The chit chat


New member
I don't mean to sound like I am complaining, but I was wondering if we could keep the "chit Chat" to a minimum on the posts. I have yet to visit the "chat" room, but imagine it's more for the IMing type of stuff that seems to be going on more and more often on these posts. I just find it frustrating sometimes that I have to go through 4 pages of 2 people back and fourth with nothing relevant to the topic at hand, to find a response to the initial post.

Thanks so much,



New member
No need for sorry's it's just the chat room is for chatting, and the post section is for relevant posting, that's all.



New member
Is it really that big of a deal since there messages are short. Iv seen more terrible things said on here than that. We don't have to be serious subject matter ALL the time. Becky (user name used to be eva)


New member
I'm not saying it's a terrible thing, I just think that the chit chat of "i love You" "hugs" "you are so silly" "lol goofy" "lmao ....." can be saved for when people are in the chat room. I usually look and post at work when I only have 4-5 minutes or so to look, read and post, so navigating through all the above on the ADULTS and FAMILY sites gets kind of frustrating.



New member
I totally agree...I don't have the time to look through all the offense, but it really isn't necessary!


New member
Hi julie,
I came on real quick this morning, and I see what you mean about the chit chat thing. Before i didnt really give it much thought but having to scroll through 'lol' and 'yes' its pretty repetitve!


New member
If you so boring as 2 critise people 4 how they post, then go 2 and let all of the guys on there tell how boring you're being. I think many people who come on here 4 support and friendship and I know the "chit chat" as you call it is an important part of having a chat about something important.


New member
I agree with Mikey and Mockingbird some of us come on here for friendship support just as we come on here to learn about our disease. To keep it a bit lighthearted keeps our CF from another dreary disease.


New member
Mikey, my dear why don't you open your eyes. Shamrock (who posted 3 above you) is one of the chit chatters. Noting wrong with that, but even shamrock sees that it can be a little much when you are trying to read posts relevant to the question posted. LOL and YES is not having a conversation, it is just taking up space that people (who sometimes don't have a lot of time to read and post) have to scroll through. No one is wrong for doing it, and although I think it is cute, I don't think it belongs in the POST sections and especially not the Adult and Families sections, since most of the people who are doing the chit chat posting aren't even adults. That doesn't mean though, that they shouldn't be able to post on the adult and families portion, because on occastion I post on the teen and young adult portion and the input from everyone, ALL AGES is necessary on any section. It could be as simple as reporting it to the moderator and having a block in the adults section for people under a certain age. But I really think that is extreme. I wanted to give the benefit of the dobut and just nicely request that it be saved for the CHAT section. You can visit there since you are obviously registered and have a user name. I don't think this needs to be made into a bigger deal, I just request (as well do others) that the "lol" "Yes" "haha" "lmao"... be reserved for the Chat section, not the POST section.



New member

I agree. Nothing wrong with chit chat if it's in the chat. LOL

I was actually thinking that maybe the forums should be set up differently. You know, instead of by age, maybe they should be set up by what the post is about.......medical, personal/coping, off-topic (for a little fun).....

Since so many of the teens are posting on the adult & family section anyway, it almost seems crazy to have it set up the way it is now. It's just one big happy family anyways.



New member
I think that its good that its segregated in the way it is. But it would be good if you could send a person a private msg and then it would make everyone happy. Like if I wanted to have fun with somebody or just chit chat and that person wasnt in the chatroom then it would mean I would just send them a private msg to say 'lol' or 'yes' or whatever. I have tried to cut back on the whole chit chat thing as you may have noticed. I just talk so much sometimes its hard to stop!!<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
maybe they can just add another forum called 'just for fun' or something for the chit chat since no one is around to go to the chatroom....i dunno just an idea


New member
Or, another option would be to make a NEW post in an existing forum with the person's name as the subject (or a subject of "chit chat", etc.) That way all the chit chat is contained in a specific post and Julie, or anyone else could read the subject line or at worst, click on it once, see that it's chit chat and avoid the post after that. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with that. What do you guys think??

(And, Julie, I was not trying to single you out - just mentioned your name since you started THIS post.)


New member
I have never visited the chat forum before ( I promise I do intend to someday) but how is it set up? Is it already set up kind of like an IM system or what? If not, I think it would be a good idea for us to ask the administrator if such a function could be put in place. I do like the idea of what people are doing, and sometimes it is fun to just go back and fourth about silly things with people. It is a thought, a good thought whoever suggested it. Someone who knows more about the Chat process, maybe you can clue me in or someone ask the administrator about it.



New member
The chatroom is like this. You enter it and theres a list on the right with the names of the ppl who are in there. Then you'd say something like 'hi' and it comes up. The somebody else would say 'hi' and the conversation comes up on the screen in a list form. eg:
<b>Shamrock:</b> hi
<b>Shamrock: </b> how are you?
And so on and so forth..