Tall CFers?



I have CF & I'm short. But my grandma was really short (with no CF).
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<br />The other kids I've known with Cf are short too....so I don't know <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
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<br />Go ahead, Abbs, you amazon princess you! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I was just in the hosp and saw a guy with cf ad he was the tallest cf'er I'd ever seen well over 6'3"
I am 5'8"140lbs my mom is short and my dad tall


New member
I was just in the hosp and saw a guy with cf ad he was the tallest cf'er I'd ever seen well over 6'3"
I am 5'8"140lbs my mom is short and my dad tall


New member
I was just in the hosp and saw a guy with cf ad he was the tallest cf'er I'd ever seen well over 6'3"
<br />I am 5'8"140lbs my mom is short and my dad tall


Staff member
I met a guy at a CFF event who has double delta f508 who's well over 6' and fairly stocky. Works in law enforcement.


Staff member
I met a guy at a CFF event who has double delta f508 who's well over 6' and fairly stocky. Works in law enforcement.


Staff member
I met a guy at a CFF event who has double delta f508 who's well over 6' and fairly stocky. Works in law enforcement.


New member
I'm 6'3, atleast when I was at 24, joints and bad back I'd guess I'm down to 6'2. At my heaviest I was 245, granted that was college army day. Now 30 down too 190 as I weigh now. Docs said when I was born I could of been 6'5 plus if it wasnt Cf.


New member
I'm 6'3, atleast when I was at 24, joints and bad back I'd guess I'm down to 6'2. At my heaviest I was 245, granted that was college army day. Now 30 down too 190 as I weigh now. Docs said when I was born I could of been 6'5 plus if it wasnt Cf.


New member
I'm 6'3, atleast when I was at 24, joints and bad back I'd guess I'm down to 6'2. At my heaviest I was 245, granted that was college army day. Now 30 down too 190 as I weigh now. Docs said when I was born I could of been 6'5 plus if it wasnt Cf.


My daughter is 16, 5'6" and 107 (maybe 108) and I am hoping she will grow just a bit more, think she could be a great model, and WILL NEVER have to starve herself to keep her lean and trim body.  She did have stunted growth before diagnosis, but once we got her straightened out and got her one enzymes and treatments, she grew like a weed, wider and taller!<br>