The Vest ...


New member
I keep my pressure between 3 and 4. The frequency HZ i use is different ones all the time. I start out @ 10 and then up to 15 , then sometimes i go all the way to 25. The only problem with going that high is , it itches the heck out of me where the vest is. I do feel the vest is a help to me ( or i wouldnt do it at all) but i have to admit it annoys me sometimes. I have the old model vest ( the real big heavy machine)


New member
I keep my pressure between 3 and 4. The frequency HZ i use is different ones all the time. I start out @ 10 and then up to 15 , then sometimes i go all the way to 25. The only problem with going that high is , it itches the heck out of me where the vest is. I do feel the vest is a help to me ( or i wouldnt do it at all) but i have to admit it annoys me sometimes. I have the old model vest ( the real big heavy machine)


New member
When my old doc first prescribed the Vest for me he told me he wanted me using it at a pressure setting of 5 and frequency of 10 and 15(10 minutes each). Well I could barely breathe with a pressure setting of 5 WITHOUT the vibration - with vibration I was panting and huffing and struggling to catch my breath.

I switched the pressure setting and have it on 3 most times and sometimes 4 - I find that when I am sick or fighting infection I have to lower the pressure setting because othewise it squeezes to hard for me. I say that because I definitely think that the pressure you are able to use is connecting to your lung function in a sense. Well at least for me it is.

The only problem I have with the higher frequencies is itching. The higher the frequency is my skin under the vest - on my stomach, chest and even the insides on my arms will itch to high heaven and turn bright red from me scratching.

Also when I am on my monthly I get boob soreness and THAT hurts when I use the vest, but it is bearable on most days.

Take Care,


New member
When my old doc first prescribed the Vest for me he told me he wanted me using it at a pressure setting of 5 and frequency of 10 and 15(10 minutes each). Well I could barely breathe with a pressure setting of 5 WITHOUT the vibration - with vibration I was panting and huffing and struggling to catch my breath.

I switched the pressure setting and have it on 3 most times and sometimes 4 - I find that when I am sick or fighting infection I have to lower the pressure setting because othewise it squeezes to hard for me. I say that because I definitely think that the pressure you are able to use is connecting to your lung function in a sense. Well at least for me it is.

The only problem I have with the higher frequencies is itching. The higher the frequency is my skin under the vest - on my stomach, chest and even the insides on my arms will itch to high heaven and turn bright red from me scratching.

Also when I am on my monthly I get boob soreness and THAT hurts when I use the vest, but it is bearable on most days.

Take Care,


New member
When my old doc first prescribed the Vest for me he told me he wanted me using it at a pressure setting of 5 and frequency of 10 and 15(10 minutes each). Well I could barely breathe with a pressure setting of 5 WITHOUT the vibration - with vibration I was panting and huffing and struggling to catch my breath.

I switched the pressure setting and have it on 3 most times and sometimes 4 - I find that when I am sick or fighting infection I have to lower the pressure setting because othewise it squeezes to hard for me. I say that because I definitely think that the pressure you are able to use is connecting to your lung function in a sense. Well at least for me it is.

The only problem I have with the higher frequencies is itching. The higher the frequency is my skin under the vest - on my stomach, chest and even the insides on my arms will itch to high heaven and turn bright red from me scratching.

Also when I am on my monthly I get boob soreness and THAT hurts when I use the vest, but it is bearable on most days.

Take Care,


New member
I have a full chest vest (The Vest from Hilrom) but anywayz, it never causes me any pain no matter what I have it on, but it does cause me to itch and my stomach and chest turn bright red like Lindsey said. I don't remember my settings, but I know that the big number is 16, don't remember the other. It's not what my doctor told me to do, but it makes me cough more.


New member
I have a full chest vest (The Vest from Hilrom) but anywayz, it never causes me any pain no matter what I have it on, but it does cause me to itch and my stomach and chest turn bright red like Lindsey said. I don't remember my settings, but I know that the big number is 16, don't remember the other. It's not what my doctor told me to do, but it makes me cough more.


New member
I have a full chest vest (The Vest from Hilrom) but anywayz, it never causes me any pain no matter what I have it on, but it does cause me to itch and my stomach and chest turn bright red like Lindsey said. I don't remember my settings, but I know that the big number is 16, don't remember the other. It's not what my doctor told me to do, but it makes me cough more.


New member

I too use the vest and I do think it is the way to go. Many people prefer CPPD with the old, archaic clapping but unless you can have some one hit you around 17 times per second, you're not getting optimal results (unless you feel that you are). I use the vest while doing DuoNeb, 7% hypertonic, Pulmozyme and the month's antibiotic. I refer to this as the (Open- Cut- Thin and Kill) method, since that is the order and shortest explanation of what each drug attempts to do. My wife is an RN / respiratory therapist and she is whom I should credit with teaching me this but I named it. Good luck to you all, in finding your own best methods.


34 and still doing okay.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member

I too use the vest and I do think it is the way to go. Many people prefer CPPD with the old, archaic clapping but unless you can have some one hit you around 17 times per second, you're not getting optimal results (unless you feel that you are). I use the vest while doing DuoNeb, 7% hypertonic, Pulmozyme and the month's antibiotic. I refer to this as the (Open- Cut- Thin and Kill) method, since that is the order and shortest explanation of what each drug attempts to do. My wife is an RN / respiratory therapist and she is whom I should credit with teaching me this but I named it. Good luck to you all, in finding your own best methods.


34 and still doing okay.
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
<br />
<br />I too use the vest and I do think it is the way to go. Many people prefer CPPD with the old, archaic clapping but unless you can have some one hit you around 17 times per second, you're not getting optimal results (unless you feel that you are). I use the vest while doing DuoNeb, 7% hypertonic, Pulmozyme and the month's antibiotic. I refer to this as the (Open- Cut- Thin and Kill) method, since that is the order and shortest explanation of what each drug attempts to do. My wife is an RN / respiratory therapist and she is whom I should credit with teaching me this but I named it. Good luck to you all, in finding your own best methods.
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<br />BK
<br />
<br />34 and still doing okay.
<br /><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">