the vest


New member
we just got a vest from respirtech . . .
my daughter was 2 in june. any advice for introducing it, getting her to love it, etc? she's great with her nebs (she did a full 20 minutes holding the nebulizer all by herself just yesterday), so i'm hoping with the right dvds she'll love it, right?


New member
we just got a vest from respirtech . . .
my daughter was 2 in june. any advice for introducing it, getting her to love it, etc? she's great with her nebs (she did a full 20 minutes holding the nebulizer all by herself just yesterday), so i'm hoping with the right dvds she'll love it, right?


New member
we just got a vest from respirtech . . .
my daughter was 2 in june. any advice for introducing it, getting her to love it, etc? she's great with her nebs (she did a full 20 minutes holding the nebulizer all by herself just yesterday), so i'm hoping with the right dvds she'll love it, right?


New member
we just got a vest from respirtech . . .
my daughter was 2 in june. any advice for introducing it, getting her to love it, etc? she's great with her nebs (she did a full 20 minutes holding the nebulizer all by herself just yesterday), so i'm hoping with the right dvds she'll love it, right?


New member
we just got a vest from respirtech . . .
my daughter was 2 in june. any advice for introducing it, getting her to love it, etc? she's great with her nebs (she did a full 20 minutes holding the nebulizer all by herself just yesterday), so i'm hoping with the right dvds she'll love it, right?


At age two I remember that the most important part of therapy time was making it special time between me and my son. Any activity will do as long as she can look forward to your undivided attention for those twenty minutes. It's when she gets a little older that you might have more issues with compliance. My son is 9 now and actually likes to use vest time for reading or playing his gameboy. Which is nice because then I can finish up dinner dishes, etc. and be ready for him when it is time for huffing. But for now, make sure you are right there with her for fun time so it is a time of day she looks forward to instead of resent.
Good luck! I think you'll like it. It's soooo much easier than manual CPT!


At age two I remember that the most important part of therapy time was making it special time between me and my son. Any activity will do as long as she can look forward to your undivided attention for those twenty minutes. It's when she gets a little older that you might have more issues with compliance. My son is 9 now and actually likes to use vest time for reading or playing his gameboy. Which is nice because then I can finish up dinner dishes, etc. and be ready for him when it is time for huffing. But for now, make sure you are right there with her for fun time so it is a time of day she looks forward to instead of resent.
Good luck! I think you'll like it. It's soooo much easier than manual CPT!


At age two I remember that the most important part of therapy time was making it special time between me and my son. Any activity will do as long as she can look forward to your undivided attention for those twenty minutes. It's when she gets a little older that you might have more issues with compliance. My son is 9 now and actually likes to use vest time for reading or playing his gameboy. Which is nice because then I can finish up dinner dishes, etc. and be ready for him when it is time for huffing. But for now, make sure you are right there with her for fun time so it is a time of day she looks forward to instead of resent.
Good luck! I think you'll like it. It's soooo much easier than manual CPT!


At age two I remember that the most important part of therapy time was making it special time between me and my son. Any activity will do as long as she can look forward to your undivided attention for those twenty minutes. It's when she gets a little older that you might have more issues with compliance. My son is 9 now and actually likes to use vest time for reading or playing his gameboy. Which is nice because then I can finish up dinner dishes, etc. and be ready for him when it is time for huffing. But for now, make sure you are right there with her for fun time so it is a time of day she looks forward to instead of resent.
Good luck! I think you'll like it. It's soooo much easier than manual CPT!


At age two I remember that the most important part of therapy time was making it special time between me and my son. Any activity will do as long as she can look forward to your undivided attention for those twenty minutes. It's when she gets a little older that you might have more issues with compliance. My son is 9 now and actually likes to use vest time for reading or playing his gameboy. Which is nice because then I can finish up dinner dishes, etc. and be ready for him when it is time for huffing. But for now, make sure you are right there with her for fun time so it is a time of day she looks forward to instead of resent.
Good luck! I think you'll like it. It's soooo much easier than manual CPT!


New member
I have 2 kids with CF. My son was 4 when we got the vest and it was great!! We had just had our daughter when we got it, so it made life so much easier. My son is now 8 and my daughter is almost 4, we still have to make sure we wait enough time after she eats or drinks before we do her vest because she will vomit so much that she literally empties her stomach. We also just do 20 minutes of 10hz instead of 10 on 10hz and 10 on 14hz. The doctors are totally fine with that, in fact, they are shocked that she will sit there and do 40minutes a day!! Good Luck


Mom to Tyler 8 w/cf and Ryan 3 w/cf


New member
I have 2 kids with CF. My son was 4 when we got the vest and it was great!! We had just had our daughter when we got it, so it made life so much easier. My son is now 8 and my daughter is almost 4, we still have to make sure we wait enough time after she eats or drinks before we do her vest because she will vomit so much that she literally empties her stomach. We also just do 20 minutes of 10hz instead of 10 on 10hz and 10 on 14hz. The doctors are totally fine with that, in fact, they are shocked that she will sit there and do 40minutes a day!! Good Luck


Mom to Tyler 8 w/cf and Ryan 3 w/cf


New member
I have 2 kids with CF. My son was 4 when we got the vest and it was great!! We had just had our daughter when we got it, so it made life so much easier. My son is now 8 and my daughter is almost 4, we still have to make sure we wait enough time after she eats or drinks before we do her vest because she will vomit so much that she literally empties her stomach. We also just do 20 minutes of 10hz instead of 10 on 10hz and 10 on 14hz. The doctors are totally fine with that, in fact, they are shocked that she will sit there and do 40minutes a day!! Good Luck


Mom to Tyler 8 w/cf and Ryan 3 w/cf


New member
I have 2 kids with CF. My son was 4 when we got the vest and it was great!! We had just had our daughter when we got it, so it made life so much easier. My son is now 8 and my daughter is almost 4, we still have to make sure we wait enough time after she eats or drinks before we do her vest because she will vomit so much that she literally empties her stomach. We also just do 20 minutes of 10hz instead of 10 on 10hz and 10 on 14hz. The doctors are totally fine with that, in fact, they are shocked that she will sit there and do 40minutes a day!! Good Luck


Mom to Tyler 8 w/cf and Ryan 3 w/cf


New member
I have 2 kids with CF. My son was 4 when we got the vest and it was great!! We had just had our daughter when we got it, so it made life so much easier. My son is now 8 and my daughter is almost 4, we still have to make sure we wait enough time after she eats or drinks before we do her vest because she will vomit so much that she literally empties her stomach. We also just do 20 minutes of 10hz instead of 10 on 10hz and 10 on 14hz. The doctors are totally fine with that, in fact, they are shocked that she will sit there and do 40minutes a day!! Good Luck


Mom to Tyler 8 w/cf and Ryan 3 w/cf