Things to do in the hospital


New member
I most certainly will ask her about Rockys in Crown Point, I agree hands down Dr. Stenbit is the best doctor ever.. I need someone to shoot straight with me because my grip on reality is not the best when it comes to what I can and can not do.
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<br /> I tend to think I am super women and can do it all, until I end up trying to do it and failing miserably because I end up sooo sick!!!!!! She literally had to put her foot down (rather hardly) in order for me to stop working.. and for as much as I whined and complained about it.. My life has never been healthier and I owe it all to her.
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<br />I still every once in a while want to argue and beg to go back to work, until I acutally work more then one day a week and end up sick.
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<br />Anyway, I am in the Dr Stenbit fan club with you.. Keep in touch with me.... I would love to talk more!!!!
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<br />Jennifer


New member
Hey Colin, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you were doing????

I hope you are coming along!!!! Give a quick update when you can.


New member
Hey Colin, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you were doing????

I hope you are coming along!!!! Give a quick update when you can.


New member
Hey Colin, I just wanted to check in with you and see how you were doing????
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<br />I hope you are coming along!!!! Give a quick update when you can.


New member
Hey all, my suggestions will probably sound really corny but maybe you can try watercolor painting. Im not kidding. It actually subsides pain and takes you away . Often times I have to stop myself in order to make sure that PT isn't interrupted by painting too long. I have only been painting for a year but I freaking love it. No lessons just paint. I started with the little plastic box for children. It is more portable. A small pad of watercolor paper or cheap pad of paper and water is all you need. No lecture here about narcs. I swore them off watching my sister God rest her soul go through percocette addition. It just compounded things for her.
I hope the painting helps. It does wonders for me. It is a very healthy addiction.
CF Diabetes


New member
Hey all, my suggestions will probably sound really corny but maybe you can try watercolor painting. Im not kidding. It actually subsides pain and takes you away . Often times I have to stop myself in order to make sure that PT isn't interrupted by painting too long. I have only been painting for a year but I freaking love it. No lessons just paint. I started with the little plastic box for children. It is more portable. A small pad of watercolor paper or cheap pad of paper and water is all you need. No lecture here about narcs. I swore them off watching my sister God rest her soul go through percocette addition. It just compounded things for her.
I hope the painting helps. It does wonders for me. It is a very healthy addiction.
CF Diabetes


New member
Hey all, my suggestions will probably sound really corny but maybe you can try watercolor painting. Im not kidding. It actually subsides pain and takes you away . Often times I have to stop myself in order to make sure that PT isn't interrupted by painting too long. I have only been painting for a year but I freaking love it. No lessons just paint. I started with the little plastic box for children. It is more portable. A small pad of watercolor paper or cheap pad of paper and water is all you need. No lecture here about narcs. I swore them off watching my sister God rest her soul go through percocette addition. It just compounded things for her.
<br />I hope the painting helps. It does wonders for me. It is a very healthy addiction.
<br />JenWren
<br />CF Diabetes


New member
Quick note I just spent 8 weeks in ICU No narcs. No painting. I can understand wanting to not be bored and wanting to be numb for awhile. But for me in the short of it, I just want to be present in my life. I want people to learn from my experience. I want to teach younger people about my experience and I can't do that high. That just me.



New member
Quick note I just spent 8 weeks in ICU No narcs. No painting. I can understand wanting to not be bored and wanting to be numb for awhile. But for me in the short of it, I just want to be present in my life. I want people to learn from my experience. I want to teach younger people about my experience and I can't do that high. That just me.



New member
Quick note I just spent 8 weeks in ICU No narcs. No painting. I can understand wanting to not be bored and wanting to be numb for awhile. But for me in the short of it, I just want to be present in my life. I want people to learn from my experience. I want to teach younger people about my experience and I can't do that high. That just me.
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<br />Lovingly,
<br />JenWren