Source CF pediatric vitamin drops


Staff member
We didn't have issues with the vitamin drops (adeks), but we did with zantac. What we did at first was put a small amount in a nipple of a bottle along with some orange juice and he'd suck it right down. Another thing we did was we gave him medicines he didn't like while he was sleeping via an oral syringe. Would squirt it into the pouch of his cheek and he'd swallow it down.


Staff member
We didn't have issues with the vitamin drops (adeks), but we did with zantac. What we did at first was put a small amount in a nipple of a bottle along with some orange juice and he'd suck it right down. Another thing we did was we gave him medicines he didn't like while he was sleeping via an oral syringe. Would squirt it into the pouch of his cheek and he'd swallow it down.


Staff member
We didn't have issues with the vitamin drops (adeks), but we did with zantac. What we did at first was put a small amount in a nipple of a bottle along with some orange juice and he'd suck it right down. Another thing we did was we gave him medicines he didn't like while he was sleeping via an oral syringe. Would squirt it into the pouch of his cheek and he'd swallow it down.


Staff member
We didn't have issues with the vitamin drops (adeks), but we did with zantac. What we did at first was put a small amount in a nipple of a bottle along with some orange juice and he'd suck it right down. Another thing we did was we gave him medicines he didn't like while he was sleeping via an oral syringe. Would squirt it into the pouch of his cheek and he'd swallow it down.


Staff member
We didn't have issues with the vitamin drops (adeks), but we did with zantac. What we did at first was put a small amount in a nipple of a bottle along with some orange juice and he'd suck it right down. Another thing we did was we gave him medicines he didn't like while he was sleeping via an oral syringe. Would squirt it into the pouch of his cheek and he'd swallow it down.


New member
We had this problem, too. Uuuuggggh...Orange stains everywhere. And the stuff could not possibly smell worse. We had no luck with the syringe or the dropper, but for some reason, Emily would suck the vitamin out of a baby bottle nipple. We put just a few drops at a time in the nipple and she sucked it down. Maybe she could control the pace of it better that way or something. Hmmm. Control issues even then. That should have been a red flag!

Good luck. Do ask your CF clinic for suggestions. They have probably seen and heard of every possible way to give the darn things.


New member
We had this problem, too. Uuuuggggh...Orange stains everywhere. And the stuff could not possibly smell worse. We had no luck with the syringe or the dropper, but for some reason, Emily would suck the vitamin out of a baby bottle nipple. We put just a few drops at a time in the nipple and she sucked it down. Maybe she could control the pace of it better that way or something. Hmmm. Control issues even then. That should have been a red flag!

Good luck. Do ask your CF clinic for suggestions. They have probably seen and heard of every possible way to give the darn things.


New member
We had this problem, too. Uuuuggggh...Orange stains everywhere. And the stuff could not possibly smell worse. We had no luck with the syringe or the dropper, but for some reason, Emily would suck the vitamin out of a baby bottle nipple. We put just a few drops at a time in the nipple and she sucked it down. Maybe she could control the pace of it better that way or something. Hmmm. Control issues even then. That should have been a red flag!

Good luck. Do ask your CF clinic for suggestions. They have probably seen and heard of every possible way to give the darn things.


New member
We had this problem, too. Uuuuggggh...Orange stains everywhere. And the stuff could not possibly smell worse. We had no luck with the syringe or the dropper, but for some reason, Emily would suck the vitamin out of a baby bottle nipple. We put just a few drops at a time in the nipple and she sucked it down. Maybe she could control the pace of it better that way or something. Hmmm. Control issues even then. That should have been a red flag!

Good luck. Do ask your CF clinic for suggestions. They have probably seen and heard of every possible way to give the darn things.


New member
We had this problem, too. Uuuuggggh...Orange stains everywhere. And the stuff could not possibly smell worse. We had no luck with the syringe or the dropper, but for some reason, Emily would suck the vitamin out of a baby bottle nipple. We put just a few drops at a time in the nipple and she sucked it down. Maybe she could control the pace of it better that way or something. Hmmm. Control issues even then. That should have been a red flag!
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<br />Good luck. Do ask your CF clinic for suggestions. They have probably seen and heard of every possible way to give the darn things.


New member
I used to give Tristan his vitamins just before his bottle feed. I would unscrewed the nipple & ring from his bottle and squirted the vitamins (A, D, E & Multi with Iron) directly into the nipple and have him swallow it down before he drinks the rest of his feed, that way the vitamins that was stuck inside the nipple got diluted into his bottle feed. Tristan also did not mind the Vitamins being mixed into his bottle feed.

I also started Tristan on rice cereal mixed with yogurt at two months, normally you should only start infants on rice cereal at 4 months, but he tollerated it well and it made it easier for him to swallow his enzymes (Creon) and vitamins. The first 10 feeds was greatly diluted, to get him used to the taste and then I gradually made the rice cereal thicker.

<b>Good Luck</b>! I remember the anxiety of those first feeds. . . It gets easier and before you know it he will be a year old and swallow his vitamins & enzymes without fuss!

Hang In There!


New member
I used to give Tristan his vitamins just before his bottle feed. I would unscrewed the nipple & ring from his bottle and squirted the vitamins (A, D, E & Multi with Iron) directly into the nipple and have him swallow it down before he drinks the rest of his feed, that way the vitamins that was stuck inside the nipple got diluted into his bottle feed. Tristan also did not mind the Vitamins being mixed into his bottle feed.

I also started Tristan on rice cereal mixed with yogurt at two months, normally you should only start infants on rice cereal at 4 months, but he tollerated it well and it made it easier for him to swallow his enzymes (Creon) and vitamins. The first 10 feeds was greatly diluted, to get him used to the taste and then I gradually made the rice cereal thicker.

<b>Good Luck</b>! I remember the anxiety of those first feeds. . . It gets easier and before you know it he will be a year old and swallow his vitamins & enzymes without fuss!

Hang In There!


New member
I used to give Tristan his vitamins just before his bottle feed. I would unscrewed the nipple & ring from his bottle and squirted the vitamins (A, D, E & Multi with Iron) directly into the nipple and have him swallow it down before he drinks the rest of his feed, that way the vitamins that was stuck inside the nipple got diluted into his bottle feed. Tristan also did not mind the Vitamins being mixed into his bottle feed.

I also started Tristan on rice cereal mixed with yogurt at two months, normally you should only start infants on rice cereal at 4 months, but he tollerated it well and it made it easier for him to swallow his enzymes (Creon) and vitamins. The first 10 feeds was greatly diluted, to get him used to the taste and then I gradually made the rice cereal thicker.

<b>Good Luck</b>! I remember the anxiety of those first feeds. . . It gets easier and before you know it he will be a year old and swallow his vitamins & enzymes without fuss!

Hang In There!


New member
I used to give Tristan his vitamins just before his bottle feed. I would unscrewed the nipple & ring from his bottle and squirted the vitamins (A, D, E & Multi with Iron) directly into the nipple and have him swallow it down before he drinks the rest of his feed, that way the vitamins that was stuck inside the nipple got diluted into his bottle feed. Tristan also did not mind the Vitamins being mixed into his bottle feed.

I also started Tristan on rice cereal mixed with yogurt at two months, normally you should only start infants on rice cereal at 4 months, but he tollerated it well and it made it easier for him to swallow his enzymes (Creon) and vitamins. The first 10 feeds was greatly diluted, to get him used to the taste and then I gradually made the rice cereal thicker.

<b>Good Luck</b>! I remember the anxiety of those first feeds. . . It gets easier and before you know it he will be a year old and swallow his vitamins & enzymes without fuss!

Hang In There!


New member
I used to give Tristan his vitamins just before his bottle feed. I would unscrewed the nipple & ring from his bottle and squirted the vitamins (A, D, E & Multi with Iron) directly into the nipple and have him swallow it down before he drinks the rest of his feed, that way the vitamins that was stuck inside the nipple got diluted into his bottle feed. Tristan also did not mind the Vitamins being mixed into his bottle feed.
<br />
<br />I also started Tristan on rice cereal mixed with yogurt at two months, normally you should only start infants on rice cereal at 4 months, but he tollerated it well and it made it easier for him to swallow his enzymes (Creon) and vitamins. The first 10 feeds was greatly diluted, to get him used to the taste and then I gradually made the rice cereal thicker.
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<br /><b>Good Luck</b>! I remember the anxiety of those first feeds. . . It gets easier and before you know it he will be a year old and swallow his vitamins & enzymes without fuss!
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<br />Hang In There!
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New member
My daughter is 7 weeks old. Genetically diagnosed a few days after birth. My husband and I found out we were carriers due the bloodwork my doctor did on me when I was pregnant. Delta F08 and R117H with 7T.

I havent started the drops yet due to various GI issues unrelated to CF. I will be starting this week, but I wish there was something else without the lovely color. Im nervous about it staining everything. Any suggestions?


New member
My daughter is 7 weeks old. Genetically diagnosed a few days after birth. My husband and I found out we were carriers due the bloodwork my doctor did on me when I was pregnant. Delta F08 and R117H with 7T.

I havent started the drops yet due to various GI issues unrelated to CF. I will be starting this week, but I wish there was something else without the lovely color. Im nervous about it staining everything. Any suggestions?


New member
My daughter is 7 weeks old. Genetically diagnosed a few days after birth. My husband and I found out we were carriers due the bloodwork my doctor did on me when I was pregnant. Delta F08 and R117H with 7T.

I havent started the drops yet due to various GI issues unrelated to CF. I will be starting this week, but I wish there was something else without the lovely color. Im nervous about it staining everything. Any suggestions?


New member
My daughter is 7 weeks old. Genetically diagnosed a few days after birth. My husband and I found out we were carriers due the bloodwork my doctor did on me when I was pregnant. Delta F08 and R117H with 7T.

I havent started the drops yet due to various GI issues unrelated to CF. I will be starting this week, but I wish there was something else without the lovely color. Im nervous about it staining everything. Any suggestions?


New member
My daughter is 7 weeks old. Genetically diagnosed a few days after birth. My husband and I found out we were carriers due the bloodwork my doctor did on me when I was pregnant. Delta F08 and R117H with 7T.
<br />
<br />I havent started the drops yet due to various GI issues unrelated to CF. I will be starting this week, but I wish there was something else without the lovely color. Im nervous about it staining everything. Any suggestions?