Emily's CF dr recommends sinus rinses up to 4x/day when sick, and these help Emily when she is coughing this hard too sometimes... because it will help at least with clearing out congestion that can be contributing to the cough (due to heavy postnasal drip.) It's amazing how much more this clears out than just blowing! Emily is prone to sinus infections and bouts of heavy coughing leading to bringing up very thick mucus that sometimes improves with doing the rinses.
We usually do this just prior to her nebs/vest to be better able to tell the difference between what she's coughing up from her lungs and what she might be coughing up due to sinus congestion.
I agree with calling the dr though when the coughing is so bad that she can't catch her breath between bouts and/or it's making her throw up. She might have bronchitis, inflammation issues making it impossible to bring stuff up, or some other problem needing help right away.
We usually do this just prior to her nebs/vest to be better able to tell the difference between what she's coughing up from her lungs and what she might be coughing up due to sinus congestion.
I agree with calling the dr though when the coughing is so bad that she can't catch her breath between bouts and/or it's making her throw up. She might have bronchitis, inflammation issues making it impossible to bring stuff up, or some other problem needing help right away.