I do know my hotel-mates. I have class with them on a weekly basis. So they are not complete strangers. They are just not a part of my whole life. It is too late for my own room and would leave someone to shoulder the entire cost when that was what both of us had been avoiding. My classmates, in their defense, are all very nice, caring people, given the nature of the field (education) they had to be to be teachers in their past lives. I am not sure I can even articulate my exact concern with the situation. I suppose it's fear, feeling like I am going to gross people out, not wanting to foist my problems on to others, a desire not to have this be a factor in future jobs (I don't think anyone would purposely ruin a career opportunity for me but might make a comment that could make someone else think I would be an added expense or unable to manage the demands of the job).