Spin: At what age did you quit needing applesauce to swallow enzymes?


New member
Just a spin on crickit715's post. I just wondered what age most CFers quit needed applesauce to swallow their enzymes? For my kids it was 18 months for my son and 1 year for my daughter.


New member
Just a spin on crickit715's post. I just wondered what age most CFers quit needed applesauce to swallow their enzymes? For my kids it was 18 months for my son and 1 year for my daughter.


New member
Just a spin on crickit715's post. I just wondered what age most CFers quit needed applesauce to swallow their enzymes? For my kids it was 18 months for my son and 1 year for my daughter.


New member
Just a spin on crickit715's post. I just wondered what age most CFers quit needed applesauce to swallow their enzymes? For my kids it was 18 months for my son and 1 year for my daughter.


New member
Just a spin on crickit715's post. I just wondered what age most CFers quit needed applesauce to swallow their enzymes? For my kids it was 18 months for my son and 1 year for my daughter.


New member
Our dd started swallowing them without applesauce just after she turned 2. We even transitioned over all her other medicines to pill form once she would swallow the enzymes without applesauce. She even takes Cipro, tylenol and motrin like a champ!


New member
Our dd started swallowing them without applesauce just after she turned 2. We even transitioned over all her other medicines to pill form once she would swallow the enzymes without applesauce. She even takes Cipro, tylenol and motrin like a champ!


New member
Our dd started swallowing them without applesauce just after she turned 2. We even transitioned over all her other medicines to pill form once she would swallow the enzymes without applesauce. She even takes Cipro, tylenol and motrin like a champ!


New member
Our dd started swallowing them without applesauce just after she turned 2. We even transitioned over all her other medicines to pill form once she would swallow the enzymes without applesauce. She even takes Cipro, tylenol and motrin like a champ!


New member
Our dd started swallowing them without applesauce just after she turned 2. We even transitioned over all her other medicines to pill form once she would swallow the enzymes without applesauce. She even takes Cipro, tylenol and motrin like a champ!


Staff member
Probably around age 3. And then when he started giving us fits about septra and cipro, we asked to switch as many liquids to capsules/tablets as possible. Just got rid of the last suspension this past winter when DS big enough for capsule dosage for ursodiol.


Staff member
Probably around age 3. And then when he started giving us fits about septra and cipro, we asked to switch as many liquids to capsules/tablets as possible. Just got rid of the last suspension this past winter when DS big enough for capsule dosage for ursodiol.


Staff member
Probably around age 3. And then when he started giving us fits about septra and cipro, we asked to switch as many liquids to capsules/tablets as possible. Just got rid of the last suspension this past winter when DS big enough for capsule dosage for ursodiol.


Staff member
Probably around age 3. And then when he started giving us fits about septra and cipro, we asked to switch as many liquids to capsules/tablets as possible. Just got rid of the last suspension this past winter when DS big enough for capsule dosage for ursodiol.


Staff member
Probably around age 3. And then when he started giving us fits about septra and cipro, we asked to switch as many liquids to capsules/tablets as possible. Just got rid of the last suspension this past winter when DS big enough for capsule dosage for ursodiol.