
New member
Okay so this has been mentioned in “annoy” threads, but I had to make one for this specific purpose. Mind you anyone who feels they need to condemn me for complaining… I’m complaining here so as not to flip out on the next smoker I pass. I’d rather not get arrested for beating people on the streets of Boston for smoking. I figure it’s healthier to complain verbally to fellow CFers than to risk smacking the next smoker I see in the face. So if you don’t like it, don’t read this thread. Simple as that.

There are so many things that annoy me about smoking / smokers.
1. Breathing in smoke on the street. I mentioned this briefly in the non-CFers post. I go to school in Boston, and so I am constantly walking by someone’s cigarette smoke. It happens all the time that I pass smoke and inhale it and end up coughing or out of breath or both for minutes thereafter. I’ve gotten into the habit of covering my mouth when I pass by so as not to breathe it in. I usually can’t hold my breath (especially because this is all while walking), so I breathe into my sleeve instead. People look at me like I’m being incredibly offensive. You know, they should be glad I didn’t say the things I wanted to say, or do the things I wanted to do, and just passed on by quietly.
2. Ignorance / rarity. I realize most people can breathe in cigarette smoke without it being anything other than a nuisance. I am aware that people like CFers are rare, and certainly not the majority. But the public never takes into account people that really cannot inhale that crap. No one ever stops to think that there might be people out there who will suffer when they walk by you smoking on the street.
3. People who complain about not being able to smoke in restaurants anymore. Okay, I know it may be annoying for you to go outside (especially in the cold or rain) to smoke a butt. But if you are required to smoke outside, ANYONE can go to the restaurant / bar and enjoy the atmosphere. If you smoke inside, people like us CANNOT even set foot in the damn place. So smoking outside allows everyone to be in that bar. Not to mention if you weren’t smoking, you wouldn’t “need” to go outside to have a cigarette.
4. People who smoke RIGHT OUTSIDE the door. Whether outside a bar, restaurant, school building, apartment building, etc, people always insist on smoking right in front of the damn door. This, again, is generally not a rude gesture. It’s just an ignorance thing. But holy hell, it annoys me. It’s not as bad as sitting in the smoke if you were allowed in the bar. But I still have to walk through it.
5. This is an extension of # 4, but more specified. People who smoke right outside hospital doors. Okay, now this one pisses me off more than any other place. You can’t crop this up to ignorance anymore (in most cases). This is just laziness and complete lack of consideration. You are outside a HOSPITAL. This is a place that SICK PEOPLE walk in and out of. Do you think these people really want to have to walk through your poison just to get to the doors? I especially hate when people are practically leaning on the “No smoking” sign. They’re standing right next to the damn thing, sucking on their smoke. HOW RUDE CAN YOU GET?
6. People who get (or think they deserve) excessive pity for having cancer or emphysema when they were/are smokers. This is very simple, really. I know it’s an addiction, but YOU DID IT TO YOURSELF!!! I did nothing to get CF, so bite me.
7. Transplants that go to smokers (especially those who continue to smoke after the procedure). I’m not saying transplants shouldn’t ever go to smokers. I won’t cross that line. Everyone deserves a second chance. But you still don’t deserve any kind of special treatment or sympathy. Poor you, you have to take immuno-supressant drugs now? Whose fault is that? Those, however, who continue to smoke after a transplant, deserve to burn alive, in my opinion. (I know this is coming off very violent, I’m venting). You are taking away from people who did NOT bring upon their lung problems and destroying the new lungs you are being given. Many CFers would give anything to have clean lungs… and here you are, with your SECOND PAIR, and you’re ruining them.
8. People who are always ranting about “their right” to smoke. What about my right to clean air? If people want to smoke, that’s fine. I could care less. But when they complain about not being able to do so in public places, and how their rights are being infringed, I just want to backhand them. You are fully able to smoke elsewhere. Outside, in your own cars, houses, etc. But if you smoke everywhere out in public, I am unable to go outside. I suppose that’s an exaggeration. I am still able to go outside. But not without paying a price I do NOT deserve to pay.
9. People who complain about their smokers’ coughs. I’m talking even before the cancer or emphysema stage. I’m talking about people who just piss and moan because they have a cough from smoking. You’ve done it to yourself, shut the *insert expletive here* up!!!!!!!!!! We are sitting here with a cough much worse than yours, and through no fault of our own.
10. People who give me nasty looks for coughing when I walk by their smoke. This is similar to number 1. People automatically tend to assume that when I walk by their smoke and start coughing loudly that I’m doing so to make a point. - On a side note, when I walk by people who are smoking outside hospitals doors, I do just that. I cough loudly and purposely to make a point. – But when I’m just walking to class and actually start hacking because of someone else’s smoke, they often seem so damn offended that I’m coughing. Well EXCUUUSE ME!! It’s not fake or purposeful, and it’s not my fault I’m coughing. You know whose fault it is? It’s yours. So leave me alone and go back to begging for cancer.

I imagine as people respond I will think or of or be reminded of other things that annoy me. In that case, I will likely reply. But these 10 are all I can think of for now. And I thank you all for reading. I feel better, having gotten that all out. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Don't forget the AWFFUL smell of them! ( sorry if you already said that one!) I have a friend who smokes and I have never been around her when she was smoking or even after she was smoking and yet the smell is still so strong. Its on her books, hair and clothes. EVERYWHERE!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Ok. I quite agree with the point about there petty bitching, and minor complaints. However i know quite a few smokers and feel the need to defend what i agree with.

"Breathing in smoke on the street...."

well think of it this way. when they are at a bar, they HAVE to go outside to smoke. they have no choice. so they go the only place they can with in reason. i mean you cant expect them to go all the way home. and i sappose they could go to their car in cirtain cases. i mean in the city its fairly unreasonable because go knows where there car(if they have one) is. what with city parking it could be several blocks away, which would be like asking them to go home to smoke. plus it takes them away from who they are sociallizing with.

"You are fully able to smoke elsewhere. Outside, in your own cars, houses, etc"

ok, so you say you hate walking through the smoke on the street, but then one of your points against them bitching is they can smoke out side. you really cant have it both ways. also they are not always able to go else where to smoke. what if they dont have a car. what if they are for some reason they are not allowed to smoke at home. like at my house. my sister is forbiden from smoking inside. or a friend of mine. doesnt have a car to smoke in.

now the thing about smokers have rights. that argument is void because yes they have the right. and you have a right to breath air so really they cancel eachother outand nether of you can bring that card in to play.

and honestly now. when was the last time you thought about the well being of a complete stranger. come on. honestly, you dont care what happens to the guy you passed on the street this morning. its just not something people take in to consideration much anymore. Im not saying this really defends them, just something to think about.

now ive defended them. just to show im not a complete ass, ill point out what i agree with.

like i said. the petty bitching is pretty dumb. and yah the stuff about wanting loads of pitty for getting cancer of something associated with smoking. youll get no pitty here pal keep walking. and the bitching about having to smoke in the rain or cold. well come on. smoking is your desicion. dont pull the addiction card.

thats all i cant think of. Later


New member
The smoking on the street... my main point is smoking in the middle of where people are. I understand they can't smoke inside places, but mainly I mean the people that smoke right outside doors. And smoking on streets generally doesn't bother me so much. Really, it's just mostly on campus that it irritates me. I suppose people have a right to smoke on their way to class, but in doing so, I'm surrounded by it, and it's very frustrating. Several times it has made me second-think going to school. Mini, you know the only school nearby with ASL is Boston, so I'm kind of stuck. Always breathing in smoke on campus has made me think about transferring (and therefore, changing my major) several times just to get away from it. That's all. Whether or not it's the fault of individual people or whatever else, it's - at the risk of sounding like a 5-year-old - unfair.

And I guess you're right about thinking of strangers. Again, it's just frustrating.

My smokers rights vs. breathing clean air actually still has a point. As far as smokers being banned from smoking inside places go, it's very fair. And I hate when people piss and moan about it. If they don't smoke inside, everyone can be in that place, and they can still smoke if they want. If they smoke inside, it doesn't allow for people like us CFers to go and have a drink at the bar if we feel like it. So they get a little inconvenienced (for their own bad habit), but that way, everyone is still able to be there. Much more fair that way. If they get the right to smoke inside places, it outright "forbids" people like CFers to be there. So since it's their bad habit, what's the big deal about them going out of their way a tiny bit to smoke, so the rest of the us can be inside and enjoy ourselves? That way everyone can enjoy whatever establishment we may use as an example.


New member
well my point about the smoking on the street is the side walks are only so big. its the smoke in one spot or 3 feet away from said spot. in which case there is little to no difference. And again in defence of them, smoking right by the door is actually making it easier on the people walking by than if they were to smoke 3 feet away. if they are right by the door less passer byers are affected. yes the means all of the people going in are affected, but smoking right there it makes more people able to avoid the smoke maybe just alittle easier. its one or the other.

smoking right vs breathing right. well like i said. smokers do have the right. but people have the right not to suck it up. its a tough argument that really gets you no where and thats why i said its best not to pull it at all.

now i didnt say not smoking inside isnt fair. i agree it is fair. but if your infavor of that, it sort of voids your in the street argument. because the really cant anywhere else. now i should specify this is for the city. here in smaller towns or even slightely larger towns there isnt as much problem with it. its really easy to avoid and there are a million and a half places to smoke. so really in small towns there is little call for bitching on ether side. however i would like to take this moment to say, it is everyones unaleinable right to bitch and moan. just because someone has it worse than someone else may have it worse doesnt mean im automatically not allowed to bitch. i use me only as an example

lol. damn straight im right about stangers. I garentee that atleat 80% of the people here did not think once about stangers before doing something that might inconvenience a stanger. its a fact of life.

and finally. this is a battle that noone will ever win. smokers have their thoughts. other people have theirs.


New member
Okay well I won't argue smoking points anymore. No point, as you said. But I wanted to say two things:
1. I do think about strangers. At least more often than most. People who are put in different positions (such as CFers) tend to think more often of others than most people do.
2. Everyone has a right to complain. Check, I agree. But if you're complaining about a tiny cough, don't come to me for it. Heh.


New member
I agree whole-heartedly with Emily. I grew up in the house of a smoker and was always angry that I had to breath in the smoke. I am not a CFer but my child is. And still, my Mother insists on smoking. She doesn't do it in my house or around my children, but she reeks of smoke. And from what I hear on here from adult CFer's is that just the smell can irritate their breathing. What she does in her house is something I can't control, but knowing what she knows about smoking and about what her Grandchild will face in his life with his lungs, I think it's selfish and inconsiderate of her to smoke.

Lord give me strength and self control should my child ever be in the situation of waiting for a lung behind a smoker waiting for a lung because I will be one pissed off mama!!

The looks I get when my kids walk outside and say 'whew, it's smokey out here'. But it's true. We have to walk through a cloud of smoke everytime we go to see the Pulm Dr. Just doesn't make much sense. I just shrug at the smokers and tell my kids to cover their mouth and nose and hurry through it. It's a matter of time before I say something to them for doing it in front of the no smoking sign, but come on. I really love those on IV's and crap outside in their gowns smoking. Honestly, that's probably what got them in that condition to begin with. If it's not the smoking it's got to be the total lack of respect for their body. Frustrating!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>shamrock</b></i><br>Don't forget the AWFFUL smell of them! ( sorry if you already said that one!) I have a friend who smokes and I have never been around her when she was smoking or even after she was smoking and yet the smell is still so strong. Its on her books, hair and clothes. EVERYWHERE!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0"><hr></blockquote>

I know! Litterally everywhere. Even me! What's up with that? If I just walk into a room that smells strongly of smoke even for a few seconds, I have to change my clothes because the smell is stuck to me! I hate that!

Emily made a lot of good points. Smokers don't generally think of anyone besides themselves; which is why they are smoking. How many times have I been driving, and had to roll up my window because someone's holding a ciggarette right outside their window? What the hell is up with that? They're not even smoking, they just have a ciggarette lit for the hell of it! It's pathetic to complain about, I know, but it is sooo annoying.

My only solace is knowing how much ciggarettes cost now. People are spending lots of money to make themselves sick! idiots. =-)

That's another thing, when smokers complain about the price of ciggarettes, or not having enough money. It's like, JUST QUIT! I mean, I have no money because of medical bills and such, they have no money because they smoke it away. And they are the one's complaining? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0"> Ha, but whatever. There's really nothing I can do except think my nasty little thoughts at them. =-) Like emily said, if i went around smaking every smoker I saw, I'd pobably have a bet of a legal problem. =-)

22 w/cf


New member
My wife and I have had several discussions about smoking rights. I am for the right to smoke, she is not. Strange, I know..I am the respiratory therapist with CF and she is on the "non-smoker" side. I agree smoking is annoying and many times I don't go to clubs because of the smoke, my choice. I just believe America affords its citizens certain rights, killing themselves with lung cancer and COPD is just some of them.

Oh yea, not to mention without smokers I would have less people to put on home O2 and that would be bad for business!

Luke 29/cf


New member
Emily, I support you all the way!!! I like to vent about smokers as much as I can. Whoever invented them is stupid...I mean, yea they make good money, but what the hell. I totally feel you on the walking around campus thing. I always cover my face cuz I start coughing ridiculously. My freshman year at college, I met a bunch of people who never touched a cigarette or anything in their life. As the years have past, a few of them moved into their own apartments. I loved that because then I could go party without having to deal with the smoke at frats. Now this year came along, and the one friend that has his own apt. has started to smoke cigars, along with his roommates. I hardly ever go out now just because I can't have fun without coughing and feeling sick...and it just sucks. I mean, drinking doesn't help, but I like to think it's better than smoking....just cuz our lungs suck more than anything. But ugh!! I just hate it cuz no one really udnerstands. And everytime I get to that point where I can't take it anymore I have to leave, and everyone's like..."why are you leaving so early?" hmm, I wonder. I don't really make it known to the world that I have CF, but you'd think the excessive coughing would prove some kind of point...

I've mentioned this before on other posts, but I got my own room this year on-campus. I sent a letter in from my dr. explaining how I have the beginning of the year was hot, and I live on the first floor, facing the "courtyard" of the dorm buliding. I'd die if I didn't have my window open, but like I swear, every 5 minutes someone would go outside and smoke a cig!! They could be 50 feet away, and it would still come in my room. One night I couldn't sleep cuz my sheets and hair smelled like the smoke that was entering my room. I eventualy typed up a really good letter about it, and I was going to give it to the housing department...but then the smoking ceased cuz of the cold weather....I think when it starts up again, I might just send in that letter, just to make a point. I think there should be a building...with a vent up top, that all smokers should have to go in. I don't think it's right that other people should have to breathe in their smoke. I heard second hand smoke is worse than actually smoking a cigarette, and I think that sucks! I don't think I should have to suffer because of people's bad habits. Omg, I think I could go on forever about this...but I have an early class...I might post again tomorrow.


New member
Smoking is a horrid disgusting habit. I can't stand smoke and it makes me mad when smokers think they deserve sympathy when they are dying from lung cancer. Sorry you won't get it from me. If you wanted crappy lungs you should have asked me and I would have traded with you. I had a friend who only smoked sometimes. Once I went out with her and we met up with her other friends who smoked the whole night. As soon as I got home I threw up about 3 times I was so ill from the smell. I told her that can't ever happen again. She felt really bad and thankfully if we did go out with her friends they never smoked when we did.

Nicole 22 CF


New member
Hi Everyone:

I just want to add that people that smoke do not respect how can we respect them? I hope that smoking will become an illegal activity someday. People that smoke are hurting themselves and all of the people that are around them. They are causing injury...there needs to be a law against that. No matter what the setting is.

I really think that progress in making smoking illegal is happening slowly. There are alot more places that people cannot smoke in. I totally agree with all the people that have said that people should not smoke right outside buildings. When they do that they are not giving the people that are going in or out of the building the choice to avoid breathing the smoke in. That should be illegal too. What is the point of not allowing smoking in a building if when you get outside you get slapped in the face with it anyways?

I have to say I TOTALLY LOVE those new commercials that are talking about how smoking is killing people and the vivid ways that they use to illistrate how harmful smoking really is. We need more of those....people need to be hounded and reminded about how their smoking is hurting people and how they are killing themselves.

I have no sympathy for people that smoke........and when they get CANCER because of their smoking I know that they have brought it on themselves.


New member
We have this really nice, new mall near our house that has beautiful water fountains for the kids to play and look at. Well, the biggest fountain is right at the entrance to the mall. So, all the lovely smokers come out of the mall to smoke at this fountain. It has a bench all the way around it so they sit on it and you can't even get to the fountain. I hate daughter always wants to look at and throw pennies in this particular fountain and I never let her. It's a shame you can't enjoy something like this without smelling that awful smell and worrying about your health. It's their dirty habit........why should we be exposed to it?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Magerly111</b></i><br>the one friend that has his own apt. has started to smoke cigars, along with his roommates. <hr></blockquote>

ugh, cigars are even worse than ciggarettes! One person smoking a cigar is worth about five people smoking ciggarettes, in my opinion. If one of my friends started smoking cigars, I'd probably cry. =-) Wouldn't be able to do much else, really, except cough.

Also, someone said something about smokers having rights; yeah, okay, they do, but it still incredibly frustrating when they are all over the place. I really wish there would be designated places for smokers in public. That way, they would be able to enjoy being outside just like everyone else, but if they want to somke, then they have to go to their little smokers area where the rest of us can easily avoid them.

And I'm not so sure somkers should have rights. I mean, they are the one's who choose to smoke, so shouldn't they be the one's who have to make sacrifices and not us? That seems to make a lot more sense to me, anyway.

22 w/cf


New member
To the person who said that smokers do not respect themselves....please. Nicotine is a drug people....they are addicts. They may have tried it when they were young or drunk and have not been able to kick it since.Overeating is just as harmful as is drinking too much alcohol...and so is being negative and bitter all of the time...all of this equals to health problems and bad energy. Most of us do harmful things to our bodies on a regular evil is no worse than another. Instead of spewing out your negativity on others try to be respectful to your fellow man .... taking into consideration that we are all just ordinary people trying to get through what ever burdens we bear. For the record I am not a smoker.


New member
I agree with you, last poster, about how smokers may still respect themselves. There are all sorts of bad habits that people who still respect themselves engage in. It happens.

However, I have one point I want to counter. Smoking is not like overeating, or drinking too much, in that those other problems don't harm everyone else. You can drink without forcing other people to drink. You can overeat without forcing other people to overeat. But unless you smoke inside a closet, you cannot smoke without forcing other people to smoke. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
They are smoking outside.....I do not think that smoking indoors should be legal but they are outdoors...hello! Other people are always putting our lives at risk...I am a nurse I see it daily. How about the drunk driver that crashes into another car....or the abusive guy that beats his wife and anyone brave enough to get involved. For god sake let the people stand outdoors in the pooring rain and get their nicotine fix so they can get back to the job they probably hate and make it through another day...We are not talking about murderers here. If you end up in the ER because you are a smoker or a girl too weak to leave her abusive boyfriend or you have CF....I will treat you with respect and take the best care of you regardless. We are human...we make stupid mistakes, but it makes us real you know...Food for thought is all.


New member
Are you sure you are only 16. You some very valid points and I like the strength you have fully voicing your opinion in a very non judgemental way


New member
"Overeating is just as harmful as is drinking too much alcohol...and so is being negative and bitter all of the time"

Emily, you always manage to say what I am thinking.

About that quote from a past post, I understand that all those things are harmful to people, but only to those that put themselves at risk. With smoking, you are putting everyone around you at risk. I mean, I'm not saying, "hey, lets ban smoking" because I understand its an addiction. It is just so frustrating to have to deal with something you don't want in your life. There are a lot of things I don't want in my life that are, and I deal with them, but being around smoke is just one thing that literally makes me feel sick. Just walking past people who are smoking makes me hack up my lungs, and it's just an annoyance. Obviously nothing is going to be done in our lifetime about it, and probably never will because its such a big money maker. I think most of us just comment on here to get out frustration, not because we're negative people, but because some people just don't understand, and I personally come on here in hopes that some people will.