metoras69 - in reading your post I realize I have left out a vital piece of important information that would explain a lot! (I was trying to keep my question too short, I guess).
Both my husband and myself have also tested positive for the DeltaF508 Mutation. We got tested when my son had his abnormal screening in '08 (he was life flighted to another state for heart surgery they do CF testing there, when my daughter was born in '07 they didn't test for CF where I live)
So to clarify the CF Foundation lady said if there was a lesser known mutation along with the DeltaF508 my husband and I both of us would have CF. My son was sweat tested b/c my husband and I hadn't been tested at the time. Which makes sense I guess? Does this make a difference?
Bill - you are right the cost is not great..we are in the hospital all the time anyways, my kids both have other medical issues..heart defects, progressive scoliosis etc. It's just been so long since we've thought about all of this I want make sure it's absolutly necessary before I resurface it.
Thank you all for the input, it's a learning process and the more I know the more I understand it all. My daughters getting inpatient, gotta go, but thank you all I think I'll have a chat with her GP about it and I'm always open for more advice!