Mikey, my dear why don't you open your eyes. Shamrock (who posted 3 above you) is one of the chit chatters. Noting wrong with that, but even shamrock sees that it can be a little much when you are trying to read posts relevant to the question posted. LOL and YES is not having a conversation, it is just taking up space that people (who sometimes don't have a lot of time to read and post) have to scroll through. No one is wrong for doing it, and although I think it is cute, I don't think it belongs in the POST sections and especially not the Adult and Families sections, since most of the people who are doing the chit chat posting aren't even adults. That doesn't mean though, that they shouldn't be able to post on the adult and families portion, because on occastion I post on the teen and young adult portion and the input from everyone, ALL AGES is necessary on any section. It could be as simple as reporting it to the moderator and having a block in the adults section for people under a certain age. But I really think that is extreme. I wanted to give the benefit of the dobut and just nicely request that it be saved for the CHAT section. You can visit there since you are obviously registered and have a user name. I don't think this needs to be made into a bigger deal, I just request (as well do others) that the "lol" "Yes" "haha" "lmao"... be reserved for the Chat section, not the POST section.