Terminating pregnancy?



i just wanted to let you know that you are SOOO not alone. im only 22 and i just had my 1st baby in november of 2007. my fiance and i found out through amnio when i was 21 weeks pregnant that our lil guy had CF. we had about 2 weeks to terminate legally in the state of florida. that same day, the doctor did an ultrasound, and clear as day my little man was sucking his thumb. terminate? i think not. finding out brayden had CF could quite possibly have been the worst day of my life. but i more recently experienced the BEST day of my life when i got to meet my son for the first time. he is truly an angel. i dont blame you for a second for considering all of your options. i know it was alot for us at the time. and we werent sure we would be able to handle it. emotionally, physically...FINANCIALLY. but now that hes here...there is NOTHING i would go back and change. when i look at my baby boy...i dont see CF. i just see my son. im sure theres a long, HARD road ahead of us. but who ever said life was easy? and by the way...i did my fair share of crying for about a good month or two after the diagnosis. a very good friend of mine (who has 3 children of her own) told me that the more i cry when im pregnant...the more my baby will cry once hes born. so i sucked it up, dried my eyes, and spent the last 4 months of my pregnancy doing all the research i possibly could. i found him a pediatrician and a pediatric pulmonologist at our local CF center and we met with everyone before he was even born. i felt much more comfortable after speaking with the doctors. theres no doubt raising a child with CF will be a challenge. but god never gives you more than you can handle. maybe theres a reason YOU were chosen to raise this little one. besides, your child will be just like every other kid in school...theyll just get alot more love and attention when they get home. and HEY...whats so wrong with that?!? i wish you all the best in whatever decision you decide to make. i was just in your shoes not too long ago...so if you ever need to talk. im here. we're all here. this website has been amazing and really helped me during the last few months of my pregnancy. there is TONS of wonderful people here. keep us informed. x0x0x


i just wanted to let you know that you are SOOO not alone. im only 22 and i just had my 1st baby in november of 2007. my fiance and i found out through amnio when i was 21 weeks pregnant that our lil guy had CF. we had about 2 weeks to terminate legally in the state of florida. that same day, the doctor did an ultrasound, and clear as day my little man was sucking his thumb. terminate? i think not. finding out brayden had CF could quite possibly have been the worst day of my life. but i more recently experienced the BEST day of my life when i got to meet my son for the first time. he is truly an angel. i dont blame you for a second for considering all of your options. i know it was alot for us at the time. and we werent sure we would be able to handle it. emotionally, physically...FINANCIALLY. but now that hes here...there is NOTHING i would go back and change. when i look at my baby boy...i dont see CF. i just see my son. im sure theres a long, HARD road ahead of us. but who ever said life was easy? and by the way...i did my fair share of crying for about a good month or two after the diagnosis. a very good friend of mine (who has 3 children of her own) told me that the more i cry when im pregnant...the more my baby will cry once hes born. so i sucked it up, dried my eyes, and spent the last 4 months of my pregnancy doing all the research i possibly could. i found him a pediatrician and a pediatric pulmonologist at our local CF center and we met with everyone before he was even born. i felt much more comfortable after speaking with the doctors. theres no doubt raising a child with CF will be a challenge. but god never gives you more than you can handle. maybe theres a reason YOU were chosen to raise this little one. besides, your child will be just like every other kid in school...theyll just get alot more love and attention when they get home. and HEY...whats so wrong with that?!? i wish you all the best in whatever decision you decide to make. i was just in your shoes not too long ago...so if you ever need to talk. im here. we're all here. this website has been amazing and really helped me during the last few months of my pregnancy. there is TONS of wonderful people here. keep us informed. x0x0x


i just wanted to let you know that you are SOOO not alone. im only 22 and i just had my 1st baby in november of 2007. my fiance and i found out through amnio when i was 21 weeks pregnant that our lil guy had CF. we had about 2 weeks to terminate legally in the state of florida. that same day, the doctor did an ultrasound, and clear as day my little man was sucking his thumb. terminate? i think not. finding out brayden had CF could quite possibly have been the worst day of my life. but i more recently experienced the BEST day of my life when i got to meet my son for the first time. he is truly an angel. i dont blame you for a second for considering all of your options. i know it was alot for us at the time. and we werent sure we would be able to handle it. emotionally, physically...FINANCIALLY. but now that hes here...there is NOTHING i would go back and change. when i look at my baby boy...i dont see CF. i just see my son. im sure theres a long, HARD road ahead of us. but who ever said life was easy? and by the way...i did my fair share of crying for about a good month or two after the diagnosis. a very good friend of mine (who has 3 children of her own) told me that the more i cry when im pregnant...the more my baby will cry once hes born. so i sucked it up, dried my eyes, and spent the last 4 months of my pregnancy doing all the research i possibly could. i found him a pediatrician and a pediatric pulmonologist at our local CF center and we met with everyone before he was even born. i felt much more comfortable after speaking with the doctors. theres no doubt raising a child with CF will be a challenge. but god never gives you more than you can handle. maybe theres a reason YOU were chosen to raise this little one. besides, your child will be just like every other kid in school...theyll just get alot more love and attention when they get home. and HEY...whats so wrong with that?!? i wish you all the best in whatever decision you decide to make. i was just in your shoes not too long ago...so if you ever need to talk. im here. we're all here. this website has been amazing and really helped me during the last few months of my pregnancy. there is TONS of wonderful people here. keep us informed. x0x0x


i just wanted to let you know that you are SOOO not alone. im only 22 and i just had my 1st baby in november of 2007. my fiance and i found out through amnio when i was 21 weeks pregnant that our lil guy had CF. we had about 2 weeks to terminate legally in the state of florida. that same day, the doctor did an ultrasound, and clear as day my little man was sucking his thumb. terminate? i think not. finding out brayden had CF could quite possibly have been the worst day of my life. but i more recently experienced the BEST day of my life when i got to meet my son for the first time. he is truly an angel. i dont blame you for a second for considering all of your options. i know it was alot for us at the time. and we werent sure we would be able to handle it. emotionally, physically...FINANCIALLY. but now that hes here...there is NOTHING i would go back and change. when i look at my baby boy...i dont see CF. i just see my son. im sure theres a long, HARD road ahead of us. but who ever said life was easy? and by the way...i did my fair share of crying for about a good month or two after the diagnosis. a very good friend of mine (who has 3 children of her own) told me that the more i cry when im pregnant...the more my baby will cry once hes born. so i sucked it up, dried my eyes, and spent the last 4 months of my pregnancy doing all the research i possibly could. i found him a pediatrician and a pediatric pulmonologist at our local CF center and we met with everyone before he was even born. i felt much more comfortable after speaking with the doctors. theres no doubt raising a child with CF will be a challenge. but god never gives you more than you can handle. maybe theres a reason YOU were chosen to raise this little one. besides, your child will be just like every other kid in school...theyll just get alot more love and attention when they get home. and HEY...whats so wrong with that?!? i wish you all the best in whatever decision you decide to make. i was just in your shoes not too long ago...so if you ever need to talk. im here. we're all here. this website has been amazing and really helped me during the last few months of my pregnancy. there is TONS of wonderful people here. keep us informed. x0x0x


i just wanted to let you know that you are SOOO not alone. im only 22 and i just had my 1st baby in november of 2007. my fiance and i found out through amnio when i was 21 weeks pregnant that our lil guy had CF. we had about 2 weeks to terminate legally in the state of florida. that same day, the doctor did an ultrasound, and clear as day my little man was sucking his thumb. terminate? i think not. finding out brayden had CF could quite possibly have been the worst day of my life. but i more recently experienced the BEST day of my life when i got to meet my son for the first time. he is truly an angel. i dont blame you for a second for considering all of your options. i know it was alot for us at the time. and we werent sure we would be able to handle it. emotionally, physically...FINANCIALLY. but now that hes here...there is NOTHING i would go back and change. when i look at my baby boy...i dont see CF. i just see my son. im sure theres a long, HARD road ahead of us. but who ever said life was easy? and by the way...i did my fair share of crying for about a good month or two after the diagnosis. a very good friend of mine (who has 3 children of her own) told me that the more i cry when im pregnant...the more my baby will cry once hes born. so i sucked it up, dried my eyes, and spent the last 4 months of my pregnancy doing all the research i possibly could. i found him a pediatrician and a pediatric pulmonologist at our local CF center and we met with everyone before he was even born. i felt much more comfortable after speaking with the doctors. theres no doubt raising a child with CF will be a challenge. but god never gives you more than you can handle. maybe theres a reason YOU were chosen to raise this little one. besides, your child will be just like every other kid in school...theyll just get alot more love and attention when they get home. and HEY...whats so wrong with that?!? i wish you all the best in whatever decision you decide to make. i was just in your shoes not too long ago...so if you ever need to talk. im here. we're all here. this website has been amazing and really helped me during the last few months of my pregnancy. there is TONS of wonderful people here. keep us informed. x0x0x


New member
Hello Laxgirl,
I just wanted to let you know that I am still here for you....Whatever you decide I beleive that your baby will know how much you already love him and this baby knows you love it becasue this is sooo hard for you to decide.....Your eyes will burn with tears but what ever you decide will be right decision...My heart goes out to you <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
I just wanted to let you know that I am still here for you....Whatever you decide I beleive that your baby will know how much you already love him and this baby knows you love it becasue this is sooo hard for you to decide.....Your eyes will burn with tears but what ever you decide will be right decision...My heart goes out to you <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
I just wanted to let you know that I am still here for you....Whatever you decide I beleive that your baby will know how much you already love him and this baby knows you love it becasue this is sooo hard for you to decide.....Your eyes will burn with tears but what ever you decide will be right decision...My heart goes out to you <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
I just wanted to let you know that I am still here for you....Whatever you decide I beleive that your baby will know how much you already love him and this baby knows you love it becasue this is sooo hard for you to decide.....Your eyes will burn with tears but what ever you decide will be right decision...My heart goes out to you <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">



New member
Hello Laxgirl,
<br />I just wanted to let you know that I am still here for you....Whatever you decide I beleive that your baby will know how much you already love him and this baby knows you love it becasue this is sooo hard for you to decide.....Your eyes will burn with tears but what ever you decide will be right decision...My heart goes out to you <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">
<br />
<br />Peanut2008


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Peanut2008</b></i>

...I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering...

Peanut2008</end quote></div>

Peanut -- I am curious about the videos on youtube you are referring to.... I went there and searched for several words, including cystic fibrosis, cf, breathing treatments..... I couldn't find a single video that showed "babies struggling to breath".... or "children suffering" Did you use different key words in your search?

I'm not judging or criticizing your decision to terminate, that is <b>not </b>the reason for my post ..... the reason I am posting and asking about this is because others who are in the same position you were in may come here and read what you have written..... I'm wondering if it might not be the most accurate or best description of what is out there on video.........maybe we just saw things differently.... I saw a tremendous amount of videos that depicted smiling children running around doing normal kid stuff for the most part... yes they did show them doing their treatments too, but I did not see any "struggling or suffering"....perhaps it's just a matter of perspective, and everyone has their own perspective, that's for sure!

Again, please don't misunderstand my questions - I hope I haven't offended you by asking -- <b>it is not my intention to pick on you, I really am just curious if I am not seeing the same videos or if we are seeing the same things differently</b>.....<i>maybe all of us in the CF world are so used to seeing kids doing their treatments that it just looks normal to us????</i>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Peanut2008</b></i>

...I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering...

Peanut2008</end quote></div>

Peanut -- I am curious about the videos on youtube you are referring to.... I went there and searched for several words, including cystic fibrosis, cf, breathing treatments..... I couldn't find a single video that showed "babies struggling to breath".... or "children suffering" Did you use different key words in your search?

I'm not judging or criticizing your decision to terminate, that is <b>not </b>the reason for my post ..... the reason I am posting and asking about this is because others who are in the same position you were in may come here and read what you have written..... I'm wondering if it might not be the most accurate or best description of what is out there on video.........maybe we just saw things differently.... I saw a tremendous amount of videos that depicted smiling children running around doing normal kid stuff for the most part... yes they did show them doing their treatments too, but I did not see any "struggling or suffering"....perhaps it's just a matter of perspective, and everyone has their own perspective, that's for sure!

Again, please don't misunderstand my questions - I hope I haven't offended you by asking -- <b>it is not my intention to pick on you, I really am just curious if I am not seeing the same videos or if we are seeing the same things differently</b>.....<i>maybe all of us in the CF world are so used to seeing kids doing their treatments that it just looks normal to us????</i>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Peanut2008</b></i>

...I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering...

Peanut2008</end quote></div>

Peanut -- I am curious about the videos on youtube you are referring to.... I went there and searched for several words, including cystic fibrosis, cf, breathing treatments..... I couldn't find a single video that showed "babies struggling to breath".... or "children suffering" Did you use different key words in your search?

I'm not judging or criticizing your decision to terminate, that is <b>not </b>the reason for my post ..... the reason I am posting and asking about this is because others who are in the same position you were in may come here and read what you have written..... I'm wondering if it might not be the most accurate or best description of what is out there on video.........maybe we just saw things differently.... I saw a tremendous amount of videos that depicted smiling children running around doing normal kid stuff for the most part... yes they did show them doing their treatments too, but I did not see any "struggling or suffering"....perhaps it's just a matter of perspective, and everyone has their own perspective, that's for sure!

Again, please don't misunderstand my questions - I hope I haven't offended you by asking -- <b>it is not my intention to pick on you, I really am just curious if I am not seeing the same videos or if we are seeing the same things differently</b>.....<i>maybe all of us in the CF world are so used to seeing kids doing their treatments that it just looks normal to us????</i>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Peanut2008</b></i>

...I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering...

Peanut2008</end quote>

Peanut -- I am curious about the videos on youtube you are referring to.... I went there and searched for several words, including cystic fibrosis, cf, breathing treatments..... I couldn't find a single video that showed "babies struggling to breath".... or "children suffering" Did you use different key words in your search?

I'm not judging or criticizing your decision to terminate, that is <b>not </b>the reason for my post ..... the reason I am posting and asking about this is because others who are in the same position you were in may come here and read what you have written..... I'm wondering if it might not be the most accurate or best description of what is out there on video.........maybe we just saw things differently.... I saw a tremendous amount of videos that depicted smiling children running around doing normal kid stuff for the most part... yes they did show them doing their treatments too, but I did not see any "struggling or suffering"....perhaps it's just a matter of perspective, and everyone has their own perspective, that's for sure!

Again, please don't misunderstand my questions - I hope I haven't offended you by asking -- <b>it is not my intention to pick on you, I really am just curious if I am not seeing the same videos or if we are seeing the same things differently</b>.....<i>maybe all of us in the CF world are so used to seeing kids doing their treatments that it just looks normal to us????</i>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Peanut2008</b></i>
<br />
<br />
<br />...I was very close to keeping my baby but one day I went on YouTube and looked up Cyctic Fibrosis and my heart hurt for all of those beautiful and wonder young men and women that have passed away to this disease...I saw videos of young children and babies also struggeling to breath and doing treatments.... When I saw that I decided to terminate the pregnancy because I couldnt bere the thought of seeing my child suffering...
<br />
<br />
<br />Peanut2008</end quote>
<br />
<br />Peanut -- I am curious about the videos on youtube you are referring to.... I went there and searched for several words, including cystic fibrosis, cf, breathing treatments..... I couldn't find a single video that showed "babies struggling to breath".... or "children suffering" Did you use different key words in your search?
<br />
<br />I'm not judging or criticizing your decision to terminate, that is <b>not </b>the reason for my post ..... the reason I am posting and asking about this is because others who are in the same position you were in may come here and read what you have written..... I'm wondering if it might not be the most accurate or best description of what is out there on video.........maybe we just saw things differently.... I saw a tremendous amount of videos that depicted smiling children running around doing normal kid stuff for the most part... yes they did show them doing their treatments too, but I did not see any "struggling or suffering"....perhaps it's just a matter of perspective, and everyone has their own perspective, that's for sure!
<br />
<br />Again, please don't misunderstand my questions - I hope I haven't offended you by asking -- <b>it is not my intention to pick on you, I really am just curious if I am not seeing the same videos or if we are seeing the same things differently</b>.....<i>maybe all of us in the CF world are so used to seeing kids doing their treatments that it just looks normal to us????</i>


New member
Hi Laxgirl.
I'm very glad to meet you , Ijust wish it wasn't under these conditions.
Well let me start by saying I wish I could help you with your decision , but its not fair for me to say what I would do because we did not know before we had are daughter that she had cf. So my heart go's out to you for feeling that you have to make that choice! We had my little princess and now i can say we would with out a doubt keep her !! I don't care how rough or hard the road is . With all that being said , the reason I am writing this is because if your going to do research about it go to cff.org they are making progress with cf every year . And just remember no one knows how long they have in this world.

What ever you decide will not be easy . My family & I will pray for you .


New member
Hi Laxgirl.
I'm very glad to meet you , Ijust wish it wasn't under these conditions.
Well let me start by saying I wish I could help you with your decision , but its not fair for me to say what I would do because we did not know before we had are daughter that she had cf. So my heart go's out to you for feeling that you have to make that choice! We had my little princess and now i can say we would with out a doubt keep her !! I don't care how rough or hard the road is . With all that being said , the reason I am writing this is because if your going to do research about it go to cff.org they are making progress with cf every year . And just remember no one knows how long they have in this world.

What ever you decide will not be easy . My family & I will pray for you .


New member
Hi Laxgirl.
I'm very glad to meet you , Ijust wish it wasn't under these conditions.
Well let me start by saying I wish I could help you with your decision , but its not fair for me to say what I would do because we did not know before we had are daughter that she had cf. So my heart go's out to you for feeling that you have to make that choice! We had my little princess and now i can say we would with out a doubt keep her !! I don't care how rough or hard the road is . With all that being said , the reason I am writing this is because if your going to do research about it go to cff.org they are making progress with cf every year . And just remember no one knows how long they have in this world.

What ever you decide will not be easy . My family & I will pray for you .


New member
Hi Laxgirl.
I'm very glad to meet you , Ijust wish it wasn't under these conditions.
Well let me start by saying I wish I could help you with your decision , but its not fair for me to say what I would do because we did not know before we had are daughter that she had cf. So my heart go's out to you for feeling that you have to make that choice! We had my little princess and now i can say we would with out a doubt keep her !! I don't care how rough or hard the road is . With all that being said , the reason I am writing this is because if your going to do research about it go to cff.org they are making progress with cf every year . And just remember no one knows how long they have in this world.

What ever you decide will not be easy . My family & I will pray for you .


New member
Hi Laxgirl.
<br />I'm very glad to meet you , Ijust wish it wasn't under these conditions.
<br />Well let me start by saying I wish I could help you with your decision , but its not fair for me to say what I would do because we did not know before we had are daughter that she had cf. So my heart go's out to you for feeling that you have to make that choice! We had my little princess and now i can say we would with out a doubt keep her !! I don't care how rough or hard the road is . With all that being said , the reason I am writing this is because if your going to do research about it go to cff.org they are making progress with cf every year . And just remember no one knows how long they have in this world.
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<br />What ever you decide will not be easy . My family & I will pray for you .