the movie on Lifetime today


New member
it was made in 1997 but saw it today for the first time. I happened to take the day off due to getting over a cold and started watching the movie not knowing it was about CF 5 minutes into it she started coughing knew instantly before they said it that she had CF. finally saw what I must look like to the rest of the world.

even though we cough all the time and go thru spells of coughing attacks to the point of my face turning purple and coughing up blood in public, you dont realize what we look like to the rest of the world.

has anyone seen the movie called LIFEBREATH?

the physical and mental elements of the movie was dead on. with the exception to the oxygen tank it was like looking in the mirror for the first time, and not liking what I just saw.


New member
it was made in 1997 but saw it today for the first time. I happened to take the day off due to getting over a cold and started watching the movie not knowing it was about CF 5 minutes into it she started coughing knew instantly before they said it that she had CF. finally saw what I must look like to the rest of the world.

even though we cough all the time and go thru spells of coughing attacks to the point of my face turning purple and coughing up blood in public, you dont realize what we look like to the rest of the world.

has anyone seen the movie called LIFEBREATH?

the physical and mental elements of the movie was dead on. with the exception to the oxygen tank it was like looking in the mirror for the first time, and not liking what I just saw.


New member
Havent seen it, but I will be looking at Lifetime's schedule to see if it comes on again....thanks for the heads up!


New member
Havent seen it, but I will be looking at Lifetime's schedule to see if it comes on again....thanks for the heads up!


New member
I tried to search also but looks like it was only on today. and had i known it was about CF i would have recorded it.

if anyone does find another showing please advise on a post.


New member
I tried to search also but looks like it was only on today. and had i known it was about CF i would have recorded it.

if anyone does find another showing please advise on a post.


New member
Allie and I sat online together and watched it and commented on just about every other sentence. Hahaha. It was interesting.


New member
I blogged about this today, and so I'll just recopy it here: <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Last night I watched a movie that I expected to be bad. Truly, I did, and there are parts of it that make me crazy. But I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't 'get' what being married to a Cfer on the decline is like. Lifebreath.

Luke Perry plays Marty, a guy I'd like to go have coffee and talk with sometime, because I think we have a frightening amount in common. Some of the best parts of the movie play on the raw fear of a husband or wife. The little details are what make the movie accurate. The tripping on o2 tubes, the anger, hurt, and frustration when your significant other does something that could hurt themselves, like walk around in the cold or the rain, the fear when you come home and don't know where they are. The pacing, oh the pacing, trying not to cry as you sit by their bedside, shaking and freaking out.

I'd highly recommend this movie, which isn't something I thought I'd do. But it seemed so honest to me in some ways, that I can't not recommend it. It was kind of hard for me to watch, I won't lie. But I liked it.<hr></blockquote>


New member
I blogged about this today, and so I'll just recopy it here: <blockquote>Quote<br><hr>Last night I watched a movie that I expected to be bad. Truly, I did, and there are parts of it that make me crazy. But I would recommend it to anyone who doesn't 'get' what being married to a Cfer on the decline is like. Lifebreath.

Luke Perry plays Marty, a guy I'd like to go have coffee and talk with sometime, because I think we have a frightening amount in common. Some of the best parts of the movie play on the raw fear of a husband or wife. The little details are what make the movie accurate. The tripping on o2 tubes, the anger, hurt, and frustration when your significant other does something that could hurt themselves, like walk around in the cold or the rain, the fear when you come home and don't know where they are. The pacing, oh the pacing, trying not to cry as you sit by their bedside, shaking and freaking out.

I'd highly recommend this movie, which isn't something I thought I'd do. But it seemed so honest to me in some ways, that I can't not recommend it. It was kind of hard for me to watch, I won't lie. But I liked it.<hr></blockquote>


New member
Anyone find out when it will be on again I was at work and missed it. Please email me if you see it comming on again.Thanks


New member
Anyone find out when it will be on again I was at work and missed it. Please email me if you see it comming on again.Thanks


New member
I too knew that it was about a girl with CF from the minute I saw the O2 tube and how small she was, but I was a bit disturbed by the story line...I am glad that they did a story on CF because there aren't many out there, but it didn't show the story I thought it would. I guess beggers can't be choosers, right!


New member
I too knew that it was about a girl with CF from the minute I saw the O2 tube and how small she was, but I was a bit disturbed by the story line...I am glad that they did a story on CF because there aren't many out there, but it didn't show the story I thought it would. I guess beggers can't be choosers, right!


New member
Hey guy's if you want to watch the movie, why not go down to your local video store and hire it. I did, most video stores should have
it as it was only aired in 1997.

I watched the movie and i think it kind of made me nervouse and worried about my childs future, but than i came to realise its only a movie and movies are always exhagerated. Especially with the new age medications available for CF sufferers today. Hopefully they won't get as bad as the woman in the movie.


New member
Hey guy's if you want to watch the movie, why not go down to your local video store and hire it. I did, most video stores should have
it as it was only aired in 1997.

I watched the movie and i think it kind of made me nervouse and worried about my childs future, but than i came to realise its only a movie and movies are always exhagerated. Especially with the new age medications available for CF sufferers today. Hopefully they won't get as bad as the woman in the movie.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Hey guy's if you want to watch the movie, why not go down to your local video store and hire it. I did, most video stores should have

it as it was only aired in 1997.

I watched the movie and i think it kind of made me nervouse and worried about my childs future, but than i came to realise its only a movie and movies are always exhagerated. Especially with the new age medications available for CF sufferers today. Hopefully they won't get as bad as the woman in the movie.<hr></blockquote>

Hate to be the big fat bearer of bad news... but unless they come up with an outright cure in the lifetime of your child, he/she *will* get as bad as the woman in the movie. It's just a matter of when. They'll probably go much longer than she did before they get to that point, but CF is progressive by nature, and will therefore reach that point some time.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Hey guy's if you want to watch the movie, why not go down to your local video store and hire it. I did, most video stores should have

it as it was only aired in 1997.

I watched the movie and i think it kind of made me nervouse and worried about my childs future, but than i came to realise its only a movie and movies are always exhagerated. Especially with the new age medications available for CF sufferers today. Hopefully they won't get as bad as the woman in the movie.<hr></blockquote>

Hate to be the big fat bearer of bad news... but unless they come up with an outright cure in the lifetime of your child, he/she *will* get as bad as the woman in the movie. It's just a matter of when. They'll probably go much longer than she did before they get to that point, but CF is progressive by nature, and will therefore reach that point some time.