Social Security Application


New member
Medicaid humiliating? I'm sorry Jennifer, but what relevance does that have here? It's a benefit you PAID FOR when you were working, so you could use it when you "needed" it. Many people on this site, actually I'd say a HUGE majority are either on it, or have their family members on it. I don't personally insult very easily, but I'm pretty sure you just insulted a handful of people on here. And if you think it's "smart" to wait until you have medicare, you are very very misguided. Medicare is NOT good benefits, you pay a crapload out of pocket. So personally I'd suck it up, swallow your misplaced pride and take yourself to the gyno.

Kris, still waiting to hear back as to whether or not you actually applied for medical benefits in WI and were denied, or if you just read that you cannot have over 2K in resources and assumed that would include your 401k. If it was the first, I'd be very interested in seeing your denial letter. I'm more than certain I could get you qualified!


New member
Medicaid humiliating? I'm sorry Jennifer, but what relevance does that have here? It's a benefit you PAID FOR when you were working, so you could use it when you "needed" it. Many people on this site, actually I'd say a HUGE majority are either on it, or have their family members on it. I don't personally insult very easily, but I'm pretty sure you just insulted a handful of people on here. And if you think it's "smart" to wait until you have medicare, you are very very misguided. Medicare is NOT good benefits, you pay a crapload out of pocket. So personally I'd suck it up, swallow your misplaced pride and take yourself to the gyno.
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<br />Kris, still waiting to hear back as to whether or not you actually applied for medical benefits in WI and were denied, or if you just read that you cannot have over 2K in resources and assumed that would include your 401k. If it was the first, I'd be very interested in seeing your denial letter. I'm more than certain I could get you qualified!


New member
Julie, you can chose to be insulted if you want, I am okay with that. I was not saying you should be embarrassed by it, I am saying that I AM. THAT IS My feeling AND I am entitled to feel anyway I want about it, thank you though. Medicaid, is not something I paid into other then paying normal taxes, Medicaid is WELFARE, so you may want to look into it again.
Medicare is what you pay into. You will see, the truth when you graduate nursing school, It should not be that way but it is, doctors, unless they work in a University where they are salary get paid next to nothing from Medicaid. To me, as a professional, I know how much money they paid to go to school and how expensive their bills are, and I am EMBARRASSED that I am asking for care and for them to get paid such a small amount. I understand MEDICARE which is something that people pay into, is not that good of an insurance but it is NOT WELFARE. Just to be clear because I know you help people out. Medicare is not welfare, medicare if for people who have been disabled for 24 months or so and they get government run insurance Medicaid is welfare, it is based solely on your income and disease that you have. If I made literally one more dollar then I am making I would not qualify for it, it has nothing to do with what I PAID FOR the other is supposed to be for when you retire and or become disabled. I am not in anyway saying people should not be on medicaid, I am on it. I am saying me, a human being entitled to my own opinions is embarrassed that, after working as hard as I have my whole life, have to wait on long lines to get a primary care doctor, and jump through hoops. I also think it is an insult to the doctor the amount of money medicaid pays them.  You can feel differently, I still go to the doctor, I am still seen for most important things, but I do not like the connotation that comes with Medicaid, and if you think it is not there, just wait.  I have worked in the medical field for a long time, I have seen doctors in emergency room where I worked base what care they are going to give based on insurance, UNFAIR heck yes, but it happens. You ask what relevance me sharing how I feel about Medicaid on here?? Really, are you the relevant police??? The relevance it has here for one I was not talking to you, I was talking to the OP who, like me is a nurse and we were sharing experiences. You are welcome to share your experience but not to tell me how I should or should not feel. Now back to the OP


New member
Julie, you can chose to be insulted if you want, I am okay with that. I was not saying you should be embarrassed by it, I am saying that I AM. THAT IS My feeling AND I am entitled to feel anyway I want about it, thank you though. Medicaid, is not something I paid into other then paying normal taxes, Medicaid is WELFARE, so you may want to look into it again.
Medicare is what you pay into. You will see, the truth when you graduate nursing school, It should not be that way but it is, doctors, unless they work in a University where they are salary get paid next to nothing from Medicaid. To me, as a professional, I know how much money they paid to go to school and how expensive their bills are, and I am EMBARRASSED that I am asking for care and for them to get paid such a small amount. I understand MEDICARE which is something that people pay into, is not that good of an insurance but it is NOT WELFARE. Just to be clear because I know you help people out. Medicare is not welfare, medicare if for people who have been disabled for 24 months or so and they get government run insurance Medicaid is welfare, it is based solely on your income and disease that you have. If I made literally one more dollar then I am making I would not qualify for it, it has nothing to do with what I PAID FOR the other is supposed to be for when you retire and or become disabled. I am not in anyway saying people should not be on medicaid, I am on it. I am saying me, a human being entitled to my own opinions is embarrassed that, after working as hard as I have my whole life, have to wait on long lines to get a primary care doctor, and jump through hoops. I also think it is an insult to the doctor the amount of money medicaid pays them. You can feel differently, I still go to the doctor, I am still seen for most important things, but I do not like the connotation that comes with Medicaid, and if you think it is not there, just wait. I have worked in the medical field for a long time, I have seen doctors in emergency room where I worked base what care they are going to give based on insurance, UNFAIR heck yes, but it happens. You ask what relevance me sharing how I feel about Medicaid on here?? Really, are you the relevant police??? The relevance it has here for one I was not talking to you, I was talking to the OP who, like me is a nurse and we were sharing experiences. You are welcome to share your experience but not to tell me how I should or should not feel. Now back to the OP


New member
<p>Julie, you can chose to be insulted if you want, I am okay with that. I was not saying you should be embarrassed by it, I am saying that I AM. THAT IS My feeling AND I am entitled to feel anyway I want about it, thank you though. <br /> <br />Medicaid, is not something I paid into other then paying normal taxes, Medicaid is WELFARE, so you may want to look into it again.
<p>Medicare is what you pay into. You will see, the truth when you graduate nursing school, It should not be that way but it is, doctors, unless they work in a University where they are salary get paid next to nothing from Medicaid. To me, as a professional, I know how much money they paid to go to school and how expensive their bills are, and I am EMBARRASSED that I am asking for care and for them to get paid such a small amount. I understand MEDICARE which is something that people pay into, is not that good of an insurance but it is NOT WELFARE. <br /> <br />Just to be clear because I know you help people out. <br /> <br />Medicare is not welfare, medicare if for people who have been disabled for 24 months or so and they get government run insurance <br /> <br />Medicaid is welfare, it is based solely on your income and disease that you have. If I made literally one more dollar then I am making I would not qualify for it, it has nothing to do with what I PAID FOR the other is supposed to be for when you retire and or become disabled. <br /> <br />I am not in anyway saying people should not be on medicaid, I am on it. I am saying me, a human being entitled to my own opinions is embarrassed that, after working as hard as I have my whole life, have to wait on long lines to get a primary care doctor, and jump through hoops. I also think it is an insult to the doctor the amount of money medicaid pays them. You can feel differently, I still go to the doctor, I am still seen for most important things, but I do not like the connotation that comes with Medicaid, and if you think it is not there, just wait. I have worked in the medical field for a long time, I have seen doctors in emergency room where I worked base what care they are going to give based on insurance, UNFAIR heck yes, but it happens. <br /> <br /> <br />You ask what relevance me sharing how I feel about Medicaid on here?? Really, are you the relevant police??? The relevance it has here for one I was not talking to you, I was talking to the OP who, like me is a nurse and we were sharing experiences. You are welcome to share your experience but not to tell me how I should or should not feel. <br /> <br />Now back to the OP <br />


New member
Mine took 2 months, Once I applied.. I alerted my Doc when I did so He could have Med Records ready. From the day He sent in the Records to the DSS I think they call it. I received first check 3 weeks after that.


New member
Mine took 2 months, Once I applied.. I alerted my Doc when I did so He could have Med Records ready. From the day He sent in the Records to the DSS I think they call it. I received first check 3 weeks after that.


New member
<p>Mine took 2 months, Once I applied.. <br /> <br /> I alerted my Doc when I did so He could have Med Records ready. <br /> From the day He sent in the Records to the DSS I think they call it. <br /> I received first check 3 weeks after that.


New member
Julie, I applied for SSI and was denied based on the amounts in my mulitple retirement accounts. As far as Medicaid insurance, I was told my social security that I would not qualify. I don't think I actually applied for it or not. I am getting so confused with all the paperwork that I have been filling out lately! I am currently covered under my husband's insurance, but now his pay checks are reduced to pay for benefits and we have to start over with out of pockets for the year!

Thank you Brad for sharing. Wish mine was that quick!!

This is getting so ridiculous!


New member
Julie, I applied for SSI and was denied based on the amounts in my mulitple retirement accounts. As far as Medicaid insurance, I was told my social security that I would not qualify. I don't think I actually applied for it or not. I am getting so confused with all the paperwork that I have been filling out lately! I am currently covered under my husband's insurance, but now his pay checks are reduced to pay for benefits and we have to start over with out of pockets for the year!

Thank you Brad for sharing. Wish mine was that quick!!

This is getting so ridiculous!


New member
Julie, I applied for SSI and was denied based on the amounts in my mulitple retirement accounts. As far as Medicaid insurance, I was told my social security that I would not qualify. I don't think I actually applied for it or not. I am getting so confused with all the paperwork that I have been filling out lately! I am currently covered under my husband's insurance, but now his pay checks are reduced to pay for benefits and we have to start over with out of pockets for the year!
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<br />Thank you Brad for sharing. Wish mine was that quick!!
<br />
<br />This is getting so ridiculous!


New member
Julie, I applied for SSI and was denied based on the amounts in my mulitple retirement accounts. As far as Medicaid insurance, I was told my social security that I would not qualify. I don't think I actually applied for it or not. I am getting so confused with all the paperwork that I have been filling out lately! I am currently covered under my husband's insurance, but now his pay checks are reduced to pay for benefits and we have to start over with out of pockets for the year!

Thank you Brad for sharing. Wish mine was that quick!!

This is getting so ridiculous!


New member
Julie, I applied for SSI and was denied based on the amounts in my mulitple retirement accounts. As far as Medicaid insurance, I was told my social security that I would not qualify. I don't think I actually applied for it or not. I am getting so confused with all the paperwork that I have been filling out lately! I am currently covered under my husband's insurance, but now his pay checks are reduced to pay for benefits and we have to start over with out of pockets for the year!

Thank you Brad for sharing. Wish mine was that quick!!

This is getting so ridiculous!


New member
Julie, I applied for SSI and was denied based on the amounts in my mulitple retirement accounts. As far as Medicaid insurance, I was told my social security that I would not qualify. I don't think I actually applied for it or not. I am getting so confused with all the paperwork that I have been filling out lately! I am currently covered under my husband's insurance, but now his pay checks are reduced to pay for benefits and we have to start over with out of pockets for the year!
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<br />Thank you Brad for sharing. Wish mine was that quick!!
<br />
<br />This is getting so ridiculous!


New member
Jennifer, WHERE do you think WELFARE benefits are funded from???  YOUR TAXES!!!!!!  Therefore, you are using benefits you paid for.  You are right, you also paid for medicare benefits, but their coverage is pretty darn crappy- as you seem to know.  So I just don't understand how if money is so tight for you, you would let your pride get the best of you and refuse to use your medicaid. Doesn't make much sense. 
That being said, I just don't get the relevancy on this particular post about how HUMILIATING it is to use medicaid, especially when Kris is stating she was trying to get on it. How in the world is that of ANY assistance to her?????  I already stated I was not insulted, I don't insult easily.  but I can see where others can be.
And please don't patronize me by saying "you will see when you are a nurse..." I've been working in the medical field since I was 15, I've seen it all.  I've been working on getting people benefits since 2005, I've seen it all.  So please, don't lecture me on that accord.
I never said you aren't entitled to your feelings, NOWHERE did I say that.  But that's not the info the OP was asking for.  If you'd like to disagree with me (and I know you will), go back and read her initial post.


New member
Jennifer, WHERE do you think WELFAREbenefits are funded from??? YOUR TAXES!!!!!! Therefore, you are using benefits you paid for. You are right, you also paid for medicare benefits, but theircoverage is pretty darn crappy- as you seem to know. So I just don't understandhow if money is so tight for you, you would let your pride get the best ofyou and refuse to use your medicaid.Doesn't make much sense.
That being said,I just don't get the relevancy on this particular post about how HUMILIATING it is to use medicaid, especially when Kris is stating she was trying to get on it. How in the world is that of ANY assistance to her????? I already stated Iwas not insulted, I don't insult easily. but I can see where others can be.
And please don't patronize me by saying "you will see when you are a nurse..." I've been working in the medical field since I was 15, I've seen it all. I've been working on getting people benefits since 2005, I've seen it all. So please, don't lecture me on that accord.
I never said you aren't entitled to your feelings, NOWHERE did I say that. But that's not the info the OP was asking for. If you'd like to disagree with me (and I know you will), go back and read her initial post.


New member
<p>Jennifer, WHERE do you think WELFAREbenefits are funded from??? YOUR TAXES!!!!!! Therefore, you are using benefits you paid for. You are right, you also paid for medicare benefits, but theircoverage is pretty darn crappy- as you seem to know. So I just don't understandhow if money is so tight for you, you would let your pride get the best ofyou and refuse to use your medicaid.Doesn't make much sense.
<p>That being said,I just don't get the relevancy on this particular post about how HUMILIATING it is to use medicaid, especially when Kris is stating she was trying to get on it. How in the world is that of ANY assistance to her????? I already stated Iwas not insulted, I don't insult easily. but I can see where others can be.
<p>And please don't patronize me by saying "you will see when you are a nurse..." I've been working in the medical field since I was 15, I've seen it all. I've been working on getting people benefits since 2005, I've seen it all. So please, don't lecture me on that accord.
<p>I never said you aren't entitled to your feelings, NOWHERE did I say that. But that's not the info the OP was asking for. If you'd like to disagree with me (and I know you will), go back and read her initial post.


New member
Kris, something I learned a LONG time ago... take ANYTHING SSA says to you with a grain of salt, seriously!!! I haven't had a chance yet to research WI benefits but EVERY state is different medicaid is NOT a benefit on a federal level so I can't understand why they would tell you that. Many states have several different categories of medicaid benefits, some are income limiting and some are not. I'll look into WI's this week and get back to you!


New member
Kris, something I learned a LONG time ago... take ANYTHING SSA says to you with a grain of salt, seriously!!! I haven't had a chance yet to research WI benefits but EVERY state is different medicaid is NOT a benefit on a federal level so I can't understand why they would tell you that. Many states have several different categories of medicaid benefits, some are income limiting and some are not. I'll look into WI's this week and get back to you!


New member
Kris, something I learned a LONG time ago... take ANYTHING SSA says to you with a grain of salt, seriously!!! I haven't had a chance yet to research WI benefits but EVERY state is different medicaid is NOT a benefit on a federal level so I can't understand why they would tell you that. Many states have several different categories of medicaid benefits, some are income limiting and some are not. I'll look into WI's this week and get back to you!
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