I am glad she will be getting a retest if she felt there was any reason to suspect there was not enough~ since the collection device changes color as sweat is collected, the person at the lab often has some indication if there was a possibility this could happen and may have let her know she may be needing a retest for her child. I imagine in that case 'insufficient' might be part of that SIN acronym...
I'm glad someone else posted who had a lower value yet a confirmed genetic dx. I have no idea if this child is symptomatic or not (Ann, do you know?) ...since there are several reasons for testing- symptoms, positive nbs, parents being known carriers, etc. But since many people are correctly dx'ed based on symptoms and/or genetics with sweat tests considerably lower than 60, setting the benchmark at 60 before considering cf could unnecessarily delay dx & treatment to someone who needs it... and that has unfortunately happened to many people here and elsewhere.
In our case, they wanted Timothy to have the Ambry Amplified even though his sweat test was negative- they felt his 34 was high enough to warrant it when we tested the other two, and he isn't even symptomatic (and insurance didn't fight it either.) So we can now be doubly sure he's fine. And Shawn is DEFINITELY not ruled out for cf with his 'borderline' results of 48 and 54 and some 'ambiguous' symptoms; we are still trying to figure him out. Even with Emily scoring over 100 on her sweat test, they weren't writing Shawn off with his scores simply because they were lower than 60- we want to be absolutely sure.