Standing Out



i have cf and i know how this is it took me forever to accpet it i kept denying that i had it saying oh its no big deal i would never tell any one but i am now twenty one and it was only last year that i finaly accepted that i had it and now most people around me now im not shy to say but i will say when you must deal with cf you beome a much stronger person then anybody else and like the post before me i do not like pity either but im a pretty happy person and general and i aprreciate everythign that i have considering theres alot of thing i canot and may never do i accept what i can even when i caugh for 3 to 4 hours in the morning to the point in exhasuted i still go to work with a smile and try to make the most out of my day because it could always get worst and i know highschool is not an easy thing but alot of those people you will prob never see or talk to again so think of that too


New member
Hey guys,

My name's Moosa Mateen. I'm 16 years old.
I'm one of two teens trying to help people with cystic fibrosis. I'm actually in a competition right now and I need all the support i can get. If you could please consider us and drop us a comment and vote for, your help will be very much appreciated.

Stay strong.


New member
Hey guys,

My name's Moosa Mateen. I'm 16 years old.
I'm one of two teens trying to help people with cystic fibrosis. I'm actually in a competition right now and I need all the support i can get. If you could please consider us and drop us a comment and vote for, your help will be very much appreciated.

Stay strong.


New member
Hey guys,
<br />
<br />My name's Moosa Mateen. I'm 16 years old.
<br />I'm one of two teens trying to help people with cystic fibrosis. I'm actually in a competition right now and I need all the support i can get. If you could please consider us and drop us a comment and vote for, your help will be very much appreciated.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Stay strong.


New member
Sometimes the best way to 'fit in' is just stand out even more. Put yourself out there. Have a day at your school where everyone learns of CF. Make it known, so that way people know why you are the way you are, and they can accept it, or deny it.
Best of luck! And don't give up!


New member
Sometimes the best way to 'fit in' is just stand out even more. Put yourself out there. Have a day at your school where everyone learns of CF. Make it known, so that way people know why you are the way you are, and they can accept it, or deny it.
Best of luck! And don't give up!


New member
Sometimes the best way to 'fit in' is just stand out even more. Put yourself out there. Have a day at your school where everyone learns of CF. Make it known, so that way people know why you are the way you are, and they can accept it, or deny it.
<br />Best of luck! And don't give up!


New member
Girls, wait until your metabolism slows down in your late twenties. You'll be wondering, "where did all that cellulite come from?" and "when did my chest get to a B cup?" haha


New member
Girls, wait until your metabolism slows down in your late twenties. You'll be wondering, "where did all that cellulite come from?" and "when did my chest get to a B cup?" haha


New member
Girls, wait until your metabolism slows down in your late twenties. You'll be wondering, "where did all that cellulite come from?" and "when did my chest get to a B cup?" haha


New member
surround yourself with people who support you. that's the key. if they're too ignorant to even attempt to empathize with your situation, it's best to just forget about them. you got enough to deal with already.



New member
surround yourself with people who support you. that's the key. if they're too ignorant to even attempt to empathize with your situation, it's best to just forget about them. you got enough to deal with already.



New member
surround yourself with people who support you. that's the key. if they're too ignorant to even attempt to empathize with your situation, it's best to just forget about them. you got enough to deal with already.
<br />
<br />dan


Super Moderator
It took me a while during my teen years to accept my difference's. I grew up to love that I'm so different because that's what makes me, ME. I realized that I wanted to be unique in my own way. I didn't want to try and be the same thing as somebody else. Sure, I have role models but I follow my own life path. We all have good days & bad days. Most days, I love being different, on other days, not so much. At the end of the day, I'm happy with who I am. Everything in my life makes me the person I am today. ...Looking so young right now isn't as bad as you think. Just think about the future: When you're in your 30's it will look like you're in your 20's. THEN people will say "wow you look GREAT for your age!" ...Keep the faith about having a boyfriend. 13 is still so young. (but, I know, the boys are just soo cute!) You have so much time ahead of you and lots of other things to focus on besides love. ~Where there is great love, there are always miracles~ For now, enjoy life as it comes. Don't sweat the small stuff. You'll smile and remember all the wonderful memories about how much fun you had. A happy life.<div><br></div><div>Hugs to you</div><div><3</div>


Super Moderator
It took me a while during my teen years to accept my difference's. I grew up to love that I'm so different because that's what makes me, ME. I realized that I wanted to be unique in my own way. I didn't want to try and be the same thing as somebody else. Sure, I have role models but I follow my own life path. We all have good days & bad days. Most days, I love being different, on other days, not so much. At the end of the day, I'm happy with who I am. Everything in my life makes me the person I am today. ...Looking so young right now isn't as bad as you think. Just think about the future: When you're in your 30's it will look like you're in your 20's. THEN people will say "wow you look GREAT for your age!" ...Keep the faith about having a boyfriend. 13 is still so young. (but, I know, the boys are just soo cute!) You have so much time ahead of you and lots of other things to focus on besides love. ~Where there is great love, there are always miracles~ For now, enjoy life as it comes. Don't sweat the small stuff. You'll smile and remember all the wonderful memories about how much fun you had. A happy life.<br>Hugs to you<3


Super Moderator
It took me a while during my teen years to accept my difference's. I grew up to love that I'm so different because that's what makes me, ME. I realized that I wanted to be unique in my own way. I didn't want to try and be the same thing as somebody else. Sure, I have role models but I follow my own life path. We all have good days & bad days. Most days, I love being different, on other days, not so much. At the end of the day, I'm happy with who I am. Everything in my life makes me the person I am today. ...Looking so young right now isn't as bad as you think. Just think about the future: When you're in your 30's it will look like you're in your 20's. THEN people will say "wow you look GREAT for your age!" ...Keep the faith about having a boyfriend. 13 is still so young. (but, I know, the boys are just soo cute!) You have so much time ahead of you and lots of other things to focus on besides love. ~Where there is great love, there are always miracles~ For now, enjoy life as it comes. Don't sweat the small stuff. You'll smile and remember all the wonderful memories about how much fun you had. A happy life.<br>Hugs to you<3


New member
I actually enjoy being different. Although, my differences are not due to my CF (other than taking enzymes). Instead of thinking of yourself as different, think of yourself as unique.
<br>What's amusing to me is that my friends start to adopt some of my less than usual characteristics. Phrases I use, ways I do things (like marking my soda bottle with medical tape, so we don't get them confused). Imitation is the highest form of flattery. I'll bet if you exude confidence people will try and emulate you, rather than seeing you as "different."<br><br>ETA:  Do not let your CF define you.  I find that many people with illnesses let that happen.  If you are in that mindset, people will label you and you will always be the "kid with CF."<br>