Mamma Jeanne -
She IS amazing. I can attest to that! I want to let you all in on a little "secret". My mother, Jeanne, is brilliant - she is a mathematician. (Unfortunately, I didn't inherit those genes). She studies this site - all the time - she has no time, but she has all the time in the world to study THIS site. It is intriguing, which is why I became so interested in it. Jeanne literally studies the forums and blogs. She knows all of YOU. Every single person on this site - for 10 years.
Jeanne studies this site, and interprets it. She then figures out what you need. We have meetings, and discuss which "sponsors" we should seek out, for what and how we are going to do it. We are going after the sponsors. You guys would not belive all that goes on behind the scenes. There are only a few of us - but we are growing. Did you know that Jeanne and Peter own - which is a health library of 50 other health sites???!!, however, is her baby. It's truly remarkable. This site is watched over 24/7.
Personally, I am excited to generate "buzz" and get the pharmas talking here at The relevant sponsors should be participating here. I was in sales for 8 years, I worked on Wall Street for Bank of America (Nationsbank at the start) and I sold Fixed Income Securities to Institutional Accounts. That was hard. Selling the concepts of participating interactively at is harder. We are working endlessly to see it through.
Jeanne and I attended the DTC (Direct to Consumer) Conference here in NJ 2 weeks ago. You know what we learned? Pharmas don't know how to use the Internet for emarketing, they still don't "get it". We've been waiting for them to get here for nearly 10 years. They are just beginning to understand how powerful the Internet actually is. We are hoping to bring information about the Air-CF Trials here REAL soon! Jeanne also attended the CF Conference in Denver last week and is working tirelessly with us to bring more sponsors, more education and more interaction to this site. Jeanne is so passionate about you all and I know that together with we are going to bring some serious "hope" to the entire CF community. Our plans are big - so hang on to us - you're going to new places. Stay tuned...