Terminating pregnancy?


New member
JazzysMom has great points! I am a Mom of an 18 yr. old beautiful girl. She has double D508's (used to be considered the worst from what I can recall from docs). She was only hospitalized at age 2 at diagnosis and last year at age 17 for lung infections. Her junior year..getting ready for SATs and college stuff..was a little overwhelming! She just was accepted to a high ranking college with an academic scholarship. She has been a cheerleder and a cross country runner in high school. She went from a 13 minute to a 7 minute mile in her first 6 months of making the XCountry team. She is the oldest of my 4 children (only one with CF) and the most enlightening and wonderful person I have ever known (I know I am her Mom...but really she is so great!) I am new to this website. After last year, I had hard time dealing with her CF...she was never sick and we never really did any treatments..didnt need to! So my point is I am always on top of her now with her treatments and yes it is stressful at times but she still runs, goes to school and has a part time job. Her life is very full and happy. More than many people I know that have no diseases to deal with. She does take enzymes with her meals but that was the extent of our 'therapy' before. You are faced with a really tough decision..I am actually glad I didnt know she had it until she was 2...I cannot imagine life without her. I also feel (being an RN also and taken care of many people!) that life can bring anyone an illness at any time. Someone can lose a child to an illness or accident etc at any time.....Life is very unpredictable.
Wish I could give you a great decision but this website is really great...the most positve I have found. It is a great resource for you right now.
Good Luck with your decision


New member
JazzysMom has great points! I am a Mom of an 18 yr. old beautiful girl. She has double D508's (used to be considered the worst from what I can recall from docs). She was only hospitalized at age 2 at diagnosis and last year at age 17 for lung infections. Her junior year..getting ready for SATs and college stuff..was a little overwhelming! She just was accepted to a high ranking college with an academic scholarship. She has been a cheerleder and a cross country runner in high school. She went from a 13 minute to a 7 minute mile in her first 6 months of making the XCountry team. She is the oldest of my 4 children (only one with CF) and the most enlightening and wonderful person I have ever known (I know I am her Mom...but really she is so great!) I am new to this website. After last year, I had hard time dealing with her CF...she was never sick and we never really did any treatments..didnt need to! So my point is I am always on top of her now with her treatments and yes it is stressful at times but she still runs, goes to school and has a part time job. Her life is very full and happy. More than many people I know that have no diseases to deal with. She does take enzymes with her meals but that was the extent of our 'therapy' before. You are faced with a really tough decision..I am actually glad I didnt know she had it until she was 2...I cannot imagine life without her. I also feel (being an RN also and taken care of many people!) that life can bring anyone an illness at any time. Someone can lose a child to an illness or accident etc at any time.....Life is very unpredictable.
Wish I could give you a great decision but this website is really great...the most positve I have found. It is a great resource for you right now.
Good Luck with your decision


New member
JazzysMom has great points! I am a Mom of an 18 yr. old beautiful girl. She has double D508's (used to be considered the worst from what I can recall from docs). She was only hospitalized at age 2 at diagnosis and last year at age 17 for lung infections. Her junior year..getting ready for SATs and college stuff..was a little overwhelming! She just was accepted to a high ranking college with an academic scholarship. She has been a cheerleder and a cross country runner in high school. She went from a 13 minute to a 7 minute mile in her first 6 months of making the XCountry team. She is the oldest of my 4 children (only one with CF) and the most enlightening and wonderful person I have ever known (I know I am her Mom...but really she is so great!) I am new to this website. After last year, I had hard time dealing with her CF...she was never sick and we never really did any treatments..didnt need to! So my point is I am always on top of her now with her treatments and yes it is stressful at times but she still runs, goes to school and has a part time job. Her life is very full and happy. More than many people I know that have no diseases to deal with. She does take enzymes with her meals but that was the extent of our 'therapy' before. You are faced with a really tough decision..I am actually glad I didnt know she had it until she was 2...I cannot imagine life without her. I also feel (being an RN also and taken care of many people!) that life can bring anyone an illness at any time. Someone can lose a child to an illness or accident etc at any time.....Life is very unpredictable.
Wish I could give you a great decision but this website is really great...the most positve I have found. It is a great resource for you right now.
Good Luck with your decision


New member
JazzysMom has great points! I am a Mom of an 18 yr. old beautiful girl. She has double D508's (used to be considered the worst from what I can recall from docs). She was only hospitalized at age 2 at diagnosis and last year at age 17 for lung infections. Her junior year..getting ready for SATs and college stuff..was a little overwhelming! She just was accepted to a high ranking college with an academic scholarship. She has been a cheerleder and a cross country runner in high school. She went from a 13 minute to a 7 minute mile in her first 6 months of making the XCountry team. She is the oldest of my 4 children (only one with CF) and the most enlightening and wonderful person I have ever known (I know I am her Mom...but really she is so great!) I am new to this website. After last year, I had hard time dealing with her CF...she was never sick and we never really did any treatments..didnt need to! So my point is I am always on top of her now with her treatments and yes it is stressful at times but she still runs, goes to school and has a part time job. Her life is very full and happy. More than many people I know that have no diseases to deal with. She does take enzymes with her meals but that was the extent of our 'therapy' before. You are faced with a really tough decision..I am actually glad I didnt know she had it until she was 2...I cannot imagine life without her. I also feel (being an RN also and taken care of many people!) that life can bring anyone an illness at any time. Someone can lose a child to an illness or accident etc at any time.....Life is very unpredictable.
Wish I could give you a great decision but this website is really great...the most positve I have found. It is a great resource for you right now.
Good Luck with your decision


New member
JazzysMom has great points! I am a Mom of an 18 yr. old beautiful girl. She has double D508's (used to be considered the worst from what I can recall from docs). She was only hospitalized at age 2 at diagnosis and last year at age 17 for lung infections. Her junior year..getting ready for SATs and college stuff..was a little overwhelming! She just was accepted to a high ranking college with an academic scholarship. She has been a cheerleder and a cross country runner in high school. She went from a 13 minute to a 7 minute mile in her first 6 months of making the XCountry team. She is the oldest of my 4 children (only one with CF) and the most enlightening and wonderful person I have ever known (I know I am her Mom...but really she is so great!) I am new to this website. After last year, I had hard time dealing with her CF...she was never sick and we never really did any treatments..didnt need to! So my point is I am always on top of her now with her treatments and yes it is stressful at times but she still runs, goes to school and has a part time job. Her life is very full and happy. More than many people I know that have no diseases to deal with. She does take enzymes with her meals but that was the extent of our 'therapy' before. You are faced with a really tough decision..I am actually glad I didnt know she had it until she was 2...I cannot imagine life without her. I also feel (being an RN also and taken care of many people!) that life can bring anyone an illness at any time. Someone can lose a child to an illness or accident etc at any time.....Life is very unpredictable.
<br />Wish I could give you a great decision but this website is really great...the most positve I have found. It is a great resource for you right now.
<br />Good Luck with your decision


New member
I too am a mom who was diagnosed via amino when I still had the opportunity to abort. I have felt those emotions and cried those tears and I will tell you, the tears won't end, but they will become less and less as you learn more and more. We decided to keep the baby because we had spent 3 years and many thousands getting our child. What I know is that what I did go through was grieving for my child. The child you "planned" to have, the child you wouldn't have, the child that would be free of birth defects. Take your time and grieve, it is a loss for what you thought you had. After you grieve and get info, you will be strong! Moms are strong and we can handle it :) After many months (baby isn't born yet) what I do know deep down is we made the right choice for the baby. I will have to live with the guilt, which everyone will work out in their own way, but the baby won't know life any differently and it will make them strong and seeing you strong will also help make them strong. The hard part is that we know that we are bringing a child into the world with CF and they didn't ask for it, but I didn't ask to be 6' tall with red hair either and I have lived through all that picking on!
Your thoughts will eventually change to love and excitement for the baby and CF and doctors are just something you have to add into your already crazy baby life!
I am pro-choice so don't think I am pushing you into keeping a child that is your personal choice and it sounds like you are exploring your options and getting info to make the right decision for you and your hubby. Take care of yourself!


New member
I too am a mom who was diagnosed via amino when I still had the opportunity to abort. I have felt those emotions and cried those tears and I will tell you, the tears won't end, but they will become less and less as you learn more and more. We decided to keep the baby because we had spent 3 years and many thousands getting our child. What I know is that what I did go through was grieving for my child. The child you "planned" to have, the child you wouldn't have, the child that would be free of birth defects. Take your time and grieve, it is a loss for what you thought you had. After you grieve and get info, you will be strong! Moms are strong and we can handle it :) After many months (baby isn't born yet) what I do know deep down is we made the right choice for the baby. I will have to live with the guilt, which everyone will work out in their own way, but the baby won't know life any differently and it will make them strong and seeing you strong will also help make them strong. The hard part is that we know that we are bringing a child into the world with CF and they didn't ask for it, but I didn't ask to be 6' tall with red hair either and I have lived through all that picking on!
Your thoughts will eventually change to love and excitement for the baby and CF and doctors are just something you have to add into your already crazy baby life!
I am pro-choice so don't think I am pushing you into keeping a child that is your personal choice and it sounds like you are exploring your options and getting info to make the right decision for you and your hubby. Take care of yourself!


New member
I too am a mom who was diagnosed via amino when I still had the opportunity to abort. I have felt those emotions and cried those tears and I will tell you, the tears won't end, but they will become less and less as you learn more and more. We decided to keep the baby because we had spent 3 years and many thousands getting our child. What I know is that what I did go through was grieving for my child. The child you "planned" to have, the child you wouldn't have, the child that would be free of birth defects. Take your time and grieve, it is a loss for what you thought you had. After you grieve and get info, you will be strong! Moms are strong and we can handle it :) After many months (baby isn't born yet) what I do know deep down is we made the right choice for the baby. I will have to live with the guilt, which everyone will work out in their own way, but the baby won't know life any differently and it will make them strong and seeing you strong will also help make them strong. The hard part is that we know that we are bringing a child into the world with CF and they didn't ask for it, but I didn't ask to be 6' tall with red hair either and I have lived through all that picking on!
Your thoughts will eventually change to love and excitement for the baby and CF and doctors are just something you have to add into your already crazy baby life!
I am pro-choice so don't think I am pushing you into keeping a child that is your personal choice and it sounds like you are exploring your options and getting info to make the right decision for you and your hubby. Take care of yourself!


New member
I too am a mom who was diagnosed via amino when I still had the opportunity to abort. I have felt those emotions and cried those tears and I will tell you, the tears won't end, but they will become less and less as you learn more and more. We decided to keep the baby because we had spent 3 years and many thousands getting our child. What I know is that what I did go through was grieving for my child. The child you "planned" to have, the child you wouldn't have, the child that would be free of birth defects. Take your time and grieve, it is a loss for what you thought you had. After you grieve and get info, you will be strong! Moms are strong and we can handle it :) After many months (baby isn't born yet) what I do know deep down is we made the right choice for the baby. I will have to live with the guilt, which everyone will work out in their own way, but the baby won't know life any differently and it will make them strong and seeing you strong will also help make them strong. The hard part is that we know that we are bringing a child into the world with CF and they didn't ask for it, but I didn't ask to be 6' tall with red hair either and I have lived through all that picking on!
Your thoughts will eventually change to love and excitement for the baby and CF and doctors are just something you have to add into your already crazy baby life!
I am pro-choice so don't think I am pushing you into keeping a child that is your personal choice and it sounds like you are exploring your options and getting info to make the right decision for you and your hubby. Take care of yourself!


New member
I too am a mom who was diagnosed via amino when I still had the opportunity to abort. I have felt those emotions and cried those tears and I will tell you, the tears won't end, but they will become less and less as you learn more and more. We decided to keep the baby because we had spent 3 years and many thousands getting our child. What I know is that what I did go through was grieving for my child. The child you "planned" to have, the child you wouldn't have, the child that would be free of birth defects. Take your time and grieve, it is a loss for what you thought you had. After you grieve and get info, you will be strong! Moms are strong and we can handle it :) After many months (baby isn't born yet) what I do know deep down is we made the right choice for the baby. I will have to live with the guilt, which everyone will work out in their own way, but the baby won't know life any differently and it will make them strong and seeing you strong will also help make them strong. The hard part is that we know that we are bringing a child into the world with CF and they didn't ask for it, but I didn't ask to be 6' tall with red hair either and I have lived through all that picking on!
<br />Your thoughts will eventually change to love and excitement for the baby and CF and doctors are just something you have to add into your already crazy baby life!
<br />I am pro-choice so don't think I am pushing you into keeping a child that is your personal choice and it sounds like you are exploring your options and getting info to make the right decision for you and your hubby. Take care of yourself!


Keep us updated Debbie. You, your husband, and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers.


Keep us updated Debbie. You, your husband, and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers.


Keep us updated Debbie. You, your husband, and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers.


Keep us updated Debbie. You, your husband, and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers.


Keep us updated Debbie. You, your husband, and your baby are in my thoughts and prayers.


New member
I'm definitely pro-choice and whatever decision you make will be the right one. Do not doubt that.

I agree with everything that has been posted but feel it would be remiss if someone didn't point out the bad side of CF. Yes, the mean life expectancy is now over 30 but you have to understand those numbers are somewhat scewed by the increasing number of mild cases that are being diagnosed. That's not to say that treatments aren't improving daily, just that the numbers can be a bit misleading. Also, you haven't gotten any replies from people that have burried their children. They are here and what they have to add could be very valuable in your decision. I'm not suggesting that you terminate based on their stories just that you try to find some of them so you know the whole CF picture. DF508 is a class II type gene and the other w____x is probably a class I. The combination of the two typically yield a poorer clinical outcome. That's not necessarily the case but is a rule of thumb.

Check out vmhoward's blog. Her son Garran has been quite ill for a while and it may give some insight as to what you might have to deal with.

Lastly, don't forget about the financial burden. It may seem shallow but the fact is that CF will affect you financially.

It sounds like you are leaning toward keeping the baby and that is wonderful. I always felt like God gave us Sean for a reason and I'm sure that's true for your little one too. I just want you to have all of the facts so you're prepared.


New member
I'm definitely pro-choice and whatever decision you make will be the right one. Do not doubt that.

I agree with everything that has been posted but feel it would be remiss if someone didn't point out the bad side of CF. Yes, the mean life expectancy is now over 30 but you have to understand those numbers are somewhat scewed by the increasing number of mild cases that are being diagnosed. That's not to say that treatments aren't improving daily, just that the numbers can be a bit misleading. Also, you haven't gotten any replies from people that have burried their children. They are here and what they have to add could be very valuable in your decision. I'm not suggesting that you terminate based on their stories just that you try to find some of them so you know the whole CF picture. DF508 is a class II type gene and the other w____x is probably a class I. The combination of the two typically yield a poorer clinical outcome. That's not necessarily the case but is a rule of thumb.

Check out vmhoward's blog. Her son Garran has been quite ill for a while and it may give some insight as to what you might have to deal with.

Lastly, don't forget about the financial burden. It may seem shallow but the fact is that CF will affect you financially.

It sounds like you are leaning toward keeping the baby and that is wonderful. I always felt like God gave us Sean for a reason and I'm sure that's true for your little one too. I just want you to have all of the facts so you're prepared.


New member
I'm definitely pro-choice and whatever decision you make will be the right one. Do not doubt that.

I agree with everything that has been posted but feel it would be remiss if someone didn't point out the bad side of CF. Yes, the mean life expectancy is now over 30 but you have to understand those numbers are somewhat scewed by the increasing number of mild cases that are being diagnosed. That's not to say that treatments aren't improving daily, just that the numbers can be a bit misleading. Also, you haven't gotten any replies from people that have burried their children. They are here and what they have to add could be very valuable in your decision. I'm not suggesting that you terminate based on their stories just that you try to find some of them so you know the whole CF picture. DF508 is a class II type gene and the other w____x is probably a class I. The combination of the two typically yield a poorer clinical outcome. That's not necessarily the case but is a rule of thumb.

Check out vmhoward's blog. Her son Garran has been quite ill for a while and it may give some insight as to what you might have to deal with.

Lastly, don't forget about the financial burden. It may seem shallow but the fact is that CF will affect you financially.

It sounds like you are leaning toward keeping the baby and that is wonderful. I always felt like God gave us Sean for a reason and I'm sure that's true for your little one too. I just want you to have all of the facts so you're prepared.


New member
I'm definitely pro-choice and whatever decision you make will be the right one. Do not doubt that.

I agree with everything that has been posted but feel it would be remiss if someone didn't point out the bad side of CF. Yes, the mean life expectancy is now over 30 but you have to understand those numbers are somewhat scewed by the increasing number of mild cases that are being diagnosed. That's not to say that treatments aren't improving daily, just that the numbers can be a bit misleading. Also, you haven't gotten any replies from people that have burried their children. They are here and what they have to add could be very valuable in your decision. I'm not suggesting that you terminate based on their stories just that you try to find some of them so you know the whole CF picture. DF508 is a class II type gene and the other w____x is probably a class I. The combination of the two typically yield a poorer clinical outcome. That's not necessarily the case but is a rule of thumb.

Check out vmhoward's blog. Her son Garran has been quite ill for a while and it may give some insight as to what you might have to deal with.

Lastly, don't forget about the financial burden. It may seem shallow but the fact is that CF will affect you financially.

It sounds like you are leaning toward keeping the baby and that is wonderful. I always felt like God gave us Sean for a reason and I'm sure that's true for your little one too. I just want you to have all of the facts so you're prepared.


New member
I'm definitely pro-choice and whatever decision you make will be the right one. Do not doubt that.
<br />
<br />I agree with everything that has been posted but feel it would be remiss if someone didn't point out the bad side of CF. Yes, the mean life expectancy is now over 30 but you have to understand those numbers are somewhat scewed by the increasing number of mild cases that are being diagnosed. That's not to say that treatments aren't improving daily, just that the numbers can be a bit misleading. Also, you haven't gotten any replies from people that have burried their children. They are here and what they have to add could be very valuable in your decision. I'm not suggesting that you terminate based on their stories just that you try to find some of them so you know the whole CF picture. DF508 is a class II type gene and the other w____x is probably a class I. The combination of the two typically yield a poorer clinical outcome. That's not necessarily the case but is a rule of thumb.
<br />
<br />Check out vmhoward's blog. Her son Garran has been quite ill for a while and it may give some insight as to what you might have to deal with.
<br />
<br />Lastly, don't forget about the financial burden. It may seem shallow but the fact is that CF will affect you financially.
<br />
<br />It sounds like you are leaning toward keeping the baby and that is wonderful. I always felt like God gave us Sean for a reason and I'm sure that's true for your little one too. I just want you to have all of the facts so you're prepared.