Spin: At what age did you quit needing applesauce to swallow enzymes?


New member
Somewhere between 2-3 here also. Now Piper will not take liquids unless there's no other choice. The hospital is great for dissolving her prilosec in sterile water..ugh! I wouldn't want to take that either..so now we make it a point to have it noted that all her meds should be in pill form.


New member
Somewhere between 2-3 here also. Now Piper will not take liquids unless there's no other choice. The hospital is great for dissolving her prilosec in sterile water..ugh! I wouldn't want to take that either..so now we make it a point to have it noted that all her meds should be in pill form.


New member
Somewhere between 2-3 here also. Now Piper will not take liquids unless there's no other choice. The hospital is great for dissolving her prilosec in sterile water..ugh! I wouldn't want to take that either..so now we make it a point to have it noted that all her meds should be in pill form.


New member
Somewhere between 2-3 here also. Now Piper will not take liquids unless there's no other choice. The hospital is great for dissolving her prilosec in sterile water..ugh! I wouldn't want to take that either..so now we make it a point to have it noted that all her meds should be in pill form.


New member
Somewhere between 2-3 here also. Now Piper will not take liquids unless there's no other choice. The hospital is great for dissolving her prilosec in sterile water..ugh! I wouldn't want to take that either..so now we make it a point to have it noted that all her meds should be in pill form.


I think it was right after her third birthday that she could swallow the pill whole. But we started opening the capsule and pouring it in her mouth after 1 year of age, because she wouldn't take the applesauce.


I think it was right after her third birthday that she could swallow the pill whole. But we started opening the capsule and pouring it in her mouth after 1 year of age, because she wouldn't take the applesauce.


I think it was right after her third birthday that she could swallow the pill whole. But we started opening the capsule and pouring it in her mouth after 1 year of age, because she wouldn't take the applesauce.


I think it was right after her third birthday that she could swallow the pill whole. But we started opening the capsule and pouring it in her mouth after 1 year of age, because she wouldn't take the applesauce.


I think it was right after her third birthday that she could swallow the pill whole. But we started opening the capsule and pouring it in her mouth after 1 year of age, because she wouldn't take the applesauce.


I was diagnosed at age 4 and learned to swallow pills within a few months, my parents were a little impatient about the whole 'apple sauce' thing. haha.

** although, I went through a period of time where I developed a 'fear' of swallowing pills and I would hide them/throw them away. It was sometime around 7 or 8 years old. Quickly got over that one, thank goodness!


I was diagnosed at age 4 and learned to swallow pills within a few months, my parents were a little impatient about the whole 'apple sauce' thing. haha.

** although, I went through a period of time where I developed a 'fear' of swallowing pills and I would hide them/throw them away. It was sometime around 7 or 8 years old. Quickly got over that one, thank goodness!


I was diagnosed at age 4 and learned to swallow pills within a few months, my parents were a little impatient about the whole 'apple sauce' thing. haha.

** although, I went through a period of time where I developed a 'fear' of swallowing pills and I would hide them/throw them away. It was sometime around 7 or 8 years old. Quickly got over that one, thank goodness!


I was diagnosed at age 4 and learned to swallow pills within a few months, my parents were a little impatient about the whole 'apple sauce' thing. haha.

** although, I went through a period of time where I developed a 'fear' of swallowing pills and I would hide them/throw them away. It was sometime around 7 or 8 years old. Quickly got over that one, thank goodness!


I was diagnosed at age 4 and learned to swallow pills within a few months, my parents were a little impatient about the whole 'apple sauce' thing. haha.
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<br />** although, I went through a period of time where I developed a 'fear' of swallowing pills and I would hide them/throw them away. It was sometime around 7 or 8 years old. Quickly got over that one, thank goodness!


New member
Caleb was 9 months, he wanted so much to be like big brother. Ethan was 3 or 4, not sure.
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<br />blessings,
<br />miss


New member
i wasnt sure if you were asking what age or when are they allowed ....so i will answer the other....(and you are probobly asking what age!!! LOL) youonly"need" the applesauce if you have to dump the capsulated beads out...if the capsule remains intact and they can swallow it you dont need the applesauce at all. the applesauce helps to keep the enzymes from "working to fast" by making the stomach a more acidic environment (enzymes work better in an alkaline environment)....this is what the "capsule" part of the pill does, by the time the capsule dissolves, and the beads come out, the child is already eating...so, in short, if you have the intact capsule, you dont need applesauce.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> hope that made sense! ricki (too much info cant hurt anyone i guess) haha


New member
i wasnt sure if you were asking what age or when are they allowed ....so i will answer the other....(and you are probobly asking what age!!! LOL) youonly"need" the applesauce if you have to dump the capsulated beads out...if the capsule remains intact and they can swallow it you dont need the applesauce at all. the applesauce helps to keep the enzymes from "working to fast" by making the stomach a more acidic environment (enzymes work better in an alkaline environment)....this is what the "capsule" part of the pill does, by the time the capsule dissolves, and the beads come out, the child is already eating...so, in short, if you have the intact capsule, you dont need applesauce.. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> hope that made sense! ricki (too much info cant hurt anyone i guess) haha