Their daycare is driving me nuts


New member
this is a tough one.. although we do not do day care when our kids go to church classes Brandon's room has a novel that I wrote explaining needs, issues when to alert and all that stuff. I think you should take the time and write your own novel, like cf for dummies and give that to them, that way it is all clear. I think literature is great but there is so much to read in the books for caregivers to read if they already don't seem to have the time. Plus allot of the stuff isn't entirely important for them to know, like how it affects the reproductive system and stuff.. laying it out for them can stop allot of confusion for everyone.


New member
this is a tough one.. although we do not do day care when our kids go to church classes Brandon's room has a novel that I wrote explaining needs, issues when to alert and all that stuff. I think you should take the time and write your own novel, like cf for dummies and give that to them, that way it is all clear. I think literature is great but there is so much to read in the books for caregivers to read if they already don't seem to have the time. Plus allot of the stuff isn't entirely important for them to know, like how it affects the reproductive system and stuff.. laying it out for them can stop allot of confusion for everyone.


New member
this is a tough one.. although we do not do day care when our kids go to church classes Brandon's room has a novel that I wrote explaining needs, issues when to alert and all that stuff. I think you should take the time and write your own novel, like cf for dummies and give that to them, that way it is all clear. I think literature is great but there is so much to read in the books for caregivers to read if they already don't seem to have the time. Plus allot of the stuff isn't entirely important for them to know, like how it affects the reproductive system and stuff.. laying it out for them can stop allot of confusion for everyone.


New member
this is a tough one.. although we do not do day care when our kids go to church classes Brandon's room has a novel that I wrote explaining needs, issues when to alert and all that stuff. I think you should take the time and write your own novel, like cf for dummies and give that to them, that way it is all clear. I think literature is great but there is so much to read in the books for caregivers to read if they already don't seem to have the time. Plus allot of the stuff isn't entirely important for them to know, like how it affects the reproductive system and stuff.. laying it out for them can stop allot of confusion for everyone.


New member
this is a tough one.. although we do not do day care when our kids go to church classes Brandon's room has a novel that I wrote explaining needs, issues when to alert and all that stuff. I think you should take the time and write your own novel, like cf for dummies and give that to them, that way it is all clear. I think literature is great but there is so much to read in the books for caregivers to read if they already don't seem to have the time. Plus allot of the stuff isn't entirely important for them to know, like how it affects the reproductive system and stuff.. laying it out for them can stop allot of confusion for everyone.


Staff member
I believe CFRI has a CF in the classroom book about 15-20 pages long that gives some good info -- explains about coughing, how CF isn't contagious, about sinus issues...

CFF has various 2-3 page documents on germ control, enzymes for babies, toddlers, nutritional info and I believe they also have some short documents on CF in the classroom as well.


Staff member
I believe CFRI has a CF in the classroom book about 15-20 pages long that gives some good info -- explains about coughing, how CF isn't contagious, about sinus issues...

CFF has various 2-3 page documents on germ control, enzymes for babies, toddlers, nutritional info and I believe they also have some short documents on CF in the classroom as well.


Staff member
I believe CFRI has a CF in the classroom book about 15-20 pages long that gives some good info -- explains about coughing, how CF isn't contagious, about sinus issues...

CFF has various 2-3 page documents on germ control, enzymes for babies, toddlers, nutritional info and I believe they also have some short documents on CF in the classroom as well.


Staff member
I believe CFRI has a CF in the classroom book about 15-20 pages long that gives some good info -- explains about coughing, how CF isn't contagious, about sinus issues...

CFF has various 2-3 page documents on germ control, enzymes for babies, toddlers, nutritional info and I believe they also have some short documents on CF in the classroom as well.


Staff member
I believe CFRI has a CF in the classroom book about 15-20 pages long that gives some good info -- explains about coughing, how CF isn't contagious, about sinus issues...
<br />
<br />CFF has various 2-3 page documents on germ control, enzymes for babies, toddlers, nutritional info and I believe they also have some short documents on CF in the classroom as well.


New member
Thanks I will see if I can find those, that would be very helpful and if not I will write my own "novel" like another post suggested.


New member
Thanks I will see if I can find those, that would be very helpful and if not I will write my own "novel" like another post suggested.


New member
Thanks I will see if I can find those, that would be very helpful and if not I will write my own "novel" like another post suggested.


New member
Thanks I will see if I can find those, that would be very helpful and if not I will write my own "novel" like another post suggested.


New member
Thanks I will see if I can find those, that would be very helpful and if not I will write my own "novel" like another post suggested.
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New member
Sounds like they did get a little scared. My daughter is 5 and last year she had major sinus trouble, would cough and gag on post-nasal drainage, etc. My good friend, who knows a lot about CF and had been warned about the coughing/gagging, really freaked out when she was watching my daughter one afternoon. I think it can just be pretty scary for people, like you said even the parents get scared.

Even though it may be a pain in the butt, it is actually a good thing if they are overly cautious with possibly sick kids bc it might help your girls from catching something from other kids if they send kids home that seem to be showing symptoms.

It is also hard to know for sure if the symptoms are CF related or if they are actually sick. For instance when my daughter had such sinus trouble she gagged so much that she threw up a few times. Well, this was going on during cold/flu season so I wondered if she was actually getting the flu, which she never did.

I know it isn't easy! Hopefully with time, the daycare will get used to the symptoms and you won't have to take time off work that isn't necessary.


New member
Sounds like they did get a little scared. My daughter is 5 and last year she had major sinus trouble, would cough and gag on post-nasal drainage, etc. My good friend, who knows a lot about CF and had been warned about the coughing/gagging, really freaked out when she was watching my daughter one afternoon. I think it can just be pretty scary for people, like you said even the parents get scared.

Even though it may be a pain in the butt, it is actually a good thing if they are overly cautious with possibly sick kids bc it might help your girls from catching something from other kids if they send kids home that seem to be showing symptoms.

It is also hard to know for sure if the symptoms are CF related or if they are actually sick. For instance when my daughter had such sinus trouble she gagged so much that she threw up a few times. Well, this was going on during cold/flu season so I wondered if she was actually getting the flu, which she never did.

I know it isn't easy! Hopefully with time, the daycare will get used to the symptoms and you won't have to take time off work that isn't necessary.


New member
Sounds like they did get a little scared. My daughter is 5 and last year she had major sinus trouble, would cough and gag on post-nasal drainage, etc. My good friend, who knows a lot about CF and had been warned about the coughing/gagging, really freaked out when she was watching my daughter one afternoon. I think it can just be pretty scary for people, like you said even the parents get scared.

Even though it may be a pain in the butt, it is actually a good thing if they are overly cautious with possibly sick kids bc it might help your girls from catching something from other kids if they send kids home that seem to be showing symptoms.

It is also hard to know for sure if the symptoms are CF related or if they are actually sick. For instance when my daughter had such sinus trouble she gagged so much that she threw up a few times. Well, this was going on during cold/flu season so I wondered if she was actually getting the flu, which she never did.

I know it isn't easy! Hopefully with time, the daycare will get used to the symptoms and you won't have to take time off work that isn't necessary.


New member
Sounds like they did get a little scared. My daughter is 5 and last year she had major sinus trouble, would cough and gag on post-nasal drainage, etc. My good friend, who knows a lot about CF and had been warned about the coughing/gagging, really freaked out when she was watching my daughter one afternoon. I think it can just be pretty scary for people, like you said even the parents get scared.

Even though it may be a pain in the butt, it is actually a good thing if they are overly cautious with possibly sick kids bc it might help your girls from catching something from other kids if they send kids home that seem to be showing symptoms.

It is also hard to know for sure if the symptoms are CF related or if they are actually sick. For instance when my daughter had such sinus trouble she gagged so much that she threw up a few times. Well, this was going on during cold/flu season so I wondered if she was actually getting the flu, which she never did.

I know it isn't easy! Hopefully with time, the daycare will get used to the symptoms and you won't have to take time off work that isn't necessary.


New member
Sounds like they did get a little scared. My daughter is 5 and last year she had major sinus trouble, would cough and gag on post-nasal drainage, etc. My good friend, who knows a lot about CF and had been warned about the coughing/gagging, really freaked out when she was watching my daughter one afternoon. I think it can just be pretty scary for people, like you said even the parents get scared.
<br />
<br />Even though it may be a pain in the butt, it is actually a good thing if they are overly cautious with possibly sick kids bc it might help your girls from catching something from other kids if they send kids home that seem to be showing symptoms.
<br />
<br />It is also hard to know for sure if the symptoms are CF related or if they are actually sick. For instance when my daughter had such sinus trouble she gagged so much that she threw up a few times. Well, this was going on during cold/flu season so I wondered if she was actually getting the flu, which she never did.
<br />
<br />I know it isn't easy! Hopefully with time, the daycare will get used to the symptoms and you won't have to take time off work that isn't necessary.