Staph skin infection how it affects CF'ers


New member
I have an ordeal going on now. My Cf daughter is a cheerleader. I was just told today that another cheerleader is battling a staph skin infection for the 3rd time since like July. Never heard this until now then I'm told "some" meaning at least 2 or more football players and cheerleaders have had it. The Athletic director says only this one girl but I know at least 2 others have just cultures were not done. I am so concerned and DHEC was called in about 3 wks ago. The school officials met with them and told them things were being done such as cleaning of the mats the girls practice on, however my daughter tells me today that the football players sleep on them and other people even spit on them EWWW! and she has NEVER nor have I seen them cleaned. I have called DHEC myself and am waiting for a response. What else should I do? She does have a 504 which states to keep me aware of ANY thing that could compromise her health and I was told that when the principal was told by DHEC to send letters out at least to the cheer parents and football players parents he chose not to b/c he didn't want to cause a panic.


New member
I have an ordeal going on now. My Cf daughter is a cheerleader. I was just told today that another cheerleader is battling a staph skin infection for the 3rd time since like July. Never heard this until now then I'm told "some" meaning at least 2 or more football players and cheerleaders have had it. The Athletic director says only this one girl but I know at least 2 others have just cultures were not done. I am so concerned and DHEC was called in about 3 wks ago. The school officials met with them and told them things were being done such as cleaning of the mats the girls practice on, however my daughter tells me today that the football players sleep on them and other people even spit on them EWWW! and she has NEVER nor have I seen them cleaned. I have called DHEC myself and am waiting for a response. What else should I do? She does have a 504 which states to keep me aware of ANY thing that could compromise her health and I was told that when the principal was told by DHEC to send letters out at least to the cheer parents and football players parents he chose not to b/c he didn't want to cause a panic.


New member
I have an ordeal going on now. My Cf daughter is a cheerleader. I was just told today that another cheerleader is battling a staph skin infection for the 3rd time since like July. Never heard this until now then I'm told "some" meaning at least 2 or more football players and cheerleaders have had it. The Athletic director says only this one girl but I know at least 2 others have just cultures were not done. I am so concerned and DHEC was called in about 3 wks ago. The school officials met with them and told them things were being done such as cleaning of the mats the girls practice on, however my daughter tells me today that the football players sleep on them and other people even spit on them EWWW! and she has NEVER nor have I seen them cleaned. I have called DHEC myself and am waiting for a response. What else should I do? She does have a 504 which states to keep me aware of ANY thing that could compromise her health and I was told that when the principal was told by DHEC to send letters out at least to the cheer parents and football players parents he chose not to b/c he didn't want to cause a panic.


New member
I have an ordeal going on now. My Cf daughter is a cheerleader. I was just told today that another cheerleader is battling a staph skin infection for the 3rd time since like July. Never heard this until now then I'm told "some" meaning at least 2 or more football players and cheerleaders have had it. The Athletic director says only this one girl but I know at least 2 others have just cultures were not done. I am so concerned and DHEC was called in about 3 wks ago. The school officials met with them and told them things were being done such as cleaning of the mats the girls practice on, however my daughter tells me today that the football players sleep on them and other people even spit on them EWWW! and she has NEVER nor have I seen them cleaned. I have called DHEC myself and am waiting for a response. What else should I do? She does have a 504 which states to keep me aware of ANY thing that could compromise her health and I was told that when the principal was told by DHEC to send letters out at least to the cheer parents and football players parents he chose not to b/c he didn't want to cause a panic.


New member
I have an ordeal going on now. My Cf daughter is a cheerleader. I was just told today that another cheerleader is battling a staph skin infection for the 3rd time since like July. Never heard this until now then I'm told "some" meaning at least 2 or more football players and cheerleaders have had it. The Athletic director says only this one girl but I know at least 2 others have just cultures were not done. I am so concerned and DHEC was called in about 3 wks ago. The school officials met with them and told them things were being done such as cleaning of the mats the girls practice on, however my daughter tells me today that the football players sleep on them and other people even spit on them EWWW! and she has NEVER nor have I seen them cleaned. I have called DHEC myself and am waiting for a response. What else should I do? She does have a 504 which states to keep me aware of ANY thing that could compromise her health and I was told that when the principal was told by DHEC to send letters out at least to the cheer parents and football players parents he chose not to b/c he didn't want to cause a panic.


Digital opinion leader
Its so strange you should write about this tonight. Yesterday I wrote in the adult section about MRSA being found in a student at my son's school. I wondered if there was something I should include on his 504 about this kind of thing.

I also work at the school my son attends so I get some info that other parents may not. Today the nurse told me that she doesn't believe the custodians clean effectively EVEN AFTER the MRSA was found this week!!! So your daughter is probably correct that she hasn't seen evidence of cleaning. I thought the principal has to inform people that may have been in contact. Ours sent a letter home to the whole school after notifying the individuals immediately associated.

It is unnerving to think that the school takes these kinds of things so lightly. We have our 504 update meeting this week. I'm going to see if I can ask about this.

Thanks for bringing it up. You might want to have your child's CF doctor call the school nurse to question the policy.


Digital opinion leader
Its so strange you should write about this tonight. Yesterday I wrote in the adult section about MRSA being found in a student at my son's school. I wondered if there was something I should include on his 504 about this kind of thing.

I also work at the school my son attends so I get some info that other parents may not. Today the nurse told me that she doesn't believe the custodians clean effectively EVEN AFTER the MRSA was found this week!!! So your daughter is probably correct that she hasn't seen evidence of cleaning. I thought the principal has to inform people that may have been in contact. Ours sent a letter home to the whole school after notifying the individuals immediately associated.

It is unnerving to think that the school takes these kinds of things so lightly. We have our 504 update meeting this week. I'm going to see if I can ask about this.

Thanks for bringing it up. You might want to have your child's CF doctor call the school nurse to question the policy.


Digital opinion leader
Its so strange you should write about this tonight. Yesterday I wrote in the adult section about MRSA being found in a student at my son's school. I wondered if there was something I should include on his 504 about this kind of thing.

I also work at the school my son attends so I get some info that other parents may not. Today the nurse told me that she doesn't believe the custodians clean effectively EVEN AFTER the MRSA was found this week!!! So your daughter is probably correct that she hasn't seen evidence of cleaning. I thought the principal has to inform people that may have been in contact. Ours sent a letter home to the whole school after notifying the individuals immediately associated.

It is unnerving to think that the school takes these kinds of things so lightly. We have our 504 update meeting this week. I'm going to see if I can ask about this.

Thanks for bringing it up. You might want to have your child's CF doctor call the school nurse to question the policy.


Digital opinion leader
Its so strange you should write about this tonight. Yesterday I wrote in the adult section about MRSA being found in a student at my son's school. I wondered if there was something I should include on his 504 about this kind of thing.

I also work at the school my son attends so I get some info that other parents may not. Today the nurse told me that she doesn't believe the custodians clean effectively EVEN AFTER the MRSA was found this week!!! So your daughter is probably correct that she hasn't seen evidence of cleaning. I thought the principal has to inform people that may have been in contact. Ours sent a letter home to the whole school after notifying the individuals immediately associated.

It is unnerving to think that the school takes these kinds of things so lightly. We have our 504 update meeting this week. I'm going to see if I can ask about this.

Thanks for bringing it up. You might want to have your child's CF doctor call the school nurse to question the policy.


Digital opinion leader
Its so strange you should write about this tonight. Yesterday I wrote in the adult section about MRSA being found in a student at my son's school. I wondered if there was something I should include on his 504 about this kind of thing.

I also work at the school my son attends so I get some info that other parents may not. Today the nurse told me that she doesn't believe the custodians clean effectively EVEN AFTER the MRSA was found this week!!! So your daughter is probably correct that she hasn't seen evidence of cleaning. I thought the principal has to inform people that may have been in contact. Ours sent a letter home to the whole school after notifying the individuals immediately associated.

It is unnerving to think that the school takes these kinds of things so lightly. We have our 504 update meeting this week. I'm going to see if I can ask about this.

Thanks for bringing it up. You might want to have your child's CF doctor call the school nurse to question the policy.


New member
I just watched our local news about MRSA in some of the schools. Sure your first thought is, this could be serious for a CF student. But then I thought, what if the infections are being spread from a CF student? I'm sure the majority of CF highschool students culture staph. But what about a CFer w/ MRSA, aren't they infectious?


New member
I just watched our local news about MRSA in some of the schools. Sure your first thought is, this could be serious for a CF student. But then I thought, what if the infections are being spread from a CF student? I'm sure the majority of CF highschool students culture staph. But what about a CFer w/ MRSA, aren't they infectious?


New member
I just watched our local news about MRSA in some of the schools. Sure your first thought is, this could be serious for a CF student. But then I thought, what if the infections are being spread from a CF student? I'm sure the majority of CF highschool students culture staph. But what about a CFer w/ MRSA, aren't they infectious?


New member
I just watched our local news about MRSA in some of the schools. Sure your first thought is, this could be serious for a CF student. But then I thought, what if the infections are being spread from a CF student? I'm sure the majority of CF highschool students culture staph. But what about a CFer w/ MRSA, aren't they infectious?


New member
I just watched our local news about MRSA in some of the schools. Sure your first thought is, this could be serious for a CF student. But then I thought, what if the infections are being spread from a CF student? I'm sure the majority of CF highschool students culture staph. But what about a CFer w/ MRSA, aren't they infectious?


New member
Ok, so there was a news story on MY local news about an outbreak in a local school also and I would bet we all live in different cities/states. Do you think it is just that prevelant in schools nowdays and it is just making it on the local news because they made a big deal about it on the national news last week? Wonder if outbreaks occur commonly and we just never hear about it?


New member
Ok, so there was a news story on MY local news about an outbreak in a local school also and I would bet we all live in different cities/states. Do you think it is just that prevelant in schools nowdays and it is just making it on the local news because they made a big deal about it on the national news last week? Wonder if outbreaks occur commonly and we just never hear about it?


New member
Ok, so there was a news story on MY local news about an outbreak in a local school also and I would bet we all live in different cities/states. Do you think it is just that prevelant in schools nowdays and it is just making it on the local news because they made a big deal about it on the national news last week? Wonder if outbreaks occur commonly and we just never hear about it?


New member
Ok, so there was a news story on MY local news about an outbreak in a local school also and I would bet we all live in different cities/states. Do you think it is just that prevelant in schools nowdays and it is just making it on the local news because they made a big deal about it on the national news last week? Wonder if outbreaks occur commonly and we just never hear about it?


New member
Ok, so there was a news story on MY local news about an outbreak in a local school also and I would bet we all live in different cities/states. Do you think it is just that prevelant in schools nowdays and it is just making it on the local news because they made a big deal about it on the national news last week? Wonder if outbreaks occur commonly and we just never hear about it?