The Fundraising Blues


New member
Feeling so much better seeing your posts. Now I have a few stories to get off of my shoulders. AGAIN, I'm not dwelling on the negative, but some of this stuff has been eating at me. Sometimes, in order to let something go, you have to let it out first. I can tell so many stories of generosity, but it's those negative stories I need to purge from my system <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

A close friend of over 10 years. She was worried about her child's CF status at one time because my friend learned that she is a carrier. Husband turned out not to be a carrier (and daughter is thriving). I sent information 2 years in a row - no response. Not just no donation, but not even an acknowledgement. Then, she turns around a few months later and repeatedly asks me to attend her Mary Kay events (brand new job venture as a consultant) because she wants to someday "drive that pink cadillac". Nice goal... she couldn't give me a second glance when I asked for help saving my son's life, but now I'm supposed to help her reach her lofty goal of getting a new car.

More to follow!


There are IMPORTANT times in your life where you realize who your real friends are. You will meet people who will help you and motivate you. Believe in yourself first. Part of the reason you are upset is simply because you are a truly good friend and beautiful person, and not many people can live up to your expectations. but, I promise you will find a few......than many........
I've been there.
Leah Orr
3 kids
1 w/cf age 4


There are IMPORTANT times in your life where you realize who your real friends are. You will meet people who will help you and motivate you. Believe in yourself first. Part of the reason you are upset is simply because you are a truly good friend and beautiful person, and not many people can live up to your expectations. but, I promise you will find a few......than many........
I've been there.
Leah Orr
3 kids
1 w/cf age 4


There are IMPORTANT times in your life where you realize who your real friends are. You will meet people who will help you and motivate you. Believe in yourself first. Part of the reason you are upset is simply because you are a truly good friend and beautiful person, and not many people can live up to your expectations. but, I promise you will find a few......than many........
I've been there.
Leah Orr
3 kids
1 w/cf age 4


New member
I understand so much of what you are going through. Just this morning I was in work trying to get people to donate some baked goods for a bake sale I am having in the lunch room on Friday. I really do not like to take pledge forms to work so I thought of doing a bake sale as I have had much success with these in the past. The money of course would go on my pledge sheet for Great Strides. I'm afraid to say that this will be the last time I will do anything like this where I work again, the attitudes of people has totally turned me off of doing something like this again. Funny thing how people have all kinds of excuses, all I need is a straight forward yes or no, that's all, not a song and dance about how they don't really have time etc.

Fortunately I have good friends outside of work who are baking for me and as of tomorrow I will be baking up a storm here at home. I'm sure things will turn out ok.

I'm looking forward to some of my co-workers coming around wanting me to buy chocolates for their kids fundraisers at school, magazine subscriptions, raffle tickets etc. etc.


New member
I understand so much of what you are going through. Just this morning I was in work trying to get people to donate some baked goods for a bake sale I am having in the lunch room on Friday. I really do not like to take pledge forms to work so I thought of doing a bake sale as I have had much success with these in the past. The money of course would go on my pledge sheet for Great Strides. I'm afraid to say that this will be the last time I will do anything like this where I work again, the attitudes of people has totally turned me off of doing something like this again. Funny thing how people have all kinds of excuses, all I need is a straight forward yes or no, that's all, not a song and dance about how they don't really have time etc.

Fortunately I have good friends outside of work who are baking for me and as of tomorrow I will be baking up a storm here at home. I'm sure things will turn out ok.

I'm looking forward to some of my co-workers coming around wanting me to buy chocolates for their kids fundraisers at school, magazine subscriptions, raffle tickets etc. etc.


New member
I understand so much of what you are going through. Just this morning I was in work trying to get people to donate some baked goods for a bake sale I am having in the lunch room on Friday. I really do not like to take pledge forms to work so I thought of doing a bake sale as I have had much success with these in the past. The money of course would go on my pledge sheet for Great Strides. I'm afraid to say that this will be the last time I will do anything like this where I work again, the attitudes of people has totally turned me off of doing something like this again. Funny thing how people have all kinds of excuses, all I need is a straight forward yes or no, that's all, not a song and dance about how they don't really have time etc.

Fortunately I have good friends outside of work who are baking for me and as of tomorrow I will be baking up a storm here at home. I'm sure things will turn out ok.

I'm looking forward to some of my co-workers coming around wanting me to buy chocolates for their kids fundraisers at school, magazine subscriptions, raffle tickets etc. etc.


New member
I guess what set me off today was an email that I received from a fellow parent from my son's Kindergarten class. She was responding to an email I had sent.

The email I sent was my second email regarding fundraising (2 different events) in about 2 months and I had indicated that there had been some confusion with my email fundraising. I didn't specify the confusion, but what it boiled down to was that I had sent out to over 30 different people (classmates, soccer teammates, and friends) - people that aren't even close to being strangers - and got responses from only 3. I had changed my email address a few months ago and was concerned that maybe my email was being overlooked or being thrown into junkmail. ANYWAY, in my second email I mentioned I had concerns over my email campaign and warned that some would also get the information via snail mail. I must also add, that for many who received the emails, they were not aware of my son's CF (his first year in Kindergarten). So I guess I was feeling vulnerable because I was sharing something very personal and special.

So I get this email from this other parent basically telling me that she has no clue who I am and wants to know how I got her email address and wondered why I kept on sending her emails (I had just sat across from her 2 days before at the class's Mother's Day Tea, and we spoke. There are only 14 children in the class. Our last name is not common. We've been on the same email class/group list and exchanging emails since September though not personally to each other). So for me (having shared something personal and feeling vulnerable), her email felt like a slap in the face. I felt like a fool, and worried that I looked like this psychotic fundraiser freak begging people for money. I guess I was feeling embarrassed and was worried that these people, who I associate with, will be uncomfortable around me and want to avoid me. Emotionally, I overreacted. And that's when I sent the topic out for others to share their stories.

I must add - I responded to her email very politely. I apologized and explained exactly who I was (and that we had spoken just 2 days before). I told her that I was not trying to harrass her, but just concerned with my email campaign. I told her that in the future, I would no longer send emails, just "snail mail". I felt like, after explaining to her who I was, SHE might be embarrassed, but that was not the case. She wrote me back to tell me "no harm done - I understand". That's all! Never mind the fact that I just disclosed the fact that my child has a terminal illness!

I must also add that, within these groups that I have emailed, I have received numerous requests to donate money (to buy a gift card for the coach, to buy a gift card for the teacher, to buy a gift for the teacher's aid, to buy gift cards for the school auction). My point is that I don't feel my emails are out of the ordinary. If people don't want to (or can't) they don't have to. But I would hate to miss out on an opportunity b/c I was too big of a coward to ask.

I've read all the replies! Keep them coming if you have something to get off your chest! I know I can add more. And believe me, on the bright side, I have some amazing stories about sacrifices people have made for our cause.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!


New member
I guess what set me off today was an email that I received from a fellow parent from my son's Kindergarten class. She was responding to an email I had sent.

The email I sent was my second email regarding fundraising (2 different events) in about 2 months and I had indicated that there had been some confusion with my email fundraising. I didn't specify the confusion, but what it boiled down to was that I had sent out to over 30 different people (classmates, soccer teammates, and friends) - people that aren't even close to being strangers - and got responses from only 3. I had changed my email address a few months ago and was concerned that maybe my email was being overlooked or being thrown into junkmail. ANYWAY, in my second email I mentioned I had concerns over my email campaign and warned that some would also get the information via snail mail. I must also add, that for many who received the emails, they were not aware of my son's CF (his first year in Kindergarten). So I guess I was feeling vulnerable because I was sharing something very personal and special.

So I get this email from this other parent basically telling me that she has no clue who I am and wants to know how I got her email address and wondered why I kept on sending her emails (I had just sat across from her 2 days before at the class's Mother's Day Tea, and we spoke. There are only 14 children in the class. Our last name is not common. We've been on the same email class/group list and exchanging emails since September though not personally to each other). So for me (having shared something personal and feeling vulnerable), her email felt like a slap in the face. I felt like a fool, and worried that I looked like this psychotic fundraiser freak begging people for money. I guess I was feeling embarrassed and was worried that these people, who I associate with, will be uncomfortable around me and want to avoid me. Emotionally, I overreacted. And that's when I sent the topic out for others to share their stories.

I must add - I responded to her email very politely. I apologized and explained exactly who I was (and that we had spoken just 2 days before). I told her that I was not trying to harrass her, but just concerned with my email campaign. I told her that in the future, I would no longer send emails, just "snail mail". I felt like, after explaining to her who I was, SHE might be embarrassed, but that was not the case. She wrote me back to tell me "no harm done - I understand". That's all! Never mind the fact that I just disclosed the fact that my child has a terminal illness!

I must also add that, within these groups that I have emailed, I have received numerous requests to donate money (to buy a gift card for the coach, to buy a gift card for the teacher, to buy a gift for the teacher's aid, to buy gift cards for the school auction). My point is that I don't feel my emails are out of the ordinary. If people don't want to (or can't) they don't have to. But I would hate to miss out on an opportunity b/c I was too big of a coward to ask.

I've read all the replies! Keep them coming if you have something to get off your chest! I know I can add more. And believe me, on the bright side, I have some amazing stories about sacrifices people have made for our cause.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!


New member
I guess what set me off today was an email that I received from a fellow parent from my son's Kindergarten class. She was responding to an email I had sent.

The email I sent was my second email regarding fundraising (2 different events) in about 2 months and I had indicated that there had been some confusion with my email fundraising. I didn't specify the confusion, but what it boiled down to was that I had sent out to over 30 different people (classmates, soccer teammates, and friends) - people that aren't even close to being strangers - and got responses from only 3. I had changed my email address a few months ago and was concerned that maybe my email was being overlooked or being thrown into junkmail. ANYWAY, in my second email I mentioned I had concerns over my email campaign and warned that some would also get the information via snail mail. I must also add, that for many who received the emails, they were not aware of my son's CF (his first year in Kindergarten). So I guess I was feeling vulnerable because I was sharing something very personal and special.

So I get this email from this other parent basically telling me that she has no clue who I am and wants to know how I got her email address and wondered why I kept on sending her emails (I had just sat across from her 2 days before at the class's Mother's Day Tea, and we spoke. There are only 14 children in the class. Our last name is not common. We've been on the same email class/group list and exchanging emails since September though not personally to each other). So for me (having shared something personal and feeling vulnerable), her email felt like a slap in the face. I felt like a fool, and worried that I looked like this psychotic fundraiser freak begging people for money. I guess I was feeling embarrassed and was worried that these people, who I associate with, will be uncomfortable around me and want to avoid me. Emotionally, I overreacted. And that's when I sent the topic out for others to share their stories.

I must add - I responded to her email very politely. I apologized and explained exactly who I was (and that we had spoken just 2 days before). I told her that I was not trying to harrass her, but just concerned with my email campaign. I told her that in the future, I would no longer send emails, just "snail mail". I felt like, after explaining to her who I was, SHE might be embarrassed, but that was not the case. She wrote me back to tell me "no harm done - I understand". That's all! Never mind the fact that I just disclosed the fact that my child has a terminal illness!

I must also add that, within these groups that I have emailed, I have received numerous requests to donate money (to buy a gift card for the coach, to buy a gift card for the teacher, to buy a gift for the teacher's aid, to buy gift cards for the school auction). My point is that I don't feel my emails are out of the ordinary. If people don't want to (or can't) they don't have to. But I would hate to miss out on an opportunity b/c I was too big of a coward to ask.

I've read all the replies! Keep them coming if you have something to get off your chest! I know I can add more. And believe me, on the bright side, I have some amazing stories about sacrifices people have made for our cause.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!


New member
Oh my goodness have I had fundraising blues. For 2 years I chaired a Walk in our town I got so many doors closed in my face, seamed that the people or organizations that could do the most are the ones that shut their door the hardest.

Here in our town we have a major medical center. They have a cancer center, a pain center, neonatal unit, 2 med flight unites, heart unit, ect...... I cannot tell you the countless of times I have called and even spoke face to face with the administration and got no where, oh I had promises but nothing came of them. Oh yes I also for got to mention that the CEO of this hospital is also the owner of the major radio station in our town, in fact they own several radio station and his daughter and is the public relation director for the medical center and a DJ. I got absolutely nothing from them, they wouldn't even allow me to have a bake sale in their lobby. But during the hurricane Katrenia time (this may sound petty or just mean but I don't intended for it to I didn't want the whole pie just my small piece of it) this medical center held a telephone in which they raised $250,000. 00 for the relief. The thing that bothered me the most is that I heard people and businesses calling in with large donation when just days prier they told me that they didn't have the funds to make donations, I guess the problem was I wasn't going to announces their name on the radio or nor publish it in the paper they was only goingto get a heart felt thank you and the confront of knowing that they was doing their part to safe a life of a child.
I also got the I'm to busy had dealt to me by family members but they never hesitate to call me when they want something.
Unfortunately after finding that my daughter had CFRD also I had to take a back seat on a lot of my actives I still do what I can though. But our Great Strides was taken away from us because they could not find a chair person.
But threw it all I can sit back and reflect on those whom did help out and the many many strangers that poured thier hearts and money out to us, I thank God for those heart that didn't feel they had to but that they wanted to.


New member
Oh my goodness have I had fundraising blues. For 2 years I chaired a Walk in our town I got so many doors closed in my face, seamed that the people or organizations that could do the most are the ones that shut their door the hardest.

Here in our town we have a major medical center. They have a cancer center, a pain center, neonatal unit, 2 med flight unites, heart unit, ect...... I cannot tell you the countless of times I have called and even spoke face to face with the administration and got no where, oh I had promises but nothing came of them. Oh yes I also for got to mention that the CEO of this hospital is also the owner of the major radio station in our town, in fact they own several radio station and his daughter and is the public relation director for the medical center and a DJ. I got absolutely nothing from them, they wouldn't even allow me to have a bake sale in their lobby. But during the hurricane Katrenia time (this may sound petty or just mean but I don't intended for it to I didn't want the whole pie just my small piece of it) this medical center held a telephone in which they raised $250,000. 00 for the relief. The thing that bothered me the most is that I heard people and businesses calling in with large donation when just days prier they told me that they didn't have the funds to make donations, I guess the problem was I wasn't going to announces their name on the radio or nor publish it in the paper they was only goingto get a heart felt thank you and the confront of knowing that they was doing their part to safe a life of a child.
I also got the I'm to busy had dealt to me by family members but they never hesitate to call me when they want something.
Unfortunately after finding that my daughter had CFRD also I had to take a back seat on a lot of my actives I still do what I can though. But our Great Strides was taken away from us because they could not find a chair person.
But threw it all I can sit back and reflect on those whom did help out and the many many strangers that poured thier hearts and money out to us, I thank God for those heart that didn't feel they had to but that they wanted to.


New member
Oh my goodness have I had fundraising blues. For 2 years I chaired a Walk in our town I got so many doors closed in my face, seamed that the people or organizations that could do the most are the ones that shut their door the hardest.

Here in our town we have a major medical center. They have a cancer center, a pain center, neonatal unit, 2 med flight unites, heart unit, ect...... I cannot tell you the countless of times I have called and even spoke face to face with the administration and got no where, oh I had promises but nothing came of them. Oh yes I also for got to mention that the CEO of this hospital is also the owner of the major radio station in our town, in fact they own several radio station and his daughter and is the public relation director for the medical center and a DJ. I got absolutely nothing from them, they wouldn't even allow me to have a bake sale in their lobby. But during the hurricane Katrenia time (this may sound petty or just mean but I don't intended for it to I didn't want the whole pie just my small piece of it) this medical center held a telephone in which they raised $250,000. 00 for the relief. The thing that bothered me the most is that I heard people and businesses calling in with large donation when just days prier they told me that they didn't have the funds to make donations, I guess the problem was I wasn't going to announces their name on the radio or nor publish it in the paper they was only goingto get a heart felt thank you and the confront of knowing that they was doing their part to safe a life of a child.
I also got the I'm to busy had dealt to me by family members but they never hesitate to call me when they want something.
Unfortunately after finding that my daughter had CFRD also I had to take a back seat on a lot of my actives I still do what I can though. But our Great Strides was taken away from us because they could not find a chair person.
But threw it all I can sit back and reflect on those whom did help out and the many many strangers that poured thier hearts and money out to us, I thank God for those heart that didn't feel they had to but that they wanted to.


New member
We already had our Great Strides walk. This was my second year doing it and we raised less than last year, so I was somewhat disappointed. But, the economy in my state (well, the whole country, probably!) has not been the greatest this year so I tried to consider that before getting too upset. But then I think, can't people spare $10 to contribute to my walk? Like many of you have said, I try to donate to everyone at work who is doing things for their kids' school, girl scouts, church fundraisers, what have you . . .but then when my walk comes around and those same people can't even pitch in $5 or $10, it really irks me.

For the walks in my area, I think it has been hard getting food donations from businesses. I think at the walk I did, one of the families came through at the last minute and provided a lot of it. I don't know why the CFF can't get a national sponsor to support all of the walks . . .or at least statewide sponsors . .. to provide food. That seems like a no-brainer to me, but then, I don't work in the fundraising arena so I surely don't know all the ins and outs of how to get corporate sponsors.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I think a lot of us who have been trying to raise money this year have been having a hard time, so you are not alone!!


New member
We already had our Great Strides walk. This was my second year doing it and we raised less than last year, so I was somewhat disappointed. But, the economy in my state (well, the whole country, probably!) has not been the greatest this year so I tried to consider that before getting too upset. But then I think, can't people spare $10 to contribute to my walk? Like many of you have said, I try to donate to everyone at work who is doing things for their kids' school, girl scouts, church fundraisers, what have you . . .but then when my walk comes around and those same people can't even pitch in $5 or $10, it really irks me.

For the walks in my area, I think it has been hard getting food donations from businesses. I think at the walk I did, one of the families came through at the last minute and provided a lot of it. I don't know why the CFF can't get a national sponsor to support all of the walks . . .or at least statewide sponsors . .. to provide food. That seems like a no-brainer to me, but then, I don't work in the fundraising arena so I surely don't know all the ins and outs of how to get corporate sponsors.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I think a lot of us who have been trying to raise money this year have been having a hard time, so you are not alone!!


New member
We already had our Great Strides walk. This was my second year doing it and we raised less than last year, so I was somewhat disappointed. But, the economy in my state (well, the whole country, probably!) has not been the greatest this year so I tried to consider that before getting too upset. But then I think, can't people spare $10 to contribute to my walk? Like many of you have said, I try to donate to everyone at work who is doing things for their kids' school, girl scouts, church fundraisers, what have you . . .but then when my walk comes around and those same people can't even pitch in $5 or $10, it really irks me.

For the walks in my area, I think it has been hard getting food donations from businesses. I think at the walk I did, one of the families came through at the last minute and provided a lot of it. I don't know why the CFF can't get a national sponsor to support all of the walks . . .or at least statewide sponsors . .. to provide food. That seems like a no-brainer to me, but then, I don't work in the fundraising arena so I surely don't know all the ins and outs of how to get corporate sponsors.

Anyway, just wanted to say that I think a lot of us who have been trying to raise money this year have been having a hard time, so you are not alone!!


Staff member
Last year we had a heck of a time getting donations for food for the walk -- there were just too many walks going on the same weekend and everyone was just spread too thin.

The first time around, I think everyone does fairly well with great strides. This year, I actually did a little better, because in the past, I never indicated in my correspondence that our son has CF, just that we were walking to support families in our area who were affected by it.


Staff member
Last year we had a heck of a time getting donations for food for the walk -- there were just too many walks going on the same weekend and everyone was just spread too thin.

The first time around, I think everyone does fairly well with great strides. This year, I actually did a little better, because in the past, I never indicated in my correspondence that our son has CF, just that we were walking to support families in our area who were affected by it.


Staff member
Last year we had a heck of a time getting donations for food for the walk -- there were just too many walks going on the same weekend and everyone was just spread too thin.

The first time around, I think everyone does fairly well with great strides. This year, I actually did a little better, because in the past, I never indicated in my correspondence that our son has CF, just that we were walking to support families in our area who were affected by it.


New member
Wow, don't even get me started. This is my fourth year and it seems that with each year I just want to give up. Now...don't get me wrong...I won't...EVER...but...the people that are supposed to be my "family" continue to disappoint me every single year. It gets so frustrating...and very hurtful. If things were the other way around...if it were THEIR child...I'd be there...not a doubt in my mind...even if Ethan didn't have CF. I've sent two emails out in the past few months (for the walk) and numerous emails for other fundraisers...NO REPSONSES. NONE. Gee...can't wait until THEY need something. I'm not asking for something minor here. I want my son to live a long life...just as I'm sure they want for their children. The good person in me just wants to let it go. The po'ed mom in me just wants to scream at them. Hmmmm... (lol!)

Yet...they continue to invite me to their countless events and parties (to make money for themselves).

Whatever. Ugh.