The Nerve!!!!!


New member
<b>You ahve to scroll down to the bottom and read up but can you believe that someone said this to me!!!!

I know how people get asthma derderder!!! I was talking about cystic fibrosis. I've done tons of research about it, I'm not an idiot. Way back when before they had the technology to puify water they just drank it. Well drinking contaminated water can give you cholera. So over time, kinda like evolving, The body developed the cf gene, this gene will prevent cholera and even some types of cancer. FYI you can get asthma other way too. (pet dander. mold , etc (its also like allergies but still cause airways to react. Mine is CF related and I was born with it. YOU STILL DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTIONS??? Did you know 1 in 25 people are carriers, but you don't even knwo if you are?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 1:03 PM


yer dumb.

I'm done.

oh, and yes, things like exhaust from power plants in the air we breathe does in fact lead to the reason why so many people these days have asthma. it has absolutely nothing to do with water you ***** moron.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 12:09 PM

----------------- Original Message -----------------

I have astma too. And "humanity" didn't cause this disease. The body formed it to prevent disease you got from drinking dirty water because back then they didn't have the stuff to clean water. It had nothing to do with humanity. And if life was o so bad why are you still here? I enjoy life yeah its hard and it suck but come on!!! If you take care of yourself you can prevent becoming a cripple. With out suffering there would be no compassion. But since "god" isn't something you believe in I can understand why you feel that way. Did you knwo you could be a carrier for the disease and not know it, what if you had kids with it and they died? Why is it you care enough for animals not to eat them but not for people? I was born with this it isn't something" i got "!!!

don't the babies and the little kids deserve to live life, be cause they die too!!!!

From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 9:13 AM

wtf does "AHVE ONE DON'T THEY" mean?

life is tough, and then you die. everything dies. better die young then to spend an entire existence as a cripple.

life is suffering, and as long as we live...we suffer. what does it matter who lives and who dies? seriously. wtf does it actually matter?

did you ever stop for a minute to think about why there just may be these diseases? humanity! we caused them. diseases are mother nature's way of telling us that we're ***** everything up, and it's her reaction...

I have asthma, I almost died three times growing up. I have asthma due to the fact that human beings dont give two shits about the earth's cleanliness. pollution caused my asthma, just like many other diseases.

fight the real enemy and stop wasting time. shut up.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 9:01 AM

You really don't have any clue. You don't know what its even like to know that you WILL die to young. Its not about geting sick. Its about trying to help these little kids born with this disease have a tomorrow. THEY DESERVE TO AHVE ONE DON'T THEY? YOU GOT ONE RIGHT? and obviously your enjoying it or you would have taken yourself out of it!!! So why isn't it far that they have that chance. It was something we were born with not a choice

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 8:52 AM

humanity is a disease
and the earth will die due to us
before all of our diseases
finish their job

everyone gets sick, everyone dies
get over it
fight the real enemy

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 8:43 AM

Look dude its for an awesome cause!!! (You were on my other myspace)


New member
<b>You ahve to scroll down to the bottom and read up but can you believe that someone said this to me!!!!

I know how people get asthma derderder!!! I was talking about cystic fibrosis. I've done tons of research about it, I'm not an idiot. Way back when before they had the technology to puify water they just drank it. Well drinking contaminated water can give you cholera. So over time, kinda like evolving, The body developed the cf gene, this gene will prevent cholera and even some types of cancer. FYI you can get asthma other way too. (pet dander. mold , etc (its also like allergies but still cause airways to react. Mine is CF related and I was born with it. YOU STILL DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTIONS??? Did you know 1 in 25 people are carriers, but you don't even knwo if you are?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 1:03 PM


yer dumb.

I'm done.

oh, and yes, things like exhaust from power plants in the air we breathe does in fact lead to the reason why so many people these days have asthma. it has absolutely nothing to do with water you ***** moron.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 12:09 PM

----------------- Original Message -----------------

I have astma too. And "humanity" didn't cause this disease. The body formed it to prevent disease you got from drinking dirty water because back then they didn't have the stuff to clean water. It had nothing to do with humanity. And if life was o so bad why are you still here? I enjoy life yeah its hard and it suck but come on!!! If you take care of yourself you can prevent becoming a cripple. With out suffering there would be no compassion. But since "god" isn't something you believe in I can understand why you feel that way. Did you knwo you could be a carrier for the disease and not know it, what if you had kids with it and they died? Why is it you care enough for animals not to eat them but not for people? I was born with this it isn't something" i got "!!!

don't the babies and the little kids deserve to live life, be cause they die too!!!!

From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 9:13 AM

wtf does "AHVE ONE DON'T THEY" mean?

life is tough, and then you die. everything dies. better die young then to spend an entire existence as a cripple.

life is suffering, and as long as we live...we suffer. what does it matter who lives and who dies? seriously. wtf does it actually matter?

did you ever stop for a minute to think about why there just may be these diseases? humanity! we caused them. diseases are mother nature's way of telling us that we're ***** everything up, and it's her reaction...

I have asthma, I almost died three times growing up. I have asthma due to the fact that human beings dont give two shits about the earth's cleanliness. pollution caused my asthma, just like many other diseases.

fight the real enemy and stop wasting time. shut up.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 9:01 AM

You really don't have any clue. You don't know what its even like to know that you WILL die to young. Its not about geting sick. Its about trying to help these little kids born with this disease have a tomorrow. THEY DESERVE TO AHVE ONE DON'T THEY? YOU GOT ONE RIGHT? and obviously your enjoying it or you would have taken yourself out of it!!! So why isn't it far that they have that chance. It was something we were born with not a choice

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 8:52 AM

humanity is a disease
and the earth will die due to us
before all of our diseases
finish their job

everyone gets sick, everyone dies
get over it
fight the real enemy

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 8:43 AM

Look dude its for an awesome cause!!! (You were on my other myspace)


New member
<b>You ahve to scroll down to the bottom and read up but can you believe that someone said this to me!!!!

I know how people get asthma derderder!!! I was talking about cystic fibrosis. I've done tons of research about it, I'm not an idiot. Way back when before they had the technology to puify water they just drank it. Well drinking contaminated water can give you cholera. So over time, kinda like evolving, The body developed the cf gene, this gene will prevent cholera and even some types of cancer. FYI you can get asthma other way too. (pet dander. mold , etc (its also like allergies but still cause airways to react. Mine is CF related and I was born with it. YOU STILL DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTIONS??? Did you know 1 in 25 people are carriers, but you don't even knwo if you are?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 1:03 PM


yer dumb.

I'm done.

oh, and yes, things like exhaust from power plants in the air we breathe does in fact lead to the reason why so many people these days have asthma. it has absolutely nothing to do with water you ***** moron.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 12:09 PM

----------------- Original Message -----------------

I have astma too. And "humanity" didn't cause this disease. The body formed it to prevent disease you got from drinking dirty water because back then they didn't have the stuff to clean water. It had nothing to do with humanity. And if life was o so bad why are you still here? I enjoy life yeah its hard and it suck but come on!!! If you take care of yourself you can prevent becoming a cripple. With out suffering there would be no compassion. But since "god" isn't something you believe in I can understand why you feel that way. Did you knwo you could be a carrier for the disease and not know it, what if you had kids with it and they died? Why is it you care enough for animals not to eat them but not for people? I was born with this it isn't something" i got "!!!

don't the babies and the little kids deserve to live life, be cause they die too!!!!

From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 9:13 AM

wtf does "AHVE ONE DON'T THEY" mean?

life is tough, and then you die. everything dies. better die young then to spend an entire existence as a cripple.

life is suffering, and as long as we live...we suffer. what does it matter who lives and who dies? seriously. wtf does it actually matter?

did you ever stop for a minute to think about why there just may be these diseases? humanity! we caused them. diseases are mother nature's way of telling us that we're ***** everything up, and it's her reaction...

I have asthma, I almost died three times growing up. I have asthma due to the fact that human beings dont give two shits about the earth's cleanliness. pollution caused my asthma, just like many other diseases.

fight the real enemy and stop wasting time. shut up.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 9:01 AM

You really don't have any clue. You don't know what its even like to know that you WILL die to young. Its not about geting sick. Its about trying to help these little kids born with this disease have a tomorrow. THEY DESERVE TO AHVE ONE DON'T THEY? YOU GOT ONE RIGHT? and obviously your enjoying it or you would have taken yourself out of it!!! So why isn't it far that they have that chance. It was something we were born with not a choice

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lemyng
Date: Nov 27 2006 8:52 AM

humanity is a disease
and the earth will die due to us
before all of our diseases
finish their job

everyone gets sick, everyone dies
get over it
fight the real enemy

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Cystic Fibrosis
Date: Nov 27 2006 8:43 AM

Look dude its for an awesome cause!!! (You were on my other myspace)


New member
Don't sweat it. Take comfort in the fact that this guy is probably another dumba$$ emo kid who has no kind of productive life whatsoever and probably spends all his time playing "World of Warcraft". Just tell him to shove it and move on. He'll probably have a more miserable life than anyone with CF. Let that fact satisfy you.


New member
Don't sweat it. Take comfort in the fact that this guy is probably another dumba$$ emo kid who has no kind of productive life whatsoever and probably spends all his time playing "World of Warcraft". Just tell him to shove it and move on. He'll probably have a more miserable life than anyone with CF. Let that fact satisfy you.


New member
Don't sweat it. Take comfort in the fact that this guy is probably another dumba$$ emo kid who has no kind of productive life whatsoever and probably spends all his time playing "World of Warcraft". Just tell him to shove it and move on. He'll probably have a more miserable life than anyone with CF. Let that fact satisfy you.


New member
Karma's a b**ch and he'll get it back someday....heh, once he actually grows up and out of his immature, emo, "F-society", "I'm-so-smart -I -should-rule -the- word" phase, he'll probably be smacked in the head with a case of reality and wish he hadn't been so insensitive.


New member
Karma's a b**ch and he'll get it back someday....heh, once he actually grows up and out of his immature, emo, "F-society", "I'm-so-smart -I -should-rule -the- word" phase, he'll probably be smacked in the head with a case of reality and wish he hadn't been so insensitive.


New member
Karma's a b**ch and he'll get it back someday....heh, once he actually grows up and out of his immature, emo, "F-society", "I'm-so-smart -I -should-rule -the- word" phase, he'll probably be smacked in the head with a case of reality and wish he hadn't been so insensitive.


New member
This guy sounds like a complete moron, I really mean it. I'm not just saying it to make you feel better. I can picture him sitting there at the comp at 2 in the afternoo, eating his Elio's pizza with his braces and pimples all over his face, (not that there's anything wrong with braces, people) playing War Craft and holding his Lord of the Rings actions figures in his pocket.

Don't dignify this kid with any argument or upset-when its his turn, he'll feel his big foot in his mouth.


New member
This guy sounds like a complete moron, I really mean it. I'm not just saying it to make you feel better. I can picture him sitting there at the comp at 2 in the afternoo, eating his Elio's pizza with his braces and pimples all over his face, (not that there's anything wrong with braces, people) playing War Craft and holding his Lord of the Rings actions figures in his pocket.

Don't dignify this kid with any argument or upset-when its his turn, he'll feel his big foot in his mouth.


New member
This guy sounds like a complete moron, I really mean it. I'm not just saying it to make you feel better. I can picture him sitting there at the comp at 2 in the afternoo, eating his Elio's pizza with his braces and pimples all over his face, (not that there's anything wrong with braces, people) playing War Craft and holding his Lord of the Rings actions figures in his pocket.

Don't dignify this kid with any argument or upset-when its his turn, he'll feel his big foot in his mouth.


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
his site


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
his site


New member
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
his site


New member
dont worry jbrandon. i mean, just look at him! hes just a poor lil emo boy stuck in his lil emo world. he has way too much time on his hands by the looks of things.


New member
dont worry jbrandon. i mean, just look at him! hes just a poor lil emo boy stuck in his lil emo world. he has way too much time on his hands by the looks of things.