Okay.....this happened a few months ago. I went to a wedding of a cousin. At the end, while we were saying goodbye to everyone, her dad said something like, "I'm glad you are still so healthy." For some reason this really set me off and I ended up crying myself to sleep that night (YES I had had several glasses of wine.....definitely contributed to this! In retrospect I completely OVERREACTED!)
I think I have an overly sensitive reaction to anytime anyone makes any mention of my health condition. In my family, we don't really discuss my CF that often, it's just something my family and extended family know about. I think what happens is, everytime someone makes a comment about it, I get defensive. Like, in my mind, people were expecting me to be dead by now.
Does this make any sense to anyone? I mean, of course I am glad he is glad I'm still so healthy...but the fact that my CF is in the back of people's minds and it takes several drinks for people to mention it....I seem to automatically feel incredibly ashamed and embarrassed and horrified that the idea that I wouldn't be healthy is something that members of my family were expecting. I'm more than just someone with a disease....why do I get so emotional about it when someone is just trying to be nice? (VEST)
I think I have an overly sensitive reaction to anytime anyone makes any mention of my health condition. In my family, we don't really discuss my CF that often, it's just something my family and extended family know about. I think what happens is, everytime someone makes a comment about it, I get defensive. Like, in my mind, people were expecting me to be dead by now.
Does this make any sense to anyone? I mean, of course I am glad he is glad I'm still so healthy...but the fact that my CF is in the back of people's minds and it takes several drinks for people to mention it....I seem to automatically feel incredibly ashamed and embarrassed and horrified that the idea that I wouldn't be healthy is something that members of my family were expecting. I'm more than just someone with a disease....why do I get so emotional about it when someone is just trying to be nice? (VEST)