Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?


New member
Allie It is nice to see you finally stick up for yourself and your feelings. It gets tiresome seeing Emily constantly jump to your defense. If you have something to say, then say it. Good to see you finally doing that, even if you are pulling out big words to try to get Aria's goat. I personally think that's a bit childish, but at least you are speaking your own mind.


New member
Possibly not the most mature move, admittedly. But I don't generally stand up for myself well. It's not my general nature. I do have to say, that I do actually, in real life, use such words around people, you can ask the people that chat with me often. I just usually put on my 'simple word filter' to post on the forum, to spare people running for the dictionary. It's better than some of the things she was pulling at me, however. Interesting to tell me to stick up for myself, then call me childish for doing so. It's not like it was a point-counterpoint that I could form facts and ideas into a post.

As far as Emily sticking up for me, there seems to be this idea that I sit around begging her to. She's quite the grown adult, and makes her own choices. She tends to have an innate sense of loyalty to people, so she gets mad when they get attacked. It's not just me, it's other people she is close with.


New member
I think maybe this thread should just be locked. It's not going anywhere productive, in fact I think its just 'de-structive'.

Please don't take it personal, b/c Allie (or anyone for that matter), I don't have a problem with your opinions. You have a right to say whatever you please. But it seems like its just turning to a one man show here.
