Terminating pregnancy?



Debbie, I'm glad that you found this site and have had many responses to your inquiry. It sounds like you may have made the decision to keep your baby and I am so happy about that.

I think that when you hear any diagnosis it is quite scary and you don't quite know what to expect and what is ahead. If you stick around this site and read many of the threads and entries you will find out what typical CF life is like, what it's like to parent a CFer. It's some of the best info on the Internet on CF, since so much else isn't up-to-date and this place is.

There are so many advances now in CF, it is amazing. Look at how old I am and how much I've lived and experienced! Some CFers are more mild, some more severe. some of it is from the particular genes and some the pro-active treatment to maintain that health. Your baby has so much to live for and experience with you and your husband. So many wonderful times ahead. Sure, there are times of illness, pain & treatments, etc., but I don't think they are much in comparison to all else there is in life.

Remember in raising this child, coming to this site will lend you much support through parenting a child with CF. You won't be going through it alone.

Best wishes and please keep in touch with us on how things are going -- I really mean that!


Debbie, I'm glad that you found this site and have had many responses to your inquiry. It sounds like you may have made the decision to keep your baby and I am so happy about that.

I think that when you hear any diagnosis it is quite scary and you don't quite know what to expect and what is ahead. If you stick around this site and read many of the threads and entries you will find out what typical CF life is like, what it's like to parent a CFer. It's some of the best info on the Internet on CF, since so much else isn't up-to-date and this place is.

There are so many advances now in CF, it is amazing. Look at how old I am and how much I've lived and experienced! Some CFers are more mild, some more severe. some of it is from the particular genes and some the pro-active treatment to maintain that health. Your baby has so much to live for and experience with you and your husband. So many wonderful times ahead. Sure, there are times of illness, pain & treatments, etc., but I don't think they are much in comparison to all else there is in life.

Remember in raising this child, coming to this site will lend you much support through parenting a child with CF. You won't be going through it alone.

Best wishes and please keep in touch with us on how things are going -- I really mean that!


Debbie, I'm glad that you found this site and have had many responses to your inquiry. It sounds like you may have made the decision to keep your baby and I am so happy about that.

I think that when you hear any diagnosis it is quite scary and you don't quite know what to expect and what is ahead. If you stick around this site and read many of the threads and entries you will find out what typical CF life is like, what it's like to parent a CFer. It's some of the best info on the Internet on CF, since so much else isn't up-to-date and this place is.

There are so many advances now in CF, it is amazing. Look at how old I am and how much I've lived and experienced! Some CFers are more mild, some more severe. some of it is from the particular genes and some the pro-active treatment to maintain that health. Your baby has so much to live for and experience with you and your husband. So many wonderful times ahead. Sure, there are times of illness, pain & treatments, etc., but I don't think they are much in comparison to all else there is in life.

Remember in raising this child, coming to this site will lend you much support through parenting a child with CF. You won't be going through it alone.

Best wishes and please keep in touch with us on how things are going -- I really mean that!


Debbie, I'm glad that you found this site and have had many responses to your inquiry. It sounds like you may have made the decision to keep your baby and I am so happy about that.

I think that when you hear any diagnosis it is quite scary and you don't quite know what to expect and what is ahead. If you stick around this site and read many of the threads and entries you will find out what typical CF life is like, what it's like to parent a CFer. It's some of the best info on the Internet on CF, since so much else isn't up-to-date and this place is.

There are so many advances now in CF, it is amazing. Look at how old I am and how much I've lived and experienced! Some CFers are more mild, some more severe. some of it is from the particular genes and some the pro-active treatment to maintain that health. Your baby has so much to live for and experience with you and your husband. So many wonderful times ahead. Sure, there are times of illness, pain & treatments, etc., but I don't think they are much in comparison to all else there is in life.

Remember in raising this child, coming to this site will lend you much support through parenting a child with CF. You won't be going through it alone.

Best wishes and please keep in touch with us on how things are going -- I really mean that!


Debbie, I'm glad that you found this site and have had many responses to your inquiry. It sounds like you may have made the decision to keep your baby and I am so happy about that.
<br />
<br />I think that when you hear any diagnosis it is quite scary and you don't quite know what to expect and what is ahead. If you stick around this site and read many of the threads and entries you will find out what typical CF life is like, what it's like to parent a CFer. It's some of the best info on the Internet on CF, since so much else isn't up-to-date and this place is.
<br />
<br />There are so many advances now in CF, it is amazing. Look at how old I am and how much I've lived and experienced! Some CFers are more mild, some more severe. some of it is from the particular genes and some the pro-active treatment to maintain that health. Your baby has so much to live for and experience with you and your husband. So many wonderful times ahead. Sure, there are times of illness, pain & treatments, etc., but I don't think they are much in comparison to all else there is in life.
<br />
<br />Remember in raising this child, coming to this site will lend you much support through parenting a child with CF. You won't be going through it alone.
<br />
<br />Best wishes and please keep in touch with us on how things are going -- I really mean that!


New member
Hi Debbie,

Wow, I give you credit for coming on here searching for truth before you just aborted your baby. This is my opionion on the subject...

I am 30 and have CF, I also have a niece (almost 9) with CF. I don't know what your religous beliefs are but I TRULY feel like I have CF for a reason. Is is difficult...yes at times, it is impossible...not at all. I'd rather have CF than most things out there.

Because I have CF I have had an amazing life, I've been able to touch peoples lives on a very deep level, I have lived my whole life knowing I'm not promised a tomorrow, I enjoy the simple things in life.

Yes, I have been in & out of the hospital my fair share of times and that's ok too. Of course it's no picnic (well no work, no cleaning, someone brings me food, I get to read and watch tv, it's not as horrible as you can imagine). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

A few things about me...God has blessed my life beyond measure. My husband and I own our own company (major praise to God on this), we are fine financially, I have a college degree, I competed in a beauty pageant here in OH (and NO one knew I had CF until I told them), I am a model, I have a wonderful life, I serve God, I want to serve God more and do what he has planned my whole life for me to do.

I am so happy my parents did not even have the option to abort me. I feel that I have CF for a reason and that God chose my parents for me. We have all learned lessons (and continue to) about CF, how CF can share God's glory with others, and how amazing my life...even though I have CF. Do you realize my life would not be the way it is if I DIDN'T have CF, it's something to think about.

One of my favorite Bible verses is ...

<b>For you created my inner most being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully & WONDERFULLY MADE. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16</b>

I LOVE that verse. God does NOT make mistakes. I feel this baby has a great purpose in your life. Please give your baby a chance, it may be the biggest blessing you could imagine.

Good luck to you. If you'd like to e-mail me (from an adults view of CF) or I can give you my sister's e-mail address (raising a child with CF).

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
30 f CF


New member
Hi Debbie,

Wow, I give you credit for coming on here searching for truth before you just aborted your baby. This is my opionion on the subject...

I am 30 and have CF, I also have a niece (almost 9) with CF. I don't know what your religous beliefs are but I TRULY feel like I have CF for a reason. Is is difficult...yes at times, it is impossible...not at all. I'd rather have CF than most things out there.

Because I have CF I have had an amazing life, I've been able to touch peoples lives on a very deep level, I have lived my whole life knowing I'm not promised a tomorrow, I enjoy the simple things in life.

Yes, I have been in & out of the hospital my fair share of times and that's ok too. Of course it's no picnic (well no work, no cleaning, someone brings me food, I get to read and watch tv, it's not as horrible as you can imagine). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

A few things about me...God has blessed my life beyond measure. My husband and I own our own company (major praise to God on this), we are fine financially, I have a college degree, I competed in a beauty pageant here in OH (and NO one knew I had CF until I told them), I am a model, I have a wonderful life, I serve God, I want to serve God more and do what he has planned my whole life for me to do.

I am so happy my parents did not even have the option to abort me. I feel that I have CF for a reason and that God chose my parents for me. We have all learned lessons (and continue to) about CF, how CF can share God's glory with others, and how amazing my life...even though I have CF. Do you realize my life would not be the way it is if I DIDN'T have CF, it's something to think about.

One of my favorite Bible verses is ...

<b>For you created my inner most being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully & WONDERFULLY MADE. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16</b>

I LOVE that verse. God does NOT make mistakes. I feel this baby has a great purpose in your life. Please give your baby a chance, it may be the biggest blessing you could imagine.

Good luck to you. If you'd like to e-mail me (from an adults view of CF) or I can give you my sister's e-mail address (raising a child with CF).

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
30 f CF


New member
Hi Debbie,

Wow, I give you credit for coming on here searching for truth before you just aborted your baby. This is my opionion on the subject...

I am 30 and have CF, I also have a niece (almost 9) with CF. I don't know what your religous beliefs are but I TRULY feel like I have CF for a reason. Is is difficult...yes at times, it is impossible...not at all. I'd rather have CF than most things out there.

Because I have CF I have had an amazing life, I've been able to touch peoples lives on a very deep level, I have lived my whole life knowing I'm not promised a tomorrow, I enjoy the simple things in life.

Yes, I have been in & out of the hospital my fair share of times and that's ok too. Of course it's no picnic (well no work, no cleaning, someone brings me food, I get to read and watch tv, it's not as horrible as you can imagine). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

A few things about me...God has blessed my life beyond measure. My husband and I own our own company (major praise to God on this), we are fine financially, I have a college degree, I competed in a beauty pageant here in OH (and NO one knew I had CF until I told them), I am a model, I have a wonderful life, I serve God, I want to serve God more and do what he has planned my whole life for me to do.

I am so happy my parents did not even have the option to abort me. I feel that I have CF for a reason and that God chose my parents for me. We have all learned lessons (and continue to) about CF, how CF can share God's glory with others, and how amazing my life...even though I have CF. Do you realize my life would not be the way it is if I DIDN'T have CF, it's something to think about.

One of my favorite Bible verses is ...

<b>For you created my inner most being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully & WONDERFULLY MADE. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16</b>

I LOVE that verse. God does NOT make mistakes. I feel this baby has a great purpose in your life. Please give your baby a chance, it may be the biggest blessing you could imagine.

Good luck to you. If you'd like to e-mail me (from an adults view of CF) or I can give you my sister's e-mail address (raising a child with CF).

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
30 f CF


New member
Hi Debbie,

Wow, I give you credit for coming on here searching for truth before you just aborted your baby. This is my opionion on the subject...

I am 30 and have CF, I also have a niece (almost 9) with CF. I don't know what your religous beliefs are but I TRULY feel like I have CF for a reason. Is is difficult...yes at times, it is impossible...not at all. I'd rather have CF than most things out there.

Because I have CF I have had an amazing life, I've been able to touch peoples lives on a very deep level, I have lived my whole life knowing I'm not promised a tomorrow, I enjoy the simple things in life.

Yes, I have been in & out of the hospital my fair share of times and that's ok too. Of course it's no picnic (well no work, no cleaning, someone brings me food, I get to read and watch tv, it's not as horrible as you can imagine). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

A few things about me...God has blessed my life beyond measure. My husband and I own our own company (major praise to God on this), we are fine financially, I have a college degree, I competed in a beauty pageant here in OH (and NO one knew I had CF until I told them), I am a model, I have a wonderful life, I serve God, I want to serve God more and do what he has planned my whole life for me to do.

I am so happy my parents did not even have the option to abort me. I feel that I have CF for a reason and that God chose my parents for me. We have all learned lessons (and continue to) about CF, how CF can share God's glory with others, and how amazing my life...even though I have CF. Do you realize my life would not be the way it is if I DIDN'T have CF, it's something to think about.

One of my favorite Bible verses is ...

<b>For you created my inner most being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully & WONDERFULLY MADE. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16</b>

I LOVE that verse. God does NOT make mistakes. I feel this baby has a great purpose in your life. Please give your baby a chance, it may be the biggest blessing you could imagine.

Good luck to you. If you'd like to e-mail me (from an adults view of CF) or I can give you my sister's e-mail address (raising a child with CF).

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
30 f CF


New member
Hi Debbie,
<br />
<br />Wow, I give you credit for coming on here searching for truth before you just aborted your baby. This is my opionion on the subject...
<br />
<br />I am 30 and have CF, I also have a niece (almost 9) with CF. I don't know what your religous beliefs are but I TRULY feel like I have CF for a reason. Is is difficult...yes at times, it is impossible...not at all. I'd rather have CF than most things out there.
<br />
<br />Because I have CF I have had an amazing life, I've been able to touch peoples lives on a very deep level, I have lived my whole life knowing I'm not promised a tomorrow, I enjoy the simple things in life.
<br />
<br />Yes, I have been in & out of the hospital my fair share of times and that's ok too. Of course it's no picnic (well no work, no cleaning, someone brings me food, I get to read and watch tv, it's not as horrible as you can imagine). <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />A few things about me...God has blessed my life beyond measure. My husband and I own our own company (major praise to God on this), we are fine financially, I have a college degree, I competed in a beauty pageant here in OH (and NO one knew I had CF until I told them), I am a model, I have a wonderful life, I serve God, I want to serve God more and do what he has planned my whole life for me to do.
<br />
<br />I am so happy my parents did not even have the option to abort me. I feel that I have CF for a reason and that God chose my parents for me. We have all learned lessons (and continue to) about CF, how CF can share God's glory with others, and how amazing my life...even though I have CF. Do you realize my life would not be the way it is if I DIDN'T have CF, it's something to think about.
<br />
<br />One of my favorite Bible verses is ...
<br />
<br /><b>For you created my inner most being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully & WONDERFULLY MADE. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:13-16</b>
<br />
<br />I LOVE that verse. God does NOT make mistakes. I feel this baby has a great purpose in your life. Please give your baby a chance, it may be the biggest blessing you could imagine.
<br />
<br />Good luck to you. If you'd like to e-mail me (from an adults view of CF) or I can give you my sister's e-mail address (raising a child with CF).
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
<br />KELLI
<br />30 f CF


New member
I recommend that you conduct a survey of people who actually have CF. Not their parents or relatives. Ask them if they would rather have been aborted.
Amy's Father


New member
I recommend that you conduct a survey of people who actually have CF. Not their parents or relatives. Ask them if they would rather have been aborted.
Amy's Father


New member
I recommend that you conduct a survey of people who actually have CF. Not their parents or relatives. Ask them if they would rather have been aborted.
Amy's Father


New member
I recommend that you conduct a survey of people who actually have CF. Not their parents or relatives. Ask them if they would rather have been aborted.
Amy's Father


New member
<br />I recommend that you conduct a survey of people who actually have CF. Not their parents or relatives. Ask them if they would rather have been aborted.
<br />Amy's Father


New member
Hello Laxgirl,
First and foremost I would like to tell you that a few weeks ago I was in your shoes. I was told at 18 weeks pregnant that my baby boy was going to have CF dd508, the day I found out will forever remain in my life as the worst day of my life... Me and finacee cried for days, I still cry not only for my situation but for everyone that has to live life with this horrible disease... I, like you wanted to believe that my baby would be ok and that he wouldnt be sick or in pain everyday... I looked everywhere for answers and I came here hoping that I would be able to get an insite on what I should expect...One thing I can tell you is that the people here are the most amazing people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and i have been fortunate to have had the honor of knowing and reading that they are going through....I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering... Please dont get me wrong, I am not telling you to terminate your pregnancy because I am no one to tell you how you should handle your situation I am just telling you that I know i was not woman enough to handle seeing someone I love so much dealing with CF and know that i could not help them in any way on dealing with it. I cry everyday for my Peanut...I think about him and sometimes I feel as if I might have made the wrong choice but then I go back and see the videos and assure myself that I did the right thing for me....My heart goes out to you and I really wish you the best...You will make the right decision for you and your baby....All the people here have touched me and although I dont have a child with CF I feel that I was meant to learn about this disease for a reason...Keep your head up and beleive me making this decision will not be easy, I am still hurting and I dont think that my heartache will ever go away....Good Luck



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
First and foremost I would like to tell you that a few weeks ago I was in your shoes. I was told at 18 weeks pregnant that my baby boy was going to have CF dd508, the day I found out will forever remain in my life as the worst day of my life... Me and finacee cried for days, I still cry not only for my situation but for everyone that has to live life with this horrible disease... I, like you wanted to believe that my baby would be ok and that he wouldnt be sick or in pain everyday... I looked everywhere for answers and I came here hoping that I would be able to get an insite on what I should expect...One thing I can tell you is that the people here are the most amazing people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and i have been fortunate to have had the honor of knowing and reading that they are going through....I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering... Please dont get me wrong, I am not telling you to terminate your pregnancy because I am no one to tell you how you should handle your situation I am just telling you that I know i was not woman enough to handle seeing someone I love so much dealing with CF and know that i could not help them in any way on dealing with it. I cry everyday for my Peanut...I think about him and sometimes I feel as if I might have made the wrong choice but then I go back and see the videos and assure myself that I did the right thing for me....My heart goes out to you and I really wish you the best...You will make the right decision for you and your baby....All the people here have touched me and although I dont have a child with CF I feel that I was meant to learn about this disease for a reason...Keep your head up and beleive me making this decision will not be easy, I am still hurting and I dont think that my heartache will ever go away....Good Luck



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
First and foremost I would like to tell you that a few weeks ago I was in your shoes. I was told at 18 weeks pregnant that my baby boy was going to have CF dd508, the day I found out will forever remain in my life as the worst day of my life... Me and finacee cried for days, I still cry not only for my situation but for everyone that has to live life with this horrible disease... I, like you wanted to believe that my baby would be ok and that he wouldnt be sick or in pain everyday... I looked everywhere for answers and I came here hoping that I would be able to get an insite on what I should expect...One thing I can tell you is that the people here are the most amazing people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and i have been fortunate to have had the honor of knowing and reading that they are going through....I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering... Please dont get me wrong, I am not telling you to terminate your pregnancy because I am no one to tell you how you should handle your situation I am just telling you that I know i was not woman enough to handle seeing someone I love so much dealing with CF and know that i could not help them in any way on dealing with it. I cry everyday for my Peanut...I think about him and sometimes I feel as if I might have made the wrong choice but then I go back and see the videos and assure myself that I did the right thing for me....My heart goes out to you and I really wish you the best...You will make the right decision for you and your baby....All the people here have touched me and although I dont have a child with CF I feel that I was meant to learn about this disease for a reason...Keep your head up and beleive me making this decision will not be easy, I am still hurting and I dont think that my heartache will ever go away....Good Luck



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
First and foremost I would like to tell you that a few weeks ago I was in your shoes. I was told at 18 weeks pregnant that my baby boy was going to have CF dd508, the day I found out will forever remain in my life as the worst day of my life... Me and finacee cried for days, I still cry not only for my situation but for everyone that has to live life with this horrible disease... I, like you wanted to believe that my baby would be ok and that he wouldnt be sick or in pain everyday... I looked everywhere for answers and I came here hoping that I would be able to get an insite on what I should expect...One thing I can tell you is that the people here are the most amazing people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and i have been fortunate to have had the honor of knowing and reading that they are going through....I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering... Please dont get me wrong, I am not telling you to terminate your pregnancy because I am no one to tell you how you should handle your situation I am just telling you that I know i was not woman enough to handle seeing someone I love so much dealing with CF and know that i could not help them in any way on dealing with it. I cry everyday for my Peanut...I think about him and sometimes I feel as if I might have made the wrong choice but then I go back and see the videos and assure myself that I did the right thing for me....My heart goes out to you and I really wish you the best...You will make the right decision for you and your baby....All the people here have touched me and although I dont have a child with CF I feel that I was meant to learn about this disease for a reason...Keep your head up and beleive me making this decision will not be easy, I am still hurting and I dont think that my heartache will ever go away....Good Luck



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
<br />First and foremost I would like to tell you that a few weeks ago I was in your shoes. I was told at 18 weeks pregnant that my baby boy was going to have CF dd508, the day I found out will forever remain in my life as the worst day of my life... Me and finacee cried for days, I still cry not only for my situation but for everyone that has to live life with this horrible disease... I, like you wanted to believe that my baby would be ok and that he wouldnt be sick or in pain everyday... I looked everywhere for answers and I came here hoping that I would be able to get an insite on what I should expect...One thing I can tell you is that the people here are the most amazing people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and i have been fortunate to have had the honor of knowing and reading that they are going through....I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering... Please dont get me wrong, I am not telling you to terminate your pregnancy because I am no one to tell you how you should handle your situation I am just telling you that I know i was not woman enough to handle seeing someone I love so much dealing with CF and know that i could not help them in any way on dealing with it. I cry everyday for my Peanut...I think about him and sometimes I feel as if I might have made the wrong choice but then I go back and see the videos and assure myself that I did the right thing for me....My heart goes out to you and I really wish you the best...You will make the right decision for you and your baby....All the people here have touched me and although I dont have a child with CF I feel that I was meant to learn about this disease for a reason...Keep your head up and beleive me making this decision will not be easy, I am still hurting and I dont think that my heartache will ever go away....Good Luck
<br />
<br />Peanut2008