New member
I was originally going to put this post as a response to the last message in the "Comments on the Real World Cast Member." But as I kept typing, I decided I wanted it to be easier to see, so I'm posting it as a new topic. Here goes. Some people make it seem as though, because we're different, we should hide underneath our covers and never let anyone see. Anyone that ever asks me about it, I will volunteer any information they like (if they have a real curiousity). People see my surgical scars, and I explain what they're for. In the summer, I wear a two piece bathingsuit, fully aware that my port is almost impossible to miss. Anyone that has the sense to ask about it instead of just sit and stare, I explain it to them. Often (especially with people my age), I will encourage them to touch it if they like. When I'm on IV meds and out in public, I will stand in the street, or a store, or sit in a chair right in my classroom... clean the line, flush it, hook up my meds. If people ask, I explain to them what's going on and what it's for. First of all, and most importantly, the more CF gets out into the public where people know about it, the better off we all will be. Secondly, CF is not a weakness. Sure, it sucks, and it dibilitates, and it kills. But do I think of it as a weakness and something to hide from the public? Something to be ashamed of? Absolutely not. It sucks, but as my boyfriend has pointed out time and time again, CF is a big part of why I'm me. CF is part of why I'm bossy, and can stand up for myself in any given situation. It's why I'm more compassionate to people who have any troubles. It's why I grew up faster, and learned more. It's why I'm so interested in medical information. It's why I live for each moment. It's why I love Mike to the extent I do. It's why I can't wait to start a life with him. It's why my Mike quit smoking. It's why I'm not ashamed of being me. It's why I'm so outgoing. I imagine it has a big deal to do with the fact that I don't give a damn what people think. I'm my very own person, and I think I kinda rock! It's why I'm a sarcastic smartass, and wiser than my years. And damn straight, I think I'm a better person than I would've been without CF.