Tasting Salty?


New member
I know we have issues with salt in our body, but I was wondering if anyone had been told they tasted salty?
I know that sounds weird but my boyfriend kissed me on the forehead and then went yuck and like said it was grossly salty.

I have also noticed when I exercise I have to wear shorts, other wise my legs get really itchy. I think it is from the salt and the fact that it just rubs against my pants but I was wondering if this happens to anyone else?


New member
I know we have issues with salt in our body, but I was wondering if anyone had been told they tasted salty?
I know that sounds weird but my boyfriend kissed me on the forehead and then went yuck and like said it was grossly salty.

I have also noticed when I exercise I have to wear shorts, other wise my legs get really itchy. I think it is from the salt and the fact that it just rubs against my pants but I was wondering if this happens to anyone else?


New member
I know we have issues with salt in our body, but I was wondering if anyone had been told they tasted salty?
<br />I know that sounds weird but my boyfriend kissed me on the forehead and then went yuck and like said it was grossly salty.
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<br />I have also noticed when I exercise I have to wear shorts, other wise my legs get really itchy. I think it is from the salt and the fact that it just rubs against my pants but I was wondering if this happens to anyone else?
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New member
My mom said she always thought i tasted salty when she would kiss me when i was a baby. She never really thought about it until i was diagnosed.


New member
My mom said she always thought i tasted salty when she would kiss me when i was a baby. She never really thought about it until i was diagnosed.


New member
My mom said she always thought i tasted salty when she would kiss me when i was a baby. She never really thought about it until i was diagnosed.


New member
My little boy taste really salty too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Not grossly salty though, but I like salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> so that helps I guess.


New member
My little boy taste really salty too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Not grossly salty though, but I like salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> so that helps I guess.


New member
My little boy taste really salty too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Not grossly salty though, but I like salt <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> so that helps I guess.


New member
I've had a boyfriend say I tasted salty too and I know when I'm exercising a lot or out in the sun and sweat a lot I can see the salt on my arms and legs


New member
I've had a boyfriend say I tasted salty too and I know when I'm exercising a lot or out in the sun and sweat a lot I can see the salt on my arms and legs


New member
I've had a boyfriend say I tasted salty too and I know when I'm exercising a lot or out in the sun and sweat a lot I can see the salt on my arms and legs


New member
I can totally relate. Its always a big joke with me and my friends about how salty I am. They say they could lick my hand and take a shot of tequila with no problem... haha I just think its funny and makes me unique <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I can totally relate. Its always a big joke with me and my friends about how salty I am. They say they could lick my hand and take a shot of tequila with no problem... haha I just think its funny and makes me unique <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I can totally relate. Its always a big joke with me and my friends about how salty I am. They say they could lick my hand and take a shot of tequila with no problem... haha I just think its funny and makes me unique <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
when I have kissed my boyfriend on the neck a few times he tastes salty. i don't really care though, i actually like it... (blushes)


New member
when I have kissed my boyfriend on the neck a few times he tastes salty. i don't really care though, i actually like it... (blushes)