Hi Jonathan,
Your post has me tearing up a bit, because I sooo remember those feelings you explain...looking at a newborn and being full of wanting to know what, when, how, etc. As I got to know my daughter, saw her personality and watched her grow into a very normal, predominantly healthy kid, those panicky feelings have subsided a lot.
Of course there is no predicting how CF will progress for each of our kids, but the odds are good that it will be slow and aided by all the great meds and treatments available. I find that I'm not so worried about the end stage of this disease, as I am about the heavy treatment med routine that they take even when they are doing great -- it is a great thing, but comes with a lot of work on my part (which I'm willing to do) and a lot of frustration on my daughters part (which is hard to watch).
Anyway, welcome to the forum. The adults here are an inspiration to us parents, so be sure to check out the adult forum.
Your post has me tearing up a bit, because I sooo remember those feelings you explain...looking at a newborn and being full of wanting to know what, when, how, etc. As I got to know my daughter, saw her personality and watched her grow into a very normal, predominantly healthy kid, those panicky feelings have subsided a lot.
Of course there is no predicting how CF will progress for each of our kids, but the odds are good that it will be slow and aided by all the great meds and treatments available. I find that I'm not so worried about the end stage of this disease, as I am about the heavy treatment med routine that they take even when they are doing great -- it is a great thing, but comes with a lot of work on my part (which I'm willing to do) and a lot of frustration on my daughters part (which is hard to watch).
Anyway, welcome to the forum. The adults here are an inspiration to us parents, so be sure to check out the adult forum.