Swimming in lakes


New member
I just went swimming & kayaking in a local lake last Wed.
I've never jad any discussion with my DR regarding this subject; kinda a 'Don't ask, Don't tell' thing.
I think as long as you do you best to keep lake water from entering your body you should be OK.
At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is PA?
Enjoy your summer.


New member
I just went swimming & kayaking in a local lake last Wed.
<br />I've never jad any discussion with my DR regarding this subject; kinda a 'Don't ask, Don't tell' thing.
<br />I think as long as you do you best to keep lake water from entering your body you should be OK.
<br />At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is PA?
<br />Enjoy your summer.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>azdesertrat</b></i>

I just went swimming & kayaking in a local lake last Wed.

I've never jad any discussion with my DR regarding this subject; kinda a 'Don't ask, Don't tell' thing.

I think as long as you do you best to keep lake water from entering your body you should be OK.

At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is PA?

Enjoy your summer.</end quote></div>

 You are not ignorant. PA for me is pseudomonas aeruginosa. It's a bacteria.Here is more info on it:<a href="<A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa</A>"><A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa</A></a>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>azdesertrat</b></i>

I just went swimming & kayaking in a local lake last Wed.

I've never jad any discussion with my DR regarding this subject; kinda a 'Don't ask, Don't tell' thing.

I think as long as you do you best to keep lake water from entering your body you should be OK.

At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is PA?

Enjoy your summer.</end quote>

You are not ignorant. PA for me is pseudomonas aeruginosa. It's a bacteria.Here is more info on it:<a href="<A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa</A>"><A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa</A></a>


New member
<p><div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>azdesertrat</b></i>

I just went swimming & kayaking in a local lake last Wed.

I've never jad any discussion with my DR regarding this subject; kinda a 'Don't ask, Don't tell' thing.

I think as long as you do you best to keep lake water from entering your body you should be OK.

At the risk of sounding ignorant, what is PA?

Enjoy your summer.</end quote>

<p><p>You are not ignorant. PA for me is pseudomonas aeruginosa. It's a bacteria.<p>Here is more info on it:<p><a href="<A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa</A>"><A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudomonas_aeruginosa</A></a>


New member
Thank you! See how I am? Here I have PA & didn't realize the correct terminology for it. I certainly appreciate the explanation.


New member
Thank you! See how I am? Here I have PA & didn't realize the correct terminology for it. I certainly appreciate the explanation.


New member
Thank you! See how I am? Here I have PA & didn't realize the correct terminology for it. I certainly appreciate the explanation.


New member
I grew up going to the lake every weekend of every summer, we had a lake house. We also had pool passes to waste away our summer days while parents were at work. I still go to the lake a few times a year and I take my bonus kids (aka step-kids) to the pool often. Heck our neighbors have a pool too so we are jumping in there often.

Bottom line is, you can get bugs/bacteria from ANYWHERE. The only way to completely protect someone is to live in a bubble. Things I culture are in the air, the water, the dirt, on cow poo, etc. I have never been told not to swim in a lake, pool or even hang in a hot tub. I know many people think these things are taboo but I think it is apart of life and I want to enjoy it. If I were to find that I got something from one of the water holes and it was proven then I would possible consider not enjoying that one anymore but with that said, I would already have whatever bug it is.

Let them be as "normal" as normal can be, squeezing in treatments and meds in the everyday normal life.


New member
I grew up going to the lake every weekend of every summer, we had a lake house. We also had pool passes to waste away our summer days while parents were at work. I still go to the lake a few times a year and I take my bonus kids (aka step-kids) to the pool often. Heck our neighbors have a pool too so we are jumping in there often.

Bottom line is, you can get bugs/bacteria from ANYWHERE. The only way to completely protect someone is to live in a bubble. Things I culture are in the air, the water, the dirt, on cow poo, etc. I have never been told not to swim in a lake, pool or even hang in a hot tub. I know many people think these things are taboo but I think it is apart of life and I want to enjoy it. If I were to find that I got something from one of the water holes and it was proven then I would possible consider not enjoying that one anymore but with that said, I would already have whatever bug it is.

Let them be as "normal" as normal can be, squeezing in treatments and meds in the everyday normal life.


New member
I grew up going to the lake every weekend of every summer, we had a lake house. We also had pool passes to waste away our summer days while parents were at work. I still go to the lake a few times a year and I take my bonus kids (aka step-kids) to the pool often. Heck our neighbors have a pool too so we are jumping in there often.
<br />
<br />Bottom line is, you can get bugs/bacteria from ANYWHERE. The only way to completely protect someone is to live in a bubble. Things I culture are in the air, the water, the dirt, on cow poo, etc. I have never been told not to swim in a lake, pool or even hang in a hot tub. I know many people think these things are taboo but I think it is apart of life and I want to enjoy it. If I were to find that I got something from one of the water holes and it was proven then I would possible consider not enjoying that one anymore but with that said, I would already have whatever bug it is.
<br />
<br />Let them be as "normal" as normal can be, squeezing in treatments and meds in the everyday normal life.


New member
Hello @all:

I have been grown up at the lake and I never had problems with swimming in lakes. Like some of you said, u can get bacteria from anywhere and ppl shouldnt be that anxious about gettin infections and stuff. Enjoy life as much as it is possible. Take care, greetings from Austria.


New member
Hello @all:

I have been grown up at the lake and I never had problems with swimming in lakes. Like some of you said, u can get bacteria from anywhere and ppl shouldnt be that anxious about gettin infections and stuff. Enjoy life as much as it is possible. Take care, greetings from Austria.


New member
Hello @all:
<br />
<br />I have been grown up at the lake and I never had problems with swimming in lakes. Like some of you said, u can get bacteria from anywhere and ppl shouldnt be that anxious about gettin infections and stuff. Enjoy life as much as it is possible. Take care, greetings from Austria.


New member
I was told to avoid anything stagnant but I would do that anyway, as long as there is some flow through the water you'll probably be ok just don't jump in feet first and force the water into your sinuses. I've swam in lakes my whole life and the worst I got was a cut up foot every once in a while. Swimming is good excersize. When I have the time I'll spend a good portion of my summer swimming in lakes and fishing/swimming/generally tromping through creeks. As a rule I stay out of anything that has bubbles come up when you step on the bottom, those bubbles are methane from rotting leaves etc. on the bottom and if its there its because there is no waterflow to clear it and its probably stagnant (and likely to have a snake in it) Have fun and enjoy your summer!


New member
I was told to avoid anything stagnant but I would do that anyway, as long as there is some flow through the water you'll probably be ok just don't jump in feet first and force the water into your sinuses. I've swam in lakes my whole life and the worst I got was a cut up foot every once in a while. Swimming is good excersize. When I have the time I'll spend a good portion of my summer swimming in lakes and fishing/swimming/generally tromping through creeks. As a rule I stay out of anything that has bubbles come up when you step on the bottom, those bubbles are methane from rotting leaves etc. on the bottom and if its there its because there is no waterflow to clear it and its probably stagnant (and likely to have a snake in it) Have fun and enjoy your summer!


New member
I was told to avoid anything stagnant but I would do that anyway, as long as there is some flow through the water you'll probably be ok just don't jump in feet first and force the water into your sinuses. I've swam in lakes my whole life and the worst I got was a cut up foot every once in a while. Swimming is good excersize. When I have the time I'll spend a good portion of my summer swimming in lakes and fishing/swimming/generally tromping through creeks. As a rule I stay out of anything that has bubbles come up when you step on the bottom, those bubbles are methane from rotting leaves etc. on the bottom and if its there its because there is no waterflow to clear it and its probably stagnant (and likely to have a snake in it) Have fun and enjoy your summer!


New member
Well, I certainly have no scientific data to support this....but feel the benefits of being in water, either pool or lake far exceeds the risk.  I find that when I swim or do water sports that the moisture/activity combination loosens up the mucous and I tend to clear "mouthfulls" during and after.  I call it "water therapy".  <br><br>I'm 49 with CF and really believe in staying active...and active IN WATER is awesome as you don't get as dehydrated.  In the winter months I try to swim at the healthclub and often take hot baths in the evening at home to get that "water therapy" benefit when the air is really dry.  It also has the added benefit of loosening/relaxing those weary coughing muscles.<br><br>Enjoy the water!<br>Kay<br>49 cfer from Illinois<br>


New member
Well, I certainly have no scientific data to support this....but feel the benefits of being in water, either pool or lake far exceeds the risk. I find that when I swim or do water sports that the moisture/activity combination loosens up the mucous and I tend to clear "mouthfulls" during and after. I call it "water therapy". <br><br>I'm 49 with CF and really believe in staying active...and active IN WATER is awesome as you don't get as dehydrated. In the winter months I try to swim at the healthclub and often take hot baths in the evening at home to get that "water therapy" benefit when the air is really dry. It also has the added benefit of loosening/relaxing those weary coughing muscles.<br><br>Enjoy the water!<br>Kay<br>49 cfer from Illinois<br>


New member
Well, I certainly have no scientific data to support this....but feel the benefits of being in water, either pool or lake far exceeds the risk. I find that when I swim or do water sports that the moisture/activity combination loosens up the mucous and I tend to clear "mouthfulls" during and after. I call it "water therapy". <br><br>I'm 49 with CF and really believe in staying active...and active IN WATER is awesome as you don't get as dehydrated. In the winter months I try to swim at the healthclub and often take hot baths in the evening at home to get that "water therapy" benefit when the air is really dry. It also has the added benefit of loosening/relaxing those weary coughing muscles.<br><br>Enjoy the water!<br>Kay<br>49 cfer from Illinois<br>