Stats on People with CF and Carriers having Children with CF?


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Allie</b></i>

I looked, and I could be wrong, but I can't find anyone with a genetic defect that made an insane contribution to society. *shrug* I'm sure there is one, but the closest I got was Woody Guthrie, and I'm not sure in can be argued he impacted the world.</end quote></div>

How about Bill Gates??

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Or the guy that developed Bittorents?

I'm sure i can find a list somewhere of the crazy amount of people born with potential defects, but it's late...and whatnot.


New member
That's why I said I could be wrong, I just couldn't find any. Whiloe I do say Bill Gates is a good example, it's only possible he has Asperger's, he has never been diagnosed AND....drumroll....Asperger's is not genetically passed, so it kinda goes from there.

I did look up people with genetic defects, but couldn't find any that have made a lasting impression on the world itself. But I did try.

I still say if you argue that, you have to argue against Birth control in general.


New member
Let me say to you Allie , Do you forget my son was on home oxygen at 5 months old for 4 months on a ventaltor and barely made it threw. You think enzymes and cpt and oo on hes heel is all i have done in regards to taken care of my son and if i did so what thats really somthing you say. I know my son will die before my self I know he will cough up blood I think about now as he throws up cause he coughs so hard. I live in reality. I know my son will suffer he suffers now. Would I have another child with a carrier would I risk it. Hell no. But you never said you were better you just sound like it. You pm me on my concern abouy Damien coming off oxygen. I feel you can be extremely rude. And High n mighty. And sweetie you can be real mean to people who never asked your opinion. And I think people are not willing to say it to you. My spelling sucks but my vocabulary does not. And for those who only have given only enzymes and cpt God Bless them. I feel you were belittling them and at sometime people will suffer the pain of losing a loved one to much suffering as you have. Does that make you feel better?


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>damiensmom</b></i>
And sweetie you can be real mean to people who never asked your opinion. </end quote></div>

I only have one thing I wish to say this. Public forum, a question was asked. Actually, quite a few different questions were asked and by quite a few different people. She has every right to share any opinions she feels like. And I might reiterate... Maybe no one said "Hey Allie, how do YOU feel about this?" But in asking on a forum that many people frequent, they were asking her opinion as much as anyone else's.

Oh, and her "mean-ness" is not fact. I imagine you were doing just as she was, and expressing your opinion. But many people here, including myself, find her realistic instead of mean.


New member
Granted it is a public forum, She can say what she likes. I can also point out no matter what degree of care my son needs or any one elses to sarcastically say thats really somthing is what to you emily fine? And If I could im to lame to post pics but Id show you my beautifull son on oxygen pale weak innocent and a baby and then you tell me whats really somthing


New member
Granted it is a public forum, She can say what she likes. I can also point out no matter what degree of care my son needs or any one elses to sarcastically say thats really somthing is what to you emily fine? And If I could im to lame to post pics but Id show you my beautifull son on oxygen pale weak innocent and a baby and then you tell me whats really somthing


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<b>Note to all: I'm fed up with the personal thing from her, so it's going to be a snarky ride. Hang on or skip. </b>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Let me say to you Allie , Do you forget my son was on home oxygen at 5 months old for 4 months on a ventaltor and barely made it threw. You think enzymes and cpt and oo on hes heel is all i have done in regards to taken care of my son and if i did so what thats really somthing you say. I know my son will die before my self I know he will cough up blood I think about now as he throws up cause he coughs so hard. I live in reality. I know my son will suffer he suffers now. Would I have another child with a carrier would I risk it. Hell no. But you never said you were better you just sound like it. You pm me on my concern abouy Damien coming off oxygen. I feel you can be extremely rude. And High n mighty. And sweetie you can be real mean to people who never asked your opinion. And I think people are not willing to say it to you. My spelling sucks but my vocabulary does not. And for those who only have given only enzymes and cpt God Bless them. I feel you were belittling them and at sometime people will suffer the pain of losing a loved one to much suffering as you have. Does that make you feel better? </end quote></div>

Isn't it rather dangerous to use one's entire vocabulary in one post? Don't hurt yourself. Glad to see you recovered from using the word narcissist.

Okay, Aria, dear, clearly you have some issues with me, as evidenced by your less than luculent invective. And that's fine, we can't be liked by everyone. I have, from the first time you snapped at me, found it funny that you attack me, when there are others who agree with me. Now, I don't claim to be a paragon of morality. Just curious as to why me particularly. My impulse is, that you had some issue with me before, and just like the opportunity.

I must admit, I did, in fact, forget that Damien was ill for so long. Which puzzles me even more as to why you can argue for having more children with CF...and then you say you wouldn't do it, why attacking me? I mean, I have plenty of other people who totally disagree with me to do that. Now, generally, I prefer people that I debate with to have some sort of point. But it seems your sole point is that you don't like me. Your right, of course, but honey, I am going nowhere.

On another note, people who don't like me, generally let me know. Generally it's a mutual feeling, and we agree to ignore one another. I can say that trying for more kids with a high chance of CF shows an astounding amount of temerity bordering on idiocy, and you can say, as you put it so eloquently "I really suck". That's the beauty of free speech.

I don't WANT anyone to lose someone, but I do think they will understand what I'm saying when that time comes.

You seem to like this phrase "That's really something" I don't believe that phrase ever passed my fingers, the syntax is off. Ahh wait, I se what you were referring to, an anon. While the correct spelling and grammar might fool you, it wasn't me. I don't post anon, you can ask anyone who knows me well. I don't hide my words.


New member
Your just a sweet heart. And you forgot Damien got so sick fine. I said What I thought of you and your last post leaves me with even more personal thoughts of you. And Amy you are wrong I know the ugly side of c.f is. Allie go on with your bad self. God bless


New member
So sweet of you to think of me, rest assured, I will continue to think tender thoughts of you. I noted that you didn't answer why me, surely you can think of something.

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>Allie go on with your bad self</end quote></div>

I generally do.


New member
Surely your a condesending soul, and how kind of you to forget about my son when you wont let anyone forget the harshness and heartache of c.f thats one reason.


New member
Now, in my defense, I hadn't talked to you in forever. I can't remember what's going on with every single person. I do try to remember things, but I can't be right 100% of the time, but when I forget, I own up to forgetting.

As for not letting anyone forget the harshness of CF, I can't forget it. And a lot of people are living it, or realize that they will live it. There's a handy little ignore feature if you dont like what I have to say, but some people derive benefit from it.


New member
And I feel really ugly for even putting such sensetive matters of the heart up for such lewd talk. And thats my fault for allowing myself to do so. This isnt cool. or cute or snarky. It is gross. And Amy unfortunatly I have seen the ugly side of C.F. and I do have a pretty good idea whats in store for my beautifull boy. And Allie when my son dies as you so elequently put ill look back on this, for sure as I will every second of every day and I have to remember.


New member
round and around and around she goes, where she stops, nobody knows....

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>This isnt cool. or cute or snarky. It is gross</end quote></div> started it. You attacked me, remember? This is a defensive play.

Lewd? How is this morally loose, or lustful? Something I'm not seeing? It's not as if I'm cussing you out, or being ridiculous...I'm just pointing things out, and all you can do is attack my character, which you know little of.

and if you look back on this insane posting war between us for ever day....clearly, you need to practice letting things go.

You know, tell you what. I'll be in the chat room, and you can come cuss me out there all you want, and the ridiculousness of these exchange can at least leave the forum. Either that or make some manner of salient point, because this is tiresome, these random attacks,.


New member
Ok your right this is tiresome but remember you seem to have plenty to say yourself. And it is against my better moral judgement to loosely talk of matters of the heart such as this. sorry if im just to obtuse. (lewd).


New member
Hey, what the heck happened here!!! The war's in the Middle East--not here! I see what happens if I'm off-site for a few days. By the time I got to the end there was smoke pouring out of my computer!! What a small spark to launch such a massive forest fire!! Talk about scorched earth!!


New member
Hold the phone, this could be a revelation!! I have alays been under the understanding that the partner would have to be a carrier of the "defective" CF gene? And also that only one in 25-30 people were carriers of that gene. Hence, if they were not a carrier of that "defective" gene, there would be a zero % chance of the baby having CF.


New member
No offense Aria but if this is how you feel <b>"AGAINST MY BETTER MORAL JUDGEMENT TO TALK LOOSELY OF MATTERS OF THE HEART SUCH AS THIS</b> then why the heck do you keep coming back here? You can't say that, and then continue to justify your posting. If it's against your better moral judgement, then I suggest you stop talking about it.

Allie and I don't agree 100% on this issue, Amy and i don't agree 100% on this issue, a number of other posters and I don't agree 100% on this issue, but you don't see me or any of them making a personal attack against eachother. It's a opinion, a very very strong one. You have to understand that when you start reading a post like this (I say reading because it has strayed SO far from the initial question), there are going to be some tough posts to swallow. You are going to see things that you don't agree with. But when you go and attack someone personally, you open to door up for all sorts of drama. BELIEVE ME, I'VE DONE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunkist, yes if YOU have CF and your partner is NOT a carrier, then your children will ONLY be carriers. However if you have CF and your partner is also A CARRIER you have a 50/50 chance of having a child with cf or a child who is a carrier, respectively. Hope that helps


New member
If you really want to get technical having a CF child that is a carrier, will
eventually lead (it could take generations) to a CF child!!!


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<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>sorry if im just to obtuse</end quote></div>

Obtuse is a good way to put it, though you might care to look up the definition. I wonder why you never did come to yell at me; I waited.