Tami's (Izemmom) Emily in Hospital


New member
I hope Emily is feeling much better soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you all for your warm and kind thoughts.

As I'm not sure how long Em will be an inpatient - I would be happy to pass along anything to them. You can PM me for my address. I don't want to post Tami's address without her permission.


New member
Thank you all for your warm and kind thoughts.

As I'm not sure how long Em will be an inpatient - I would be happy to pass along anything to them. You can PM me for my address. I don't want to post Tami's address without her permission.


New member
Thank you all for your warm and kind thoughts.

As I'm not sure how long Em will be an inpatient - I would be happy to pass along anything to them. You can PM me for my address. I don't want to post Tami's address without her permission.


Digital opinion leader
Mary, thanks so much for the updates on Em. Please tell Tami I am thinking of her and hoping Em is home soon.

As far as what people can do, a phone call with kind words, a home-cooked meal (one that can be frozen for later if necessary) staying with the girls so Tami can get some errands done or a massage is nice too.

Let us know how it goes.


Digital opinion leader
Mary, thanks so much for the updates on Em. Please tell Tami I am thinking of her and hoping Em is home soon.

As far as what people can do, a phone call with kind words, a home-cooked meal (one that can be frozen for later if necessary) staying with the girls so Tami can get some errands done or a massage is nice too.

Let us know how it goes.


Digital opinion leader
Mary, thanks so much for the updates on Em. Please tell Tami I am thinking of her and hoping Em is home soon.

As far as what people can do, a phone call with kind words, a home-cooked meal (one that can be frozen for later if necessary) staying with the girls so Tami can get some errands done or a massage is nice too.

Let us know how it goes.


New member
OH my! This made me cry! Thanks, Mary, for letting eeryone know! And thanks to everyone who posted for your kind words and ideas. Em is getting the care she needs and I feel so much better than when we were struggling wiht the vomiting and diarreha at home. If this is c.diff (which we think it is) we could be in for a long road. But for now, we are doing what we can, and hanging in there. I'll post up dates and maybe blog when I can.

Thanks again, everyone. YOu made my night. Just when I really needed it!


New member
OH my! This made me cry! Thanks, Mary, for letting eeryone know! And thanks to everyone who posted for your kind words and ideas. Em is getting the care she needs and I feel so much better than when we were struggling wiht the vomiting and diarreha at home. If this is c.diff (which we think it is) we could be in for a long road. But for now, we are doing what we can, and hanging in there. I'll post up dates and maybe blog when I can.

Thanks again, everyone. YOu made my night. Just when I really needed it!


New member
OH my! This made me cry! Thanks, Mary, for letting eeryone know! And thanks to everyone who posted for your kind words and ideas. Em is getting the care she needs and I feel so much better than when we were struggling wiht the vomiting and diarreha at home. If this is c.diff (which we think it is) we could be in for a long road. But for now, we are doing what we can, and hanging in there. I'll post up dates and maybe blog when I can.

Thanks again, everyone. YOu made my night. Just when I really needed it!


New member
Tami, you and Em are in my thoughts and prayers.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Tami, you and Em are in my thoughts and prayers.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Tami, you and Em are in my thoughts and prayers.<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm praying for you!! Can I ask What is C-Diff? Just when I think I know everything that my son could get - something new is mentioned. Just wondering. I always like being prepared. My son goes for his checkup today.


New member
I'm praying for you!! Can I ask What is C-Diff? Just when I think I know everything that my son could get - something new is mentioned. Just wondering. I always like being prepared. My son goes for his checkup today.


New member
I'm praying for you!! Can I ask What is C-Diff? Just when I think I know everything that my son could get - something new is mentioned. Just wondering. I always like being prepared. My son goes for his checkup today.


New member
Last night was a long night for them. Em has gained about 2.5 pounds of fluid since Thursday. They dialed down her IVs and did chest and abd x-rays. No intestinal blockage (thankfully), intestinal wall was inflammed, and cxr showed no new changes, only the regular CF changes.

They are staying at least another night. Emily's poor little abdomen is really distended so it is tough for her to breathe and tough to get comfy.

She did manage to gobble up a piece of toast and keep it down - so far.


New member
Last night was a long night for them. Em has gained about 2.5 pounds of fluid since Thursday. They dialed down her IVs and did chest and abd x-rays. No intestinal blockage (thankfully), intestinal wall was inflammed, and cxr showed no new changes, only the regular CF changes.

They are staying at least another night. Emily's poor little abdomen is really distended so it is tough for her to breathe and tough to get comfy.

She did manage to gobble up a piece of toast and keep it down - so far.


New member
Last night was a long night for them. Em has gained about 2.5 pounds of fluid since Thursday. They dialed down her IVs and did chest and abd x-rays. No intestinal blockage (thankfully), intestinal wall was inflammed, and cxr showed no new changes, only the regular CF changes.

They are staying at least another night. Emily's poor little abdomen is really distended so it is tough for her to breathe and tough to get comfy.

She did manage to gobble up a piece of toast and keep it down - so far.


New member
Gosh, this is so hard! I wish we could do something in person. They need casserole's --something they can heat up in micro, they need people to "spell" them to just get some fresh air. I feel so bad for them! We are all worrying about them, thanks for letting us know Mary! Poor Em! What a little trooper! Tell Tami we are praying for them. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">