i have cf and i know how this is it took me forever to accpet it i kept denying that i had it saying oh its no big deal i would never tell any one but i am now twenty one and it was only last year that i finaly accepted that i had it and now most people around me now im not shy to say but i will say when you must deal with cf you beome a much stronger person then anybody else and like the post before me i do not like pity either but im a pretty happy person and general and i aprreciate everythign that i have considering theres alot of thing i canot and may never do i accept what i can even when i caugh for 3 to 4 hours in the morning to the point in exhasuted i still go to work with a smile and try to make the most out of my day because it could always get worst and i know highschool is not an easy thing but alot of those people you will prob never see or talk to again so think of that too