So i'm getting a CAT scan soon


New member
I think I might have brain cancer. Been gettin worse and worse. If that's what it is, atleast I will not be dying from CF, like I told you guys <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Aint that a bitch though if that is what it is? The one thing I fear the most besides tornadoes, and I might have it. Apparently my doc was pretty concerned when I went to see him today. So like if I end up having brain cancer, and you want someone knocked off who deserves it, post it here and I might honor it.

/plays tiny violin for myself.


New member
I have been getting worse headaches on the back left part of my head, where my neck meets my head. The same place before where a neurologist said he found an "Arachnid cyst" in the past. I went to get a second opinion from a neurologist who looked and acted just like Ron Jeremy and wouldn't stop staring at my ladies boobs. He said he didn't see anything. A while down the road I went to a different neurologist and she said she didn't see anything either. The headaches have been getting worse, and it feels like whatever it is, it's growing/spreading in area in my head.

Of course there is a chance this could be my fubard sinuses, or somehow via cosmic radiation bombardment my brain is expanding to turn me into a super villain with a staggering I.Q., but due to me fearing brain cancer and the lovely world of irony, I wouldn't doubt if that was it. Also recently, two people my family knows have come down with terminal brain cancer. One was told she has 3 days to live.


New member
well i wish you all the best, man.

i have always wondered myself if maybe all the drugs i'm taking, over a lifetime, would cause some funky kind of cancer or heart problem.

but what am i going to do? not take my meds?

i'm sure everything will be just fine, sean. i'll keep ya in my prayers.


New member
that sucks... really but in all honesty i would put my money on sinus and all the pollen in the air... i rarely get headaches but yesterday my head started hurting on the left side behind my eye... i believe this is sinuses... however we my have brain cancer together...

here's to hoping its sinuses<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0">


New member
There will be no brain cancer here and that is an order. Actually Sean, oddly enough, I am going to the neurologist tomorrow because those odd symptoms that I have been having are not going away. Numb lips, arms, fingers and a general overall feeling of detachment from my arms.....BUt I think I just pinched a nerve to tell you the truth...

I hope they find nothing in that head of yours.. HA...

Seriously, I will be thinking about you,



New member
Hey, I'm getting a Cat scan in June. I can't wait to see my results too. Gosh Sean - lets hope its not cancer. I'd certainly miss your dry, sarcastic sense of humour.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>RoyalPrince</b></i>

that sucks... really but in all honesty i would put my money on sinus and all the pollen in the air... i rarely get headaches but yesterday my head started hurting on the left side behind my eye... i believe this is sinuses... however we my have brain cancer together...

here's to hoping its sinuses<img src=""></end quote></div>

hahah that gave me a good laugh man, thanks so much. From a vegas betting angle, what would be the chances of: #1 Two CF males (i'm assuming you are male due to the like for beer and your name) who are of drinking age and like beer. #2 correspond with each other on an internet forum. #3 have similar symtoms. #4 both die of cancer!!!

In the realm of odds, that would be fairly staggering lol.

And to the rest of you, thanks so much for your thoughts. I know there is nothing nice to say when someone says "I think I might have brain cancer", and it might more than likely be sinuses in some way (not many people know it, but your sinuses stretch and wrap around your enite head, not just your nasal/front facial area). But my luck, about the only thing worse would be for me to be killed by a tornado. Ever see the movie Twister? Remember the scene at the end with Bill Paxton and Hellen Hunt in that farm house, where they are chained to the plumming in the outhouse hiding from that class 5 tornado? And Paxton almost flies away into the center of the hovering tornado? That would be the absolute worst way to die for me in general. All of my life, I have always feared brain cancer #2, and tornadoes #1. I have had nightmares of tornadoes all my life. In my nightmares they are intelligent, all class 5's, and purposely target things, and wait outside my house. I know i'm a tard, but just expressing what I feel.

If I die of brain cancer (all speculation at this point), atleast it wasn't CF though. And I seriously feel that way. I'd rather die of something totally unrelated to CF (even bad accidental death with a chainsaw while masturbating) that to end up like we all do with CF.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>thelizardqueen</b></i>

Hey, I'm getting a Cat scan in June. I can't wait to see my results too. Gosh Sean - lets hope its not cancer. I'd certainly miss your dry, sarcastic sense of humour.</end quote></div>

Thanks. But I would continue to be an a*s till I couldn't type any longer. I would refuse to deprive my few friends the luxury of my total stupidity, or my enemies (mostly anon trolls) source for scorn. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

I hope everything goes well for you. I know you'll keep us posted, but know you've got a lot of people pulling for you here that #1. You don't get hit by a twister and #2. You don't get hit with cancer.

I have also heard that about the sinus thing, and though I don't have much sinus involvement, my DH gets terrible headaches in his neck when his allergies are acting up... they're even sore to the touch.... sinuses are in weird places.

Anyway, keep us posted..... I will be thinking positive!


New member
Well, I hope the cat scan goes well and shows nothing at all important and the headaches are caused by something very treatable.

But I can see the possible irony here. A couple of years ago from early tests they were sure my husband had pancreatic cancer. And I can remember us just looking at each other and laughing in the office when they said that - and then my husband said "Well, wouldn't that just beat all." And I said" yup, got to be careful what you ask for." and he said "right. that'll teach me not to say 'just let me live long enough with this damn bronchiectasis that something else kills me before it does'."

And the poor doc (who was not the pulmonologist who knew us well) looked at us both as though we were from mars.

Some days you just can't win for trying.

Hoping this isn't one of them for you. though.
fingers crossed.

P.S. My husband never did have pancreatic cancer - tho' his pancreas was pretty beat up (what a surprise) so numbers were wierd from that....


Staff member
I don't have cf -- my son does. Until I had my tonsils removed about 6 years ago, I would get horrible, debilitating sinus headaches -- my ENT says it shouldn't have made a difference, but I've been pretty much headache free since 2000.

Anyway, the year before I had my tonsils yanked, I had the "summer of the hangover headache". Four plus months of constant headaches, waves of dizziness, nausea -- had a CAT scan and while there was some deviation and one of my sinuses had some scarring, narrowing in spots -- it was apparently all in my head. I was told to snort salt water and use flonase -- great, something ELSE that will make me hurl. Anyway, I finally went to another ENT, who told me that I had rocks in my head. No seriously, I had calcium deposits in my eustacian tubes that were causing balance problems, vertigo, dizziness -- essentially the big pounding hangover problems. Would probably go away in a coupe of months, but went to a clinic that specialized in inner ear problems -- basically they moved my head around in different positions to knock the rocks loose. And one day, I woke up, headache, dizzy free. So, it could be something as simple as that. Good Luck! L


New member
so sorry sean... my headache seemed to vanish with the aide of a concoction of cold and sinus pills as well as pain relievers... so my having brain cancer seems to have been demished significantly... hope yours turns out for the best

BTW if your CT scan shows the sinus trouble are you going to consider the ultimate sinus fix and trust some doctor you have never met before with tools within millimeters of your brain..? or are you gonna explore other alternatives and regularly report your findings...

by the way... i'm a 26 (yes old enough to endulge in a beverage or 12) year old male who definitely gives in the temptation of the sirens once in a while (and by sirens i'm speaking of alcohol... mainly beer)



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>RoyalPrince</b></i>

so sorry sean... my headache seemed to vanish with the aide of a concoction of cold and sinus pills as well as pain relievers... so my having brain cancer seems to have been demished significantly... hope yours turns out for the best

BTW if your CT scan shows the sinus trouble are you going to consider the ultimate sinus fix and trust some doctor you have never met before with tools within millimeters of your brain..? or are you gonna explore other alternatives and regularly report your findings...

by the way... i'm a 26 (yes old enough to endulge in a beverage or 12) year old male who definitely gives in the temptation of the sirens once in a while (and by sirens i'm speaking of alcohol... mainly beer)

cheers</end quote></div>

I have avoided surgery so far, want to prolong that as long as possible. I was doing the aromatherpy thing with essential oils, but not sure if that helped so much for my problem atleast.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Why don't you think it's just stress related?</end quote></div>

I'm a very easy going guy, and I rarely get stressed. It hits me at times when there was zero stress involved, so that is cause for concern. Who knows.
Sean, I hope that all turns out okay and that your biggest fears don't come true. let us know when you find out. I wish I had more comforting words.



New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>lovingBenandCambree</b></i>

Sean, I hope that all turns out okay and that your biggest fears don't come true. let us know when you find out. I wish I had more comforting words.

Emilee</end quote></div>

NP and thanks Em. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


New member
That would be way too unfair - you just landed your new job; and what an accomplishment that was! Probably it's sinuses or something fixable....but I know, you can never relax until you know for sure. You will be in my thoughts.

Jenny mom to Chrissy 4 w/CF


New member
Wow I understand your thought of irony, but given that it could be anything I personally think you are jumping the gun to go straight to brain cancer. I knew that damn OO would kill ya! LOL! I hope they find the cause & its a minor problem & easy solution!