swallowing enzymes


New member
We tried on and off for a few months to teach our 5 year old. We tried the pill cup, the McD's straw, putting in a spoon (whole) with applesauce, chocolate syrup, etc. and nothing worked. He spent the weekend with grandma without us and came back able to swallow his Creon 10s. I has asked her to work on it with him and she did. She just told him to flatten his tongue and put it on there (just an empty capsule filled with sugar). She gave him a sippy cup (he has to suck harder to get the liquid out and therefore sucked the pill down) and he fianally did it. He wanted to be a big boy and do it, but was scared, so I knew he would never do it for me. He usually does better for anyone else than he does for his mommie. Within two weeks, he could swallow both pills at the same time.


New member
We tried on and off for a few months to teach our 5 year old. We tried the pill cup, the McD's straw, putting in a spoon (whole) with applesauce, chocolate syrup, etc. and nothing worked. He spent the weekend with grandma without us and came back able to swallow his Creon 10s. I has asked her to work on it with him and she did. She just told him to flatten his tongue and put it on there (just an empty capsule filled with sugar). She gave him a sippy cup (he has to suck harder to get the liquid out and therefore sucked the pill down) and he fianally did it. He wanted to be a big boy and do it, but was scared, so I knew he would never do it for me. He usually does better for anyone else than he does for his mommie. Within two weeks, he could swallow both pills at the same time.


New member
We tried on and off for a few months to teach our 5 year old. We tried the pill cup, the McD's straw, putting in a spoon (whole) with applesauce, chocolate syrup, etc. and nothing worked. He spent the weekend with grandma without us and came back able to swallow his Creon 10s. I has asked her to work on it with him and she did. She just told him to flatten his tongue and put it on there (just an empty capsule filled with sugar). She gave him a sippy cup (he has to suck harder to get the liquid out and therefore sucked the pill down) and he fianally did it. He wanted to be a big boy and do it, but was scared, so I knew he would never do it for me. He usually does better for anyone else than he does for his mommie. Within two weeks, he could swallow both pills at the same time.


New member
We tried on and off for a few months to teach our 5 year old. We tried the pill cup, the McD's straw, putting in a spoon (whole) with applesauce, chocolate syrup, etc. and nothing worked. He spent the weekend with grandma without us and came back able to swallow his Creon 10s. I has asked her to work on it with him and she did. She just told him to flatten his tongue and put it on there (just an empty capsule filled with sugar). She gave him a sippy cup (he has to suck harder to get the liquid out and therefore sucked the pill down) and he fianally did it. He wanted to be a big boy and do it, but was scared, so I knew he would never do it for me. He usually does better for anyone else than he does for his mommie. Within two weeks, he could swallow both pills at the same time.


New member
We tried on and off for a few months to teach our 5 year old. We tried the pill cup, the McD's straw, putting in a spoon (whole) with applesauce, chocolate syrup, etc. and nothing worked. He spent the weekend with grandma without us and came back able to swallow his Creon 10s. I has asked her to work on it with him and she did. She just told him to flatten his tongue and put it on there (just an empty capsule filled with sugar). She gave him a sippy cup (he has to suck harder to get the liquid out and therefore sucked the pill down) and he fianally did it. He wanted to be a big boy and do it, but was scared, so I knew he would never do it for me. He usually does better for anyone else than he does for his mommie. Within two weeks, he could swallow both pills at the same time.


New member
I gave the school nurse the pill cup. She said she would work with him. Reece is the same way, he will be more likely to try something without me there.


New member
I gave the school nurse the pill cup. She said she would work with him. Reece is the same way, he will be more likely to try something without me there.


New member
I gave the school nurse the pill cup. She said she would work with him. Reece is the same way, he will be more likely to try something without me there.


New member
I gave the school nurse the pill cup. She said she would work with him. Reece is the same way, he will be more likely to try something without me there.


New member
I gave the school nurse the pill cup. She said she would work with him. Reece is the same way, he will be more likely to try something without me there.


New member
I really shouldn't be putting a post here since I'm not a parent. But, I have been around kids and seems to me everything is a game to them. I remember giving the story of good guys and bad guys a try. Kids love stories and to know they are participating in the war of their body....just seems fun. Like I said, I really don't have any business putting up a post since I don't have any parenting qualifications but, just seemed a good idea. :)


New member
I really shouldn't be putting a post here since I'm not a parent. But, I have been around kids and seems to me everything is a game to them. I remember giving the story of good guys and bad guys a try. Kids love stories and to know they are participating in the war of their body....just seems fun. Like I said, I really don't have any business putting up a post since I don't have any parenting qualifications but, just seemed a good idea. :)


New member
I really shouldn't be putting a post here since I'm not a parent. But, I have been around kids and seems to me everything is a game to them. I remember giving the story of good guys and bad guys a try. Kids love stories and to know they are participating in the war of their body....just seems fun. Like I said, I really don't have any business putting up a post since I don't have any parenting qualifications but, just seemed a good idea. :)


New member
I really shouldn't be putting a post here since I'm not a parent. But, I have been around kids and seems to me everything is a game to them. I remember giving the story of good guys and bad guys a try. Kids love stories and to know they are participating in the war of their body....just seems fun. Like I said, I really don't have any business putting up a post since I don't have any parenting qualifications but, just seemed a good idea. :)


New member
I really shouldn't be putting a post here since I'm not a parent. But, I have been around kids and seems to me everything is a game to them. I remember giving the story of good guys and bad guys a try. Kids love stories and to know they are participating in the war of their body....just seems fun. Like I said, I really don't have any business putting up a post since I don't have any parenting qualifications but, just seemed a good idea. :)


Active member
After seeing this post here this morning I suggested the swallowing to Lili. I was taking a vitamin so showed her what I did and lo and behold at breakfast she wanted to try and washed the enzymes right down. I was so surprised and happy, I really thought it would take awhile for her to figure it out.


Active member
After seeing this post here this morning I suggested the swallowing to Lili. I was taking a vitamin so showed her what I did and lo and behold at breakfast she wanted to try and washed the enzymes right down. I was so surprised and happy, I really thought it would take awhile for her to figure it out.


Active member
After seeing this post here this morning I suggested the swallowing to Lili. I was taking a vitamin so showed her what I did and lo and behold at breakfast she wanted to try and washed the enzymes right down. I was so surprised and happy, I really thought it would take awhile for her to figure it out.


Active member
After seeing this post here this morning I suggested the swallowing to Lili. I was taking a vitamin so showed her what I did and lo and behold at breakfast she wanted to try and washed the enzymes right down. I was so surprised and happy, I really thought it would take awhile for her to figure it out.


Active member
After seeing this post here this morning I suggested the swallowing to Lili. I was taking a vitamin so showed her what I did and lo and behold at breakfast she wanted to try and washed the enzymes right down. I was so surprised and happy, I really thought it would take awhile for her to figure it out.