Terminating pregnancy?


New member

I can't imagine the position you are in. Please take a moment to read Peanut2008's last post in her thread yesterday about her issues with terminating her pregnancy. It is a tough decision. Ultimately, you will have to make the decision that you can live with...terminating a pregnancy or dealing with everything that comes with being the parent with a child with CF.

If it were me, I'd make a list of pros and cons of each and then I would pray or meditate or whatever you do to help clear your mind so you can make a decision.

Here's Peanut2008's post yesterday. Take a tissue...it isn't an easy read.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.cysticfibrosis.com/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=28719&highlight_key=y&keyword1=Peanut">Peanut2008's feelings...</a> Make sure you read the 03/01/2008 Peanut2008 post. Depending on how you have your posts sorted, it should either be one of the first few or one of the last few.

I'm not going to suggest either way because you will make the decision that is right for you, but I do want you to see how hard it is to cope with the decision to terminate a pregnancy. I've seen it first-hand many, many times with friends and family. I would strongly suggest that you speak with a pregnancy crisis center or resource center. They can give you confidential counseling and help you come to terms with any decision you make. I've volunteered at one and they are not all "anti-abortion."

I'm sorry if I am evil for doing so, but I truly believe the best decision you can make is an informed decision. Please remember too, that you should remember that your child has the potential to be anything and CF won't define him/her unless you make it a defining characteristic for him/her.

Alyssa and NoExcuses have a point about the upcoming treatment. Personally, I believe that every life is valuable and that every unborn child has the potential for greatness. Your child could be the researcher who develops the big cure for CF. We just don't know which makes me want to encourage you otherwise. I'm lucky because I have it easy with CF. Our daughter has no classical symptoms and we are only doing preventative care right now. But, my job isn't guilting you into having your child, it is to help you weigh your options. Feel free to PM me if you want more info about pregnancy resource center or how to locate one.



New member

I can't imagine the position you are in. Please take a moment to read Peanut2008's last post in her thread yesterday about her issues with terminating her pregnancy. It is a tough decision. Ultimately, you will have to make the decision that you can live with...terminating a pregnancy or dealing with everything that comes with being the parent with a child with CF.

If it were me, I'd make a list of pros and cons of each and then I would pray or meditate or whatever you do to help clear your mind so you can make a decision.

Here's Peanut2008's post yesterday. Take a tissue...it isn't an easy read.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.cysticfibrosis.com/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=28719&highlight_key=y&keyword1=Peanut">Peanut2008's feelings...</a> Make sure you read the 03/01/2008 Peanut2008 post. Depending on how you have your posts sorted, it should either be one of the first few or one of the last few.

I'm not going to suggest either way because you will make the decision that is right for you, but I do want you to see how hard it is to cope with the decision to terminate a pregnancy. I've seen it first-hand many, many times with friends and family. I would strongly suggest that you speak with a pregnancy crisis center or resource center. They can give you confidential counseling and help you come to terms with any decision you make. I've volunteered at one and they are not all "anti-abortion."

I'm sorry if I am evil for doing so, but I truly believe the best decision you can make is an informed decision. Please remember too, that you should remember that your child has the potential to be anything and CF won't define him/her unless you make it a defining characteristic for him/her.

Alyssa and NoExcuses have a point about the upcoming treatment. Personally, I believe that every life is valuable and that every unborn child has the potential for greatness. Your child could be the researcher who develops the big cure for CF. We just don't know which makes me want to encourage you otherwise. I'm lucky because I have it easy with CF. Our daughter has no classical symptoms and we are only doing preventative care right now. But, my job isn't guilting you into having your child, it is to help you weigh your options. Feel free to PM me if you want more info about pregnancy resource center or how to locate one.



New member

I can't imagine the position you are in. Please take a moment to read Peanut2008's last post in her thread yesterday about her issues with terminating her pregnancy. It is a tough decision. Ultimately, you will have to make the decision that you can live with...terminating a pregnancy or dealing with everything that comes with being the parent with a child with CF.

If it were me, I'd make a list of pros and cons of each and then I would pray or meditate or whatever you do to help clear your mind so you can make a decision.

Here's Peanut2008's post yesterday. Take a tissue...it isn't an easy read.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.cysticfibrosis.com/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=28719&highlight_key=y&keyword1=Peanut">Peanut2008's feelings...</a> Make sure you read the 03/01/2008 Peanut2008 post. Depending on how you have your posts sorted, it should either be one of the first few or one of the last few.

I'm not going to suggest either way because you will make the decision that is right for you, but I do want you to see how hard it is to cope with the decision to terminate a pregnancy. I've seen it first-hand many, many times with friends and family. I would strongly suggest that you speak with a pregnancy crisis center or resource center. They can give you confidential counseling and help you come to terms with any decision you make. I've volunteered at one and they are not all "anti-abortion."

I'm sorry if I am evil for doing so, but I truly believe the best decision you can make is an informed decision. Please remember too, that you should remember that your child has the potential to be anything and CF won't define him/her unless you make it a defining characteristic for him/her.

Alyssa and NoExcuses have a point about the upcoming treatment. Personally, I believe that every life is valuable and that every unborn child has the potential for greatness. Your child could be the researcher who develops the big cure for CF. We just don't know which makes me want to encourage you otherwise. I'm lucky because I have it easy with CF. Our daughter has no classical symptoms and we are only doing preventative care right now. But, my job isn't guilting you into having your child, it is to help you weigh your options. Feel free to PM me if you want more info about pregnancy resource center or how to locate one.



New member

I can't imagine the position you are in. Please take a moment to read Peanut2008's last post in her thread yesterday about her issues with terminating her pregnancy. It is a tough decision. Ultimately, you will have to make the decision that you can live with...terminating a pregnancy or dealing with everything that comes with being the parent with a child with CF.

If it were me, I'd make a list of pros and cons of each and then I would pray or meditate or whatever you do to help clear your mind so you can make a decision.

Here's Peanut2008's post yesterday. Take a tissue...it isn't an easy read.
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.cysticfibrosis.com/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=28719&highlight_key=y&keyword1=Peanut">Peanut2008's feelings...</a> Make sure you read the 03/01/2008 Peanut2008 post. Depending on how you have your posts sorted, it should either be one of the first few or one of the last few.

I'm not going to suggest either way because you will make the decision that is right for you, but I do want you to see how hard it is to cope with the decision to terminate a pregnancy. I've seen it first-hand many, many times with friends and family. I would strongly suggest that you speak with a pregnancy crisis center or resource center. They can give you confidential counseling and help you come to terms with any decision you make. I've volunteered at one and they are not all "anti-abortion."

I'm sorry if I am evil for doing so, but I truly believe the best decision you can make is an informed decision. Please remember too, that you should remember that your child has the potential to be anything and CF won't define him/her unless you make it a defining characteristic for him/her.

Alyssa and NoExcuses have a point about the upcoming treatment. Personally, I believe that every life is valuable and that every unborn child has the potential for greatness. Your child could be the researcher who develops the big cure for CF. We just don't know which makes me want to encourage you otherwise. I'm lucky because I have it easy with CF. Our daughter has no classical symptoms and we are only doing preventative care right now. But, my job isn't guilting you into having your child, it is to help you weigh your options. Feel free to PM me if you want more info about pregnancy resource center or how to locate one.



New member
<br />
<br />I can't imagine the position you are in. Please take a moment to read Peanut2008's last post in her thread yesterday about her issues with terminating her pregnancy. It is a tough decision. Ultimately, you will have to make the decision that you can live with...terminating a pregnancy or dealing with everything that comes with being the parent with a child with CF.
<br />
<br />If it were me, I'd make a list of pros and cons of each and then I would pray or meditate or whatever you do to help clear your mind so you can make a decision.
<br />
<br />Here's Peanut2008's post yesterday. Take a tissue...it isn't an easy read.
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.cysticfibrosis.com/messageview.cfm?catid=5&threadid=28719&highlight_key=y&keyword1=Peanut">Peanut2008's feelings...</a> Make sure you read the 03/01/2008 Peanut2008 post. Depending on how you have your posts sorted, it should either be one of the first few or one of the last few.
<br />
<br />I'm not going to suggest either way because you will make the decision that is right for you, but I do want you to see how hard it is to cope with the decision to terminate a pregnancy. I've seen it first-hand many, many times with friends and family. I would strongly suggest that you speak with a pregnancy crisis center or resource center. They can give you confidential counseling and help you come to terms with any decision you make. I've volunteered at one and they are not all "anti-abortion."
<br />
<br />I'm sorry if I am evil for doing so, but I truly believe the best decision you can make is an informed decision. Please remember too, that you should remember that your child has the potential to be anything and CF won't define him/her unless you make it a defining characteristic for him/her.
<br />
<br />Alyssa and NoExcuses have a point about the upcoming treatment. Personally, I believe that every life is valuable and that every unborn child has the potential for greatness. Your child could be the researcher who develops the big cure for CF. We just don't know which makes me want to encourage you otherwise. I'm lucky because I have it easy with CF. Our daughter has no classical symptoms and we are only doing preventative care right now. But, my job isn't guilting you into having your child, it is to help you weigh your options. Feel free to PM me if you want more info about pregnancy resource center or how to locate one.
<br />
<br />Emily


New member
I know everyone says "oh, your child could die from anything, not just CF" and i also know that it just seems like such a far off idea that no parent wants to consider, but i'll tell you my story, even if it is a little off topic. I apologize if this gets long winded.

When I was a senior in high school, I had 5 friends die in a one car crash. It was absolutely devestating for everyone who knew them. These were 5 healthy girls in the prime of their lives. I remember thinking I could'nt imagine being their parents and living with that kind of loss. They were amazing, and stronger than anyone I had ever seen.

2 months later, 2 brothers from my high school were murdered by a neighbor in a domestic dispute. Thier brother (the only child in the family left) was a pillar of strength, and I was amazed again.

All in all, by the time I was 21, I had seen over 25 people my age die from something other than disease. It can happen, and in my community it happened a lot. I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb, where things like that "weren't supposed to happen" Every time it did, I could never understand how their family could handle this without breaking down.

Then, I find out that my little girl was diagnosed with CF. I didn't kow if I could do this, I mean, what happens if she was really really sick? After alot of soul searching, we decided to begin this journey with her. Sometimes, it's hard, and you'll cry. Sometimes you'll be so scared you won't think that you can take anymore. And then you just do. And then you become one of those people that have an innner strength that they didn't know they had until they were tested.

Right now Alexa is perfectly healthy, and the treatments that we do for her don't take up more than an hour in the whole day, and that's broken up. Maybe it's because she's my first child, and I don't know any better, but so far it's not too bad. in the back of my head I worry, but I mostly just enjoy my pretty little baby girl.

Every time i go to the hospital for Alexa's visits. (No major ones by the way, just checkups!) I see children with disabilites that I couldn't imagine handling, but their parents do it everyday, and i realize that I don't have it that bad.

I feel blessed, and you should too, that I knew about CF while i was pregnant. It gave me the chance to decide what I wanted to do, just like it is with you. If you decide to keep this baby, it also gives you a chance to set up an action plan right away, and start any treatments from the beginning, which i believe makes a difference.

I have more to my story that i'm not totally comfortable sharing with everyone just yet, but if you want to PM me, i'll be happy to share it with you.

You'll make whatever decision is the best for you, and we'll all be here to support you in it. Good Luck.


New member
I know everyone says "oh, your child could die from anything, not just CF" and i also know that it just seems like such a far off idea that no parent wants to consider, but i'll tell you my story, even if it is a little off topic. I apologize if this gets long winded.

When I was a senior in high school, I had 5 friends die in a one car crash. It was absolutely devestating for everyone who knew them. These were 5 healthy girls in the prime of their lives. I remember thinking I could'nt imagine being their parents and living with that kind of loss. They were amazing, and stronger than anyone I had ever seen.

2 months later, 2 brothers from my high school were murdered by a neighbor in a domestic dispute. Thier brother (the only child in the family left) was a pillar of strength, and I was amazed again.

All in all, by the time I was 21, I had seen over 25 people my age die from something other than disease. It can happen, and in my community it happened a lot. I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb, where things like that "weren't supposed to happen" Every time it did, I could never understand how their family could handle this without breaking down.

Then, I find out that my little girl was diagnosed with CF. I didn't kow if I could do this, I mean, what happens if she was really really sick? After alot of soul searching, we decided to begin this journey with her. Sometimes, it's hard, and you'll cry. Sometimes you'll be so scared you won't think that you can take anymore. And then you just do. And then you become one of those people that have an innner strength that they didn't know they had until they were tested.

Right now Alexa is perfectly healthy, and the treatments that we do for her don't take up more than an hour in the whole day, and that's broken up. Maybe it's because she's my first child, and I don't know any better, but so far it's not too bad. in the back of my head I worry, but I mostly just enjoy my pretty little baby girl.

Every time i go to the hospital for Alexa's visits. (No major ones by the way, just checkups!) I see children with disabilites that I couldn't imagine handling, but their parents do it everyday, and i realize that I don't have it that bad.

I feel blessed, and you should too, that I knew about CF while i was pregnant. It gave me the chance to decide what I wanted to do, just like it is with you. If you decide to keep this baby, it also gives you a chance to set up an action plan right away, and start any treatments from the beginning, which i believe makes a difference.

I have more to my story that i'm not totally comfortable sharing with everyone just yet, but if you want to PM me, i'll be happy to share it with you.

You'll make whatever decision is the best for you, and we'll all be here to support you in it. Good Luck.


New member
I know everyone says "oh, your child could die from anything, not just CF" and i also know that it just seems like such a far off idea that no parent wants to consider, but i'll tell you my story, even if it is a little off topic. I apologize if this gets long winded.

When I was a senior in high school, I had 5 friends die in a one car crash. It was absolutely devestating for everyone who knew them. These were 5 healthy girls in the prime of their lives. I remember thinking I could'nt imagine being their parents and living with that kind of loss. They were amazing, and stronger than anyone I had ever seen.

2 months later, 2 brothers from my high school were murdered by a neighbor in a domestic dispute. Thier brother (the only child in the family left) was a pillar of strength, and I was amazed again.

All in all, by the time I was 21, I had seen over 25 people my age die from something other than disease. It can happen, and in my community it happened a lot. I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb, where things like that "weren't supposed to happen" Every time it did, I could never understand how their family could handle this without breaking down.

Then, I find out that my little girl was diagnosed with CF. I didn't kow if I could do this, I mean, what happens if she was really really sick? After alot of soul searching, we decided to begin this journey with her. Sometimes, it's hard, and you'll cry. Sometimes you'll be so scared you won't think that you can take anymore. And then you just do. And then you become one of those people that have an innner strength that they didn't know they had until they were tested.

Right now Alexa is perfectly healthy, and the treatments that we do for her don't take up more than an hour in the whole day, and that's broken up. Maybe it's because she's my first child, and I don't know any better, but so far it's not too bad. in the back of my head I worry, but I mostly just enjoy my pretty little baby girl.

Every time i go to the hospital for Alexa's visits. (No major ones by the way, just checkups!) I see children with disabilites that I couldn't imagine handling, but their parents do it everyday, and i realize that I don't have it that bad.

I feel blessed, and you should too, that I knew about CF while i was pregnant. It gave me the chance to decide what I wanted to do, just like it is with you. If you decide to keep this baby, it also gives you a chance to set up an action plan right away, and start any treatments from the beginning, which i believe makes a difference.

I have more to my story that i'm not totally comfortable sharing with everyone just yet, but if you want to PM me, i'll be happy to share it with you.

You'll make whatever decision is the best for you, and we'll all be here to support you in it. Good Luck.


New member
I know everyone says "oh, your child could die from anything, not just CF" and i also know that it just seems like such a far off idea that no parent wants to consider, but i'll tell you my story, even if it is a little off topic. I apologize if this gets long winded.

When I was a senior in high school, I had 5 friends die in a one car crash. It was absolutely devestating for everyone who knew them. These were 5 healthy girls in the prime of their lives. I remember thinking I could'nt imagine being their parents and living with that kind of loss. They were amazing, and stronger than anyone I had ever seen.

2 months later, 2 brothers from my high school were murdered by a neighbor in a domestic dispute. Thier brother (the only child in the family left) was a pillar of strength, and I was amazed again.

All in all, by the time I was 21, I had seen over 25 people my age die from something other than disease. It can happen, and in my community it happened a lot. I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb, where things like that "weren't supposed to happen" Every time it did, I could never understand how their family could handle this without breaking down.

Then, I find out that my little girl was diagnosed with CF. I didn't kow if I could do this, I mean, what happens if she was really really sick? After alot of soul searching, we decided to begin this journey with her. Sometimes, it's hard, and you'll cry. Sometimes you'll be so scared you won't think that you can take anymore. And then you just do. And then you become one of those people that have an innner strength that they didn't know they had until they were tested.

Right now Alexa is perfectly healthy, and the treatments that we do for her don't take up more than an hour in the whole day, and that's broken up. Maybe it's because she's my first child, and I don't know any better, but so far it's not too bad. in the back of my head I worry, but I mostly just enjoy my pretty little baby girl.

Every time i go to the hospital for Alexa's visits. (No major ones by the way, just checkups!) I see children with disabilites that I couldn't imagine handling, but their parents do it everyday, and i realize that I don't have it that bad.

I feel blessed, and you should too, that I knew about CF while i was pregnant. It gave me the chance to decide what I wanted to do, just like it is with you. If you decide to keep this baby, it also gives you a chance to set up an action plan right away, and start any treatments from the beginning, which i believe makes a difference.

I have more to my story that i'm not totally comfortable sharing with everyone just yet, but if you want to PM me, i'll be happy to share it with you.

You'll make whatever decision is the best for you, and we'll all be here to support you in it. Good Luck.


New member
I know everyone says "oh, your child could die from anything, not just CF" and i also know that it just seems like such a far off idea that no parent wants to consider, but i'll tell you my story, even if it is a little off topic. I apologize if this gets long winded.
<br />
<br />When I was a senior in high school, I had 5 friends die in a one car crash. It was absolutely devestating for everyone who knew them. These were 5 healthy girls in the prime of their lives. I remember thinking I could'nt imagine being their parents and living with that kind of loss. They were amazing, and stronger than anyone I had ever seen.
<br />
<br />2 months later, 2 brothers from my high school were murdered by a neighbor in a domestic dispute. Thier brother (the only child in the family left) was a pillar of strength, and I was amazed again.
<br />
<br />All in all, by the time I was 21, I had seen over 25 people my age die from something other than disease. It can happen, and in my community it happened a lot. I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb, where things like that "weren't supposed to happen" Every time it did, I could never understand how their family could handle this without breaking down.
<br />
<br />Then, I find out that my little girl was diagnosed with CF. I didn't kow if I could do this, I mean, what happens if she was really really sick? After alot of soul searching, we decided to begin this journey with her. Sometimes, it's hard, and you'll cry. Sometimes you'll be so scared you won't think that you can take anymore. And then you just do. And then you become one of those people that have an innner strength that they didn't know they had until they were tested.
<br />
<br />Right now Alexa is perfectly healthy, and the treatments that we do for her don't take up more than an hour in the whole day, and that's broken up. Maybe it's because she's my first child, and I don't know any better, but so far it's not too bad. in the back of my head I worry, but I mostly just enjoy my pretty little baby girl.
<br />
<br />Every time i go to the hospital for Alexa's visits. (No major ones by the way, just checkups!) I see children with disabilites that I couldn't imagine handling, but their parents do it everyday, and i realize that I don't have it that bad.
<br />
<br />I feel blessed, and you should too, that I knew about CF while i was pregnant. It gave me the chance to decide what I wanted to do, just like it is with you. If you decide to keep this baby, it also gives you a chance to set up an action plan right away, and start any treatments from the beginning, which i believe makes a difference.
<br />
<br />I have more to my story that i'm not totally comfortable sharing with everyone just yet, but if you want to PM me, i'll be happy to share it with you.
<br />
<br />You'll make whatever decision is the best for you, and we'll all be here to support you in it. Good Luck.


I can't help but think...

"how do I deal with the fact that my child's life could be taken away at the moment they are reaching adulthood, finding a mate, a life purpose, or their passion at work? That is what breaks my heart to no end"

How do you deal with the fact that your child's life could be taken away at the moment she is about to wrap her tiny fingers around yours for the first time, be welcomed into a family that will accept and support her through her entire life, learn what it feels like to walk in the grass in bare feet, pose for her first embarassing bathtub picture....

Wether your child is heathly for 10 years or 80 years, she is already your child. You can do this! You seem to be focusing so much on how much it would hurt to lose her or watch her health deteriorate when she is older. Try to focus on what a blessing your healthy, mild years can be like! (And statistics say there will me many of them!:heart<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> When my husband and I decided to have a second child, we had one naturally, willing to take that chance and handle what life gave us one day at a time. I have a feeling you would be a wonderful, involved CF parent. Maybe this was the path you were meant to take?????


I can't help but think...

"how do I deal with the fact that my child's life could be taken away at the moment they are reaching adulthood, finding a mate, a life purpose, or their passion at work? That is what breaks my heart to no end"

How do you deal with the fact that your child's life could be taken away at the moment she is about to wrap her tiny fingers around yours for the first time, be welcomed into a family that will accept and support her through her entire life, learn what it feels like to walk in the grass in bare feet, pose for her first embarassing bathtub picture....

Wether your child is heathly for 10 years or 80 years, she is already your child. You can do this! You seem to be focusing so much on how much it would hurt to lose her or watch her health deteriorate when she is older. Try to focus on what a blessing your healthy, mild years can be like! (And statistics say there will me many of them!:heart<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> When my husband and I decided to have a second child, we had one naturally, willing to take that chance and handle what life gave us one day at a time. I have a feeling you would be a wonderful, involved CF parent. Maybe this was the path you were meant to take?????


I can't help but think...

"how do I deal with the fact that my child's life could be taken away at the moment they are reaching adulthood, finding a mate, a life purpose, or their passion at work? That is what breaks my heart to no end"

How do you deal with the fact that your child's life could be taken away at the moment she is about to wrap her tiny fingers around yours for the first time, be welcomed into a family that will accept and support her through her entire life, learn what it feels like to walk in the grass in bare feet, pose for her first embarassing bathtub picture....

Wether your child is heathly for 10 years or 80 years, she is already your child. You can do this! You seem to be focusing so much on how much it would hurt to lose her or watch her health deteriorate when she is older. Try to focus on what a blessing your healthy, mild years can be like! (And statistics say there will me many of them!:heart<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> When my husband and I decided to have a second child, we had one naturally, willing to take that chance and handle what life gave us one day at a time. I have a feeling you would be a wonderful, involved CF parent. Maybe this was the path you were meant to take?????


I can't help but think...

"how do I deal with the fact that my child's life could be taken away at the moment they are reaching adulthood, finding a mate, a life purpose, or their passion at work? That is what breaks my heart to no end"

How do you deal with the fact that your child's life could be taken away at the moment she is about to wrap her tiny fingers around yours for the first time, be welcomed into a family that will accept and support her through her entire life, learn what it feels like to walk in the grass in bare feet, pose for her first embarassing bathtub picture....

Wether your child is heathly for 10 years or 80 years, she is already your child. You can do this! You seem to be focusing so much on how much it would hurt to lose her or watch her health deteriorate when she is older. Try to focus on what a blessing your healthy, mild years can be like! (And statistics say there will me many of them!:heart<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> When my husband and I decided to have a second child, we had one naturally, willing to take that chance and handle what life gave us one day at a time. I have a feeling you would be a wonderful, involved CF parent. Maybe this was the path you were meant to take?????


I can't help but think...
<br />
<br />"how do I deal with the fact that my child's life could be taken away at the moment they are reaching adulthood, finding a mate, a life purpose, or their passion at work? That is what breaks my heart to no end"
<br />
<br />How do you deal with the fact that your child's life could be taken away at the moment she is about to wrap her tiny fingers around yours for the first time, be welcomed into a family that will accept and support her through her entire life, learn what it feels like to walk in the grass in bare feet, pose for her first embarassing bathtub picture....
<br />
<br />Wether your child is heathly for 10 years or 80 years, she is already your child. You can do this! You seem to be focusing so much on how much it would hurt to lose her or watch her health deteriorate when she is older. Try to focus on what a blessing your healthy, mild years can be like! (And statistics say there will me many of them!:heart<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> When my husband and I decided to have a second child, we had one naturally, willing to take that chance and handle what life gave us one day at a time. I have a feeling you would be a wonderful, involved CF parent. Maybe this was the path you were meant to take?????


i know ive already posted on this subject...but i just wanted to add a few things. nothing in this life is guaranteed. EVER. i lost my best friend suddenly at 13 when she had a heart attack due to an enlarged heart that had gone completely undetected until her autopsy. she played travel soccer, was on our school swim team, and was just an all around amazing person. another very close friend of mine that ive known since i was 15 was taken in the most tragic of ways on july 24th, 2005. he was driving home from a "battle of the bands" concert around 3am with our friend barbara. the concert was about 35 minutes away from where he lived, so he had to take the highway to get home. it was on the highway, that 4 guys (the oldest was 19) came speeding by weaving in and out of traffic. they cut mike off and he tried to catch up to them...from what we know there was an argument between him and the guys in the other car. he was shot twice. once in the leg, and once in the chest. the gun was fired into his moving car from the car next to him. a bullet also went through barbaras feet, but thank god she survived. who would have ever expected that? then in high school, i got very close to a girl named sarah, who was the first person to talk to me when i was the new kid at school. she always made me laugh...her and her mom even let me stay with them for 4 months during our junior year because my mom and i werent getting along. she was such a beautiful person inside and out. but as long as id known her, sarah always had an addiction problem. whether it was pills or alcohol...whatever she could get her hands on. i looked past it for awhile thinking it was just a phase she was going through. we went through so much together in such a short period of time that the 5 years i had known her felt more like a lifetime. she entered rehab in the summer of 2006. she stayed the entire 3 months and everyone was so proud of her! she felt like she was in control of her life again...so she decided that it would be okay to go back to her old ways just for one night. that night was her last. i lost sarah on october 30th, 2006. she suffered an overdose of heroin and methadone. i lost my friend jason to a similar overdose when he was just 16. when i found out my little guy had CF, i spoke with my friend keiths mom. (keith also passed away when his car hit a tree going 75mph in 2006.) she said something to me that day that will stick with me forever. "GOD ONLY LET ME BORROW KEITH FOR A SHORT WHILE. THOSE WERE THE BEST 18 YEARS OF MY LIFE. GIVE YOUR BABY THE CHANCE TO BE YOUR ANGEL ON EARTH. MINES IN HEAVEN NOW." you never know what will happen. tomorrow is never promised. give your child a chance. you owe it to them. you owe it to yourself. i was in your shoes not very long ago, and i believe i made the very best decision i could have. i love my son more than words could ever explain. i know its going to be a hard road, but this was a challenge i was willing to accept. i hope you do the same. best of luck in whatever decision you make...i hope you dont take what ive said the wrong way. but i was also given the option to terminate my pregnancy. the same day we got the positive amnio results, the doctor did an ultrasound and my baby boy was already sucking his thumb. your baby is living inside of you right now...at least give him the chance to live on his own. god never gives you more than you can handle. x0x0x


i know ive already posted on this subject...but i just wanted to add a few things. nothing in this life is guaranteed. EVER. i lost my best friend suddenly at 13 when she had a heart attack due to an enlarged heart that had gone completely undetected until her autopsy. she played travel soccer, was on our school swim team, and was just an all around amazing person. another very close friend of mine that ive known since i was 15 was taken in the most tragic of ways on july 24th, 2005. he was driving home from a "battle of the bands" concert around 3am with our friend barbara. the concert was about 35 minutes away from where he lived, so he had to take the highway to get home. it was on the highway, that 4 guys (the oldest was 19) came speeding by weaving in and out of traffic. they cut mike off and he tried to catch up to them...from what we know there was an argument between him and the guys in the other car. he was shot twice. once in the leg, and once in the chest. the gun was fired into his moving car from the car next to him. a bullet also went through barbaras feet, but thank god she survived. who would have ever expected that? then in high school, i got very close to a girl named sarah, who was the first person to talk to me when i was the new kid at school. she always made me laugh...her and her mom even let me stay with them for 4 months during our junior year because my mom and i werent getting along. she was such a beautiful person inside and out. but as long as id known her, sarah always had an addiction problem. whether it was pills or alcohol...whatever she could get her hands on. i looked past it for awhile thinking it was just a phase she was going through. we went through so much together in such a short period of time that the 5 years i had known her felt more like a lifetime. she entered rehab in the summer of 2006. she stayed the entire 3 months and everyone was so proud of her! she felt like she was in control of her life again...so she decided that it would be okay to go back to her old ways just for one night. that night was her last. i lost sarah on october 30th, 2006. she suffered an overdose of heroin and methadone. i lost my friend jason to a similar overdose when he was just 16. when i found out my little guy had CF, i spoke with my friend keiths mom. (keith also passed away when his car hit a tree going 75mph in 2006.) she said something to me that day that will stick with me forever. "GOD ONLY LET ME BORROW KEITH FOR A SHORT WHILE. THOSE WERE THE BEST 18 YEARS OF MY LIFE. GIVE YOUR BABY THE CHANCE TO BE YOUR ANGEL ON EARTH. MINES IN HEAVEN NOW." you never know what will happen. tomorrow is never promised. give your child a chance. you owe it to them. you owe it to yourself. i was in your shoes not very long ago, and i believe i made the very best decision i could have. i love my son more than words could ever explain. i know its going to be a hard road, but this was a challenge i was willing to accept. i hope you do the same. best of luck in whatever decision you make...i hope you dont take what ive said the wrong way. but i was also given the option to terminate my pregnancy. the same day we got the positive amnio results, the doctor did an ultrasound and my baby boy was already sucking his thumb. your baby is living inside of you right now...at least give him the chance to live on his own. god never gives you more than you can handle. x0x0x


i know ive already posted on this subject...but i just wanted to add a few things. nothing in this life is guaranteed. EVER. i lost my best friend suddenly at 13 when she had a heart attack due to an enlarged heart that had gone completely undetected until her autopsy. she played travel soccer, was on our school swim team, and was just an all around amazing person. another very close friend of mine that ive known since i was 15 was taken in the most tragic of ways on july 24th, 2005. he was driving home from a "battle of the bands" concert around 3am with our friend barbara. the concert was about 35 minutes away from where he lived, so he had to take the highway to get home. it was on the highway, that 4 guys (the oldest was 19) came speeding by weaving in and out of traffic. they cut mike off and he tried to catch up to them...from what we know there was an argument between him and the guys in the other car. he was shot twice. once in the leg, and once in the chest. the gun was fired into his moving car from the car next to him. a bullet also went through barbaras feet, but thank god she survived. who would have ever expected that? then in high school, i got very close to a girl named sarah, who was the first person to talk to me when i was the new kid at school. she always made me laugh...her and her mom even let me stay with them for 4 months during our junior year because my mom and i werent getting along. she was such a beautiful person inside and out. but as long as id known her, sarah always had an addiction problem. whether it was pills or alcohol...whatever she could get her hands on. i looked past it for awhile thinking it was just a phase she was going through. we went through so much together in such a short period of time that the 5 years i had known her felt more like a lifetime. she entered rehab in the summer of 2006. she stayed the entire 3 months and everyone was so proud of her! she felt like she was in control of her life again...so she decided that it would be okay to go back to her old ways just for one night. that night was her last. i lost sarah on october 30th, 2006. she suffered an overdose of heroin and methadone. i lost my friend jason to a similar overdose when he was just 16. when i found out my little guy had CF, i spoke with my friend keiths mom. (keith also passed away when his car hit a tree going 75mph in 2006.) she said something to me that day that will stick with me forever. "GOD ONLY LET ME BORROW KEITH FOR A SHORT WHILE. THOSE WERE THE BEST 18 YEARS OF MY LIFE. GIVE YOUR BABY THE CHANCE TO BE YOUR ANGEL ON EARTH. MINES IN HEAVEN NOW." you never know what will happen. tomorrow is never promised. give your child a chance. you owe it to them. you owe it to yourself. i was in your shoes not very long ago, and i believe i made the very best decision i could have. i love my son more than words could ever explain. i know its going to be a hard road, but this was a challenge i was willing to accept. i hope you do the same. best of luck in whatever decision you make...i hope you dont take what ive said the wrong way. but i was also given the option to terminate my pregnancy. the same day we got the positive amnio results, the doctor did an ultrasound and my baby boy was already sucking his thumb. your baby is living inside of you right now...at least give him the chance to live on his own. god never gives you more than you can handle. x0x0x


i know ive already posted on this subject...but i just wanted to add a few things. nothing in this life is guaranteed. EVER. i lost my best friend suddenly at 13 when she had a heart attack due to an enlarged heart that had gone completely undetected until her autopsy. she played travel soccer, was on our school swim team, and was just an all around amazing person. another very close friend of mine that ive known since i was 15 was taken in the most tragic of ways on july 24th, 2005. he was driving home from a "battle of the bands" concert around 3am with our friend barbara. the concert was about 35 minutes away from where he lived, so he had to take the highway to get home. it was on the highway, that 4 guys (the oldest was 19) came speeding by weaving in and out of traffic. they cut mike off and he tried to catch up to them...from what we know there was an argument between him and the guys in the other car. he was shot twice. once in the leg, and once in the chest. the gun was fired into his moving car from the car next to him. a bullet also went through barbaras feet, but thank god she survived. who would have ever expected that? then in high school, i got very close to a girl named sarah, who was the first person to talk to me when i was the new kid at school. she always made me laugh...her and her mom even let me stay with them for 4 months during our junior year because my mom and i werent getting along. she was such a beautiful person inside and out. but as long as id known her, sarah always had an addiction problem. whether it was pills or alcohol...whatever she could get her hands on. i looked past it for awhile thinking it was just a phase she was going through. we went through so much together in such a short period of time that the 5 years i had known her felt more like a lifetime. she entered rehab in the summer of 2006. she stayed the entire 3 months and everyone was so proud of her! she felt like she was in control of her life again...so she decided that it would be okay to go back to her old ways just for one night. that night was her last. i lost sarah on october 30th, 2006. she suffered an overdose of heroin and methadone. i lost my friend jason to a similar overdose when he was just 16. when i found out my little guy had CF, i spoke with my friend keiths mom. (keith also passed away when his car hit a tree going 75mph in 2006.) she said something to me that day that will stick with me forever. "GOD ONLY LET ME BORROW KEITH FOR A SHORT WHILE. THOSE WERE THE BEST 18 YEARS OF MY LIFE. GIVE YOUR BABY THE CHANCE TO BE YOUR ANGEL ON EARTH. MINES IN HEAVEN NOW." you never know what will happen. tomorrow is never promised. give your child a chance. you owe it to them. you owe it to yourself. i was in your shoes not very long ago, and i believe i made the very best decision i could have. i love my son more than words could ever explain. i know its going to be a hard road, but this was a challenge i was willing to accept. i hope you do the same. best of luck in whatever decision you make...i hope you dont take what ive said the wrong way. but i was also given the option to terminate my pregnancy. the same day we got the positive amnio results, the doctor did an ultrasound and my baby boy was already sucking his thumb. your baby is living inside of you right now...at least give him the chance to live on his own. god never gives you more than you can handle. x0x0x


i know ive already posted on this subject...but i just wanted to add a few things. nothing in this life is guaranteed. EVER. i lost my best friend suddenly at 13 when she had a heart attack due to an enlarged heart that had gone completely undetected until her autopsy. she played travel soccer, was on our school swim team, and was just an all around amazing person. another very close friend of mine that ive known since i was 15 was taken in the most tragic of ways on july 24th, 2005. he was driving home from a "battle of the bands" concert around 3am with our friend barbara. the concert was about 35 minutes away from where he lived, so he had to take the highway to get home. it was on the highway, that 4 guys (the oldest was 19) came speeding by weaving in and out of traffic. they cut mike off and he tried to catch up to them...from what we know there was an argument between him and the guys in the other car. he was shot twice. once in the leg, and once in the chest. the gun was fired into his moving car from the car next to him. a bullet also went through barbaras feet, but thank god she survived. who would have ever expected that? then in high school, i got very close to a girl named sarah, who was the first person to talk to me when i was the new kid at school. she always made me laugh...her and her mom even let me stay with them for 4 months during our junior year because my mom and i werent getting along. she was such a beautiful person inside and out. but as long as id known her, sarah always had an addiction problem. whether it was pills or alcohol...whatever she could get her hands on. i looked past it for awhile thinking it was just a phase she was going through. we went through so much together in such a short period of time that the 5 years i had known her felt more like a lifetime. she entered rehab in the summer of 2006. she stayed the entire 3 months and everyone was so proud of her! she felt like she was in control of her life again...so she decided that it would be okay to go back to her old ways just for one night. that night was her last. i lost sarah on october 30th, 2006. she suffered an overdose of heroin and methadone. i lost my friend jason to a similar overdose when he was just 16. when i found out my little guy had CF, i spoke with my friend keiths mom. (keith also passed away when his car hit a tree going 75mph in 2006.) she said something to me that day that will stick with me forever. "GOD ONLY LET ME BORROW KEITH FOR A SHORT WHILE. THOSE WERE THE BEST 18 YEARS OF MY LIFE. GIVE YOUR BABY THE CHANCE TO BE YOUR ANGEL ON EARTH. MINES IN HEAVEN NOW." you never know what will happen. tomorrow is never promised. give your child a chance. you owe it to them. you owe it to yourself. i was in your shoes not very long ago, and i believe i made the very best decision i could have. i love my son more than words could ever explain. i know its going to be a hard road, but this was a challenge i was willing to accept. i hope you do the same. best of luck in whatever decision you make...i hope you dont take what ive said the wrong way. but i was also given the option to terminate my pregnancy. the same day we got the positive amnio results, the doctor did an ultrasound and my baby boy was already sucking his thumb. your baby is living inside of you right now...at least give him the chance to live on his own. god never gives you more than you can handle. x0x0x