The older u get, the worse ur CF gets???



Ok, so I'm 38 yrs old with CF and CFRD. I was wondering if there are any "older" CF ppl out there who have noticed that as you've gotten older your CF symptoms got worse? It's the little things like digestions, eating habits, breathing, stuff like that. I've noticed that I can't eat as much as I used to as I get way way bloated and it's harder for me to breathe when this happens.....any ideas/suggestions?


Ok, so I'm 38 yrs old with CF and CFRD. I was wondering if there are any "older" CF ppl out there who have noticed that as you've gotten older your CF symptoms got worse? It's the little things like digestions, eating habits, breathing, stuff like that. I've noticed that I can't eat as much as I used to as I get way way bloated and it's harder for me to breathe when this happens.....any ideas/suggestions?


Ok, so I'm 38 yrs old with CF and CFRD. I was wondering if there are any "older" CF ppl out there who have noticed that as you've gotten older your CF symptoms got worse? It's the little things like digestions, eating habits, breathing, stuff like that. I've noticed that I can't eat as much as I used to as I get way way bloated and it's harder for me to breathe when this happens.....any ideas/suggestions?


New member
I get the same thing with eating. My mother thinks I am making it up so I don't have to eat - it is soooo annoying to have to justify that if I stuff myself I have a hard time breathing. Glad to know I am not the only one that gets that.

As for your question I think that is normal ... that as we get older our sypmtoms get progressively worse. I think that is nature of CF in most instances.



New member
I get the same thing with eating. My mother thinks I am making it up so I don't have to eat - it is soooo annoying to have to justify that if I stuff myself I have a hard time breathing. Glad to know I am not the only one that gets that.

As for your question I think that is normal ... that as we get older our sypmtoms get progressively worse. I think that is nature of CF in most instances.



New member
I get the same thing with eating. My mother thinks I am making it up so I don't have to eat - it is soooo annoying to have to justify that if I stuff myself I have a hard time breathing. Glad to know I am not the only one that gets that.

As for your question I think that is normal ... that as we get older our sypmtoms get progressively worse. I think that is nature of CF in most instances.



New member
I feel like an old woman, and I'm only 25. Sometimes when its cold out, the little bit of CF related arthritis I have, acts up, I cough more and have problems breathing sometimes. My stepdad jokes, and says I'm a 60 year old woman, and that I should stop lighting up! (I don't smoke of course). I think that's normal for CF - its a progressive disease, so the older you get, the worse your symptoms are.


New member
I feel like an old woman, and I'm only 25. Sometimes when its cold out, the little bit of CF related arthritis I have, acts up, I cough more and have problems breathing sometimes. My stepdad jokes, and says I'm a 60 year old woman, and that I should stop lighting up! (I don't smoke of course). I think that's normal for CF - its a progressive disease, so the older you get, the worse your symptoms are.


New member
I feel like an old woman, and I'm only 25. Sometimes when its cold out, the little bit of CF related arthritis I have, acts up, I cough more and have problems breathing sometimes. My stepdad jokes, and says I'm a 60 year old woman, and that I should stop lighting up! (I don't smoke of course). I think that's normal for CF - its a progressive disease, so the older you get, the worse your symptoms are.


New member
I get that bloated and can't breath thing too. I mostly get it when I'm on prednisone and over eat but the feeling is just horrible. Sometimes tums will release some pressure and it gets a little easier to breath but most the time I just want to lay there until that feeling goes away and I can breath again. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets this way!


New member
I get that bloated and can't breath thing too. I mostly get it when I'm on prednisone and over eat but the feeling is just horrible. Sometimes tums will release some pressure and it gets a little easier to breath but most the time I just want to lay there until that feeling goes away and I can breath again. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets this way!


New member
I get that bloated and can't breath thing too. I mostly get it when I'm on prednisone and over eat but the feeling is just horrible. Sometimes tums will release some pressure and it gets a little easier to breath but most the time I just want to lay there until that feeling goes away and I can breath again. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who gets this way!


New member
I am an older CF'r and yes I have taken enzymes with my food all my life but never had problems with stomach aches, gaining weight etc. Now I do!!!! I recently was suffering from chronic painful stomach aches and doctor looked at my gallbladder but all was good. So he put me on Protonix to help with acid in my stomach. So far so good! No aches and I am back to eating dairy products.

Still having problems with weight gain.

Yes I have notices that as I am getting older my CF is worsening. My PFT's are now in the 60 percentile, trouble gainig weight, diabetes, tired more, just overall down slide. I think it is just the nature of the beast and as anyone gets older your health becomes a factor.

But I just keep fighting and do all that I can to slow the CF progression down.

Good luck!!!

Jennifer 34 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I am an older CF'r and yes I have taken enzymes with my food all my life but never had problems with stomach aches, gaining weight etc. Now I do!!!! I recently was suffering from chronic painful stomach aches and doctor looked at my gallbladder but all was good. So he put me on Protonix to help with acid in my stomach. So far so good! No aches and I am back to eating dairy products.

Still having problems with weight gain.

Yes I have notices that as I am getting older my CF is worsening. My PFT's are now in the 60 percentile, trouble gainig weight, diabetes, tired more, just overall down slide. I think it is just the nature of the beast and as anyone gets older your health becomes a factor.

But I just keep fighting and do all that I can to slow the CF progression down.

Good luck!!!

Jennifer 34 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
I am an older CF'r and yes I have taken enzymes with my food all my life but never had problems with stomach aches, gaining weight etc. Now I do!!!! I recently was suffering from chronic painful stomach aches and doctor looked at my gallbladder but all was good. So he put me on Protonix to help with acid in my stomach. So far so good! No aches and I am back to eating dairy products.

Still having problems with weight gain.

Yes I have notices that as I am getting older my CF is worsening. My PFT's are now in the 60 percentile, trouble gainig weight, diabetes, tired more, just overall down slide. I think it is just the nature of the beast and as anyone gets older your health becomes a factor.

But I just keep fighting and do all that I can to slow the CF progression down.

Good luck!!!

Jennifer 34 years old with CF and CFRD


New member
Since this is a progressive disease it is supposed to get worse as we get older, I know mine has.

I hate when I go out to eat with my friends and we all stuff ourselves. They just get really full but I get full and can't breathe. Really lessens the enjoyment of food.

As much as i know that is is supposed to happen where we get worse it still hurts when it start happening


New member
Since this is a progressive disease it is supposed to get worse as we get older, I know mine has.

I hate when I go out to eat with my friends and we all stuff ourselves. They just get really full but I get full and can't breathe. Really lessens the enjoyment of food.

As much as i know that is is supposed to happen where we get worse it still hurts when it start happening


New member
Since this is a progressive disease it is supposed to get worse as we get older, I know mine has.

I hate when I go out to eat with my friends and we all stuff ourselves. They just get really full but I get full and can't breathe. Really lessens the enjoyment of food.

As much as i know that is is supposed to happen where we get worse it still hurts when it start happening