her story. And then I REALLY CONNECTED.

In 2006 I had pnemonia for the first time. I've had it 3x since and currently feel like I'm getting sick again. Having a PICC line is the most HORRIFIC THING I've ever experienced.....they tell you it doesn't hurt, they say it's NECESSARY....until you get a shaky handed nurse who strikes a nerve and you feel lightening in your body!!! FORGET THAT CRAP!!!! I've got 8 circular cars from the MULTIPLE ATTEMPTS to run a PICC into my arm for lung infections. Each will be getting a ROSE tattoo to remind me of the utter stupidity I suffered through as a young adult and I'm paying for now. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of antibiotics they fill you up with, which at the end of the day is HARMFUL and deplets your body of so many of it's natural sources to fight illness.

It's up to you what you breathe, but I'll tell you this, when I was 18, I was in better health than ANYONE I knew and even the Dr.'s couldn't figure it out.

When I was 25, I was just really learning what CF was after undergoing Intussusception surgery. You see, I never had "CF" like they say in books or on TV. I only knew other CF patients who were living the CF life.

At 33, I'm sitting in my boyfriends bed, while he watches me hack up phlegm that could stop a semi truck....

Don't act like you don't know smoking is bad for you. Don't pretend like you are invincible. And surely, don't kill the rest of us.

Having CF means you are already STRONGER than the average don't give in for a cig. Believe me, I am not one to have regrets, but my life a result of weakness.

Read the story.

I never had lung issues. Until the last 5 years. You see, sure you can smoke now....and die later. Or you can breathe air now....and


New member
HMMM what an interesting topic. OK, LOGICALLY, OF COURSE YOU SHOULDN'T INHALE ANY KIND OF SMOKE...CIGARETTES, WEED, INCENSE! THEY ARE ALL DAMAGING, NOT ONLY TO SOMEONE WITH CF, BUT EVERYONE. I WAS what the Dr.'s called a medical miracle, and amazing CF patient, an ambassador of CF health. NOW, not so much....
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<br />Realistically....
<br />I am 33, and I used to CHAIN smoke CLOVES. O yes. Chain smoke. A pack a day...when I was 18, I thought, "F" it, Im in amazing health so who cares. I was an athlete, ran marathons, danced 2 hours a day...a medical miracle. I even smoked pot. Who didn't? I was invincible. I never had any desire to smoke cigarettes. They stink. I didn't feel anything positive from the one puff I did take. I got a little older and got over cloves. I was still alive, so why risk it? I did continue to smoke pot...actually i had a group of CF friends all my age who smoked pot. They were not the amazing CF patient I was, but still. We were on the path of, "WE HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE SO LETS EXPERIENCE IT LIKE "NORMAL!"
<br />
<br />I worked in an industry where drugs, alcohol and smoking was #1 and I did it all. Then on MTV, was THE REAL WORLD 2004 with Frankie, a CF patient who smoked cloves (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> This was my first awakening. At first, I really connected with her and her story. And then I REALLY CONNECTED.
<br />
<br />In 2006 I had pnemonia for the first time. I've had it 3x since and currently feel like I'm getting sick again. Having a PICC line is the most HORRIFIC THING I've ever experienced.....they tell you it doesn't hurt, they say it's NECESSARY....until you get a shaky handed nurse who strikes a nerve and you feel lightening in your body!!! FORGET THAT CRAP!!!! I've got 8 circular cars from the MULTIPLE ATTEMPTS to run a PICC into my arm for lung infections. Each will be getting a ROSE tattoo to remind me of the utter stupidity I suffered through as a young adult and I'm paying for now. Not to mention the ridiculous amount of antibiotics they fill you up with, which at the end of the day is HARMFUL and deplets your body of so many of it's natural sources to fight illness.
<br />
<br />It's up to you what you breathe, but I'll tell you this, when I was 18, I was in better health than ANYONE I knew and even the Dr.'s couldn't figure it out.
<br />
<br />When I was 25, I was just really learning what CF was after undergoing Intussusception surgery. You see, I never had "CF" like they say in books or on TV. I only knew other CF patients who were living the CF life.
<br />
<br />At 33, I'm sitting in my boyfriends bed, while he watches me hack up phlegm that could stop a semi truck....
<br />
<br />Don't act like you don't know smoking is bad for you. Don't pretend like you are invincible. And surely, don't kill the rest of us.
<br />
<br />Having CF means you are already STRONGER than the average don't give in for a cig. Believe me, I am not one to have regrets, but my life a result of weakness.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Read the story.
<br />
<br />I never had lung issues. Until the last 5 years. You see, sure you can smoke now....and die later. Or you can breathe air now....and


New member
OOPS posted before I finished....basically, you choose your lifestyle. I am not against you living life. Everything in moderation. I'm glad to hear you've choosen to stop smoking. We'd gladly like to hear from you more<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
OOPS posted before I finished....basically, you choose your lifestyle. I am not against you living life. Everything in moderation. I'm glad to hear you've choosen to stop smoking. We'd gladly like to hear from you more<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">



New member
OOPS posted before I finished....basically, you choose your lifestyle. I am not against you living life. Everything in moderation. I'm glad to hear you've choosen to stop smoking. We'd gladly like to hear from you more<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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<br />bless


New member
@ TheAmazingBD: I am really thankful for your answer, it was really nice to read that text. And yeah I understand everybody of you on here.

LIke you said, its of course a different situation , when u r 18 and think, ***** it all.
And i have to be honest, when i read that text of one posters here, who said, how it is , when your lungs collapse.. I WAS REALLY THINKIN about the whole stuff again and again. I dont want my lungs to collapse, so maybe its better to get older in the brain u know, saying, hey fukk, i have to care about myself (even its hard for me).. like i said in other postings of myself, I have given myself up to a certain point.

I mean, you mentioned, that u got a really low version of the CF (if i got u right)..same here. I mean of course the older u get, the worse it gets.. but I can say, when I go trough this forum, I really know, that I am still in an real good condition. I just know that it wont keep in that way, when I continue smokin.

I started doin my inhalations today with Colistin and Natriumchloride. (Of course I didnt smoke on weekend, was partying but without any cigs)

Started again takin my vitamin-meds as well.
Dont need and dont have to take any other antibiotics oral at the moment.
Just Colistin ( the stuff is inhaled by nebulizer, is already an antibiotic) dont know, if you guys know this med in America. I just was wondering at readin through this forum, which different meds are mentioned here and I dont have an idea of them. I am not sure, if they r available here in Austria.

Would be nice to keep posted with any of u here.
I am really happy to be here. And you really made me think and change my life.. step by step... THANK YOU SO MUCH... Delia!!


New member
@ TheAmazingBD: I am really thankful for your answer, it was really nice to read that text. And yeah I understand everybody of you on here.

LIke you said, its of course a different situation , when u r 18 and think, ***** it all.
And i have to be honest, when i read that text of one posters here, who said, how it is , when your lungs collapse.. I WAS REALLY THINKIN about the whole stuff again and again. I dont want my lungs to collapse, so maybe its better to get older in the brain u know, saying, hey fukk, i have to care about myself (even its hard for me).. like i said in other postings of myself, I have given myself up to a certain point.

I mean, you mentioned, that u got a really low version of the CF (if i got u right)..same here. I mean of course the older u get, the worse it gets.. but I can say, when I go trough this forum, I really know, that I am still in an real good condition. I just know that it wont keep in that way, when I continue smokin.

I started doin my inhalations today with Colistin and Natriumchloride. (Of course I didnt smoke on weekend, was partying but without any cigs)

Started again takin my vitamin-meds as well.
Dont need and dont have to take any other antibiotics oral at the moment.
Just Colistin ( the stuff is inhaled by nebulizer, is already an antibiotic) dont know, if you guys know this med in America. I just was wondering at readin through this forum, which different meds are mentioned here and I dont have an idea of them. I am not sure, if they r available here in Austria.

Would be nice to keep posted with any of u here.
I am really happy to be here. And you really made me think and change my life.. step by step... THANK YOU SO MUCH... Delia!!


New member
@ TheAmazingBD: I am really thankful for your answer, it was really nice to read that text. And yeah I understand everybody of you on here.
<br />
<br />LIke you said, its of course a different situation , when u r 18 and think, ***** it all.
<br />And i have to be honest, when i read that text of one posters here, who said, how it is , when your lungs collapse.. I WAS REALLY THINKIN about the whole stuff again and again. I dont want my lungs to collapse, so maybe its better to get older in the brain u know, saying, hey fukk, i have to care about myself (even its hard for me).. like i said in other postings of myself, I have given myself up to a certain point.
<br />
<br />I mean, you mentioned, that u got a really low version of the CF (if i got u right)..same here. I mean of course the older u get, the worse it gets.. but I can say, when I go trough this forum, I really know, that I am still in an real good condition. I just know that it wont keep in that way, when I continue smokin.
<br />
<br />
<br />I started doin my inhalations today with Colistin and Natriumchloride. (Of course I didnt smoke on weekend, was partying but without any cigs)
<br />
<br />Started again takin my vitamin-meds as well.
<br />Dont need and dont have to take any other antibiotics oral at the moment.
<br />Just Colistin ( the stuff is inhaled by nebulizer, is already an antibiotic) dont know, if you guys know this med in America. I just was wondering at readin through this forum, which different meds are mentioned here and I dont have an idea of them. I am not sure, if they r available here in Austria.
<br />
<br />Would be nice to keep posted with any of u here.
<br />I am really happy to be here. And you really made me think and change my life.. step by step... THANK YOU SO MUCH... Delia!!


New member
I used <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Quit Smoking Pills</a>.
Its work on me with no side effects at all.
FDA approved.