I used to give Tristan his vitamins just before his bottle feed. I would unscrewed the nipple & ring from his bottle and squirted the vitamins (A, D, E & Multi with Iron) directly into the nipple and have him swallow it down before he drinks the rest of his feed, that way the vitamins that was stuck inside the nipple got diluted into his bottle feed. Tristan also did not mind the Vitamins being mixed into his bottle feed.
I also started Tristan on rice cereal mixed with yogurt at two months, normally you should only start infants on rice cereal at 4 months, but he tollerated it well and it made it easier for him to swallow his enzymes (Creon) and vitamins. The first 10 feeds was greatly diluted, to get him used to the taste and then I gradually made the rice cereal thicker.
<b>Good Luck</b>! I remember the anxiety of those first feeds. . . It gets easier and before you know it he will be a year old and swallow his vitamins & enzymes without fuss!
Hang In There!