Smoking Zigs & CF


New member
I had my double lungtransplant in 2006
Post tx my lungfunction never got above 40% and I really felt I needed puffers or something but I never had asthma so we thought that couldn't be it.
My donor had smoked, not the years prior to death and not very long but still my donor had smoked.
Extensive tests showed, I have emphysema in my new lungs. I am on nebs, puffers and have lots of extra bouts of Prednisolon. Can't do all that I would want to.

Do have to say my donor didn't have any symptoms in medical history. But my donor was getting close to 60 and my docs think maybe my donor thought that he/she was getting more tired and could less things and would get short of breathe with activity because of getting older.

Medication brings my fev1 up to 60, thanks for that! But breathlessness because of emphysema is very different from breathlessness because of CF lungs. I notice it much much more quickly.

Please don't gamble with your lungs...


New member
I had my double lungtransplant in 2006
Post tx my lungfunction never got above 40% and I really felt I needed puffers or something but I never had asthma so we thought that couldn't be it.
My donor had smoked, not the years prior to death and not very long but still my donor had smoked.
Extensive tests showed, I have emphysema in my new lungs. I am on nebs, puffers and have lots of extra bouts of Prednisolon. Can't do all that I would want to.

Do have to say my donor didn't have any symptoms in medical history. But my donor was getting close to 60 and my docs think maybe my donor thought that he/she was getting more tired and could less things and would get short of breathe with activity because of getting older.

Medication brings my fev1 up to 60, thanks for that! But breathlessness because of emphysema is very different from breathlessness because of CF lungs. I notice it much much more quickly.

Please don't gamble with your lungs...


New member
I had my double lungtransplant in 2006
<br />Post tx my lungfunction never got above 40% and I really felt I needed puffers or something but I never had asthma so we thought that couldn't be it.
<br />My donor had smoked, not the years prior to death and not very long but still my donor had smoked.
<br />Extensive tests showed, I have emphysema in my new lungs. I am on nebs, puffers and have lots of extra bouts of Prednisolon. Can't do all that I would want to.
<br />
<br />Do have to say my donor didn't have any symptoms in medical history. But my donor was getting close to 60 and my docs think maybe my donor thought that he/she was getting more tired and could less things and would get short of breathe with activity because of getting older.
<br />
<br />Medication brings my fev1 up to 60, thanks for that! But breathlessness because of emphysema is very different from breathlessness because of CF lungs. I notice it much much more quickly.
<br />
<br />Please don't gamble with your lungs...


New member

Wow I am pretty sure u went through very hard times. I am glad to hear that u won that fight so successfull. Yeah u r so right by saying that i shouldnt gamble with my lungs... and I wont, I PROMISE that to all of you here.

I know I just can make my own desision if i want to gamble or not. And i realize that I make my life much shorter if I dont quit. I got still the luck, that i never had problems with breathing or asthma... just when it comes to pneumonia, or an other infection caused by bacteria, but its not breathlessness its more coughing the whole time.

in a short story:
i dont do any inhalations and I just take antibiotics, when I need them, its maybe 3 times a year and one time of staying in hospital for 2 weeks to get IV´s, within a year.

I am STILL doin great...we will see how long. :-S


New member

Wow I am pretty sure u went through very hard times. I am glad to hear that u won that fight so successfull. Yeah u r so right by saying that i shouldnt gamble with my lungs... and I wont, I PROMISE that to all of you here.

I know I just can make my own desision if i want to gamble or not. And i realize that I make my life much shorter if I dont quit. I got still the luck, that i never had problems with breathing or asthma... just when it comes to pneumonia, or an other infection caused by bacteria, but its not breathlessness its more coughing the whole time.

in a short story:
i dont do any inhalations and I just take antibiotics, when I need them, its maybe 3 times a year and one time of staying in hospital for 2 weeks to get IV´s, within a year.

I am STILL doin great...we will see how long. :-S


New member
<br />
<br />Wow I am pretty sure u went through very hard times. I am glad to hear that u won that fight so successfull. Yeah u r so right by saying that i shouldnt gamble with my lungs... and I wont, I PROMISE that to all of you here.
<br />
<br />I know I just can make my own desision if i want to gamble or not. And i realize that I make my life much shorter if I dont quit. I got still the luck, that i never had problems with breathing or asthma... just when it comes to pneumonia, or an other infection caused by bacteria, but its not breathlessness its more coughing the whole time.
<br />
<br />in a short story:
<br />i dont do any inhalations and I just take antibiotics, when I need them, its maybe 3 times a year and one time of staying in hospital for 2 weeks to get IV´s, within a year.
<br />
<br />I am STILL doin great...we will see how long. :-S



Ok. Smoking anything is stupid. But smoking cigarettes is RETARDED.



Ok. Smoking anything is stupid. But smoking cigarettes is RETARDED.


<br />
<br />Ok. Smoking anything is stupid. But smoking cigarettes is RETARDED.


New member
..@all, it doesnt matter what you smoke, cause both things are smoked with tobacco, i dont think that many ppl smoke it pure, (i dont care about pot), but both can be bad...thats right.

..had to laught when I read, from one of you posters... "who liked his 1st cigarette", nobody.. thats so right. I just cant believe that nobody tried it here in that forum! never been curious about smoking when u were teenagers? I mean I understand it, that you wouldnt try, when your stadium is that bad, that it is impossible to just think about lyin a cigarettes between your lips. But when u r in a passable stadium....

..anyway... dont want to annoy u... i said i am an occational smoker and dont have a second a prob to quit it and I will...


New member
..@all, it doesnt matter what you smoke, cause both things are smoked with tobacco, i dont think that many ppl smoke it pure, (i dont care about pot), but both can be bad...thats right.

..had to laught when I read, from one of you posters... "who liked his 1st cigarette", nobody.. thats so right. I just cant believe that nobody tried it here in that forum! never been curious about smoking when u were teenagers? I mean I understand it, that you wouldnt try, when your stadium is that bad, that it is impossible to just think about lyin a cigarettes between your lips. But when u r in a passable stadium....

..anyway... dont want to annoy u... i said i am an occational smoker and dont have a second a prob to quit it and I will...


New member
..@all, it doesnt matter what you smoke, cause both things are smoked with tobacco, i dont think that many ppl smoke it pure, (i dont care about pot), but both can be bad...thats right.
<br />
<br />..had to laught when I read, from one of you posters... "who liked his 1st cigarette", nobody.. thats so right. I just cant believe that nobody tried it here in that forum! never been curious about smoking when u were teenagers? I mean I understand it, that you wouldnt try, when your stadium is that bad, that it is impossible to just think about lyin a cigarettes between your lips. But when u r in a passable stadium....
<br />
<br />..anyway... dont want to annoy u...
<br /> i said i am an occational smoker and dont have a second a prob to quit it and I will...


New member
It is a blessing that you your lungs as you say are doing well at age 25, don't you want to continue down that road of doing well? Coming from an older CF'r, I am 39 and diagnosed at the age of 2. I can tell you it gets harder as you age. I believe that taking care of myself through out the years which means doing all my treatments, meds and exercising and not smoking or doing things that would damage my lungs has made me get to the age of 39. It has also allowed me to bounce back when I do get real sick and as I have gotten older the bouncing back has been more difficult and has not been guaranteed. CF is a constant disease that you have to stay ahead of the game so you can battle the sicknesses when you are down. I hope you can find a way to see that you are lucky at age 25 you feel great and you will think about not doing anything that harms your lungs but only do things that help it. Like the previous poster commented on in your 20's you think and feel ALOT different than when you are in your 30's and up. You basically grow up.The way I feel, the way I approach things etc. are so different now that I am in my late 30's then when I was in my 20's. The teens and 20's you think you are fearless, live for the moment, peer pressure , all about the social network. And as you get older you come to realize that life is about living it to your best, being happy with your self and loving those who love you.

Please reconsider the smoking cause life is short regardless of whether you have CF or not and smoking is just a bad choice ( in my opinion)


New member
It is a blessing that you your lungs as you say are doing well at age 25, don't you want to continue down that road of doing well? Coming from an older CF'r, I am 39 and diagnosed at the age of 2. I can tell you it gets harder as you age. I believe that taking care of myself through out the years which means doing all my treatments, meds and exercising and not smoking or doing things that would damage my lungs has made me get to the age of 39. It has also allowed me to bounce back when I do get real sick and as I have gotten older the bouncing back has been more difficult and has not been guaranteed. CF is a constant disease that you have to stay ahead of the game so you can battle the sicknesses when you are down. I hope you can find a way to see that you are lucky at age 25 you feel great and you will think about not doing anything that harms your lungs but only do things that help it. Like the previous poster commented on in your 20's you think and feel ALOT different than when you are in your 30's and up. You basically grow up.The way I feel, the way I approach things etc. are so different now that I am in my late 30's then when I was in my 20's. The teens and 20's you think you are fearless, live for the moment, peer pressure , all about the social network. And as you get older you come to realize that life is about living it to your best, being happy with your self and loving those who love you.

Please reconsider the smoking cause life is short regardless of whether you have CF or not and smoking is just a bad choice ( in my opinion)


New member
It is a blessing that you your lungs as you say are doing well at age 25, don't you want to continue down that road of doing well? Coming from an older CF'r, I am 39 and diagnosed at the age of 2. I can tell you it gets harder as you age. I believe that taking care of myself through out the years which means doing all my treatments, meds and exercising and not smoking or doing things that would damage my lungs has made me get to the age of 39. It has also allowed me to bounce back when I do get real sick and as I have gotten older the bouncing back has been more difficult and has not been guaranteed. CF is a constant disease that you have to stay ahead of the game so you can battle the sicknesses when you are down. I hope you can find a way to see that you are lucky at age 25 you feel great and you will think about not doing anything that harms your lungs but only do things that help it. Like the previous poster commented on in your 20's you think and feel ALOT different than when you are in your 30's and up. You basically grow up.The way I feel, the way I approach things etc. are so different now that I am in my late 30's then when I was in my 20's. The teens and 20's you think you are fearless, live for the moment, peer pressure , all about the social network. And as you get older you come to realize that life is about living it to your best, being happy with your self and loving those who love you.
<br />
<br />Please reconsider the smoking cause life is short regardless of whether you have CF or not and smoking is just a bad choice ( in my opinion)


New member
Cystic fibrosis is a life-long hereditary ailment that affects the mucus and sweat glands. A person who has CF can never smoke cigarettes.Second-hand smoking also poses a threat to patients with CF.So kindly quit smoking.

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New member
Cystic fibrosis is a life-long hereditary ailment that affects the mucus and sweat glands. A person who has CF can never smoke cigarettes.Second-hand smoking also poses a threat to patients with CF.So kindly quit smoking.

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