


I'm wondering what y'all do for stress?
I've been going non-stop for the last 3 weeks. I allowed myself one day, last saturday, for myself but still had homework on the back of my mind.
This is a case of 'well in order to catch up in this class... I'll do anthropology reading tomorrow night instead of tonight' Domino theory... fall back on one subject, fall back in the rest, and the weekends are for making up stuff which never seems to end.

I am just at the point of being completely burned out. I just want to sit down and say forget it.
I'm so freaked out, so stressed that most of my days are spent being completely worried over this and trying to complete homework, and by the time I need the drive to finish a paper, due an assignment, read the rest of a chapter I'm just blah. I don't feel like doing anything because I'm so stressed out I just feel... nothing anymore. If that makes any sense.

I'm not getting enough sleep at night, only got 4 last night due to the fact that I was finishing up a paper due today.
My stress is just off the charts. I've tried hot baths and that seems to help a little but anything you guys would suggest?
I'm about ready to go check myself into the hospital for stress/over work/exhaustion... I would too other than the fact that it would put me even further behind than what I am.


I'm wondering what y'all do for stress?
I've been going non-stop for the last 3 weeks. I allowed myself one day, last saturday, for myself but still had homework on the back of my mind.
This is a case of 'well in order to catch up in this class... I'll do anthropology reading tomorrow night instead of tonight' Domino theory... fall back on one subject, fall back in the rest, and the weekends are for making up stuff which never seems to end.

I am just at the point of being completely burned out. I just want to sit down and say forget it.
I'm so freaked out, so stressed that most of my days are spent being completely worried over this and trying to complete homework, and by the time I need the drive to finish a paper, due an assignment, read the rest of a chapter I'm just blah. I don't feel like doing anything because I'm so stressed out I just feel... nothing anymore. If that makes any sense.

I'm not getting enough sleep at night, only got 4 last night due to the fact that I was finishing up a paper due today.
My stress is just off the charts. I've tried hot baths and that seems to help a little but anything you guys would suggest?
I'm about ready to go check myself into the hospital for stress/over work/exhaustion... I would too other than the fact that it would put me even further behind than what I am.


New member
I know this may not be the best advice, but I had the same problem when I was taking courses at the local college. I was constantly going and always busy with work for one thing or another. I had to force myself to stop sometimes. I would make myself stop and take a break or a nap even though I may not be 100% done with an assignment. You have to be able to completely let go of the assignment or what have you though. When I started doing this I started feeling better, getting more rest and somehow all my work still got done.
I did stop doing as many "not school related" things during some semesters, but I felt better overall even if I wasn't having as much "fun" when I wasn't in class.
Also - A nice massage is always relaxing. I try to get one occassionally, but don't always have the funds. If you reach a point and are able you will be amazed at how much better you feel. Both stress wise and breathing wise. I have chronic back/muscle pain so it helps me to breath easier when I have a massage also - it relieves the pain for a while.
Maybe try talking to your instructors too. If they are aware of you having CF then they will most likely understand if you go to them and ask if there is something you can do because you are having a hard time completing all of your work and getting adequate rest, which is important to keep you from getting ill. If they are not aware maybe try explaining it to them. Who knows, some instructors may not care, but it is worth a shot. Maybe they can give you a day or two extension for a paper or assignment or something.
Either way do try to take care of yourself first, the school work will be there when you wake up in the morning to finish it. Don't let yourself get so exhausted that you don't even want to get out of bed to go to class. I have been there and done that and it is miserable.

Hope things start slowing down for ya.


New member
I know this may not be the best advice, but I had the same problem when I was taking courses at the local college. I was constantly going and always busy with work for one thing or another. I had to force myself to stop sometimes. I would make myself stop and take a break or a nap even though I may not be 100% done with an assignment. You have to be able to completely let go of the assignment or what have you though. When I started doing this I started feeling better, getting more rest and somehow all my work still got done.
I did stop doing as many "not school related" things during some semesters, but I felt better overall even if I wasn't having as much "fun" when I wasn't in class.
Also - A nice massage is always relaxing. I try to get one occassionally, but don't always have the funds. If you reach a point and are able you will be amazed at how much better you feel. Both stress wise and breathing wise. I have chronic back/muscle pain so it helps me to breath easier when I have a massage also - it relieves the pain for a while.
Maybe try talking to your instructors too. If they are aware of you having CF then they will most likely understand if you go to them and ask if there is something you can do because you are having a hard time completing all of your work and getting adequate rest, which is important to keep you from getting ill. If they are not aware maybe try explaining it to them. Who knows, some instructors may not care, but it is worth a shot. Maybe they can give you a day or two extension for a paper or assignment or something.
Either way do try to take care of yourself first, the school work will be there when you wake up in the morning to finish it. Don't let yourself get so exhausted that you don't even want to get out of bed to go to class. I have been there and done that and it is miserable.

Hope things start slowing down for ya.


New member
Your school should have a center that people with disabilities go to and register to have help taking tests and stuff. I registered with them... It just entails and interview (at least for me it did) with someone in the department and a note on your health issue from a doc as well as what you MAY need.... This can go a long way if you're run-down or have to do a tune up. They will have people take notes for you, etc. I would deffinately see if your school has this and if they can help you (I think, by law, they have to).

As far as relaxation, have you tried yoga? Its great for breathing and relaxation. I recommed "Crunch: Candlelight Yoga". It is only like 20 minutes long, and is very relaxing. They even have easier variations to do for beginners (like me).

Anyway, good luck.... And, ALWAYS talk to your professors about your CF before it becomes an issue. I always told mine at the beginning of a semester that I had CF and though I'm usually there all the time and usually "healthy", sometimes I may not fit the "attendance policy" if I'm too run down or may need a little extra time. They've always been extremely understanding. I think they pretty much have to be with the disability lawsuits and all. I would think that would be discriminatory to NOT allow a CFer certain "conveniences". I think that's the least we can ask.



New member
Your school should have a center that people with disabilities go to and register to have help taking tests and stuff. I registered with them... It just entails and interview (at least for me it did) with someone in the department and a note on your health issue from a doc as well as what you MAY need.... This can go a long way if you're run-down or have to do a tune up. They will have people take notes for you, etc. I would deffinately see if your school has this and if they can help you (I think, by law, they have to).

As far as relaxation, have you tried yoga? Its great for breathing and relaxation. I recommed "Crunch: Candlelight Yoga". It is only like 20 minutes long, and is very relaxing. They even have easier variations to do for beginners (like me).

Anyway, good luck.... And, ALWAYS talk to your professors about your CF before it becomes an issue. I always told mine at the beginning of a semester that I had CF and though I'm usually there all the time and usually "healthy", sometimes I may not fit the "attendance policy" if I'm too run down or may need a little extra time. They've always been extremely understanding. I think they pretty much have to be with the disability lawsuits and all. I would think that would be discriminatory to NOT allow a CFer certain "conveniences". I think that's the least we can ask.



New member
I never attended college, but much of what U describe applied to my job when I worked. Most of my duties at work were time sensitive which put a lot of pressure on me. I would often skip lunch & work thru breaks to assure that days work was completed in that day. This wasnt a wise thing to do & when it was all said & done didnt make that much difference for the day. I learned the hard way that if I give myself that break even if its not the full lunch hour etc that I was actually more productive when I went back to work. It was soooooooo hard to take that time when in your mind U were thinking about what was left to be done. Any expert will tell U about statistics/polls etc show that employers get more out of their employees when they have a "fair" break. This would apply to schooling also. Not necesarily in class, bur during the time U are out of school, but still in the mental school mode!


New member
I never attended college, but much of what U describe applied to my job when I worked. Most of my duties at work were time sensitive which put a lot of pressure on me. I would often skip lunch & work thru breaks to assure that days work was completed in that day. This wasnt a wise thing to do & when it was all said & done didnt make that much difference for the day. I learned the hard way that if I give myself that break even if its not the full lunch hour etc that I was actually more productive when I went back to work. It was soooooooo hard to take that time when in your mind U were thinking about what was left to be done. Any expert will tell U about statistics/polls etc show that employers get more out of their employees when they have a "fair" break. This would apply to schooling also. Not necesarily in class, bur during the time U are out of school, but still in the mental school mode!


New member
Stress is a big thing with cf patients from what i hear..the thing between taking meds trying to fit in and others. What i do for stress is listen to some metal and eat some yummy sherbert and relax or read a harlequin romance novel. ^_^ <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">


New member
Stress is a big thing with cf patients from what i hear..the thing between taking meds trying to fit in and others. What i do for stress is listen to some metal and eat some yummy sherbert and relax or read a harlequin romance novel. ^_^ <img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">


New member
I lay down on the couch or in bed and listen to music, or I curl up with a good book. I also find I'm a little stress free when I sit down and talk to my guy about all that's stressed me out.


New member
I lay down on the couch or in bed and listen to music, or I curl up with a good book. I also find I'm a little stress free when I sit down and talk to my guy about all that's stressed me out.


New member
Hugs destress our whole family. If we end up crying, screaming, whatever.....a hug does wonders. If my daughter had a bad day at school & she is grouchy I will ask her if she needs a hug. 99% of the time it is yes. Sometimes she cries before feeling better, but the hug always helps. My husband has the "magic" touch so his hugs are like a cureall. Too bad he cant hug me 24/7!


New member
Hugs destress our whole family. If we end up crying, screaming, whatever.....a hug does wonders. If my daughter had a bad day at school & she is grouchy I will ask her if she needs a hug. 99% of the time it is yes. Sometimes she cries before feeling better, but the hug always helps. My husband has the "magic" touch so his hugs are like a cureall. Too bad he cant hug me 24/7!


New member
GOsh Candice.. .. I have been where you are.. and am living that almost every day.... NUrsing school equals stress and non stop homework and you can never catch up.. Soon as you get three things done.. five more are due.

I do the same thing as you.> Catch up on the weekends as best as I can.. I also work on the weekends so it is hard... I try to not study after a certain time of night and make sure I get as much rest as I can...I need 10 to 12 hours a day or I am emotionally off... I try real hard to plan ahead.. knowing if I want to do something...I need to rest the next day... or as far as school.. I get all my papers done the week before they are due.... I set goals different then school.... I can' t handel stress very well and my body falls apart real fast under it...related to Addison's and CF

I just started praying again which will help me with stress a lot... also hot baths sometimes help, sometimes make it worse cause I sit there thinking of all the things I should be doing.....Sometimes just talking and saying how stressed I am helps.....On average I spend about 35 hours of study outside of school.... it is a little less now, because I have learned to let some things go....Buspar is an amazing antianxiety drug with very little side effect.. it is perfect for general anxiety.. I am going to ask my doctor for it next time I go...You don't get the high with it like you do..with zanex.. just takes away the feelings gradually you notice they are gone.. That may help...

Today I just stepped off as a major leader of the graduation planning.. I just can't do it.. I am still involved just not in charge....Right now I am going nuts because I should be napping because I am going out tonight.. and I am so behind in homework because I am attending something at my church for the past few days that is wonderful.. and also my body is rebelling... like crazy.. so here I sit demanding myself to sleep... HA... watching the clock... i have to get up in 45 minutes....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ANyway.. I know it is hard.... if I knew then what I know now.. I wouldn't have put myself in this position every again.. the most I would take is 1 or two classes at a time.. IN the nursing program, they make your schedule for you so I have no choice... but do you think maybe you could drop one class? I know it isn't what you want..and it wan't an option for me and it may not be possible for you, but the consequences of constant stress on your body is not good.. Take it from me.. I am several years into this about to Graduate. in May.... something has to give.. or your health will....

Try talking to your doctor... try writing your feelings down, or make lists and priortize things... KNow you are not alone, that it is hard what you are doing, and you are on your own course for your life...not anyone elses..

I hope you feel destressed soon.. I really can relate.. I dont have anything that will fix you.. but I will for sure pray for you often because I can so relate to where you are at....

Let us know how you are doing and what you are doing to relieve stress..

I wish I could make you feel better,



New member
GOsh Candice.. .. I have been where you are.. and am living that almost every day.... NUrsing school equals stress and non stop homework and you can never catch up.. Soon as you get three things done.. five more are due.

I do the same thing as you.> Catch up on the weekends as best as I can.. I also work on the weekends so it is hard... I try to not study after a certain time of night and make sure I get as much rest as I can...I need 10 to 12 hours a day or I am emotionally off... I try real hard to plan ahead.. knowing if I want to do something...I need to rest the next day... or as far as school.. I get all my papers done the week before they are due.... I set goals different then school.... I can' t handel stress very well and my body falls apart real fast under it...related to Addison's and CF

I just started praying again which will help me with stress a lot... also hot baths sometimes help, sometimes make it worse cause I sit there thinking of all the things I should be doing.....Sometimes just talking and saying how stressed I am helps.....On average I spend about 35 hours of study outside of school.... it is a little less now, because I have learned to let some things go....Buspar is an amazing antianxiety drug with very little side effect.. it is perfect for general anxiety.. I am going to ask my doctor for it next time I go...You don't get the high with it like you do..with zanex.. just takes away the feelings gradually you notice they are gone.. That may help...

Today I just stepped off as a major leader of the graduation planning.. I just can't do it.. I am still involved just not in charge....Right now I am going nuts because I should be napping because I am going out tonight.. and I am so behind in homework because I am attending something at my church for the past few days that is wonderful.. and also my body is rebelling... like crazy.. so here I sit demanding myself to sleep... HA... watching the clock... i have to get up in 45 minutes....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

ANyway.. I know it is hard.... if I knew then what I know now.. I wouldn't have put myself in this position every again.. the most I would take is 1 or two classes at a time.. IN the nursing program, they make your schedule for you so I have no choice... but do you think maybe you could drop one class? I know it isn't what you want..and it wan't an option for me and it may not be possible for you, but the consequences of constant stress on your body is not good.. Take it from me.. I am several years into this about to Graduate. in May.... something has to give.. or your health will....

Try talking to your doctor... try writing your feelings down, or make lists and priortize things... KNow you are not alone, that it is hard what you are doing, and you are on your own course for your life...not anyone elses..

I hope you feel destressed soon.. I really can relate.. I dont have anything that will fix you.. but I will for sure pray for you often because I can so relate to where you are at....

Let us know how you are doing and what you are doing to relieve stress..

I wish I could make you feel better,



New member
Boy howdy - I remember the stress of college. I can only imagine how much worse it must be having to deal with medical issues plus college. Bleh.

What worked for me when I was feeling overwhelmed with stuff...

a) Make a list of everything that needs to be done and when it's due.
b) It worked best for me to do the easiest tasks first - the sense of accomplishment (Yay! More more item off the list!) helped make it go better (Rather than doing the hardest first, then fretting, OMG I still have to do this and this and this...)
c) Find study groups.
d) Find study groups.
e) Find study groups. I never really wanted to - I liked doing everything alone. Once I found a few people who were in my classes (same double majors) - it was a miracle.
f) Do something fun. If you keep grinding away, your productivity will fail (right about the time your sanity does) - know this is a sign to stop, even if it's only for 15 minutes to play MineSweeper.


New member
Boy howdy - I remember the stress of college. I can only imagine how much worse it must be having to deal with medical issues plus college. Bleh.

What worked for me when I was feeling overwhelmed with stuff...

a) Make a list of everything that needs to be done and when it's due.
b) It worked best for me to do the easiest tasks first - the sense of accomplishment (Yay! More more item off the list!) helped make it go better (Rather than doing the hardest first, then fretting, OMG I still have to do this and this and this...)
c) Find study groups.
d) Find study groups.
e) Find study groups. I never really wanted to - I liked doing everything alone. Once I found a few people who were in my classes (same double majors) - it was a miracle.
f) Do something fun. If you keep grinding away, your productivity will fail (right about the time your sanity does) - know this is a sign to stop, even if it's only for 15 minutes to play MineSweeper.


Thanks all for the advice..

I've finally stepped back from all my school work and it seems managable now! Well I'm working on it in any case. Making a list and cutting out the things that you don't really have to do helped. I realized that a lot of time was actually worrying about doing homework and not doing it. (3/4 of the time thinking to myself 'there's no way I can get this done', 1/4 of the time doing the assignment)

As for the CF thing, I don't really get a break (from myself) because I've had a transplant, and I feel better than I ever did pre-tx. A big part of this term has been getting about 4 out of 5 really reading intensive classes. They've finally mellowed out a bit though, so I am relieved. I would post more but it's 2.. and time for bed, I just thought I'd thank everybody for their suggestions. Oh. And happy ground hog day!


Thanks all for the advice..

I've finally stepped back from all my school work and it seems managable now! Well I'm working on it in any case. Making a list and cutting out the things that you don't really have to do helped. I realized that a lot of time was actually worrying about doing homework and not doing it. (3/4 of the time thinking to myself 'there's no way I can get this done', 1/4 of the time doing the assignment)

As for the CF thing, I don't really get a break (from myself) because I've had a transplant, and I feel better than I ever did pre-tx. A big part of this term has been getting about 4 out of 5 really reading intensive classes. They've finally mellowed out a bit though, so I am relieved. I would post more but it's 2.. and time for bed, I just thought I'd thank everybody for their suggestions. Oh. And happy ground hog day!